Tuesday 28 June 2022


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Oh the howls of unrighteous anger about 'the right to abortion' following the reversal of Roe v Wade! Even Lorde, for heaven's sake. A Kiwi - in England - her profound observation on that ruling in the US was: "F-k the Supreme Court!" 

Lorde gets a bit carried away in Glastonbury

Good Lorde. Or bad Lorde, one might think, by the evidence. She set the tone for the debate. Simon O'Connor (is he by any chance related to Yelich-O'Connor - Lorde's real name?), who should be leader of the National Party, got rapped over the knuckles by Humpty Dumpty Luxon who shouldn't be, for saying on FB that the Roe v Wade reversal was "a good day". It was a superb day! Deo gratias!

And the mainstream media abortion propaganda has to be heard to be believed. Any space given to the voice of reason has escaped us. TvOne 'News' allowed us a brief glimpse of Voice for Life's Kate Cormack, and that was all. Can't these so-called journos READ? Are they deaf as well as blind? (Well yes they are, spiritually speaking.)

In a 6-3 decision the court declared on Friday:
The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion.After 49 years, SCOTUS strikes down Roe v Wade | MercatorNet 

What's not clear here??? American women never had a 'right' to abortion! No woman EVER has a right to kill anyone else, and especially she does not have a right to kill her own child. 

We know by now not to expect anything better from NZ's media. They're never going to bite the hand that feeds them, and that hand is Jacinda Ardern's. Ardern was architect of Abortion Law Act, just about the most deadly legislation of any in the world, and she pays the media millions of $$$ to say what she wants them to say - for example, that she was "incredibly upset" to hear of the US Justices' decision.

 "Watching the removal of a woman's fundamental right to make decisions over their own body is incredibly upsetting,"

Ardern can't read either. Women never had that 'fundamental right'. Ardern fervently believes the adage about repeatng a lie repeatedly is the best way to get people to believe it.

"People are absolutely entitled to have deeply held convictions on this issue".

Oh, Ardern's so empathetic. No wonder so many women voted for her. Not many will vote for her again.    

"But those personal beliefs should never rob another from making their own decisions." https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/469759/loss-for-women-everywhere-ardern-on-roe-v-wade-decision

It is NOT a personal belief! It is a Commandment of God and of His Church - the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church - and the Roe v Wade decision has accordingly been greeted with thankfulness by the US Conference of Bishops. In New Zealand, not so much. In more than a few churches, anecdotal evidence suggests, the pagan Matariki was celebrated in so-called Catholic churches in this country last Sunday (most memorably in  Palmerston North's cathedral), but of the biggest victory for God in living memory, there was not a mention that we know of. Not even in the pathetically woke 'Prayers of the Faithful' which sound like they've been written not by the faithful but faithless, worldly bureaucrats in diocesan offices all over the country. That's the Novus Ordo effect.

The faithful have been silenced. Faithful traditional Catholics have been denied their rightful place at the national Synodal 'hui'. Simon O'Connor is forced to retract his Facebook post and one wonders how many Catholics, especially priests or religious, rushed to post comments in his support. Not a lot probably, and that's not because they've all been silenced by Facebook, like more than one reader of this blog - jailed for offending against FB's 'community standards'. (What 'standards'?) 


And then there's Family First. Deregistered. Today. Silenced - or so this totalitarian regime would like to think.

The Supreme Court in Wellington has just handed down their judgement in Attorney-General v Family First New Zealand, and the Government and the Charities Board have won the right to deregister Family First as a registered charity.
This decision is a sad day for the freedom of speech and belief in New Zealand, and sets a disturbing precedent. The attempt – some would label it a ‘witch hunt’ - by the Charities Board to deregister Family First is a watershed decision, not just for Family First, but for the whole country,” says Bob McCoskrie, Chief Executive of Family First NZ.
“Family First has fought this attempt to deregister us through four court cases (2015, 2018, 2020 & 2022). It has cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for both the charity and the taxpayer because of the threat it placed on us and other charities and our collective freedom to speak on behalf of our supporters in a civil society.”
An overly restrictive or narrow view of what is in the ‘public benefit’ is likely to be of concern to all charities, many of which have a certain emphasis or point of view. The importance of freedom of expression and open debate in a civil society are ideals every New Zealander should be defending.”
“It also appears that certain views of marriage and family are now deemed out-of-bounds by the State. Deregistration of Family First is a legal victory for those ideologues who want to take power away from the family and give it to the state.”
“If Family First is deemed to be non-charitable because of its advocacy and activity, the real question is whether the Government will pursue other charities who operate in a similar fashion and do political advocacy – and who Family First have possibly engaged with during social debates such as cannabis legalisation, but are from the left wing side of political discourse. Will they now be targeted?”
“The answer to that question will be obvious to those who understand the real agenda.”
“The good news is that Family First will not be silenced and will continue to represent and be a powerful voice and advocate for the thousands of families who support us. This decision today will only embolden us, because it reveals just how far the state is overreaching their control and power to attempt to shut down free speech and certain points of view that it doesn’t like.

DONATE TO FAMILY FIRST TODAY! No doubt the Catholic Church will show us the way, urging the faithful to support Bob McCoskrie's heroic witness to Christ in the community.  As the ad says: "Yeah right". The Catholic Church should remove its financial support from the shonky Caritas 'charity' which is not a charity at all, because it is linked to organisations which finance abortions, and donate to Family First instead. Forthwith.

National MP Simon O’Connor says he stands by his “pro-life” beliefs and a Facebook post about the Roe v Wade decision that landed him in hot water with his party’s leader.

The Tāmaki MP posted “today is a good day” on Saturday, following the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Roe v Wade ruling that provided a constitutional right to abortion.

The post was later deleted after National leader Christopher Luxon said it did not represent the values of the National Party.

But after two days of silence, O’Connor has told media he stands by the sentiment of the post people were distressed and it was important to pull that back,” he said, denying he had been “gagged” by party leadership. Hmmm.


Let's now revisit the abortion issue. Please bear with us as you read the first of these two social media posts.

"I'm not pro-murdering babies.

I'm pro-Becky who found out at her 20-week anatomy scan that the infant she had been so excited to bring into this world had developed without life sustaining organs.
I'm pro-Susan who was sexually assaulted on her way home from work, only to come to the horrific realization that her assailant planted his seed in her when she got a positive pregnancy test result a month later.
I'm pro-Theresa who hemorrhaged due to a placental abruption, causing her parents, spouse, and children to have to make the impossible decision on whether to save her or her unborn child.
I'm pro-little Cathy who had her innocence ripped away from her by someone she should have been able to trust and her 11-year-old body isn't mature enough to bear the consequence of that betrayal.
I'm pro-Melissa who's working two jobs just to make ends meet and has to choose between bringing another child into poverty or feeding the children she already has because her spouse walked out on her.
I'm pro-Brittany who realizes that she is in no way financially, emotionally, or physically able to raise a child.
I'm pro-Emily who went through IVF, ending up with SIX viable implanted eggs requiring selective reduction to ensure the safety of her and a SAFE number of fetuses.
I'm pro-Jessica who is FINALLY getting the strength to get away from her physically abusive spouse only to find out that she is carrying the monster's child.
I'm pro-Vanessa who went into her confirmation appointment after YEARS of trying to conceive only to hear silence where there should be a heartbeat.
I'm pro-Lindsay who lost her virginity in her sophomore year with a broken condom and now has to choose whether to be a teenage mom or just a teenager.
I'm pro-Courtney who just found out she's already 13 weeks along, but the egg never made it out of her fallopian tube so either she terminates the pregnancy or risks dying from internal bleeding.
You can argue and say that I'm pro-choice all you want, but the truth is:
I'm pro-life.
Their lives.
Women's lives.
You don't get to pick and choose which scenarios should be accepted. It's not about which stories you don't agree with. It's about fighting for the women in the stories that you do agree with and the CHOICE that was made.
Women's rights are meant to protect ALL women, regardless of their situation!
Overturning Roe does not stop abortions, it stops SAFE abortions!
Abortion is healthcare."


Dr Ryan Borja Capitulo, self-professed LGBT

And now, from Dr Ryan Borja Capitulo’s wall:
"I am a board certified OB-GYN, medical educator and hospital adminstrator.
Becky does NOT need an abortion. Her fetus with fatal congenital anomalies can wait for spontaneous labor. No need to induce labor. Prenatal diagnosis is not 100% sure. I have seen erroneous test results in my practice.
Susan does not need an abortion. She needs to heal from the sexual assault. She needs assistance from medical and mental health professionals to recover from her horrendous experience. Her fetus should not be killed just because the father is a rapist.
Theresa’s emergency CS due to placental abruption is NOT abortion. It is a legitimate surgical procedure to manage the premature separation of the placenta. The ethical principle of double effect makes this medical management acceptable.
Little Cathy does not need an abortion. She needs to heal from this child sexual abuse. She needs assistance from pediatricians and child psychiatrists to recover from her terrible ordeal. Her fetus should not be killed just because the father is a child rapist. Moreover, induced abortion will further negatively impact Little Cathy’s psyche. I have managed abused girls who became pregnant. With support from family, health professionals and other concerned parties, the girls had unremarkable pregnancies and deliveries. The multidisciplinary team also assisted the girls in their recovery from the abuse.
Melissa does not need an abortion. A fetus should not be killed for reasons of finances and comfort. What will prevent Melissa from killing her older children if she cannot make ends meet?
Brittany does not need an abortion. The fetus should not be killed due to the irresponsible sexual behavior of the parents. She can opt for adoption.
Emily does not need an abortion. Sextuplet pregnancy is difficult but can be managed by specialists in Maternal and Fetal Medicine/Perinatologists. However, it should be noted that implanting 6 embryos is no longer recommended and not done anymore. The latest recommendation is to implant only 1 or 2 embryos.
Jessica does not need an abortion. She needs support. She can opt for adoption.
Vanessa needs a completion curettage to manage her early intrauterine fetal demise. This is NOT abortion because the fetus is dead already due to natural causes.
Lindsay does not need an abortion. The fetus should not be killed due to the irresponsible sexual behavior of the parents. She can opt for adoption.
Courtney does not need an abortion. She needs a salpingectomy or salpingotomy or salpingostomy to manage her ectopic pregnancy. This is NOT abortion.
PRO-LIFE means saving the lives of BOTH women AND their unborn children.
Regardless of the stories and scenarios, we should fight for the lives of all women and for the lives of all of their unborn children.
Abortion is NEVER safe because the fetus is killed!
Abortion is NOT healthcare!
Abortion is NOT a right!
In my 22 years of clinical practice as an OB-GYN, I can definitely say that there are NO situations or scenarios that warrant an abortion."

We are reminded of the late, much-lamented Professor Sir William Liley, "Father of Fetology" who campaigned so hard with the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child against the abortion, who said exactly the same thing. Years later he took his own life, perhaps in despair at the legislation of abortion in 1977 and foresight of its tragic results. Please pray for his soul.  

For the full text of the SCOTUS decision go to: https://www.scribd.com/




  1. Meantime also in the USA, Duddy-Burke is up to her tricks with gay agenda.

  2. Unknown says:
    l find it curious that Jacinda is so 'empathetic' to these women who have 'lost bodily autonomy' in being denied the right to kill another person, when she holds the opposite view on an experimental gene therapy - no bodily autonomy here!! No mercy for the injured or those mandated out of work. She works for the Grim Reaper I'm sure. 'Rules for thee but not for me'. Denial and manipulation of truth. They are of the father of lies and will reap the whirlwind. God have mercy on their souls!

    1. Justice Veracity30 June 2022 at 12:49

      Too true, I was just about to comment on Ardern's hypocrisy with that. So she allows all those teachers and nurses to be fired that weren't allowed "to have personal beliefs and make their own decisions". And now we have a shortage of 3000 or so nurses and a hospital system in turmoil and nothing being done about that! "They" hold us that all the covid lockdowns and restrictions were to take pressure off the medical system" Look what a mess they have made by their own hand! How many new hospital beds did you put in Andrew Little? How much did you spend on other measures like "get a jab" advertising that still continues!!! The jab is POINTLESS and DANGEROUS.
      Then what about her "Follow the science" hypocrisy? The science says that life begins at conception, therefore abortion is murder, therefore all of those lives lost because of Ardern's abortion law (and her complicity in the euthanasia law) will be on her conscience. If she doesn't have one, I'm pretty sure that when she stands before God one day as we all will, and it is too late to make amends, there will be crocodile tears of regret. Not for the loss of all those souls in the most heinous manner. (If have researched how these awful abortions happen and the instruments used and seen the mangled dismembered bodies) She will only mourn for the loss of her own soul. (If she does not repent and make reparation)

  3. Unknown II says:
    Meantime also in the USA, Duddy-Burke is up to her tricks with gay agenda.

  4. I say:
    Unknown II is referring to Marianne Duddy-Burke, who calls herself a Catholic. She is 'married' to a woman (ex-Sister of Mercy religious) and with her partner has adopted two children.
    Duddy-Burke is 'executive director of DignityUSA, which represents the majority of U.S. Catholics who support justice, equality, and full inclusion of LGBTQI people in the church and society. Founded in 1969, DignityUSA has long worked for equal access for all to the church's sacraments'.
    'Founded in 1969': DignityUSA, together with the National (Non)Catholic Reporter which publishes Duddy-Burke's writing, is yet another rotten fruit of Vatican II and the Novus Ordo.

  5. Looks like Pelosi received communion at the Vatican yesterday according to Spiritdaily. What was once called public scandal...

  6. "...those personal beliefs should never rob another from making their own decisions..."
    Oh, of course, Cindie, except for parents wanting to corporeally discipline their children, eh, and a hundred other pieces of legislation.

  7. Their attitude like Pelosi's is if you don't like abortion.... Don't have one. Don't impose your conscience on others.

  8. That's called moral relativism.

  9. Another error is Proportionalism, used by modernist Catholic theologians like Charles Curren.

  10. Cardinal Bernadin 'seamless garment' theology did not assist.
