Thursday 11 February 2021


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Dear Cardinal Dew, why did you urge Catholics to take a vaccine whose production depended on live dissection - without anaesthetic - of babies aborted by caesarean section?

Baby born by caesarean section 

Shock, horror! would surely be the reaction of any real Catholic - or any decent human being - informed of such procedures. Disgust is surely the word to add for a Catholic's reaction to a cardinal urging them to take a vaccine whose production depended on such a procedure.

Last week Cardinal John Dew - as you know from this blog -  -

strongly advised his flock, on January 15, to take the Covid jab. That was at least a couple of days after a reader of this blog had sent him a one-hour video explaining how abortions were performed to extract live babies' kidneys for the cell-lines needed to manufacture Covid-19 vaccines. The cardinal has not as yet acknowledged receipt of that video.

Maybe it was deleted by one of his minions, in which case said minion should be asked to account for their action. One would think that before releasing a statement on such a critical issue - especially on vaccination, which has generally been regarded as an issue of physical, not spiritual health and as such is quite outside a cardinal's parameters - all avenues of information would be investigated, especially LifeSiteNews whose Catholic journalists are so au fait with such matters (or "across the story" as TvOne 'News' propagandists are wont to say). 

So au fait, in fact, that only yesterday YouTube completely removed the LifeSiteNews YouTube channel. LifeSiteNews' journalists are getting too close to the truth for Big Tech's comfort.

It's not a temporary ban; every single one of their videos is completely gone. But to watch the video sent to Cardinal Dew - John-Henry Westen's interview of Pamela Acker, one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on vaccines and on what goes into them - go to: 

John-Henry Westen, Pamela Acker 

Pamela Acker, like John-Henry Westen of LifeSiteNews, is a Catholic. Like Westen, she's a real Catholic. Acker's concerns about the ethics of the research suggested she should do for her PhD, into HEK (human embryonic kidney), resulted in the end of her career in that lab. She left with her Master's - but also with some direct research experience on vaccine development.

Acker and Westen are two of the real lay Catholics called on by Bishop Athanasius Schneider to step into the breach within our Holy Mother the Church in Her crisis of wholesale apostasy.

 As Westen points out, mass vaccinations needn't be made mandatory for life to become unmanageable for those who resist and refuse the jab. All that's necessary is to mandate that you can't go into a store if you haven't had it.

As it happens, in issuing an edict to the faithful on vaccination, Cardinal John Dew was in fact not overstepping his boundaries: vaccination is now an issue of faith and morals. Only Cardinal Dew has entered the lists on the wrong side.

Because as Pamela Acker attests, the popular and reassuring notion that one abortion might have been performed to get the cell lines needed some time way back, is false. Hundreds of elective abortions have been performed, with the cooperation of hospitals, on purpose, to extract living fetal tissue within the 5-minute to one-hour timeframe required for it to be viable.

Most people, as you say, hand wavingly dismiss it and say, "Oh well that was one baby that died, we can't go back and undo it, we might as well get something good out of it now." Which of course, violates the principle of the integral good, and the fact that you simply can't use the ends to justify the means. But I'm not a moral theologian, so I'll stick to the science. 
HEK-293 is the number system that's involved ... HEK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney, but 293 means this is the 293rd experiment that this particular researcher did to develop a cell line. And that doesn't mean that there were 293 abortions, but for 293 experiments you need far more than one abortion. And we're talking probably 100s of abortions.

The abortions are done by caesarean section. While the baby's heart is still beating. With no anaesthetic which would disrupt the cells. The baby is in extreme pain. 

Prior to introducing the rubella vaccine, there was approximately 80% herd immunity in the population for rubella. And 80% herd immunity is the threshold at which the disease doesn't circulate particularly well. 

So, after using the rubella vaccine, what we now have is roughly 80 to 85% herd immunity. "Well that's a little better, so maybe it was worth it." But for the first 10 years after this vaccine was introduced, there wasn't a decrease in the cases of congenital rubella syndrome. And in fact, in the first few years after it was introduced, there was a spike in the cases of congenital rubella syndrome. And they didn't start dropping until abortion became legal. And, there's a pretty good case to be made that the drop in congenital rubella syndrome babies was due to their mothers being informed, "You have rubella, your child is likely to develop congenital rubella syndrome, why don't you just abort it and try again." The drop that we saw in that disease is probably a lot more due to elective abortions than it is to the introduction of the vaccine.

Merck just stopped producing the separate vaccines, you can only get it now as the trivalent vaccine with measles, mumps and rubella. Which means that you can't ethically be vaccinated for any of those things because the vaccine is produced in aborted fetal cells.

It's produced in the WI-38 cell line, and that cell line took, I believe it was 32 abortions before they got to that cell line. They dissected 27 fetuses before they had the virus that is currently in use in the rubella vaccine, and they continued with 40 more elective abortions, isolating a number of different viral strains that didn't ultimately get used in the vaccine.

But, if you put all that together, you end up with approximately 99 abortions just for the rubella vaccine. And some cases they were stuck in the refrigerator to preserve them slightly so that they could be dissected in a little bit later, the brutality of that and the horror of that is not something that we should gloss over.

Yet, your average Catholic parent who goes into the doctors office and is asked, "Do you want the MMR?" doesn't even know that this is how this was developed. ...if we had been refusing the MMR vaccine, we wouldn't have COVID vaccines that are made with aborted fetal cells. 

These are not life-saving vaccines: the average age of a COVID death is higher than the life expectancy in the US. 

The relationship between the increase in use of aborted fetal cell derived vaccines: that corresponds to an increase in autism rates in countries in Europe as well as the United States... If you're going to do something as heinous as inject into yourself the remains of somebody who was murdered, there's going to be a natural consequence to that. 

There's been a number of vaccines that the World Health Organization has had in development that were on purpose supposed to cause infertility. They've been looking for a birth control vaccine since the 1970s. They have tested uninformed, non-consenting women in Kenya, and the Philippines and Mexico, and I believe a couple other third world countries.

And I actually have spoken personally with a doctor in Kenya, who was one of the ones who identified the tetanus vaccines that were being administered to Kenyan women, specifically targeted to women of childbearing age, were laced with hCG. Which, if you inject that in conjunction with tetanus toxoid, you can render women infertile for an indefinite period of time. 

Gardasil, the HPV vaccine, is associated with a frightening drop in fertility. ...Women who had received all three doses of he HPV vaccine were one third as likely to have conceived and borne a child as women in the same age cohort, roughly adjusted for other medical issues that could possibly effect fertility. You had three times as much likelihood of being pregnant if you had never had the vaccine, versus if you'd had all three doses.This is alarming stuff, because you're not told this.

  • The average age of death is higher than the average expected mortality in the US
  • Very high profile people are saying, "Get the vaccine, get the vaccine, but keep wearing your mask because it's not actually going to effect transmission." Why then why am I getting the vaccine?
  • We don't know what the side-effects of the vaccines will be.
  • We have no idea how wildly different reactions to the vaccines will be. 
  • They may result in the creation of super-viruses. 
  • The years and years of experimentation gone into vaccine production doesn't mean they are safe; it means they have not yet proved successful.
  • All vaccine producers in the US have been indemnified; no matter what the outcome of their vaccines, they will not incur financial losses. It's the taxpayers who incur the financial loss (as we will here in New Zealand, where 'kind' Jacinda Ardern has been extremely kind to Big Pharma.
  • Moderna solicited adverse reactions to their vaccine - for 7 days. (Does that suggest to you that the number and type of adverse reactions was such that they didn't want to hear any more?)
  • Pfizer has commenced vaccinating its placebo group, eliminating its control group so there is no way to tell how safe their vaccine is.
  • You are 22 times more likely to have an anaphlactic reaction to COVID-19 vaccines than to average vaccines.
  • The COVID-19 vaccines are not safe; not moral; not necessary. 
  • No one has claimed that the vaccine will stop COVID-19 spreading!
  • There is no reason to take the vaccine.

Pamela Acker's book Vaccination: A Catholic Perspective, is available on the Kolbe Center's website.

Acker says, simply, "Don't get it. It is not going to help your neighbour. As Catholics, if we don't stand up now, we are accountable and we will be held accountable by Almighty God.

The short thing is don't get it, it's not good for your soul and it's not good for your body. You can't just sit on your hands and say, "Oh well, I'm not going to take it. Oh well, it's not that big a deal. 

"This is a big deal, this is a hill worth dying on."

1 comment:

  1. Bob Gill says:
    And with outlets like LifeSiteNews being forced off Youtube, you wonder what on earth the world is coming to when we are punished for questioning genuine concerns about fetal cell line connections with Covid vaccines and for generally not toeing the line with current media thought.
    A friend has just forwarded me the following message, which is another example forced off Youtube:
    YouTube just took down the official CSPAN video of the official Senate testimony of Dr. Pierre Kory from his December hearing.
    Dr. Kory the president of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance which is a world-renowned group of physicians. His testimony at a May Senate hearing helped doctors rethink treatment protocols and saved lives.
    At the December hearing, he presented evidence regarding the use of Ivermectin, a cheap and widely available drug for the prevention and early treatment of Covid-19. He described a just-published study from Argentina in which about 800 health-care workers received Ivermectin and 400 didn’t. Not one of the 800 contracted Covid-19; 58% of the 400 did in addition to noting a list of other studies.
