Sunday 13 October 2024


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Ardern goes la-di-dah at Windsor Castle

All normies are sickened just by the sight of Jacinda Ardern and the heir apparent to the British throne making her a Dame Grand Companion is enough to enrage any decent-minded Kiwi. Has His Royal Highness any idea of the insult to his future subjects? Some wag on Twitter says HMP Belmarsh would be more appropriate for Ardern than Windsor Castle.

New Zealand can't let her go gallivanting all over the world stage (except here, note, where she dare not show herself) without protest. The rest of the planet might adore her - as NZ did too, once, don't forget - but we're not letting her off. Not just for the treason of inflicting disease and death by her tinny jab and illegal lockdowns but worse still, for the thousands of unborn citizens murdered in their mother's womb per kind favour of her Abortion Law Act, March 2021.

Next thing she'll be partying up in Rome with the fraudulent 'Pope Francis', her collaborator and Marxist globalist fellow-traveller, who collaborated in coercing millions of Catholics to take the jab as "an act of love". A true pope would advise her to repent - and her victims to forgive. "From our hearts" (Mt 18,35).

Why did her appearance change so drastically?

Reproduced below is a selection of recent tweets on Catholic Twitter on the subject of The Jab and The Lockdowns. None gives any of the heart-rending revelations of vaccine damage which we're mostly heard by now; they're reflecting on the damage Ardern and Co inflicted on their lives and livelihoods. 

Sorry about the obscenities but they're endemic on social media. Blame them on the state of education - or the lack of it - in the land of the Wrong White Crowd - "wrong" because our predominantly European Government by obliterating God has lost all sense of right.

On average, only 15% of people refused the COVID vaccine. 15% who had the courage to stand firm, think for themselves, and say f***k no!  

That 15% showed real strength and conviction, staying true to their values!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I f***king admire the unvaccinated!


You’re the most courageous group of individuals. You held the line against a $1 trillion propaganda machine, and you told your family, your boss, and the government to f***k off! Be proud, my friend—you stood your ground like a f***king warrior.

There are still people out of work because they refused the Covid vax. I can see it ultimately leading to a class action against her and others in her Government & the NZ Health Department.


Don’t ever let those brain-dead zombies downplay your efforts with “I was forced, not everyone has a choice.” Some chose to comply, and some stood firm!

When the COVID pandemic hit, I lost my house, car, savings, and the skincare business I spent 10 years building day and night, which generated 1.2-1.8 million a year! A decade of relentless hard work, sacrifice, and dedication vanished overnight. But despite losing everything, I never compromised my principles, values or integrity. That was the price I paid to stay true to myself!


I don’t give a flying f***k if you took the vaccine to avoid arguments with family, societal pressure, to keep your stupid f***king job, or for a donut—you sold your soul. You had a price tag, and you sold yourself for that price!
If your price isn’t death, you’re for sale.

The unvaccinated lost everything, but we kept our honor, courage, and self-respect.
That’s why I trust the unvaccinated—because when history inevitably repeats itself, I know they’ll stand by me, unwavering, no matter what the government demands.

I was a first line healthcare worker who was unlawfully terminated because I saw during the second pandemic what those experimental COVID shots was doing to patients. No one really stood up for the unvaccinated when we were unlawfully terminated. My life was put in turmoil because the sheep didn’t stand with us and complied.


The healthcare professionals who hold a licence and were mandated who took that shot now want to get on social media and start crying about their illnesses. f***k them! They should have stood up instead of standing down. How many lives could have been saved if the healthcare workers that worked in the hospital, especially in the emergency room, stood together.


Instead, these people treated the unvaccinated healthcare workers like we were the disease. The grimy sh*t that they let go on toward the unvaccinated was disgusting and disgraceful.


Spent 8 months on an illegal “unpaid leave” from my company… Do not regret a second of it. I only wish that more people understood what a complete travesty that whole scam was…



I don't think most people realize how hard a choice it really was. I am UnTested as well as UnVaxxed! Not many people can say they are Untested and Unvaxxed.


I almost lost my 33 year career if the SCOTUS had not eliminated the mandate just 3 days prior to the mandate taking effect. Since then, my career has still gone down the drain, though. I am in a commission-only job where nearly all my referral sources turned their backs on me because of my stance. It sucks when doing the right thing is punished as I have been.


My husband and I both lost our jobs refusing. I can’t tell you how stressful that was. Every cell in my body told me not to comply. I’ve walked away from nursing….so very disgusted and disappointed.

Our family (21 of us) was an unvaccinated island in an ocean of vaccinated sheep. We stood together. We challenged the school board, held our own worship service, did our own child Baptism. We did not bend or bow at the altar of COVID.

If you're told, take the jab or lose your job, is NOT voluntary. People have to work to support their families and pay bills!

That is not a choice.
They were coerced into doing something against their moral compass. I refused to take it. I refuse to take anything that I had to be bribed, coerced, threatened and bullied into!! Those are NOT choices. It’s BLACK MAIL.


No. Properly speaking it's coercion, as this tweet has already stated. Coercion involves force, whether physical, mental or spiritual (the latter being employed, to their everlasting shame, by the hierarchy and priests of the Catholic Church). Blackmail involves threats to reveal secret, compromising information known to the blackmailer.  

I was blessed to be able to take the hit on my business (cut my income just under half for the first two years; almost back to full speed ahead), but I chose not to take the jab because I honestly felt they had not done nearly enough research on the "vaccine".


Add to that, most of the reports/studies/findings I read during the first year of the covid claims had me convinced that the odds were very much in my favor to weather covid, should I get it, than to chance an upcoming "vaccine" that simply proved vastly unproven.


As far as the social impact is concerned, I was barely touched as my interests, for the most part, have always leaned towards solitary endeavors when not required to work in/near the public sphere; I enjoy hiking, camping, and playing my guitar and piano.
The most difficult aspect for me was, indeed, the psychological/sociological aspect that really showed me a country I really didn't know existed; people willing to have the powers of the state used to do harm to people that did not agree to be guinea pigs for the rampant greed of drug companies and politicians of any ilk.


I don't see my refusal to willingly take "the jab" as a badge of courage of any sort, but I do see my wilful decision to not do so as a doggedly studied and thoughtful choice; I've yet to regret making that choice.



Parable of the Wicked Servant (Domenico Fetti)

And his lord being angry, delivered him to the torturers until he paid all the debt. So also shall my heavenly Father do to you, if you forgive not every one his brother from your hearts

- Gospel, 21st Sunday after Pentecost



  1. They're just two pees from the same pod, why do you think Harry quit the whanau.
    Treasonous basstards.


  2. Murderers both of them for condoning her behaviour!!


  3. Cocaine has changed her appearance

    1. Diane Lovegrove, doing evil, doing drugs - the outcome is obvious.


  4. What's the punishment for treason again?

    1. Andy Dunn it should be death by hanging but in a society which denies God and truth, it's a gong.

  5. Joanne Bright yes, indeed. But truly she is to be greatly pitied. Christians must forgive her and pray for her



  7. Neville McTainsh13 October 2024 at 14:45

    Just leave the poor woman alone take up knitting and keep your biased opinions to yourself.


    1. Neville McTainsh, 'poor woman' indeed. But as a Catholic and a Christian I'm obliged to pray for her and also to speak the truth about her. There is no bias involved, for example, in citing her Abortion Law Act and the numbers of slaughtered citizens for which she is primarily responsible.


  8. worst prime minister ever


  9. Well dame jacinda will have that to comfort her when she is locked away for good - its coming.


  10. Yep the wicked web is being sowen before your eyes.
    This is the rich at work
    Great gig and they got it.

  11. Charlene Smithlin13 October 2024 at 14:58

    You forgot to add how she has bought NZ to its knees and all the racial sh,, that is going on

    1. Charlene Smithlin yes, I could have banged on ad nauseam but readers are already nauseated.


  12. Vatican audience hall has an eerie look about it so unsure if he's the guy to sort it out.

  13. Amo Tutengaehe-Ferris or as I suggest in the title of the post, an audience at His Majesty's Prison Belmarsh.


  14. No shame evil 1

  15. This is as bad as taking the drug lord to the Queens funeral … this woman knows no shame!!


  16. Its a disgrace to kiwis


  17. Off to the gallows !


  18. She's a freemason. They all are. All governments are infiltrated by masons. Hollywood. Big business. Vatican. They're luciferian.

  19. Riaan Van Schalkwyk13 October 2024 at 15:13

    I would like to see us break ties with the crown all together and same with Nato aka USA


  20. As I see it the Royals have gone down the toilet

  21. Just moved on up in the club of bought souls. Evil.


  22. Both are wef puppets


  23. Neither hold any weight anymore... let them wallow in their demise together... Cheers... B.


  24. This makes me sick to my stomach - how blimmin’ out of touch are the Royal family!?


  25. A tap on the shoulder from a King in waiting, means nothing to us.
    If that's what pushes her buttons, so be it. He has no idea - but even that doesn't surprise us!!!


  26. A total malevolent narcissist next to a puppet. His mother would be so disappointed in him


  27. He is neck deep in all this with involvement with WEF
    Don’t be fooled by appearances
    Birds of a feather

  28. Claire Simpson
    He’s part of the swamp sadly.


  29. If William does this ..he will fall from grace as assured.Wash that seat it's on...dropkick it out of the room...


  30. This evil b***** has got to be put in prison where she belongs! She's nothing but an entitled murderer i.m.o.


  31. lock her up


  32. What a disgrace, what about the NZ taxpayer funds she gifted to the Taliban to promote dialogue and advance their society in Afghanistan.......
    She should be deported to that country and forced to live amongst the harassed, beaten and abused woman now struggling for mere survival under this brutal regime she supported with our money and no accountability or consultation......


  33. Now now folks. Settle down. She is simply. A megalomaniac. Using what ever she can to further her self importantance.

    1. Dave Morris, using, unfortunately, the people of New Zealand to that end.


  34. I said this all along.. and Charles is nearing Australian people in a few hours.. they the people have rebelled

  35. Very interesting Rothschilds have breeders rights to the royals. William a Rothschild??


  36. You will find that the pope is the ringleader in all the global agenda!! The whole lot of them are in it together!!

    1. Alistair Wright it's simply Jorge Bergoglio who's a ringleader in the global agenda, not the pope. Because logically and for several reasons he's not the pope and never was.


  37. The mole can ponce around accepting accolades for fck knows what...but she'll never walk the streets of NZ again without an entourage of security...and rightly so!
