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Priests and prelates of New Zealand, are you receiving? All vaccines for the COVID-19 virus being currently distributed are produced and/or tested with cell lines that originated from an aborted child.
“How," asks Bishop Athanasius Schneider, "can you use for your temporal health benefit the murdering, and all these horrible crimes, of the most weak and innocent unborn children? The end never justifies the means. You cannot enter into this chain.”
The Church says Catholics have a “moral duty” to avoid cooperation in evil, however remote, as the default condition. But the NZ Conference of Bishops has told all the faithful to take the jab: in essence, to try to save our lives by murdering babies. How can this be?
This can be only because the NZ Conference of Bishops has stopped preaching the Gospel. Not suddenly - people might notice. No, ever so slowly, ever since Vatican II and the fabrication of the Novus Ordo Missae, a trivialized travesty of the Traditional Latin Mass which produced fearless prophets and priests in the Catholic Church for over 2000 years, with the result that we now have bishops and priests who are controlled not by Our Lord but by His sworn opponents, the propagators of the One World Church.
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All the usual suspects |
Our bishops and priests can't excuse these vaccines on the grounds of "grave danger". There is no such danger. In the US, the COVID death rate returned to the normal flu death in early September. The pandemic in the US is over.
Dr Michael Yeadon |
A former vice-president and chief scientist for Pfizer has flatly rejected the need for any vaccines to bring the COVID-19 pandemic to an end. Dr. Michael Yeadon, who “spent over 30 years leading new [allergy and respiratory] medicines research in some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies,” and retired from Pfizer with “the most senior research position in this field,” wrote:
There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic. I’ve never heard such nonsense talked about vaccines. You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease. You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.
In NZ there never was a pandemic. And that's not because Stalinda 'went hard, went early' but because New Zealand is the most isolated temperate land mass in the world. Temperate. In other words, rendering a healthy environment. We breathe fresh air (or we did till 'our dear Dr Bloomfield' told us to mask up); we're well fed, we have an outdoor lifestyle.
26 deaths is not a pandemic. Ergo, no vaccine is needed. The current scare tactics regarding "escalating cases" is based on a PCR test that is 100% inaccurate in people with no symptoms.
The other reason you don’t need a vaccine for COVID-19, at least in the US, is that substantial herd immunity has already taken place. This is the primary reason for the end of the pandemic.
I would much rather get a COVID infection than get a COVID vaccine. That would be safer and more effective. I have had a number of COVID positive flu cases this year. Some were old and had health concerns. Every single one has done really well with natural therapies including ozone therapy and IV vitamin C. Just because modern medicine has no effective treatment for viral infections, doesn’t mean that there isn’t one. (Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD).
Dr Sherri Tenpenny, an osteopathic doctor in Ohio, states: "I refuse to call it a vaccine because it doesn’t meet any of the standards by which a vaccine is supposed to work:
- to prevent the spread of infection
- to keep you from getting sick
- to keep you from being hospitalized
- to decrease the amount of illness
- to protect people from this contagion
Even Pfizer and Moderna acknowledge this fact on the vaccine packaging, Tenpenny noted, before questioning why anyone would “take on all the risk of this injection, all the risk of what’s coming through the needle and in creating these adverse antibodies that literally are going to kill many people.”
- Reinstalment of all holy water fonts, complete with holy water.
- Removal of 'sanitising stations'.
- Removal of all sign-in and scanning procedures.
- Reinstatement of Communion on the tongue.
- Reinstatement of the Sign of Peace (in the hope that one day it will be moved to the beginning of the Mass).
- Abolition of the fatuous 'Good Morning' rendered by so many priests (right after praying that "the Peace of the Lord be with you").
- Relegation of the Psalm Response to its proper place, i.e. as a response, not a cue-in.
- Rendering the Prayers of the Faithful as prayers, not as one irate reader has described them, as "pious wishes". Prayers are communication with the Almighty (in this instance) and not communication with the community, along the lines of “May we all work for justice and peace"; "may we all be nice and kind to each other" (okay, besides being ungrammatical that's an exaggeration but you get the point). "Even my littlest grandchildren," says the irate reader, "when praying to their Heavenly Father, phrase their petitions along the lines of “Please look after Nana & Grumps as they travel back home tomorrow”.
- And no more Prayers of the Faithful about 'global warming' or worse still, 'save us from COVID and get us quick vaccinations all round.
- And always a prayer for the Church (yes, God knows She needs it but do the faithful?) and for those who have died (not, pace Evelyn Waugh, 'our loved ones') and for babies in the womb and their parents.
- Abolition of 'Eucharistic Ministers' (the only Eucharistic Minister is the priest celebrant)
- Use of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (as they are correctly termed) only in extraordinary circumstances, as the term indicates, i.e. when the priest is unable to distribute Holy Communion or when the number of communicants would make it impossible for the priest to distribute Communion in a reasonable time.
- Abolition of altar girls. Yes, come on priests, you know that's (belatedly) been requested, or at least preference of boys over girls, and you know you can do it. You "can do all things with the help of Christ who strengthens" you.
The irate reader goes on: "My wife opined to me that she thinks many who used to go to Mass will not now go back; they’ve got used to Massless Sundays. And most of those currently attending Sunday Mass will fade away because (1) they’re mostly elderly, and (2) they have no solid commitment. I can’t argue with that. It seems likely that Wanganui will become the hub of the Church in New Zealand." By Wanganui, the irate reader (or 'Grumps') means of course, the flourishing parish of St Anthony's of the Society of St Pius X (SSPX), which celebrates only the Traditional Latin Mass and gives Communion only on the tongue. At St Anthony's, which of course is in Palmerston North Diocese, and at the Latin Mass they celebrate every third Sunday in Napier - in a funeral parlour because Cardinal Dew won't let them into St Patrick's Church - the priests preach the Gospel. And come to think of it, I believe they would agree with all the suggestions above for topics for discussion at the priests' meeting in Palmerston North this week. “The hour has now come," says Bishop Schneider, "that all people of goodwill, especially believing Catholics, all pro-life organizations have to stand up and make a fiery protest with one voice and say, ‘We will never agree [with], we will never admit [into our lives] these evils.’”Schneider quoted Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, the Russian author’s warning of the moral cost of attempting a utopia of “peace and rest” which was, however, founded on the torture, death and “unavenged tears” of “only one tiny creature—that baby beating its breast with its fist.”
And one last suggestion for our priests and prelates to think about, and talk about in Palmerston North this week - a message from Our Lady to the Church-approved mystic Luz de Maria Bonilla, IN 2015:"This is the hubris that Satan himself instills in souls so they will detest My Son and join the files of Satan who has prepared the stage for the antichrist.Misused science has penetrated the pharmacological industries so these will dare create vaccines contaminated withviruses so human beings will carry death or diseases with them.My children, why do you feed on the garbage with which the great transnationals want to eliminate most of the world population? DO NOT ALLOW IT. YOUR BODIES ARE TEMPLES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND YOU MUST PROTECT THEM AND TAKE CARE OF THEM."
Ferosha Worn says:
ReplyDeleteShame !
Justine Vollert says:
Shameful but it has been a part of prophecy for years that the catholic church will be part of the one wolrd government, so catholics need to be aware.
I say:
ReplyDeleteIt disgusts and horrifies me to admit it, but Ferosha and Justine, you are right, the Catholic Church's public desertion of the unborn and the painfully obvious One World Churh agenda of Bergoglio and Co is shameful.
Ferosha Worn says:
ReplyDeleteI dont agree that it is the Catholic Church alone- there are plenty of Protestant churches that are inline with this too. You just have to just look around today to see the state of the churches and what they stand for.
I say:
ReplyDeleteFerosha, to be clear, Justine didn't say it was only the Catholic Church which is on the way to being 'part of the one world government'.
And Jorge Bergoglio and his cohort are not the Catholic Church - thank God.
Honor Rand says:
ReplyDeleteThis is what we have been we have been warned about in these days we are living in.... the last days.
Alan Pitt says
ReplyDeleteOne world religion, one world government , one world everything and the end of all freedoms , rights and even private property.
Ferosha Worn says:
ReplyDeleteIs she did “ it has been part of prophesy for years that the Catholic Church ..........” who’s prophecy I may ask. The book of revelation does not say that - other than the mention of the 7 churches. These 7 churches can be found through out history and through out all of the denominations. I am not catholic by the way.
I say:
Ferosha,Justine said "it has been part of prophesy for years that the Catholic Church will be PART of the One World Government". She didn't state that other churches will not be part of it also.
And I realise you're not a Catholic.
Ferosha Worn says:
Julia- lets be real ! Most who read that comment will know what she meant except .....
Justine Vollert says:
Ferosha the post was sepdifically about the Pope and the catholic church. However most mainline churches will too be a part of the kne wolrd governement. They all unite under the catholic church or will firm an alliance. That will be the only religion that will be allowed by the one world governemnt . It will be one world religion owned and answerable to the one world governemnt. They will all take the mark of the beast. However there will be committed christians who are born again in those churches who will no longer be part of that one church. They will be the ones that will be persecuted and may loose their lives. Born again christians of all denominations will not take the mark of the beast and because of that will npt be able to buy and sell theybwill not be able to go into public places and will not be able to access any food suppliers because they will have to use the mark of the beast to get access to everything. Receiving the mark is giong over to satans side. That is what the one world governemt is. There will be one world financial system, this is what the covid19 plande,ic is setting up . To bankrupt farmersa and smaller businesses and only large world wide consortiums will be in business. The plandemic was to get as many small businesses bankrupt as possible. There will be one world leader and every one will be answerable to him. Except those those that refuse to take the mark then they will be hunted down deprived of food and water and any supplies. That is so they will comply and receive the Mark. Go on line and read the books by Barry smith.
Ray McKendry says:
It is necessary to read the Bible very carefully and prayerfully with nothing but the Holy Ghost attending you.
I say:
Yes, the Holy Ghost - and the Magisterium and saints of the Catholic Church.
Ray MdKendry says:
DeleteChrist and the Holy Ghost and the Father makes one God: Holy Writ says so and the Roman Catholic Church has it as a basic doctrine. But we ought not add to that doctrine unless we corrupt the image of the God we worship.
Janice Nihoniho says:
Reminds of Richard Wurmbrand speaking up at the 'Festival of Cults' to honour the name of Jesus, for which he was imprisoned.
Vaughan Alexander Jackson says:
Great article Julia. I applaud your efforts. Remember that the enemy satan will be deceptive. And the lies of the world will seem like common sense. But we of the Faith are called to be distinct from the world.
Noels Famularo says:
I remember being told at an early age by the Nuns who taught us our Catechism that the Catholicism is the only religion that can be traced directly back to Jesus Christ. The one true religion. I believe in Mary's apparitions over the centuries. The messages are incorruptible.
Justine Vollert says:
Noels are you born again. Unless a man be born again He cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Ray McKendry says:
Noels those nuns were not good Bible students.
Justine Vollert says:
Ray I was a nun for a number of years , we mever had Bibles we said the divine office which was made up of any of the psalms and some other parts of the Bible like the magnificate and the our father ect. When i started reading the Bible i found so much in their that i had never been taught as a catholic and stuff i had been taught as a catholic that wasnt in the Bible.
I say:
Ray, those nuns had given up everything to follow Our Lord. They taught and worked not for money, but for love of Our Lord and for the kids in their care. Some might have been, in my mother's words, "limited women" but their witness to Christ made an ineradicable impression on me, even as a child. You don't need to be a good bible student to love Our Lord.
Ray McKendry replies: I agree you don't need to be a great Bible student but you need to have the basics deep within your soul.
DeleteI endorse your list of items for the priest's meeting this week Julia. I'm absolutely dismayed by the lack of reverence for Our Lord and our faith, evident in the emptying of precious holy water fonts and the ban repeatedly imposed regarding Holy Communion on the tongue. I'm also absolutely dismayed by the sheer lack of critical thinking skills of these men. Their inability to discern good from poor research, including comprehension of statistics is a real problem. It is not as though good research is entirely hidden, and statistics have been available from the start regarding covid, and even in their inflated form, they still tell the story that covid is not something to fear, nor something to be vaccinated for, nor something requiring sanitation stations, the loss of holy water, or umpteen prayers of the faithful, least of all there being a need to support the abortion industry. If this last year has taught me anything about these men, ontologically changed for the glory of God, it is that they are in the most part, undiscerning men and not living according to their otherwise glorious state. They are more fixated than ever on their (and our) physical well-being to the detriment of their, and our, spiritual well-being. Covid has brought these fixation(s) into the light and made them ordinary. It is the extraordinary spiritual witness we need from them, not their penchant for Marxist political propaganda.
ReplyDeleteAnon says:
DeleteSharon, I have spent time in elder care homes recently. The politically and commercially safe path for them is to go over the top with Covid physical safety. Seeing our churches are so full of more vulnerable elderly, is it best to treat our churches like elder care homes and err far on the safe side? Political and commercial pragmatism?
Josephine Bloggs comments:
ReplyDeleteThere will come a time when historians and others will look back at this period, and will record how Catholic and other clergy became public servants.
couldn't agree more. I think NZ clergy would do well to take a leaf out of this good priest's book, highlighting the need for prudence.
True. I was sickened to see in Auckland that a member of the Catholic Equestrian Order has died. This woman was a strong Act supporter the free market no morals party. What hypocracy.
ReplyDeleteJustine Orme says:
ReplyDeleteBE AWARE!!!! Whenever the ROMAN Catholic church is discussed, we are discussing the SYSTEM, not the people. Be very careful to separate out the flock from the wolves.
But horrible to see that a member of the Equestrian Order who died recently was also an Act member. Indicative of the situation we are in as Act is the free market no morals party.
ReplyDeleteJustine Vollert says:
ReplyDeleteLet me just say this , as an 8 year old catholic girl very insecure girl at that i heard the audible voice of God.,thats when i experienced a personla God and was called to the mission field.
I hope you had intensive spiritual counselling. The poor woman in the Equestrian Order certainly had need. She did not know her faith at 86.
ReplyDeleteCould someone please explain what the Equestrian Order is?? (and yes, I realise equestrian concerns equines)..
ReplyDeleteMark Gasparini says:
ReplyDeleteNoels, yes you are absolutely correct. The Catholic Church is the only church Jesus started. All other Christian groups were started by men and were not sanctioned by God. They contain error and heresy. They particularly lack the eternal life giving graces that come from the Sacraments. Why drink from a muddy puddle when you can drink from a pure spring?
The Equestrian Order is similar to the Order of Malta. It is a Catholic order of chivilary accepting only Catholic in good standing.
ReplyDeleteWoe to you Bishop Pat and your National Party friends.