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In taking the Pfizer jab - and even worse, urging the faithful to take it too, NZ's bishops have thrown our nation's babies under the bus. Jorge Bergoglio - and even worse, Pope Benedict XVI - have thrown the whole world's babies under the bus.
How in heaven's name did Catholicism arrive at this Judas moment?
Pat Barrett of Christchurch (Divine Mercy Publications) asks:
"Are you aware of the 'vaccine'
link with abortion and how shocking that really is? Our Bishops are now officially culpably ignorant.
"Several fetal cell lines (including HEK293 which was used to produce the Pfizer
and Moderna vaccines) were used in the testing and development of all the
current Covid vaccines.
A baby at 12 weeks, suitable for dissection without anaesthetic for harvesting cells for vaccines |
"These were acquired by performing caesarean sections on
women who were at least 3 months pregnant, so that the baby's internal organs
were properly formed. These were not spontaneous abortions, and nor were they
miscarriages (as the cells had to be live), and had to have been performed
within five minutes post op.
"The babies were not given anaesthetic as they were
dissected, most likely live, on the operating table, as this would degrade the
tissue samples.
"All those involved in these abortions had to have been ready to
harvest the cells required immediately the babies were removed from the uterus.
"Therefore it can said that the mothers, surgeons, nurses, and vaccine
development teams had to be fully aware, and to have given their consent, before
the operations, that these abortions, some several hundred (the 293 in the
HEK293 cell line refers to the number of experiments carried out, and almost
every new experiment requires a fresh cell line), were to be performed solely
for the purpose of harvesting the cells to be tested and developed for the
Covid vaccines we have today.
"This abomination bears many similarities to the
ritual slaughter and harvesting of beating hearts carried out by the ancient
So I repeat: how did the hierarchy of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, in conniving at this barbaric practice, arrive at what is undeniably the nadir of its 2000+-year history? How could their flock of Novus Ordo Massgoers be mismothered and mustered into such a mortal smother?
"Adapt yourselves no longer to the pattern of this present world, but let your minds be remade and your whole nature thus transformed. Then you will be able to discern the will of God, and to know what is good, acceptable, and perfect" (Rom 12:2). Douay version is "... the perfect will of God."
This verse struck me like a thunderbolt a couple of days ago, while praying the Divine Office for St Jerome Emilian, as supplying the reason for this frightful state of the Church, which is two-fold: abandonment of the Mass of Ages, the Traditional Latin Mass, and its substitution by the banal, manufactured Novus Ordo; and the saturation of hierarchy and lay people alike in the mainstream media.
The msm (for short) is run, in New Zealand at least, by the ladies of the liberal left. They and their male cohort are overwhelmingly atheistic or at the least, agnostic. They are 'the world': one of the three arch-enemies (the world, the flesh and the devil) in the ageless battle of Satan against man.
The msm don't believe in God: ergo, they don't know which way is up.
They don't believe in Truth, so how can they tell the truth? Remember that Jesus Christ, Truth Himself, was crucified for telling the truth, as those who tell the truth today are psychologically crucified by the msm as 'deplorables', and by Jorge Bergoglio as 'fundamentalists'.
But it's the msm who control the telly, the radio, newspapers and magazines whose leftist propaganda controls Joe Public - including Catholic hierarchy and lay people - who because of the total lack of a Christian, Catholic counter-narrative in the Church, in Church publications, or at Mass, suck it up.
Consider, for example, your average sort of NO Catholic. He/she gets up in the morning and turns on the radio. S/he might have been listening all night in bed on headphones to help them sleep. At breakfast time s/he might turn on the telly as well. At the supermarket s/he buys a newspaper or a magazine to read when s/he gets a chance. Depending on work - on a building site, in a retail shop, a cafe, in the office - even on a farm at smokoh - s/he listens to the radio, commercial or RNZ. They're almost all rabidly anti-Trump, which means anti-life and anti-Christian.
And then on Sunday the poor NO Catholic just might go to Mass, where in his homily, except for the occasional heresy Father sounds just like the vicar or the pastor at the Assembly of God (well yes, he does sound different from the latter, who probably has some fire in his belly). S/he sees Father stroll off to the tabernacle after the hurly-burly which erupts in the congregation at the Sign of Peace, leaving the Son of God abandoned on the altar. S/he might be expected to join in singing a song about drinking wine on our knees. S/he takes the Son of God in his hands like a bus ticket and walks off disregarding the fragments of the Host which might fall to the floor.
Mother Mariana Francisca de Jesus Torres
Ecuador (1594-1634)
Servant of God. Spanish Conceptionists, abbess of the Convent of Quito. She received innumerable visions and revelations from Our Lord and from Our Lady under the invocation of Good Success.
“Oh, how I lament manifesting to you that there will be many and enormous public and hidden sacrileges profaning the Holy Eucharist!... My Most Holy Son will find Himself rolled on the floor and trampled by filthy feet.”
Revelaciones Marianas <>
Mother Mariana Francisca de Jesus Torres |
Small wonder then, that the average NO Catholic, lacking a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, is a case of arrested spiritual development.
The same holds good (or bad or worse) for the Catholic hierarchy and priests who are responsible for the spiritual development of their people, for whom Almighty God will demand an account at their particular judgement. Last year they locked their Eucharistic Lord up and deprived us of the sacraments on the say-so of an atheistic Government which paid the Diocese of Auckland, for example, $618,338 in wage subsidies for 94 staff.
How often are those diocesan staffers seen in the church, praying? How often do you see 'Catholic' school children in the church next door, praying? How often do you see a priest in the church, praying? How many priests and prelates still pray the Divine Office?
"Those who have been ordained are morally bound, in virtue of the same ordination they have received, to the celebration or the entire and daily recitation of the Divine Office such as is canonically established in canon 276, § 2, n. 3 of the CIC, cited previously. This recitation does not have for its part the nature of a private devotion or of a pious exercise realized by the personal will alone of the cleric but rather is an act proper to the sacred ministry and pastoral office.
How often do you see anyone in church praying? Even at Holy Mass, on Sunday?
The typical NO Catholic and the typical NO priest, by virtue of sucking up the mainstream media daily and nightly, has adapted himself to the pattern of this present world. He is not allowing his mind to be remade and his nature transformed. He's not giving God a look-in.
"But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest: I am rich, and made wealthy, and have need of nothing: and knowest not, that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.
"I counsel thee to buy of me gold fire tried, that thou mayest be made rich; and mayest be clothed in white garments, and that the shame of thy nakedness may not appear; and anoint thy eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
"Such as I love, I rebuke and chastise. Be zealous therefore, and do penance. Behold, I stand at the gate, and knock. If any man shall hear my voice, and open to me the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" - Apoc. 3:16-20
Hannay Dawson says:
ReplyDeleteI was late to NO mass this (Tuesday) evening and imagine my surprise to see St Mary of the Angels Wellington full to the brim for a Catholic schools commissioning mass. Celebrated by a cardinal, a bishop and a team of priests - it was marvelous 💒
Do they believe as Catholics?
ReplyDeleteI say:
ReplyDelete"The babies were not given anaesthetic as they were dissected, most likely live, on the operating table, as this would degrade the tissue samples" etc.
Where is the shock? Where is the horror? Are we all that blasé?
A few weeks ago I sent Cardinal John Dew the 1hr video of Pamela Akers who explains all the information of the abortions performed so as to have their kidneys removed while baby is still alive, for the cell lines for Covid
ReplyDelete19 vaccines. There has been no reply as yet.
Gwen, that should induce not only shock and horror, but disgust as well. I might enlarge on that in my next post, referring to you if you'd prefer, just as "a reader of this blog".
DeleteAnon says:
ReplyDeleteJulia, get with the times. Get modern. Just look the other way. Come up with any excuse you like. Disposing of the baby is no different to the mother having her hair cut. Her body, her choice. We can't deny someone a haircut. Besides, there are too many people on earth anyway.
We have got nothing to worry about. We have been protected from the killer virus, we now get an extra paid holiday in winter, house prices are going up. if we make it to mass at least twice a year we are ok, we get sport and porn on our screens.
If you weren't aborted yourself, life is good.
Anon, I was looking for shock and horror but disgust will do fine.