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Illustrating the boiled frog principle |
Not wanting to raise your blood pressure dear reader, but in case you hadn't noticed, the heat under us Kiwi frogs in the pot has been turned up.
First, there's the jab, produced with unborn baby body parts that even the Catholic Church insists we all need. The jab which has already resulted in more deaths than there have been total deaths recorded by CDC's VAERS in the US, following vaccinations, in the previous 30 years.
A total of 19 deaths has been recorded anecdotally by the Fb group NZ Deaths and Adverse Reactions. So far. For example:
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A cautionary tale |
There's this 'Covid-19 modelling expert', Prof Shaun Hendy, shown up who reckons "we need new tools" to deal with highly contagious variants - like "widespread mask use and more scanning using the COVID Tracer app." We all remember UK 'modelling expert' Prof Neil Ferguson, do we not? Enuff said.
'Modelling expert' Prof Hendy
There's He Puapua's vision of a separate state for Maori.
Children are being indoctrinated with LGBTQ ideology, even in 'Catholic' schools.
Hate speech laws are promised.
Voices for Freedom report that "Medsafe's decided it's a-okay to
double-jab Kiwi kids with an experimental injection, en masse.
We're still awaiting the Government's rubber stamp, but it feels inevitable
that soon, innocent Kiwi kids will be jabbed with something they do
not need that has no medium or long-term safety profile.
And here's another little something - a little something which has probably completely escaped your notice. Below is a list of all the crimes the police are no longer required to prosecute. So what do they do about them? They refer them to 'Te Pae Oranga Iwi Community Panels' instead. 'Te Pae Oranga' is a'a way that Police and iwi/Māori partners deal with crime and prevent reoffending.
It’ "holds offenders accountable while also helping them address problems they’re facing. It’s available to people of all ethnicities." Yeah right.
The worst of it all for faithful Catholics is the unconscionable, downright wicked decision to close Wellington's churches and deny them the Bread of Life, the Bread of Angels, the Bread of Heaven.
So to comfort you somewhat, after all that - and bearing in mind that Voices for Freedom are not about to roll over either -here's the redoubtable Ken Orr of Right to Life:
Hate Speech Laws - We Will Not be Silenced
The Labour government has made a fatal mistake in pushing ahead to criminalise hate speech. We believe the laws being proposed will cost Labour the 2023 election. except for speech that constitutes libel, and words that directly incite violence or public harm which are already protected by the NZ Bill of Rights, there is no place in our democracy for hate speech laws. New Zealanders will not tolerate laws that give the state power to attack their personal views and liberties. What the government plans for us is nothing less than the thin end of the wedge of totalitarianism.
Right to Life will not be silenced in protesting the violent killing of our precious unborn children in state-funded genocide and neither will we be silenced concerning the violence inflicted on their mothers.
There is no government or law that will deter us from being a voice for the voiceless. We will not be intimidated with threats of fines of $50,000 and three years in prison.
Right to Life calls on the community to rise up and resolutely oppose the government’s proposed “hate speech laws” that threaten our right to free speech guaranteed by the NZ Bill of Rights. The government seeks to silence dissent in the community under the pretence of promoting “social cohesion.”
Right to Life requests that the Minister of Justice Hon. Kris Faafoi inform us if it is his intention to criminalise persons who protest at state-funded killing of unborn children?
Those who do not learn from history must endure the pain of making the same mistake. We should learn from regimes like Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia that suppressed free speech with hate speech laws. Those who criticised the government were interred in concentration camps (see survivor Renee Firestone, pictured above).
We all have a duty to defend the sanctity of life of every member of our community from conception to natural death.
Right to Life believes that the government itself is responsible for promoting not only hate speech but actually conducts violence in our community by funding and undertaking the murder of countless thousands of our precious unborn children.
- Denying the humanity of the unborn child until it is born.
- Denying its inalienable right to life.
- Providing for a state funded genocide of “unwanted” children.
- Making the killing of unborn children a core health service with unlimited funding and no waiting list.
- Allowing for the killing of more than 13,000 unborn children every year, effectively for any reason up to birth.
If the Minister is really serious about promoting a socially cohesive society he should:-
- Repeal the born-alive law which is a legal fiction.
- legislate for the legal recognition of the unborn child as a human being endowed with a right to life.
- Cease government funding of abortion.
And as a means to the ends proposed by Ken Orr, and bearing in mind that the worst of all the above, for faithful Catholics, is the unconscionable, downright wicked decision to close Wellington's churches and deny them the Bread of Life, the Bread of Angels, the Bread of Heaven., here's Dr Ralph Capone of One Peter Five, writing of:
The Saints, The Eucharist, and Worthy Reception in a Contentious Era FROM ONE PETER FIVE June 25, 2021
"Holy Communion, after the Incarnation, is the greatest gift that Jesus bestowed upon the faithful and His Mystical Body, the Church. If unity with the Beloved is the fullness and perfection of divine love, then humbly receiving Our Lord in Communion with piety and reverence is the ordinary way to the ineffable union (that) He contracts with the soul.(Saint Peter Julian Eymard in How to Get More Out of Holy Communion.
This sacrament of sanctification is unsurpassable because in this divine action of Holy Communion we have the grace, the model, and the practice of all the virtues.
One Holy Communion, perfect of Itself, would consecrate a saint any communicant who is properly and fully disposed. The sublime truth is that we receive Jesus Himself, the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, Who deigns to veil Himself under the species of bread and wine in order not to frighten us and bids us to come to Him.
In the great Eucharistic hymn of praise, Adoro Te Devote, latens Deitas Saint Thomas Aquinas expresses that not only His divinity is hidden in the Host but also His humanity! He lowers Himself out of His immense love and remains present to us in every sanctuary and tabernacle until the end of time.
Jesus' great desire is that we communicate with Him, even daily, to receive and to share His perfect love, a love boundless, eternal and for us wretched sinners, redemptive:
And griefs and torments numberless,And sweat of agony;even death itself and all for meWho was Thine enemy.(Saint Francis Xavier's Hymn of Love)
The Eucharist opens to us, Saint Peter Julian Eymard explains, the riches of the treasures of grace that are stored up in It. Holy Communion is the vital fountain that gives to His sacramental love the overflowing life it desires and provides His majesty the glory of bestowing His gifts.
This over-abundant bestowal of infinite love should impel in us the desire to receive Holy Communion and if not for ourselves then for Christ as long as we are not morally certain or positively conscious of any mortal sin.
Why does the saint urge us to go to Holy Communion for Christ? By our reception of the sacrament, Eymard writes, we console Christ from those who have abandoned Him. Also, we confirm His wisdom in providing us this sacrament of spiritual sustenance.
In Holy Communion Christ greatly desires and wills that we become one with Him. Through this sacramental union, this heavenly medicine and bread of angels heals our woundedness and nourishes our spirit. Therefore with every reverential reception of Holy Communion the glorious purpose of the Holy Eucharist is fulfilled, for if there were no communicants, this fountain would flow in vain, this furnace of love would inflame no hearts, and this King would reign without subjects.
Jesus Christ models for us the perfection of all virtues, especially by His humility and meekness, and indicates the proper disposition we must have for receiving Him in Holy Communion. As we approach the Eucharist, we should humbly acknowledge our sins, repent of them and resolve firmly to amend our lives and in doing so recognize our complete dependence on God.
Growth in the spiritual life begins with the grace of self-knowledge, becoming aware of our lowly and fallen state.
As we sing in Amazing Grace, "who saved a wretch like me". An N O priest who shall remain nameless changed the OHP to read 'child' instead of 'wretch'. He said God doesn't create wretches (which he doesn't; we decide to become wretches of our own free will) and opined that 'Amazing Grace' was actually a woman ...
The medicine of sacramental grace then flows from the Eucharist as a comforting balm and remedy for repentant souls. In this way the Eucharist is the bread of sinners and not a reward of saints. However, one might state with equal justice that the Eucharist is truly an enrichening reward for those saints who daily die to themselves, allowing the gifts and virtues of Christ's Spirit to increase in them His love, making their hearts like unto His.
Our spiritual pilgrimage is a love story between Christ, the Beloved and the soul. Saint Bernard's great insights into the movements of this profoundly intimate relationship are from his Commentary on the Songs of Songs. Here he explains a framework upon which the path leads the soul to where it is properly inclined to receive this incomparable Eucharistic gift.
Before we dare to approach our Beloved to be united with Him and to receive His kiss, we must first go to Him with great humility, kneel at His sacred feet and kiss those the wounds. This humble act of contrition and of filial love is the necessary start.
The ever-generous Bridegroom Who constantly responds to our imperfect love, then reaches out to us by extending His nail-pierced hands, lifts us up that we might kiss those sacred wounds. This second part of the journey is Christ the great High Priest absolving our guilt.
At last, the bride, the soul filled with great desire, increasingly purified, is prepared to love and to be loved by the Holy One of God, to be unified with Him and sealed by His kiss. The sojourning soul, the spouse and bride of Christ communicates with her Beloved Bridegroom with every worthy reception of Holy Communion.
Understanding the Eucharist as the Church has always taught and as these saints expound, there should be no dilemma nor substantive controversy over who has the right and the privilege to receive Holy Communion. The goal of reception is holiness itself through unity with Christ, the fount of all holiness.
The word €ommunion evokes the notion of unity of persons; another similar word, unanimity, recalls the notion of being of one mind and of one spirit, in this case with Christ. The Catechism calls the Eucharist the source and summit of the Christian life and the efficacious sign and sublime cause of that communion in the divine life and that unity of the People of God.
Where is this found, this communion of the divine life with Christ and the people of God, of which the Eucharist is the sign and the cause? Surely it is in two greatest commandments given us by Jesus “that we are to love God with our whole heart, mind and soul and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus Christ, the Divine Law Giver, through His Church, summed up the moral law in these two commandments for our benefit and sanctification.
Here is where we discover communion or unity with God and His people. Those who claim to be Catholic but whose repeated public assaults on the moral law by their rejection of the sanctity of all human life and the sacramental nature of marriage destroy the unity of the people of God from each another and from God.
Those who persistently repudiate these commandments, the pinnacle of the divine law which forms the foundation of Church's moral doctrine, abandon Christ, His Church and the unity that He desires. Where there is no unity there is no longer the opportunity of communion in the etymological sense of this word, nor is there any possibility or justification for sacramental Holy Communion.
President JoeBiden is refused Communion |
The Church and especially her bishops have a duty to protect and defend Christ especially in His hidden divinity and humanity of the Blessed Sacrament. Where He is exposed to sacrilegious ill-treatment and misuse whether through ignorance, willful or from poor catechesis, or through the desire for human praise or even worse through iniquity, the bishops and priests, if they are to be faithful stewards, must act to end this.
It is for the faithful, sinners who struggle to amend their lives, the Divine Person condescends and desires unity. Christ, the Bridegroom, the Lover of souls welcomes them, His spouse, into His embrace on the Cross. It is noteworthy that the human ABO blood type AB is found in the coagulated blood of the Eucharistic miracles. This type is known as known the universal receiver.
Truly, Christ is the Universal Receiver Who sheds His Precious Blood to accept all who humble themselves and follow His precepts. He heals our wounds, purifies our souls, illuminates our hearts, and fills us with His love. But we must empty ourselves and leave behind our sins, our evil inclinations, and our weaknesses.
We are called to sacrifice our ego and even, for some, our very lives for love of Him. This is what souls must work to accomplish in order to approach the altar rail, -
Alas! Even if there is an altar rail, it's not used - except in traditional churches, in traditional parishes like St Anthony's Whanganui.
- the very edge of heaven, to receive Christ in the Sacrament of Love, He Who is truly present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Indeed, this is the very summit of our faith which anticipates eternal life when God will be all in all (CCC 1326) and we shall be unified by charity, the greatest of the theological virtues with God and the saints in one accord. In, with and through Jesus Christ, Holy Trinity, hear the prayer of your people:
"Behold, I stand before Thee, poor and naked, begging Thy grace, and imploring Thy mercy. Feed Thy hungry suppliant; inflame my coldness with the fire of Thy love: enlighten my blindness with the brightness of Thy presence."
(Devotions for Communion, p. 87, the Roman Missal 1962, Baronius Press.)
Graeme Kapono Urlich:
ReplyDeleteI read earlier it is 50+ deaths post jab now.
Paul Young:
What an utter nutter ...
Theresa Rogers:
I predict Ardern will win by a landslide again. Just like the last rigged elections.