Friday 11 October 2024


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Fake pope, fake cardinal, fake faith

A reader of this blog wants to know who on earth is Fr Timothy Radcliffe O P, whom Antipope Francis has just elevated to the cardinalate. So here's his track record and it's beyond belief, execrable heresy.

This partly explains why faithful, traditional Catholics have to battle a pressing temptation to turn the photograph of Jorge Bergoglio in the church foyer to the wall. They feel nauseous, disgusted and appalled at the egregious insult to Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ by +Radcliffe's stated belief that "gay sexuality" (i.e. the foul sin of sodomy) ... in many ways ... can be expressive of Christ's self-gift". 

This is the sin of Lucifer: "Non serviam!" Bergoglio and his cohorts serve not God but themselves and Satan. That the so-called pope can appoint such a grievous public sinner as a prince of the Church is explicable only by realising that +Radcliffe - along with Cardinal Victor Fernandez, whose purple prose +Radcliffe emulates - is a prince only of the Ape church, of the conciliar, Novus Ordo, synodal Francis sect, which bears less resemblance to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church with every, ever sadder, day that passes.

At the risk of information overload on this man whom we'd much prefer not have mentioned at all, more evidence of his heinous theology can be found here:

And further light is shone on the murky, black depths of the Franciscan Vatican here:

On Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024, ‘Pope’ Francis revealed he will hold a consistory on Dec. 8 to create 21 new ‘cardinals’, 20 of whom will be eligible to vote in conclave to elect his successor.

“A number of the men tapped for the red hat have vocally supported Pope Francis’ controversial 2023 document Fiducia Supplicans – in which the blessing of homosexual and ‘irregular unions’ is sanctioned – as well as holding liberal positions on transgenderism”, Life Site reported on Oct. 9. Anyone who is surprised at this hasn’t been paying attention.


The following links are to news reports and commentaries on the latest batch of ‘cardinals:

 Rome Reports released a brief video clip on this:

 One cardinal-elect in particular deserves a special dishonorable mention: The Rev. Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. Since last year, the Dominican has been receiving a certain amount of attention in his role as the spiritual leader and retreat master of the ongoing Synod on Synodality.

The announcement of his pick as a ‘cardinal’ comes roughly two-and-a-half weeks after the official Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, published an article by Radcliffe in which the aging Dominican claimed that homosexual desire is created by God:

The false pope knows exactly whom he appoints to various roles and why.

The Modernist ‘Father’ Radcliffe has long been known as an outspoken supporter of homosexuality. In an article published on Jan. 23, 2023, the English Modernist rag The Tablet put it this way: “In 2015, [Radcliffe] was appointed as a consulter to the then Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and is known for his pastorally sensitive approach to gay and lesbian Catholics, including support for same-sex civil unions.”

Let’s look at some examples (we are indebted to information provided by Life Site for some of these finds).

  • We begin with an article from 2006, which reported on the English Dominican giving a lecture in Los Angeles:

    On the subject of the church and homosexuality, Radcliffe called for the church to “stand with” gay people.

    “We must accompany them as they discern what this means, letting our images be stretched open,” he said. “This means watching ‘Brokeback Mountain,’ reading gay novels, living with our gay friends and listening with them as they listen to the Lord.

    Even when we feel that gay people are moving in the wrong direction, he said, we must “walk with them.”(John L. Allen, Jr., “The Word from Rome”National Catholic Reporter, Apr. 7, 2006)

    Did you get that? According to ‘Fr.’ Radcliffe, you’re supposed to expose yourself to sexual filth — specifically the unnatural kind — out of compassion for, or solidarity with, sodomites. Because “walking together” and all that. Can we imagine the Dominican friar suggesting a similar course of action with regard to racists, for example? 

    But there’s more from the above-linked report: “Radcliffe called for compassion for various constituencies, including sexually abusing priests, whom he described as ‘the lepers of the modern church, the unclean whom we fear to touch’.” Maybe we’ll just leave that uncommented.

    In 2015, the Rev. Radcliffe said that homosexuals should not be banned from the priesthood; instead, “homophobes” should be. That is reminiscent of the Mexican Novus Ordo bishop José Raúl Vera López, also a Dominican. In 2013, Vera Lopez claimed that people who oppose homosexuality aren’t right in the head

    It will come as no surprise that Radcliffe values “creativity” over Tradition; and in 2012 he wrote that “committed love of people of the same sex … should be cherished and supported, which is why church leaders are slowly coming to support same-sex civil unions. The God of love can be present in every true love” (The Tablet, Mar. 10, 2012, p. 4). No doubt Radcliffe is an expert in immoral theology.

    Naturalism is everywhere in the Vatican II Sect, and its highest act of worship, the Novus Ordo Missae (‘New Mass’ of Paul VI), expresses that very well because it is mundane, pedestrian, commonplace, insipid.
    It is but a meal at a table, under felt banners, presided over by a liturgical social worker who prays to God in the same language with which he orders pizza. Wearing horrible vestments and giving trite homilies, his performance is accompanied by insufferable music. No wonder Radcliffe sees in this but the sacramental blessing of earthly “eating and drinking.”

    Indeed, there is nothing heavenly or supernatural about the “Eucharistic celebration” of the Vatican II religion — quite in contrast to the august Sacrifice of the Altar, the Holy Catholic Mass:

    Is the “New Mass” of Paul VI the true Roman Catholic Mass?

  • Let’s fast-forward to 2019. In his book Alive in God, Radcliffe relates:When I visited the noviciate [sic] of the English Dominicans in 1965, wondering whether this might be my life, I was delighted when one of the friars talked of how the sacraments bless the dramas of our physical life: birth and death, eating and drinking, sex and health. There is nothing ethereal about the sacramental life. It is down to earth, like our God.(Timothy Radcliffe, O.P., Alive in God: A Christian Imagination [London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019], pp. 281-282)

    A man who can assert something so stupid as there being “nothing ethereal” about the sacraments obviously has not the faintest idea about the supernatural life. His faulty observation reflects what is perhaps the main problem with the Novus Ordo religion: the loss of the supernatural.

    Perhaps we should mention that Radcliffe’s book Alive in God prominently features on its cover Henri Matisse’s 1910 painting Dance, which consists of five nude people, both male and female, dancing in a circle while holding hands. Incredibly edifying, isn’t it?

    Dance, by Henri Matisse

    That Radcliffe believes in the theory of (macro) evolution should go without saying, of course. In the same book, right after informing us of the supposed “down-to-earth-ness” of the sacraments, he writes:

    Through the millennia of evolution [the human body] became the embodiment of an openness to offer and receive love and so is a fit dwelling for Absolute Love. It is as if all those millennia of human evolution, as we became upright, able to look at each other eye to eye, our faces softening to become expressive of joy and sorrow, able to smile and laugh, our hands able to touch each other with sensitivity, all lead not just to us, homo sapiens, but to a fit home for the God who is love to be with us.(Radcliffe, Alive in God, pp. 282-283.)

    So the English Dominican believes that what determines one’s fitness for welcoming the Eternal God is the natural state of the body rather than the supernatural state of the soul. According to him, what makes God able to dwell in one is the ability to smile, to look someone in the eye, to touch another; rather than having an intellect to know God, illuminated by divine Faith, and a will to love Him, inflamed by divine charity, along with hope, which connects both.

    As Pope St. Pius X told us, for the Modernist theologian “God is immanent in man” (Encyclical Pascendi, n. 19), and that is apostasy. The distinction between nature and grace is practically obliterated in such a theology. There is no room for original sin, and consequently no need for a Redeemer. God dwells in all people in virtue of their humanity:

    “The feared stranger bears ‘the human form divine’, an image of God, whatever their faith or lack of it”, Radcliffe writes further (p. 283). The result of this false theology has been extremely visible in the ‘pontificate’ of Jorge Bergoglio, aka ‘Pope Francis’.

    Unfortunately, we have saved the worst for last. Some things are so awful and disgusting that one does not really know how to expose them in a modest way. Therefore, please receive our apologies in advance — we have no choice but to quote the actual words of this shameful Dominican. Prepare yourself for some sickening blasphemous ideas!

    The ideas are presented in an Anglican publication known informally as the “Pilling Report” (full text here). In 2013 Radcliffe had participated in a ecumenical working group on human sexuality, and the report summarizes what was discussed. In article n. 258, the publication relates that “Fr Radcliffe proposed a Eucharistic sexual ethic that started with Jesus’s gift of his body at the Last Supper”. For Radcliffe, “sexual intercourse [is] ‘mutual generosity’ – the complete gift of the body to the other person” (n. 259).

    But then the disgraceful theologian gets into homosexuality. The following words are given in quotation marks, meaning they were uttered verbatim by ‘Fr.’ Radcliffe:

    ‘How does all this bear on the question of gay sexuality? We cannot begin with the question of whether it is permitted or forbidden! We must ask what it means, and how far it is Eucharistic. Certainly it can be generous, vulnerable, tender, mutual and non-violent. So in many ways I think it can be expressive of Christ’s self-gift.’

    (Timothy Radcliffe, quoted in Report of the House of Bishops: Working Group on Human Sexuality [London: Church House Publishing, 2013], p. 77, n. 266.)

    As you reel at this shocking blasphemy, remember that in 2015 Francis appointed this individual to serve as a consultant to the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, has invited him to be retreat master to prepare numerous ‘Catholic bishops’ for two 3-week events in the Vatican (the Synod on Synodality) that are meant to shape the entire Novus Ordo Church going forward, and has now announced he will make him a ‘cardinal’ on December 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception! Bergoglio is practically spitting into the sacred countenances of Our Lord and Our Lady!

    The foul sin of sodomy, which is one of only four that cry to Heaven for vengeance, is gradually becoming more and more accepted in the Vatican II Church under ‘Pope’ Francis. Note well, we are talking about acceptance, not merely about toleration. Here are some examples with more information:

Fallen Angel (Alexandre Cabanel, detail)

St Michael, Archangel, defend us in the day of battle.
Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. 
May God restrain him, we humbly pray,
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
Cast down into hell Satan, and with him all the wicked spirits
who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.


  1. God detests sodomy as outlined in the Bible. The fact that it is being condoned by the Pope beggars belief.

    1. Neville Waugh yes it does beggar belief, even when we realise that Bergoglio is not the pope and never was.
      No true Christian in possession of the facts outlined in this post would wish to remain in his Novus Ordo sect - and how many true Christians does he hope to attract into the globalist World Church he seems to think will replace the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church?
      Like Lucifer and like Luther, he is blinded by the sin of pride and believes he will succeed in his rebellion against God.


  2. St Thomas Aquinas


  3. Did not the Cardinals receive advice from the Holy Spirit before picking Pope Francis? U probably support Herr Trump also !

    1. Thomas Deely cardinals in a state of serious sin and consequently not in a state of grace can receive no advice whatsoever from the Holy Spirit; they have turned their back to God (just as they do when celebrating the N O Mass). And even if they did receive advice from the Holy Spirit, the evidence is that they ignored it.
      And I certainly do support Trump; like the rest of us he's far from perfect but the alternative of Killer Kamala is a truly dreadful prospect. Just voting for your run-of-the-mill socialist is something no Catholic may contemplate. Read the papal encyclicals on Modernism and repent.

  4. Sharon Marie Affholter11 October 2024 at 14:03

    Remember he is just human a b d Bishop of Rome. It is the Seat of the Papacy that is sacred not the person sitting on it. Whom God speaks through in Encyclical letters which are infallible. It is the letter spoken that is the voice of God. God always uses imperfect vessels, Moses, Peter, etc.

    1. Oh my goodness dear Sharon, he is not the Bishop of Rome. He is not on the "Seat of the Papacy". He is not the pope and never has been. Just examine the evidence. Your faith is commendable but misplaced.

  5. Pat Standiford Stumpf11 October 2024 at 14:07

    Pray for the church. We know it will always triumph because Jesus was its founder but it is going through times of persecution from within as foretold.

  6. Lawrence Cresswell11 October 2024 at 14:11

    Don't know who these chumps serve but my God will have the final say


    1. Lawrence Cresswell they are demons 🤷🏻‍♂️and you’re right 🤔our lord will take care of the sinners 🙏

    2. Lawrence Cresswell yes, pray for the cleansing of the Church every day.


  7. Any church that doesn’t believe what’s written in the Bible should not warrant your attendance


  8. So many of my friends have abandoned catholicism.

    1. Norma Nicolle yes, and it seems that's exactly what Bergoglio and Co intend - to siphon them off into his N O, new World church.

  9. Judy Gill
    Leave Catholicism Julia. Perhaps look into Orthodoxy.

    1. Judy Gill thank you; I know you mean it kindly but you may as well advise me to stop breathing.

    2. I will never leave the Catholic Church because of the people who runs it. This is the time Catholics should bind themselves together. I wish some lay people would lead the way and make known to the Vatican people how most Catholics don’t like what this “pope and his cohorts” were doing. We should be able to make petitions against the “pope’s” cohorts.


  10. But without our money they can do nothing, defund them!

    1. Paul Casey the only problem with that is- if there is no money to maintain the parish churches, they will close them. Ours is on its last legs already. We will not get needed funds from the Bishops.

    2. Evelyn Milne it's only to be expected that NO parish churches will close. If that hastens the demise of the Novus Ordo, so be it. Going without reception of Our Lord in holy Communion is a heavy cross, but by increasing prayer and sacrifice it becomes a great blessing.

    3. Evelyn Milne I well understand this, but you will lose them anyway to the devil. This is exactly what happened to the Church of England. The Church is not a building. I say to them, replace the heretic "Pope" with a faithful one or starve.
      We cannot reward apostasy and expect a brighter tomorrow.

    4. Paul Casey, exactly! If only! A reader of this blog asked her N O husband to reduce their 'planned giving' by half but he ignored her.


  11. Our Lady told us it would happen we must say strong and say the rosary 🙏

    1. Deanna Maria Pierpont-Botts11 October 2024 at 21:50

      Donna Eggars Yes! Agree!

    2. Anthony Matuszak11 October 2024 at 21:51

      Donna Eggarsyes she did
      The decadence of men is not good 😞

  12. Deanna Maria Pierpont-Botts11 October 2024 at 21:52

    Quite honestly I have a very hard time even looking at this pope. It is as if my eyes are not meant to see him! It is odd! I shiver!
    Quite honestly I have a very hard time even looking at this pope. It is as if my eyes are not meant to see him! It is odd! I shiver!


  13. It is what we deserve. Hoping that this suffering will clear the path of the faithful to heaven.


  14. We're living the passion of the church. Easter Sunday follows Good Friday.


  15. I can’t believe that any Catholic, let alone supposed clergy can continue to accept and support our faithless and wicked leader. Francis is truly an Antipope and anyone who cannot recognize it after all the shame, heresy and insulting evil he has brought to Holy Mother Church needs to reevaluate their soul, The man is evil.m He supports mortal sin as though it were God’s guidance. He defies all holiness and claims only those who practice demonic rule. When will our clergy wake up and protect their flocks from this treachery praying for his conversion but guarding the souls God gave them to protect? You have to know their eternal salvation rests in your leading them to God, not allowing them to continue to be discarded to Satanic rule. FOR GOODNESS SAKE, WAKE UP YOU WHO GOD HAS BLESSED WITH THE DUTY TO SAVE SOULS! You cannot hide from your duty any longer!

  16. Peter Carsonator11 October 2024 at 22:00

    Never been any easier to choose sides…
    The mission from the beginning was to destroy the church and all of this is simply taking modernist thinking to its logical conclusion…


  17. This has not a been a good decade for the Church


  18. Is anyone surprised ? I’m not !🤬


  19. Sick. God, please call them home, yesterday!


  20. Radcliffe turns 80 in August 2025. Then he won't be eligible to vote in conclaves 😊


  21. On the positive side, because of the confusion and unorthodox decisions of this pope, many Catholics are waking up and learning about the faith/the truth. And that's very good.


  22. Thank you for the rundown on this person. Catholics need to know who gets positions of authority in the Church.


  23. He could be the next Pope sadly

  24. Anthony Matuszak11 October 2024 at 22:08

    This is the time to remain strong


  25. Francis is a globalist, and some globalists are Satanists…

  26. José Duarte Gamboa11 October 2024 at 22:09

    Poor Dominicans


  27. Do not judge lest you'll be judged. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone!


    1. Tania Buhagiar I'm afraid that mistaken interpretation of Scripture may be largely responsible for the triumph of the Modernists in the Jorge Bergoglio NO sect. Christ requires us to judge deeds. He forbids us to judge the doers of those deeds.


  28. Nothing surprises me about the level of antichrist behaviour from ghost pope. The RCCult is built on a foundation of lies, control, witchcraft, deceit, mysogeny and they are antiscriptual

    1. You sound like a troll. I'm surprised that your ignorant and bigoted comment was allowed on a group named for a Catholic priest (Fr John Corapi).

  29. Shirley Hootonwalker13 October 2024 at 01:50

    Bloody disgrace

  30. Murray Smith
    "Get out of her my people ...

  31. Beverley Bennett13 October 2024 at 01:52

    Beverley Bennett
    In my humble opinion, neither of them are Catholics.

  32. There is everything good about Christian values Julia, and nothing good about the Vatican.

    1. Paul Scott, sadly, I must agree. I can't think of anything good about the post-conciliar, N O, synodal Francis Vatican. But it will pass. "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph."


  33. Lawrence Cresswell they are demons 🤷🏻‍♂️and you’re right 🤔our lord will take care of the sinners 🙏

  34. Lawrence Cresswell yes, pray for the cleansing of the Church every day.


  35. Leave Catholicism Julia. Perhaps look into Orthodoxy.

    1. Judy Gill thank you; I know you mean it kindly but you may as well advise me to stop breathing.


  36. Julia du Fresne Church of England Julia? Everyone knows God is an Englishman


  37. Many Catholics are Jesus believing followers, and understand man is fallen and accepting they are sinners, and that Jesus death on the cross and resurrection paid the price for their sin, turning and following Jesus is the way to eternal life. Whatever church you belong to make sure they are preaching AND following the Bible the word of God. Otherwise leave that church.


  38. Wendy Holder, very good advice, to be followed especially by Catholics still attending the fake, post-conciliar, Novus Ordo Francis sect. Even though the antipope Bergoglio has made it so difficult, they must try to find a Traditional Latin Mass and return to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
    To ensure our eternal salvation we must make sure we belong to the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church founded by the Son of God.

  39. Gerry Cardinalli14 October 2024 at 17:30

    The Catholic system is satanic. End of.

    1. Gerry Cardinalli, you're brain-washed. If this FB group is into 'exposing lies' it should firstly expose the lies of Martin Luther and his myriad Protestant followers and their myriad churches, all blinded by pride.

    2. Gerry Cardinalli14 October 2024 at 17:32

      Julia du Fresne ... I have no interest in conversing with the perverted. Abused and gaslit by a priest I take it.

    3. Gerry Cardinalli, you take it incorrectly. All the priests I have known personally have been more or less holy men and the idea of them abusing anyone sexually is simply risible. Although I willingly admit that one or two have been rude to me, I take that as to be expected in the normal run of things. I probably provoked them ...

    4. Gerry Cardinalli15 October 2024 at 14:06

      Julia du Fresne ... contrary to your obvious belief... no-one likes the smell of burning martyr.

    5. Gerry Cardinalli - or that of tens of thousands of slaughtered peasants, perhaps, in the West Country in England. Or the sight of martyrs heads on pikes at the Tower of London. Shall I go on?
