Tuesday 2 February 2021


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"Dear Catholic Bishops of New Zealand, your statement (January 15) virtually orders the faithful, on moral grounds, to take the vaccine, but  it does not mention the risk."

What’s the Prime Minister got to smile about? 500,000 dead babies so far and counting, and now she’ll be able to add dead old people to her tally as she rolls out her so-called ‘vaccine’. If the US is anything to go by, the elderly will be the first vax victims, and by far the most numerable. 

And assisting her efforts in regard to lining up for their jabs is the New Zealand Conference of Catholic Bishops, with their statement of January 15.

A layman whose qualifications are not in the medical field but rather gained on the field of battle for the Catholic faith, in these days of faithlessness and treachery on the part of the hierarchy of the Church, has written a letter to the New Zealand Conference of Catholic Bishops which - alas! - lacks a signature, so is posted on this blog for the enlightenment not only of the bishops but priests and lay faithful also. 

The reason this letter lacks a signature is that the writer fears for his unpaid ministry in the Church. In other words, he might get the sack and his ministry is one cherished by him and it would seem, by God. So he cast a net seeking other signatories. Alas and alack! all he caught in the net are those caught in the net also of episcopal disapproval. One potential signatory went so far as to say, "The bishops hate me." 

At the NZ Catholic Bishops' Conference two days ago, dynamism incorporated

The letter begins: 

"I ask you urgently to rescind or amend your statement of 15 January, 2021, urging everyone to have a Covid-19 vaccine.

"The inference from your statement is that the vaccines are riskless. Your statement does not invite the faithful to make an informed decision based on the balance of the risk of the vaccines versus the risk of Covid-19, but invites them, nay, directs them, to make an uninformed decision based on their moral obligations to the purported wellbeing of themselves and others. 

"You seem to be unaware that the pharmaceutical companies supplying the vaccines are forcing the NZ government to sign a waiver absolving them of all liability for any harmful effects from their vaccines.  This seems to be a practice where a vaccine has not had adequate testing.  

"The vaccine suppliers are absolving themselves of legal risk, but transferring a physical risk to the vaccine recipients who might be injured or even die because of the vaccine. The NZ government also bears an intermediate liability in these cases, to fund the provision of care and recompense to its citizens who might suffer harm or death from the vaccine.

"Your statement virtually orders the faithful, on moral grounds, to take the vaccine, but it does not mention the risk. The inference from your statement is that the vaccines are riskless. Your statement does not invite the faithful to make an informed decision based on the balance of the risk of the vaccines versus the risk of Covid-19, but invites them, nay, directs them, to make an uninformed decision based  on their moral obligations to the purported wellbeing of themselves and others.    

"It is immoral and unethical to exhort any party to take the vaccine without informing him/her of the risks, especially the significant implications of the vaccine suppliers refusing to accept any legal liability.

"Please urgently take corrective action in the interests of the wellbeing of your flock.  And please remind our Government that it is incumbent also on them to take similar action to inform all citizens.

 Our Lady of the Candelmas (Presentation) - today's feast

Our Lady of the Presentation, pray for our bishops and people, now and at the hour of our death.


  1. When you look at your days old photograph of dynamism incorporated, can you spot a bishop ?

  2. I am happy to sign the petition

    1. It was simply an open letter to the bishops, not a petition, but thank you!The writer will certainly appreciate your offer.
