Saturday 5 June 2021


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A billboard placed on a footpath outside a hospital on babykilling day, somewhere in New Zealand, states "You shall not kill", showing an image of a baby in the womb. 

A big, beautiful young Maori guy walks across the street towards the retired Catholic solicitor and the elderly Catholic lady who are keeping vigil, praying the Rosary. He's carrying a bottle of vodka and a prayer mat. He's crying. 

The retired solicitor puts his arms around him, hugs him, says to him, "that's just about the saddest thing I've ever heard". 

The 'saddest thing' is, this guy's wife is inside the hospital, aborting their baby.  He lays his prayer mat on the footpath and sits on it, his head in his hands, the vodka bottle in front of him. The retired solicitor - with difficulty even though as a Latin Massgoer he has knees that bend - sits beside him, his arm around the young guy's shoulders.

The guy apologises for the vodka: he's drunk about 3 inches. He says he and his wife are Muslims. They have a 6 month-old baby already whom he adores. He's still sobbing.  

If he's sitting outside the hospital on his prayer mat crying, who's with his wife in the abortion clinic? Her Catholic mother.

Earlier that same morning a woman had got off her pushbike to tell another one of those keeping vigil (another Latin Massgoer) that she'd written to the Listener in response to their very negative feature article on adoption. She'd told the Listener in no uncertain terms of the open adoption with her husband of a baby boy who'd grown up to become a medical doctor, and what a wonderful thing open adoption is.

Now, one of the group that stands outside that particular hospital - yet another Latin Massgoer (what a lot of busybodies the TLM seems to generate!) -  had suggested that in addition to the anodyne messages displayed on their various signs they could have a new one simply stating, "They Kill Babies Here." 

The Pentecostals/Evangelicals who'd set the group going didn't like that much. So TLM Massgoer No 3 asked a holy priest (SSPX) for his opinion. He said, "Say 'You shall not kill'. They can't object to the word of God."

But they did. "Hmmm," they said. In the nicest possible way, they demurred. They were worried about provoking hospital staff while Louisa Walls' bill is before Parliament, asking that it become a criminal offence to stand within 150 metres of an abortion facility offering help and alternatives to pregnant women with appointments to kill their unborn children. 

Louisa Walls 'marrying' Prue Kapua  

In deference to Protestant opinion, the Catholics withdrew the offending Fifth Commandment. Temporarily. The next vigil day, with pretty pictures of cute babies and Pregnancy Help signs, was very quiet. No women attesting to the beauty of adoption. No young men in tears over the killing of their babies. (No Protestants, either.)

And now - in a Catholic church somewhere else in New Zealand, Latin Massgoer No 3 hears how a friend who's Novus Ordo (but Latin Mass when the occasion presents, which is rarely) who, fed up with the "pious wishes" expressed in the Prayers of the Faithful in his church, for the environment and 'an end to the pandemic' etc, had stood up at the conclusion of the POF one Sunday recently and led the congregation in a prayer for unborn babies, to which the congregation (automatically, sheepishly probably) responded with "Lord hear our prayer".

She thinks, what a good idea, we never hear POF for the unborn in our parish. I could stand up at Mass too. But out of consideration for her husband she decides to submit her prayer for the unborn to the parish secretary first. 

Parish secretary responds with "Please don't be offended if the wording's changed" - which was exactly what Latin Massgoer No 3 expected. She wasn't offended; it was Almighty God who was offended. Her prayer had reminded Him of the 43% increase in late-term abortions since the Abortion Law Act was passed, and asked Him to open the minds, hearts and souls of New Zealanders to the massacre of the unborn and His Commandment, 'You shall not kill'. 

They'll ask me to change it, she thought. She was prepared to water it down. But no. She wasn't asked. Her prayer appeared in the next Sunday's offerings transformed into "For those who are struggling with pregancy, that they may be aware of God's love and support."

WOT? That's a prayer for the unborn? It's not a prayer, it's a pious wish - and it's for the parents, not for the baby who is at risk of losing his or her life. And it hands our responsibility, our duty as Christians and Catholics, for loving and supporting pregnant women over to God! In its cowardice and  dishonesty it's quite simply breathtaking.

Make no mistake, God expects US, His 'faithful' Catholics, to love and support pregnant women and even more so, their unborn children, who are God's children first and foremost. And the first and most important provision God makes for those children is the Fifth Commandment. He expects His 'faithful'- led by their priests and bishops - to pray for an end to the horrific evil of abortion, to vote for MPs who pledge to bring that about, and to uphold His commandment by keeping vigil outside abortion facilities. It's all very well to toot approvingly as you drive past but God expects you to do more than that. 

Those two incidents at the prayer vigil outside the hospital serve to illustrate that effect of God's word - "For the word of God is living and effectual, and more piercing than any two edged sword; and reaching unto the division of the soul and the spirit, of the joints also and the marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (Heb 4:12). The retired solicitor couldn't remember anything like it - the woman on the bike who told of the gift of adoption, and the Maori guy asking for "love and support" while his wife underwent an abortion - ever happening in his years of waiting and watching in prayer there, outside that hospital. 

It would seem to suggest it was the word of God, the Fifth Commandment unadulterated, which touched those hearts, opened them to share; the woman her gift of a child, the man his gift of a child withdrawn against his will and his need for prayer, which was met on the spot and, we may be sure, in the days that followed.

One wonders why his wife whose mother was a Catholic had become a Muslim. One may quite reasonably conclude that her need was for a faith, a religion, that wasn't just nice, but that made demands on her. Demands on her spiritually, in prayer. Five times a day. Demands on her physically, by fasting and self-denial. Her husband apologised for the vodka he'd turned to in his trauma; he and his wife didn't drink. That's their Muslim faith. 

One wonders also what the Pentecostal/Evangelists hope to achieve by banning the word 'kill' from their billboards (one saying 'Abortion kills one, harms another' has been sidelined too). 

Because the pundits say Louisa Walls' bill will surely pass. Our parliamentarians will find some idiotic way to implement its evil intention of depriving New Zealanders of the right to free speech on a public footpath, basically because they've been deluded by Satan - and the Catholic Church stands idly by, rarely mentioning the A-word and banning the Fifth Commandment from its Prayers of the Faithful.

The First Commandment is to love God. "With all our heart," etc. You know how it goes. "And the Second is like to it: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is no other commandment greater than these" (Mk 12:31). 

So who is there who can honestly say they'd have preferred never to have been born? Aren't we all glad our mothers allowed us to be born? So how can anyone who calls him/herself Christian or especially, Catholic, not care about babies threatened with death before birth - or brutally exposed by Mass Murderess Ardern's ALA, death during birth? How can the faithful and their pastors remain indifferent to this holocaust?  

These are God's commandments, for heaven's sake! They are not handy hints or suggestions. If we do not obey them we shall not enter eternal life, no matter how many times Father tells us on Sunday that we're all going to heaven. 

That poor young woman in the abortion clinic that morning knew what she was doing grievous wrong, both as a Muslim and a lapsed Catholic. She needs our prayers. 

Her baby was our neighbour. 

Today St Boniface, Bishop and Martyr, tells us:

"Let us stand firm in battle on the day of the Lord, because days of distress and anguish have come upon us. Let us die, if God wills, for the sacred laws of our fathers, so that we may be worthy to share an eternal inheritance with them."




  1. Adelie Reid says:
    You are right .... people are deluded and others are too afraid to speak meanwhile a majority of the country is busy getting on with their lives and actually unaware... and in disbelief when told.... its not religion thats the opium of the masses.. its deliberate deceit and well implemented distractions!

    Krauss Miles;
    An excellent comment to boot.

    Bob Gill:
    A horrifying picture you have there, Julia - but realistic.

  2. Karen Raglan:
    And the NZ Catholic Church doesn't want to rock the boat, because we have to be NICE!
