Friday, 26 February 2021


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Sister Anne Marie 

Take a good look at this woman. She's just twenty years old. She's a New Zealander and a Carmelite nun.

She broke lockdown laws to attend a Latin Mass of exorcism outside the Irish Parliament.

Hannah Loeman, formerly of Whanganui, went to Ireland to join the Carmelite Order of the Holy Face of Jesus in 2017, at the age of 16. Correct me please if I'm wrong, but an educated guess would say that her large Catholic family were parishioners of St Anthony's SSPX in Whanganui.

"Nun on the run", blared the headline in the Otago Daily Times "A New Zealand-born nun has been caught breaching Covid-19 restrictions in Ireland to attend an exorcism," said the NZ Herald. As far as Radio New Zealand was concerned, it was  "a bizarre exorcism". 

Sr Anne Marie processes for the Mass of exorcism outside the Dáil

None of the stories says she's been arrested; to be "caught" implies she was trying to escape while in fact Sister Anne Marie was deliberately loitering with intent; and to anyone in our generally insane mainstream media, especially RNZ, an exorcism would seem 'bizarre'. To a faithful Catholic however, a Parliament which legislated for abortion on demand, and effectively enacted prohibition of Holy Mass and the sacraments is a prime candidate for exorcism, and New Zealand's Parliament having done the same is in dire need of exorcism also.

"A New Zealand nun based in Ireland breached local lockdown rules when she attended a bizarre exorcism outside the nation's parliament, it has emerged."

How long did it take before the story 'emerged'? Three months? That would be because RNZ and its MSM cohorts were too busy in the meantime, advertising the COVID 'pandemic'. 

"Seventy people took place (sic) in the illegal protest outside the Dáil on December 8 (local time) demanding places of worship reopen in the country."

It would be reasonable to assume that the Mass of exorcism was prompted primarily by the Dáil's enactment of abortion on demand in 2018. Any such assumption would however escape RNZ and if brought to their notice (imagine Kim Hill) would be ignored.  

Sister Anne Marie, along with Mother Irene Gibson, from the Carmelite Sisters of the Holy Face of Jesus, travelled from Cork to Dublin to attend the event, during a period when inter-county travel was banned and outdoor gatherings were limited to 15 people."

And churches were closed and the Garda (police) enjoying draconian powers unlike any New Zealand has ever seen. Yet. Ireland is paying the penalty for its 2018 legislation allowing unborn babies to be killed on demand. And so will New Zealand.

"A member of the group held an 'exorcism' outside the Dáil, before a traditional Latin Mass was also staged.

Love that. 'Staged'. Suggesting something outre, theatrical, 'bizarre' even. 

The Mass was led by Society of St Pius Resistance member Fr Giacomo Ballini. SSPR is a splinter group of the controversial Society of Saint Pius X, founded by French bishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1970 after he clashed with the Vatican over progressive reforms.

The Irish Times earlier reported that twenty-year-old New Zealander Sister Anne Marie, formerly Hannah Loeman, was the second person to join the order of silent nuns."

The second person to join the order in Cork, obviously. Not in the order as a whole. The order claims to be OCarm, the very same Carmelite order to which I belong, but its website - apart from the icon reproduced below - looks nothing like my crowd, which in New Zealand, Australia - and the UK, going by my limited knowledge of it there - has tamely followed 'Pope Francis' into mass apostasy.

From the website of the order, which claims to be O Carm

Take a gander at the website of the Carmelites of Holy Face of Jesus:

"Consecrated to God, to His Work and to His Church

  • Contemplative
  • Cloistered
  • Semi-Eremitical
  • Apostolic

Prayer and Spiritual Life

  • Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Traditional Latin Mass
  • Chanting and praying of the Divine Office in common and in solitude
  • Mental prayer
  • Solitude and community
  • Silence and recollection
  • Penance, reparation, and sacrifice
  • Spiritual counsel and direction"*

*My emphases. 

Also from the website

Penance??? Reparation??? Sacrifice??? Quite foreign to the OCarms of Australia and New Zealand, now

"The nuns live as hermits in West Cork, with Mother Irene having spent almost 30 years living as a consecrated hermit.

Brought up in Whanganui, in a large Catholic family, Sister Anne Marie went to Ireland in March 2017, receiving the habit as a novice six months later, The Irish Times reported.

"It was a wonderful feeling to be at last able to make my profession of vows and to at last become a bride of Christ," she told The Southern Star after taking her first vow in 2019.

"We spend much of our time in solitude, in prayer." 

The Irish Examiner's Paul Hosford told Morning Report the nuns live in a remote part of Cork on a plot of land that they were ordered to leave for breaches of planning permission.

The compound has sleeping cells and is used as a religious retreat.

"They were ordered by court to leave in 2019," Hosford said.

"They are in the area essentially because there is a church operating out of a farm house nearby ... that is linked to ... The Society of St Pius Resistance," he said. 

Since being ordered to leave the land, the pair have raised NZ$129,000 to purchase property.

The Society of St Pius Resistance has been ordered to stop selling herbal remedies with medicinal claims, Hosford said.

None of the stories that broke two days ago revealed that Sister Anne Marie's order - the Order of Jesus of the Holy Face - is not actually in communion with the Catholic Church. Now that fact would seem pretty pertinent in this context - a public exorcism of a country's Parliament.

A spokesperson for Bishop of Cork and Ross clarified that the women do not belong to any religious community which is in communion with the Catholic Church. He said they entered into a schism and ‘attribute their allegiance to an organisation which was established in Spain in the 1970s and which is referred to as the Palmarian Church.

The Irish bishops, just like New Zealand's, will be held accountable for the tragic state of the Church there, and for their acquiescence and complicity in their massacre of the innocents. And the Bishop of Cork and Ross could very well be held accountable for the Oirishness of his claim that Sister Anne Marie and Mother Irene "attribute their allegiance to ... the Palmarian Church". Qué?

But the Palmarian Church does sound somewhat dodgy. 

"Until August 6, 1978, the Most Holy Virgin Mary directed her many faithful within the Catholic Apostolic Roman Church, as She had done for almost 20 centuries. Due to the apostasy of the Church in Rome after the death of Pope Saint Paul VI, Our Lord Jesus Christ left Rome and directly handed over the Keys of Saint Peter to the person of Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great.
In this way, the True Church was moved to the desert of El Palmar de Troya, conserving the traditions and rites that the Catholic Church has taught for centuries.
Over the course of ten years, the Heavenly Court manifested Itself copiously in the Sacred Lentisco of El Palmar, spiritually strengthening, counseling, and preparing Its predilect children, to later move definitively the Holy See of the Vatican to El Palmar de Troya, the Sacred Place of the Lentisco. For nine years Christ prepared certain people to continue the Work that Our Lord had established almost twenty centuries before. Two of these people would later be Pope St. Gregory XVII and Pope St. Peter II.

I'll say this much for the nuns of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face: they know how to ply a needle. The Palmarian nuns' embroidery is exquisite;


But the burden of my song is, thank God for a Catholic and a Kiwi of courage. She broke an unjust law - which is "no law at all" - to attend a Mass of exorcism for the 
Dáil which had enacted a law so heinously unjust, no other like it has occurred in Irish history.
Here in her own country, Sister Anne Marie is to be emulated. 


  1. Sarah Smith says:
    God bless her ❤️

    Bob Gill says:
    Yes, God bless her.

  2. I think the article may be a little wrong. The Carmelites of the Holy Face are only in Spain. They are Palmarian. I think this New Zealander must belong to a traditional Carmel.

    1. A spokesperson for the Irish Carmelite Order in Ireland had confirmed that Sr Anne Marie and Mother Irene Gibson are not members of their order. The spokesperson for the Bishop of Cork and Ross, as I comment in my story, seem in a very Oirish way to be attributing them to the Palmarian Church of Spain and I question that, as I would question anything an Irish bishop says now, given the fact that Ireland - until last century considered the bastion of the Catholic faith - has legislated for abortion on demand. How many statements did the Bishop of Cork and Ross release about that?
      It may well be that Sr Anne Marie and Mother Irene have never heard of the Palmarian Church.

  3. Mark Gasparini asks:
    How can she be a nun if she is only 20 years old?

    I say:
    Same as St Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, who entered Carmel aged only 15. Sr Anne Marie entered aged 16 and made her first profession in 2019. So she is not finally professed yet.

  4. Why are you writing a blog in defense of an essentially doubly schismatic sect holding a mock exorcism with priests who have probably not been validly ordained, on the other side of the world? 'Hold fast to the barque of Peter, in and out of season' - Saint John Henry Newman. There are storms in the church but we can weather them together. And on a more human level be careful who you choose to befriend.

    1. Ecumenism of course.

    2. I wasn't aware that I was writing a piece in defence of the Society of St Pius Resistance. I was writing to applaud the courage of a 20 year-old nun in breaking an unjust law to defend the unborn, and to encourage her fellow Kiwis back home to emulate her.

      The Society of St Pius Resistance, led by Bishop Richard Williamson, is indeed in schism, as Williamson has been excommunicated; but it is absolutely not 'an essentially DOUBLY schismatic sect', because the Society of St Pius X itself is not in schism.

      Bishop Athanasius Schneider, following a Vatican-ordered visitation of the two seminaries of the Society of Saint Pius X, has clearly exonerated them of the baseless charge of “schism,” recommending during an interview published in English translation by that the SSPX be “accepted as they are” for purposes of canonical regularization, as to which “no weighty reasons” stand in the way.

      "Pope Francis considers the SSPX as Catholic, and has expressed this publicly several times. Therefore, he seeks a pastoral solution, and he made the generous pastoral provisions of granting to the priests of the SSPX the ordinary faculty to hear confessions and conditional faculties to celebrate canonically marriage. The more the doctrinal, moral and liturgical confusion grows in the life of the Church, the more one will understand the prophetic mission of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in an extraordinary dark time of a generalized crisis of the Church"- Edward Pentin. So the SSPX is firmly ensconced within the 'barque of Peter'.

      I agree those SSPR priests are probably not validly ordained but their intention of exorcism was, I believe, authentic, rather than 'mock'.
      They may be on the other side of the world, but this side of the world is sorely in need of priests and nuns - and laity - willing to witness publicly, and even perhaps illegally, to the truth of Catholic doctrine and to Christ Himself.
      To be befriended by the SSPX, as I havebeen, is a privilege. I thank God for these priests, who are so wholeheartedly committed to orthodoxy and orthopraxy.

    3. It is sad to see so many false and gratuitous statements in one short post from a Mr/Mrs Anonymous. Neither the SSPX nor the Resistance are schismatic. On the contrary, the Bogus Ordo church is schismatic, since they broke with Tradition. The SSPX/Resistance Sacraments, including Holy Orders, are (since recently "were" for the SSPX) rock solid. The Bogus Ordo sacraments are doubtful, if not absolutely invalid. And why would anyone claim that the exorcism in Ireland was only a "mockery"? Because they did not include dancing altar girls singing Kumbaya?

    4. Julia, I don't understand you. On the one hand you call Bergoglio an antipope, but on the other hand you are afraid of being labelled schismatic and excommunicated by the "impostor" and his cronies? Archbishop Lefebvre (and the old SSPX) used to consider it an honour to be out of communion with those who are destroying the Church. So who do you want to be in communion with, those who are trying to destroy the Church or those who are trying to keep the Faith?

    5. Julia,

      Are you aware that Archbishop Vigano was recently conditionally consecrated, not by a SSPX bishop on good terms with "antipope" and "imposter" Bergoglio, but by a SSPX Resistance bishop, whom you claim to be a schismatic? Can you please explain how you can hold both positions at the same time? i.e. for the SSPX and against Bergoglio, for +Vigano and against +Williamson?

    6. Julia, you have stated repeatedly on this site that you consider Bergoglio an "antipope" and "impostor". And yet, you value and crave to be in communion with him, and condemn those who are not in communion with him. That does not make sense. Also, you opined that the "SSPR priests are probably not validly ordained," but the SSPX priests are. Surely you know that all these "SSPR" priests were once "SSPX" priests? When and how did they lose their validity? Do you sometimes think before you write, let alone open a catechism or a theology manual? Perhaps you should be a little more careful in what you publish and align yourself with the Ecclesia discens instead of the Ecclesia docens.

    7. Tradidi, of course I agree with you that it is the post-Vat II Novus Ordo Synodal Bergoglian sect that is schismatic. The post refers not to to the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) but to the Society of St Pius Resistance member Fr Giacomo Ballini. SSPR is a splinter group of the controversial Society of Saint Pius X.
      As far as I'm aware it's not been confirmed that +Vigano was consecrated by +Williamson but anyway that's not germane to this post.
      What gives you the idea that I crave to be in communion with the heresiarch Bergoglio, who is so obviously not in communion with the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church?
      Remind me please, where did I state that the "SSPR priests are probably not validly ordained"?

    8. Julia, just a few posts above, on 3 March 2021 at 14:55 you wrote "I agree those SSPR priests are probably not validly ordained." You may not like or agree with bishop Ballini, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the validity of his ordination/consecration.

      I got the impression you crave communion with the Conciliar Church because you are all for the SSPX and all against the SSPR, and it is precisely the question of communion with the Conciliar Church which caused the division between the two. The SSPX craves communion, while the SSPR maintains the line of their founder, Archbishop Lefebvre: "It is, therefore, a strict duty for every priest wanting to remain Catholic to separate himself from this Conciliar Church for as long as it does not rediscover the Tradition of the Church and of the Catholic Faith."

      Please correct me if I got it wrong.

  5. Matt Walton says:
    Catholic Bishops under Rome bear some responsibility for all branches (conferences - ed) that publicly claim the name 'Catholic'. The Bishops of Ireland, and of New Zealand, should be wary of disowning the various rites of Latin-Mass Catholics that operate outside the Church structure -such as Tridentine or Resistance ; or of corralling those who operate within - FSSP, Transalpine Redemptorists, Ecclesia Dei. For ..."the man who disowns me in the presence of men, I will disown in the presence of God's angels". Luke 12:9.
    We know our families and we know why many have lost their faith and we know too why many others are choosing a more observant path. Misrepresentation of Magisterial Doctrine, undermining of Sacred Tradition, a fatal loss of reverence in the Liturgy - these feature heavily and have certainly contributed to the departures of 100s of 1000s of Catholics in New Zealand over the past 60 years.
    When I think of the many places Faith has come to N.Z. from, I see the Bishops of antiquity, the Abbots and Abbesses, the many good parents, the holy men and women -Saints of God - while they smile eternally they look down from Heaven and they weep ! - as Christ wept over Jerusalem !
    Bishops, own the truth, don't disown your flocks !

    1. I say:
      Is it right to think of the SSPX as being "outside the Church structure"?
      Monsignor Bernard Fellay, the previous superior-general of the Society, quoted Bergoglio himself as saying of the SSPX, "THEY ARE NOT SCHISMATICS, THEY ARE CATHOLICS".
      Also please see my comments above in regard to Bishop Athanasius Schneider following his visitation to the Society.

  6. Of your charity pray for the repose of the soul of Alma Dryland formally Sr Peter Claver RSM Latterly Mother Maria Salud OCHF.Shr died in Auckland. A Palmarian until the end.
