Thursday 17 October 2024


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Statue in Denmark at The Woman's Museum, renamed The Gender Museum.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity (DEI) are the personal guidelines for NZ Solicitor-General Una Jagose KC - whose guidelines issued for New Zealand's prosecutors ask that they take account of someone's Maoriness when deciding how to prosecute. Or even if they should prosecute. Prosecutors are asked to "think carefully about particular decisions where a person (victim or defendant) is Maori".

Jagose is steeped in DEI, as any cursory study of her career will reveal. And the image above, of a new statue in Denmark outside what was formerly The Woman's Museum, now renamed The Gender Museum, reveals where this inherently racist, delusive, collectivist ideology which originated with Karl Marx, is leading Western society. To its demise.

Not only are NZ prosecutors to take Maoriness into account, but they should "engage with tikanga'. Jagose and her collaborator, ex-Black Power member Eugene Ryder, make no mention of prosecutors engaging with Chinese culture, or Philippino or Korean. Of course there would rarely be any need to do so, and that should tell us something. It's not 'colonisation' but precisely decades of being patronised and spoiled silly that has disadvantaged Maori. They are a fine race with no need for babying.

Una Jagose KC, NZ Solicitor-General

What makes Jagose think she'll get away with this preposterously racist suggestion, that NZ's courts take ancestry (but only Maori ancestry, note) into account? Attorney-General Judith (Crusher) Collins has stated that, "I've made it plain that I have issues with any suggestion that ethnicity should play a part in prosecutions".

Ah, but Jagose is a public servant, and she's besotted with the public service. Educated at Sacred Heart Hamilton (1980-85), she evidently imbibed that tired old Novus Ordo shibboleth of "social justice" which is simply socialism in disguise. And with Dutschke's "long march through the institutions" now pretty well finished, New Zealand's elected government has a hard time operating as anything less socialist than its public service. Jagose clearly thinks she has the upper hand.

She like most New Zealanders is of "diverse" ethnicity herself. Her father was a Parsi Indian and her mother an Irish nurse. At Sacred Heart she should have been taught the virtues of humility and obedience but those are better learned in the Traditional Latin Mass, embedded as they are in a liturgy which is God-centred rather than man-centred as in the Novus Ordo which is all Jagose would have known.

Here's Sean Plunket interviewing Don Brash, former leader of National and of the Opposition, spokesman for Hobson's Pledge:

Sean Plunket: Here we have a Solicitor-General acting in connivance with a charity run by former gang member Eugene Ryder and the head (or one of the kaumatua) of Ngai Tahu, Mark Solomon, has formulated a racist set of guidelines for prosecutors in NZ. They should take account of someone's Maoriness when deciding how to prosecute or even if they should prosecute, or charge them with a crime.

This sort of thing has been going on in our health and justice systems for years. It is all based on Critical Race Theory and it has been done without our knowledge or democratic input. But this is a test of the new Government to see whether or not they let Jagose get away with this.
As outrageous as it is, these new guidelines, it's not really that surprising is it in the context of how NZ's government and bureaucracy has been changed in the past 20 years?

DB: Well it wouldn't be surprising were it not for the fact that we've had a change of Government. This kind of racial preference has been built into the public service for a long time: if you're Maori you shouldn't be prosecuted in the same way as another ethnicity. It wouldn't have been surprising in Ardern's Government or even the Coalition between Ardern and Winston Peters.

But it's astonishing it's taking place now, when this Government has mde it very clear indeed that the public service and the law courts must treat New Zealanders as New Zealanders irrrespective of ancestry.

SP: Jagose has to withdraw these guidelines or I can't see how she can keep her job, Don.

DB: That's right. She can't keep her job. - "I've made it plain that I have issues with any suggestion that ethnicity should play a part in prosecutions." Judith Collins, the attorney general, has been very consistent on this idea that we should be one people irrespective of ancestry and I'd be very surprised if she were relaxed about what the Solicitor-General has said.

SP: Still, David Seymour - I don't know, people get into government Don, and suddenly they've got their rules and their code of conduct, and I feel like he could have been more definitive and I think that New Zealanders voted for a Government that would be more definitive than Seymour was.

DB: I don't think anyone listening to that (interview with Seymour) would have thought that David was relaxed about what the Solicitor-General said, but as he pointed out he's a member of Cabinet now and he has to be careful what he says. But I don't doubt where his position is.

A surprising number of people have not heard about this. Hobson's Pledge has had some very strong reactions. People did not know about it and are pretty appalled, and so the Government will be under huge pressure to make a change. Which means either changing the solicitor general or getting her to backtrack.

SP: The mainstream media don't seem particularly interested though, Don.

DB: Too often the mainstream media ignore these issues completely and its a serious affront to our democracy, what the solicitor-general said. Apparently she's totally oblivious to what the Government's policy is.

That of course is an effect of pride. It blinds one.


SP: I wonder if this non-democratic administration, this revolution of our institutions, is now so embedded and expected by those who practise Critical Race Theory that they can't quite see why it shouldn't be business as usual for them.


DB: As you suggest, the public service indoctrinated with this partnership notion that the Treaty of Waitangi established a partnership which is absolute balderdash, but the Public Service has bought into it and makes it a headache for any elected government. (Redacted.) -

ACT leader David Seymour has labelled these guidelines 'disgraceful'.

"If New Zealand is based on anything, it's the simple idea that no matter who you are and how you're born, you get equal rights and a fair shot at life. It is absolutely un-Kiwi."

The Last Judgment (Michelangelo)

Let not the evil-mouthed be established in the land; misfortune will bring down the unjust to destruction
- Psalm 139, Vespers, Thursday




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