Tuesday 15 October 2024



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Ever been had? Bishop Michael Gielen of Christchurch should realise that only one person has benefited from his decree against the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (FSSR) and that person is the hard-left sympathiser, ex-Catholic, Paddy Gower. He's been crying into his pillow over his sacking by Newshub, for whom he produced the shoddy "Paddy Gower Has Issues"which Bishop Gielen adduces as the only evidence for telling tales to Rome. 

"Bishop Gielen has never read the report" of the Apostolic Visitation ordered by the Vatican in response to his request for 'guidance', following the Gower brouhaha. Or so the bishop claims in a reply to an email of protest from the Latin Mass Society of New Zealand. And we believe him. Had he read it, his conscience might have dictated that he should disobey the Vatican's 'recommendations'. 

And anyway whatever the Visitator's report might reveal, Gower, according to one source, is "an habitual looting socialist parasite" who has made a career of supporting left-wing causes, especially the tyrannical regime of 'Dame' Jacinda Ardern. His Tv production company received $3 million from the taxpayers (via NZ on Air) to make shows on the now defunct Newshub network.https://x.com/i/status/1838066828608000439 He secretly stalked Dr Jonie Girouard of Kaiapoi and dobbed her in for issuing tenuously justified vaccine exemption certificates; she lost her job and Gower boasted about it. The whining of a few malcontents in the FSSR community was grist to his political mill. https://juliadufresne.blogspot.com/2023/07/paddy-gowers-issues-with-monks-beat-up.html

Newshub fell in trust by almost 8% in the last year.

So going by +Gielen's reply to the Latin Mass Society, it's simply on 'evidence' supplied by this disaffected, hardline, foul-mouthed socialist that New Zealand's first and only home-grown religious order, the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer, was expelled from Christchurch and deprived of their priestly faculties.

Frs Michael Mary and Anthony Mary FSSR


Paddy Gower - whom would you believe?

This shameful incident is yet another illustration of the culture of effeminacy endemic in the Church today, affecting not only the faux Francis church but the entire Body of Christ. The Church has substituted Christ our Brother for God the Father, the result being clerical reluctance to assume the role of patriarchal authority which is proper to the ordained. It's the Novus Ordo effect.

Let no one suggest that Bishop Gielen had to obey Rome's diktat.  There is such a thing as false obedience, and this is what it looks like. St Peter said "We must obey God, not men"(Acts 5,29) and certainly not an antipope. 

Make no mistake, this is all about the Traditional Latin Mass, the Holy Eucharist which Satan hates and fears, and to defeat it he does not hesitate to make minions of the hierarchy. 

A bishop has three main responsibilities: to teach, to govern and to sanctify. Bishop Gielen has taught his flock that they may be deprived of Holy Mass on the word of a disaffected, hardline socialist. The bishop abrogated his responsibility to govern his diocese by ceding it to a corrupt hierarchy in the Vatican, and ultimately to an antipope. So that by failing to teach and to govern he has implicitly failed to sanctify his people.

Ah, but wouldn't you know it:

Theologians advising the Synod of Bishops have emphasised the need for diocesan bishops to adopt a more pastoral and collaborative leadership style and avoid a monarchical approach.

“The bishop is not the lord of the church, but the servant of the Lord, at the service of his community” Father Carlos María Galli, a Catholic University of Argentina professor, told synod participants and public members at a forum on October 9.

Isn't that just about what you'd expect from an academic talking to the Synod on Synodality? It's all about 'communidy' (as Jacinda used to say). We're all bishops now!  

Gower's new book


As a reader of this blog comments, re +Gielen's email:


"Are we expected to believe Bishop Gielen took the devastating action to close FSSR on a report he has not seen?  Are we expected to believe the implication that Bishop Gielen doesn't even know what the charges are against FSSR?"

"it was Bishop Michael’s duty to seek guidance from Rome". No!  It is his duty to provide leadership in a fair, just and Catholic manner.  He continues to do the opposite.


Under the circumstances we cannot "trust the Church’s guidance".


I hope LMSNZ will go back to Bishop Gielen and tell him to show leadership and respond properly, in a manner that restores "trust [in] the Church’s guidance" .  He and Rome are making a fool of Christ and His Church.


Pray and God help us.

And another reader states that, 

It appears that the Church has reached a point where secret accusations lead to secret investigations by the authorities, who make secret dossiers containing secret findings, where the punishments they recommend are then publicly applied.  

Looks like we skipped the Soviet show trials. But maybe the order of events has been shuffled and that's next." 

Gower's book comes with the blessing of the socialists at RNZ. Of course

So here is +Gielen's reply to the protest made by the Latin Mass Society of New Zealand: 


Dear Peter


Thank you for your email to Bishop Michael Gielen on behalf of those listed in your email.  Bishop Michael has read your email. 


It's nice not to have to take it for granted that a bishop would read an email from the Latin Mass Society of New Zealand.  


As you will appreciate the Bishop has received significant correspondence (sic) regarding this matter. Through the Bishops office he has dedicated significant extra resourcing to ensure correspondents were responded to.   Hopefully, you will appreciate in responding he has been limited with what can be stated, out of respect for the present canonical proceedings, as well as the privacy and confidentiality of all people and matters involved.


 There was quite a process leading up to the sanctions imposed by Bishop Michael. 


There we all were, imagining those sanctions were imposed by the Vatican ... 


When the exposé first appeared on ”Paddy Gower Has Issues” it was, obviously, a concern for the wider Church and faithful of our Diocese, not just those in the Latin Mass Community in Christchurch.  


It was not an 'exposé'. An expose  reveals facts, not insinuations, gossip and innuendo. 


The Media exposé raised serious allegations from a number of ex-members regarding the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer. These matters received significant national media coverage, online and through nationally televised news agencies.


They had significant national media coverage because they brought the Catholic Church into disrepute - once more. And allegations of unlawful exorcisms make such a refreshing change for the public, sated as they are with revelations of sexual abuse and sodomy in the Church. 


Following such allegations it was Bishop Michael’s duty to seek guidance from Rome. 


Why is it the 'duty' of a bishop to go running to Rome for 'guidance'? A bishop is ordained to govern his diocese, not to hide behind the skirts of the Vatican, especially not the post-conciliar, Novus Ordo, synodal Vatican of Francis church.  Furthermore, it was obviously not 'guidance' he sought but the diktat he duly received.

Rome appointed an Apostolic Visitation to independently look at the situation here in Christchurch. 

The Visitator was a respected retired bishop from Australia with canon lawyer expertise who specialises in Religious Institutes. 


The report of this Visitation was a confidential report sent directly to the Dicastery in Rome. Bishop Michael has never read the report.

This, we take it, is +Gielen's means of exonerating himself from any blame for banishment of the FSSR. He'd rather not know the contents of the report, lest his conscience might forbid him to obey its conclusions. 

Some time later the Dicastery in Rome sent its final recommendations to Bishop Michael, who duly followed their guidance. 


Through all correspondence Bishop Michael asked all petitioners to pray on this matter and trust the Church’s guidance. 


Why would any faithful Catholic trust a Church which elevates a publicly-known sodomite sympathiser like Fr Timothy Radcliffe O P to the cardinalate? 

Fake pope, fake cardinal, fake faith 


Bishop Michael did not make his decisions lightly and wanted the Latin Mass Community to still have a Mass in the extraordinary rite available to them on a Sunday.  This he has organized for 11am on Sundays in Kaiapoi. 


Bishop Gielen (this blog does not subscribe to the palsy-walsy Novus Ordo conceit of calling prelates and priests by their Christian name which is only a vain attempt to wish away the elevated status of the priesthood) may not realise, as a Novus Ordo celebrant himself, the love for the Traditional Latin Mass and the faith it imbues which impels TLM Massgoers to attend Holy Eucharist daily, if possible. One Sunday Mass 'in the extraordinary rite' (sic - note no caps) is but pitiful compensation.

Fr Isaiah from the Community of the Beatitudes has been celebrating these Masses and is available for other Sacraments as needed.  Reconciliation is available daily in most parish churches in the diocese. 

But what faithful adherent of the Mass of Ages would seek 'Reconciliation' from a Novus Ordo priest? Only if they were in mortal sin and realising the danger of hell's fire which judging by the numbers at 'Reconciliation' , the Ape church of Francis has forgotten.  


It is an unsettling time for all those involved,

 ... it is a terrible time for the Sons, for the Daughters and the Oratory community, deprived as they are by their own bishop of daily Mass and spiritual guidance ...                                                 t

and the FSSR clergy have every right to appeal the decision to Rome.  Bishop Michael is following this process also and awaits further guidance from Rome as to the outcome of the appeals.


In the meantime, we ask that people continue to pray and keep all parties in their prayers.


Wishing you a blessed day.


Christine Reed
Administration Assistant

D: 03 378 3647

391 Moorhouse Ave, PO Box 4544, Christchurch, New Zealand
03 366 9869 | cdoc.nz

The Transverberation of St Teresa

 “Let us do our part, and God will then do what He wills. This is God’s cause, and all will end well. My hope is in Him; do not be distressed”

- St Teresa of Jesus 


  1. Spot on!!!


  2. Sorry not laughing at comment only at the meme Tissues

  3. I am at a loss to understand Bishop Gielen's apparently inept handling of the FSSR affair.

    Gower found some disgruntled Catholics who wanted to criticise the Church. Every church has disgruntled members. After the media criticism Bishop Gielen and Rome had a chance to leverage the situation and create good. They should have shown resolute strength, publicly stuck up for the Church, affirmed its wonderful teachings and pastoral practices, and used the opportunity to invite new parishioners into the Church.

    Instead Bishop Gielen capitulated to the media, who celebrated with delight the destruction they had caused. By surrendering and trying to destroy FSSR and their faithful congregation, Bp Gielen handed the high ground to the secular forces who hate the Church.

    Surely the Church has the Holy Spirit and skilled communications staff who could have advised Bishop Gielen how to handle this situation more skilfully, and turn it into a gain for the Church, instead of a humiliating retreat.

    The Church has lost so much more than FSSR, it has lost the respect of the society it lives in.
