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On Cardinal Dew's FB page, illustrating his motto 'Peace through Integrity' |
Your Eminence, Cardinal Dew: could you please answer a simple question?
You've told a Massgoer at St Patrick's, Kilbirnie, your reason for contravening Canon 843 §1 ("Sacred ministers cannot deny the sacraments to those who seek them at appropriate times, are properly disposed, and are not prohibited by law from receiving them").
You continue to deny the faithful their right to Communion on the tongue because, you said, "The bishops have decided."
That's not just disobedience to the Magisterium, it's illogical: the bishops allow Communion on the tongue in every other diocese in the country. So why not in Wellington?
That's one question for you, your Eminence. But now there's another: why have you locked Our Lord up and denied the faithful the use of their churches even for private prayer, let alone Holy Mass?
"In Level Two ... no Vigil or Sunday Masses this weekend, and no other liturgical or parish gatherings.
Funerals are restricted to 100 people, and social distancing and contact tracing are essential.
For the next three days, due to the number of places the infected person visited and the likelihood of multiple contacts there will be no weekday Mass either. Please be careful and look after one another."
There's no reason for the denial of Communion on the tongue. As the Massgoer reminded you, your Eminence, no priest anywhere in the world has the right to deny Communion on the tongue. Your response was "I'm not going to argue with you".
You wouldn't argue because you have no case to argue. And neither is there any case to argue for denying the faithful their right to Holy Mass at the behest of an evil, socialist, babykilling Government.
As our bishop you must follow your own instruction, "look after one another" by attending not to our temporal welbeing but our spiritual welfare, providing us with the Sacraments of the Church. That's your job, your Eminence. To put it bluntly, that's what you're paid to do; and you're paid not just with your salary but the prayers of your people. Don't be surprised if after this fresh incidence of neglect of duty the Planned Giving takes a nosedive.
On your facebook page you advertise your motto: "Peace through integrity." Where is the integrity in a prince of the Catholic Church who denies his flock their right to Holy Mass and Communion? You cannot uphold the doctrine of the Church which you profess, on the one hand, and deny it on the other.
You invite us, your people, "into this peace". Faithful Catholics find peace best in Christ Jesus, in His Sacrifice on Calvary in the Mass and in His Body and Blood in Holy Communion, not in a spurious 'integrity' which exists in words rather than actions.
And what kind of 'peace' is induced by whipping up fear of a virus which is no more virulent than a bad 'flu, by posting Governmental propaganda about pointless tracer apps and 'social distancing'?
The fear a bishop should induce in his flock, your Eminence, as you must remember, is "The fear of the Lord (which) is the beginning of wisdom" (Prov 1;7) But unfortunately, "Fools despise wisdom and instruction (ibid, 8).
We need wisdom to see that the Church in New Zealand is being chastised by God primarily for the terrible holocaust of the unborn in this country - probably the worst anywhere in the world - and even more for the silence and indifference of most Catholic priests and people to the infants' danger of abortion up to and including birth. Without anaesthetics.
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Christ has driven the modern money-changers out of His temple |
In the words of the concluding prayer of the Divine Office for this evening:
"Lord God, since by the adoption of grace, you have made us children of light: do not let false doctrine darken our minds, but grant that your light may shine within us, and we may always live in the brightness of truth."
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"The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom" |
Sharon Crooks says:
ReplyDeleteSatan’s ultimate goal: deprive the faithful of Our Lord Jesus
Tom Brown:
Into the loins of the so called vicar on Earth has crept the beast.
Common Purpose Exposed
Bob Gill:
My understanding is that government rules under Alert Level 2 restrict religious gatherings to a maximum of 100 people; the rules don’t say we have to actually stop having religious services. What justification has Cardinal Dew got in making his own rules to the detriment of his parishioners needs – he’s not medically qualified to go over the top in trying to ‘keep us safe’?
Ellen Marie Lucas:
Bob, there is no justification for stopping Mass at level 2. One day he will be held to account for his actions.
Sharon Crooks:
Ellen, let’s prayfor a radical conversion.
Piripi Thomas:
ReplyDeleteThis is really about faith, or the loss thereof. Is the Christ who could walk on water, change other water into wine and raise the dead to life the same Who exists under the appearances of bread in the consecrated Sacred Host? I believe so. Consequently, I expect His power to be greater than some communist originated disease. Do we have any statistics on the number of people who have contracted Covid while at Mass and how many have died thereafter from that contact? My guess -- none. One expects that the faithful reception of the Blessed Eucharist would be eminently more effective than a Pfizer jab. Has his Eminence followed the example of Enid, St Ashley and Chippy and rolled up the sleeve of his cassock? Oh, silly me, he doesn't bother with all that old clobber. Father forewarn them, for they know exactly what they do . . .
Paul Young:
ReplyDeleteWhat a load of handwringing ... mindless ... meaningless ... crap ...
I say:
Paul thank you, and bless you too.
Philippa O'Neill:
Paul you so make me think of St Paul. God bless you.
Mike Houlding:
Paul, seems like a reasonable question to me.
Teresa Coles:
Do you think Cardinal Dew will answer your question ?
I say:
Teresa, no. No more likely than Bergoglio answering the dubia.
Justine Vollert:
ReplyDeleteWhen I was growing up divorcees and those married to non Catholics were denied communion. It changed after the ecumenical council in 1963.. I do think that to have holy Communion when you kill babies is blasphemy .
Sharon Crooks:
ReplyDeleteFailing to abide by Canon Law is supposed to result in excommunication. I think someone of Cardinal John Dew’s standing, who refuses to administer the sacraments, absolutely deserves excommunication if that is the penalty (see also Canon Law 387). He seems to be a law unto himself though, fostering a religion after his own desires.
Sharon Crooks again:
ReplyDeletePaul Young, “If the Eucharist that Jesus instituted was just a meal, then Calvary was just a Roman execution. But if Jesus instituted the Eucharist to be the Passover of the New Covenant, then it had to involve both sacrifice and communion, as did the Old Covenant Passover. The words of institution show that Jesus established the Eucharist as the sacrifice of the New Covenant. As such, the Eucharist transformed Calvary from a Roman execution to a holy sacrifice—the consummation of his self-offering that was initiated in the Upper Room. Thus, he didn’t lose his life on Good Friday, since he had already given it—in loving sacrifice—on Holy Thursday. Jesus was not the hapless victim of Roman injustice and violence, but rather the willing victim of divine love and mercy” (Scott Hahn: “Consuming the Word”).
Paul Young:
ReplyDeleteSharon, do you henestly believe all this stuff ...?
Sharon Crooks:
Absolutely! Not only because of all the supporting literature pointing to this, but from lived experience of having Our Lord IN my life - that is the best proof of all! Just ask anyone who has been transformed like St Paul or St Augustine or those of us posting our thoughts all around you! Hopefully Our Lord is planning to strike you sometime soon because if He does, your testimony will speak for itself if you reflect back to this period of ignorance and cold hearted-ness towards Our Lord and Saviour, who is THE King of Kiings
Paul Young:
DeleteBut that revealed absolutely nothing more to the little girl whose mouth hung open with stunned amazement ...
I say:
Paul yes, it is amazing.
Piripi Thomas:
ReplyDeleteI notice that possibly your most avid follower is one Paul Young whose contributions seem to ridicule the intention of your post. I may be mistaken, but Paul seems to be openly hostile to any Catholic doctrine. My worry is that he demonstrates all the signs of a classic masochist. Is he searching for something, and fears what he may find? It is hoped that the Hound of Heaven catches him before "all is revealed". Dies irae, indeed.