Wednesday 9 October 2024


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PM Ardern and Able Rate Angus Dorahy cut the cake aboard HMNZS Manawanui.

Whatever possessed PM Luxon and Defence Minister Collins that they fell over themselves praising the commander of HMNS Manawanui for crashing a 100 million-dollar boat? Why not seize the opportunity to diss the previous Government and PM Jacinda Ardern, who bought the ship for far more than it was worth? Isn't that what pollies do?

Not when the commander in question is a woman "married" to another woman (who by all accounts was on board the ill-fated Manawanui). LGBTQII+ rules. There are too many votes in Diversity Equity and Inclusion, aka Didn't Earn It. Amoral politicians ignore DEI at their peril. 

Holding lives so cheap as to put incompetent women at the helm of naval vessels suggests  that our nation's wits are completely lost. Feminism has bred effeminacy in New Zealand men to such a degree that they are incapable of defending their own children (vide absent fathers and violent, even murderous fathers) let alone their country. Because we've spurned God the Father we lack the role model par excellence essential to true  nationhood and we won't regain it until we restore the true Social Kingship of Christ.

Anyway, to shed a little more light on this stupendous scandal of HMNZS Manawanui and her imported lesbian skipper, here's a braw Scot calling himself "I, Malcontent"  who produces plenty of reasons to be so, in an accent that lets him get away with being quite provocative, especially to women and most especially to lesbians. DEI Hire Crashes $100 Million Navy Ship (


"New Zealand loses its first naval ship to Sea since World War II."

Who's attacked them? Which country has declared war on the nation of Aotearoa?

Well it was one of their own - and more specifically it was the captain of the ship who ran the $100 million vessel into some rocks then bailed as it caught fire and eventually capsized. 

Let's look a wee bit deeper into this. Captain Yvonne Gray has become the poster child for the New Zealand Navy to show off how inclusive they are. The Navy boasts about the number of females they've been recruiting and placing into senior roles and Yvonne being a lesbian gives them another box to tick off. Being female and lesbian sounds like a good enough reason  to me to give her the keys to a $100 million ship. 

She had plenty of media  attention celebrating her rise to captain. " Yorkshire women takes command of Royal New Zealand Navy ship." 

So they got her from the UK. Okay, couldn't they have found a local lass in New Zealand to crash the ship?" Um well it turns out they already did that. Earlier this year Commander Fiona Jameson of the New Zealand Navy crashed her ship into a wharf back in May and here is Fiona and Yvonne together celebrating International women's day. The Boat Crashers' Club.

The Boat Crashers' Club

 No need to test for any competency. Let's celebrate that the Navy is now 27.4% female. Look at all those  medals on their chests.  I wonder what battles they fought for those accolades or if these are just participation trophies pinned to their tits?

The media machine quickly jumped into action, possibly at the request of New Zealand government or the Navy, to frame the incident as something positive. So many articles telling us that she saved lives. "Commander praised for saving lives." "The commanding officer whose order to abandon ship is being praised for saving lives." "Commander Yvonn Gray has been praised." "Commander credited with saving lives." "Captain's decision to abandon hmnzs manawanui saved lives.

Defence Minister Judith Collins said it was a sad day. It was a sad day for the Navy to lose a ship but the fact that no one lost their lives was a Triumph. So see, there you go, it's a Triumph. Turn your negatives into positives.  

Judith went on to say this could have been a truly terrible day. Now I'm not saying I could have done any better than her. I haven't been trained to captain or command a $100 million Navy ship. But if I had been trained and I crashed it, I'd call that a massive failure on my part. Imagine putting a bunch of people in danger, then when everyone luckily survives the danger and your nation is a $100 million poorer you get applauded as the hero in the situation. 

I'm predicting some future headlines on women crashing boats. Here's why that's a good thing: I came across this tweet by John Conrad who tries to make the argument that it's okay for women to crash $100-million ships, because they learn in different ways to men. It's part of their learning process. For real. The bar must be set that low for females. Ladies, do you buy into this?

If a male had done this he would have been crucified. And you know, his best line was losses are to be expected and that's okay because no one died. 

Am I attacking women? It might sound like it but I don't think I am. It's an attack on some women. Women who have no self-awareness and cannot see the limits of their own abilities. I agree that some women can do things that men can do but not all women, and clearly not a Yvonne Gray. Ladies I'm trying, I'm really trying to not be sexist. 

I think there are capable women out there, it's just that the the less than capable ones use identity politics to get ahead and then the capable women end up defending them out of some male versus female mindset. I've seen it for myself - highly competent woman being overlooked in favor of useless ones who spout all the DEI nonsense. 

It does seem seem like all our Western militaries are getting a bit weaker. When senior military positions are filled based on gender or sexuality or their trans status or color rather than on merit, then it's going to have consequences. Stronger nations are going to see this and eventually they'll attack. The kiwi Defence Force certainly have their priorities upside down. 

It doesn't take much searching to find their media releases gushing over themselves because a woman got promoted. And they have a truly shocking LGBTQII+ "Inclusion Plan' which manipulates all staff, and particular their senior staff, into submission. 

One example being that anyone who expresses homophobia or transphobia should be disciplined, and managers are encouraged to show support by wearing rainbow lanyards. 

Now what do you think happens if a manager says that the lanyards are a bit silly or doesn't want to wear one? That's right, they get classed as a homophobe and will be disciplined.




  1. Wow!! Unbelievable

  2. I found an international survey that showed New Zealand citizens are now amongst the least likely to want to fight for their country. Is this DEI agenda (diversity, equity, inclusiveness) part of a plan to gut our armed forces, as well as sink our ships? Talking to defense staff, who are leaving in droves, the plan seems to be working.


  3. Don't forget adern also decided the govt would underwrite the insurance on the ship...guess who gets to pay for a new ship?...clue not the labor party...


  4. Was hoping not to see that tyrant again


  5. Thanks for this information.
    Whilst I don't have a problem with lesbians marrying other lesbians to pretend they are a man and a woman and additionally don't have a problem with the husband lesbian or the wife lesbian wanting to be a captain of a ship , I would much prefer however if either of these two bought their own ship to play captains and didn't expect the taxpayers to fund his her they them or whatever they are called today . It's going to be very interesting watching the embarrassment of the forthcoming court of enquiry and the resulting 20 lashes administered to the captain with a wet boot lace .........
    For a seafaring nation we have certainly lost our way unable to even get from one island to the other these days without incident...


  6. Question. “What ever possessed them?”
    Answer. Tyranny.. in the form of UN/WEF Global Governance…that’s what.


  7. My mate said he was trying to get hold of Jacinda, He needs some new teeth for his digger bucket and reckons teeth like that which have been lied through on millions of occasions would be real tough.


  8. Well ....the search for cracks and crevasses, probing and so on can be disorienting, even for the best including Luxon and Collins who have demonstrated a unique quality for such activities, therefore one must take into account the severity it produces on a lesbian captain.😂


  9. its all about an agenda and the process off washing money from the pockets of the people to pay for the mechanisim to achieve said agenda .Some people refere to "follow the money"to explain it.


  10. What got into them?
    The UN/WEF that’s what….right up their ar……..oh never mind. 😳

  11. Helena Nickerson9 October 2024 at 21:59

    They are all in it together. Covering up the mess caused by Jabcinda. Why is Jabcinda still representing NZ overseas, given that we have a new government- or is it?

  12. Sam Purdie
    Helena Nickerson Helen Clarke has been representing NZ for many years since her departure, no different.

    1. Chris Waring-Flood9 October 2024 at 22:02

      Sam Purdie Helen Clarke is in the same boat as Jabcinda a trator to NZ they're both globalists.


  13. Ship costs $140 million, not $100, the skipper got the job because not giving it to her may have shown discrimination! Send Jacinda the bill.


  14. I wonder how many back handers were involved in this purchase silly globalist puppets

  15. Chris Waring-Flood9 October 2024 at 22:18

    What was the real purpose of this boat & who paid for it, NZ can't afford to repair pot holes let alone pay millions for a ship like that.


  16. She's nothing but evil incarnate


  17. Smiling Assassin Savage. Should have used her for an Anchor.


  18. Bring back 'steering wheels' in all naval vessels. Did hackers programme alternative coordinates which resulted in another reef disaster?...


  19. You can drop the anchor - don't need power for that


  20. I think it was a mechanical problem that caused the grounding and subsequent sinking. Loss of power means no forward movement hence the ship is at the mercy of wind and currents . There isn't alot they could of done being so close to shore on the purposes of survey. When power stops it's all over
    I think it was a mechanical problem that caused the grounding and subsequent sinking. Loss of power means no forward movement hence the ship is at the mercy of wind and currents . There isn't alot they could of done being so close to shore on the purposes of survey. When power stops it's all over


    1. Wayne Greenwood trialing bio fuel ? Another failed experiment ?


    2. Wayne Greenwood I wonder if it was possibly an electrical problem hence the fire onboard. You would think a naval ship would have an Auxiliary motor of some sort.


    3. John Hieatt Probably only power generators, surprisingly it appears to only had 1 engine


    4. Wayne Greenwood crazy only having one motor.


  21. Left and right wing are wings of the same bird


  22. Laundering money and insurance scam (Irish stocktake) 👏 👏 well done 🥳 now that's a twofer if ever I saw one


  23. Ok his article had me laughing…love how he expressed exactly what he thinks

  24. Starry Light it would seem that on average hetero men crash fewer boats. Do click on the link and read the post to understand a little more about the way DEI is warping Kiwi society.


  25. Did it have anything to do with bio fuel and a tropical climate?


  26. Larry Fink is ALL about the DEI. Surely we all understand Luxon is firmly in the Blackrock pocket?


  27. They don't say or do anything because they are in on the whole thing also


  28. they are showing thier complete contempt for our nation


  29. I expect whatever happened here will very likely be kept quiet.


    1. Shane Speight ...of course it will. Small country small minds!!


  30. Let this be a lesson to not use people with a rainbow history.


  31. Shouldn’t have praised anyone till they find out the cause or may have egg on face.


  32. Me think queer fuel. Biofuel a contributing factor in the HMNS Manawatu sinking.


  33. Everything the evil Ardern touched failed.


  34. Yep.…it looks a bit like a Labour Party diversity hire coming home to roost…….
    A…“SURVEY”…ship running a-ground?…think about it.


  35. What it was that "possessed PM Luxon and Minister Collins that they fell over themselves praising the commander of HMNS Manawanui" is probably that they already have some knowledge of how it is that the ship ended up on the reef and that the cause is not a reflection on the captain. My speculation is that the cause was probably electrical problems which shut down the main engines. I would go further and suggest it was probably a switchboard fire. By all accounts the captain seems to have done all the right things at the right times and praise may well be warranted. I expect we will eventually find out.


  36. Nz is seriously f##ked 😂😂😂


  37. Unless the skipper was away from the bridge getting down on one of the female crew at the time, her sexuality should have nothing to do with it.
    Same as if it was a gay male captain

    Unless the skipper was away from the bridge getting down on one of the female crew at the time, her sexuality should have nothing to do with it.
    Same as if it was a gay male captain

    1. Raewyn Coulter, as the post explains (if you click on the link), it's odds-on that Gray got the job because she ticked the DEI boxes. As you say, same as if it were a gay male captain. It's woke, it's warped, and it's WRONG.


    2. Raewyn Coulter correct sexuality should have nothing to do with it BUT these Marxists are placed in positions they don't have the skills for and to them money and power is all that counts and she should never have been permitted to have her wife on board with her while she is in such a lucrative position and if she does and the shit hits the fan and it ends up costing the New Zealand public mega millions then she deserves whatever is thrown at her
      It just highlights how programmed some kiwis are that they would prefer to defend gays rigg5s than see the situation as it
      is. Most gays are horrified with what had happened

    3. Colleen Synott, as the post explains, DEI likely had a lot to do with it. DEI picks, like Marxists, "are placed in positions they don't have the skills for". DEI originated with Marxism.

    4. Willy Harding
      Raewyn Coulter I'm with you m8 , unless her sexuality had some to do with the sinking we don't need to know ? When bluebridgh or interislander f up the news don't tell what sexuality the skipper is

    5. Willy Harding as the post explains, her homosexuality could have had a lot to do with it. DEI picks, like Marxists, "are placed in positions they don't have the skills for". DEI originated with Marxism. If the Bluebridge or Interislander crashed under the command of a gay male I bet the media would bang on about it.


  38. The boat sank because they gave it a maori name


  39. It's excruciating that luxo doesn't work the balls to speak up on behalf of the nation
    We need to all become Maori lesbians with little skills
    ANTIFA isn't confined to race or sexual orientation
    Some of the most appalling Maori activists are snowy white but are enjoying a front row seat on the gravy train
    This captain should have stayed on the gravy train because she was not suitable for this poor ship and she has brought us all down with the ship but we will be left to pay the price just as every aspect of New Zealand society
    Please speak up against this bs while you still can because it has gone on for too long
    Nothing has changed with luxo and this proves it
    We need a prime minister who can hold wokesters to account not congratulate them


  40. Least we forget.
    Mega incompetence somewhere in the chain of command, for sure.
    There's the hitting the reef in a ship specially designed to scan the sea floor.
    Then there's the failure to turn the lights out and the motor off, which over heated, causing the fire - which sealed the fate of the $100m ship.
    My guess is that without the fire NZ may still have the ship. Battered but recoverable. Shouldn't a few men have stayed to fight the flames, or simply optimized recovery.
    It would be interesting know how the captain was and is regarded by the crew.

    1. Tony Randall, insightful comment. Sounds like the poor woman panicked.

  41. Andrew Duncan Bell11 October 2024 at 14:17

    perhaps to get some perspective on the craziness happening today we could look at our past for some contextual comparisons from ancient source texts, we are going through a slow reveal as the truth is a shocker according to ancient Greek texts that record even more ancient text.
    The Abrahamic religions are called to account and the court is in session

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  43. Starry Light No, the point is the skipper was not up to the job, but to not promoting her may have shown discrimination because she is a lesbian,

  44. Correspondence on this post is closed.
