Thursday 13 June 2024



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Andrew Cuomo repeats infamous ‘who cares?’ line on nursing home COVID deaths in congressional interview

How are we feeling about Winston Peters now? Especially if we voted him in to Parliament? What IS he doing, handing over $1million of hard-earned Kiwi cash to UNRWA, and believing 'assurances' from UN Secretary-General Guterres?

There we all were, thinking Winnie wasn't born yesterday. Which he wasn't, he's 78 which is old enough to know better. If he believes Guterres and the United Nations he might believe that Drs Fauci and Bloomfield are good guys and that Covid started in a wet market in Wuhan and the Pfizer v^x has prevented 'tens of thousands' of deaths, just like Jacinda said it would. 

But cheer up; in spite of - or because of - his status as ex-presidential convicted felon, Donald Trump's campaign raised $141million in May. And like Winston Peters and Joe Biden, Antipope Francis is losing credibility every day. And there's a senate hearing on Excess Deaths in Australia as we speak. And with his latest broadside at wokeness and snowflakes, ex-broadcaster Lindsay Perigo will make you laugh.

Read on.

Perigo's Perspective, Paul Brennan Breakfast, Reality Check Radio, Thurs June 13, 2024


I begin today with a disgusting announcement. It's by Winston Peters, and was called disgusting by Cam Slater, ordinarily a fan of Winston Peters. Here's the announcement:


New Zealand will be making its annual payment of $1 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) on schedule and in coming days. This follows careful consideration of the UN’s response - including th[o]rough external & internal investigations - to serious allegations against certain UNRWA staff being involved in the 7 October terrorist attacks on Israel. It also reflects assurances received from the UN Secretary-General about remedial work underway to enhance UNRWA’s neutrality.



Naama Levy has been since 250 days in Hamas captivity.

The announcement set off a maelstrom on Winston's X page. A handful of people whose first names were Mohammed said things like "Thank you & well done New Zealand." They would say that, wouldn't they? UNRWA is a Ham Ass proxy. Most comments ripped into Winston:


Or we could spend that money on cancer drugs for our own citizens. 


Why did you accept the assurances of the UN secretary general?

UNRWA is a proven terrorist wallet by proxy. I can't believe that my tax is paying for this. What a scam.


What an absolute shocker…how embarrassing…the UN is openly corrupt and WE can’t, or don’t want to, see it…


The problem with this statement is “assurances from the UN Secretary General”. The UN is not our friend, and Guterres even less so.


Hamas thanks you for your kind donation.


They live in luxury in Qatar. Guarantee they'll be skimming the cream of this. Might 'only' be a million. But they'll take every penny they can. Their top 3 leaders have an accumulated fortune of $12b USD. Donations like this are exactly why.


I agree with Cameron Slater that this announcement was disgusting. The bit about "thorough internal and external investigations by the UN" is of course, bulls**t, and Winston knows it, about as credible as an investigation by al Qaeda into 9/11.

This  has inspired me to create a new award. We have our Freedom Award and our Laughing Policeman Award - today I bring you ... the Bulls**t Award. Let me explain its origin. Just the other day Orange Man Bad, Orange the Magnificent, President Convicted Felon, delivered a speech at Turning Point USA in Arizona, the first since that bulls**t  felony conviction in the bulls**t Stalinist show trial. He got onto Beijing Biden's open border, via which more than 10 million illegals have invaded in the last four years, and Biden's pretend effort to close it.    Trump  10.24  "But first I want"  to  11.55   "Bulls**t! Bulls**t! Bullsh**t!"


I heard that and thought, "Can't let that go to waste. There's an award in there for the ages."


So, upon Winston Peters and his ""thorough internal and external UN inquiries, I bestow the Perigo Perspective's first Bulls**t Award.    Trump  11,49  to  11.55   "Bulls**t! Bulls**t! Bulls**t!"


Meanwhile, we await Mr Peters' congratulations to the Israeli Defence Force on its heroic rescuing of four hostages held by Ham Ass. And we wait ... and wait ....




One comment on Winston's disgusting announcement caught my eye in particular. It was from anti-jab hero Matt Shelton:


Calm down all, it's only a small fraction of the money already wasted on the whitewashing c19 inquiry, designed to hide the mayhem done to the nation.



And I realised with a sinking heart that Winston's capitulation to the UN probably portends a reiteration of the Coalition's Globalist credentials generally ... beholden to the UN, the WHO, the World Economic Forum and the Davos Diabolists. We probably won't be ripping up the Pandemic Treaty, closing our borders to Jihadis, calling bulls**t on Zero Emissions, and we probably won't see a bringing to justice of the Mengelian Marxists who brought us the Wuhan genocide. People who wanted these things got Winston over the line. Has he betrayed them already? It would be par for the course.


If only we had one MP like Congresswoman Majorie Taylor Green. Just listen to her going after Filthy Fauci:   MTG Fauci   01.42  "Mr Fauci, you also represent ..."  to 3.51  "and he belongs in prison."


Please, President Orange, Convicted Felon, pick Marjorie Taylor Green as your running mate! MTG for VP!


Let us take take heart also from Nigel Farage, seeking to retrieve Britain from Britonistan, creaming all comers in televised debates:

·   Nigel  6.33   "Frankly it's making us poorer"  .. to 7.05." benefits for everyone! Lovely!"


Nigel Farage, who has kissed and made up with Tommy Robinson, who organised this YOOOOOOGE rally to rescue London from Ham Ass. The jeering you will hear is for Nancy Peolosi, Beijing Biden the Bribed Bastard, father of a deservedly convicted felon, Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama; the cheers are for ... the convicted felon!   Tommy  0.03  "I'm going to show you some more images now ..." to 1.30  "to save the West."


Then there's Geert Wilders' Freedom Party, dominant in the new Coalition government in the Netherlands, committed to closing borders and building nuclear power plants! The Shoplifters Party here should like that! That's the way to go if you're a brainwashed zombie-moron who thinks CO2 is bad. Go nuclear!


While in France, Greece, Italy and Germany, humanity is re-asserting itself over savagery in the nick of time. Just look at those European Parliament election results!


But here, we have this:  Rawiri the Barbarian  3.27   "That is a cheek ..."  to 4.41   "That's our business."


Speaker Brownlee, show balls, not blubber! Take Te Paaaaaati Apaaaaaatheid at its word. With that excrement they have violated the oath they took when being sworn in. Suspend them immediately without pay! Coalition, if you want to prove you're not just the Uniparty all over again, expel Te Paaaaaaati Apaaaaaaaaatheid ... and abolish the Maori seats forthwith!


also self-explanatory 


Call bulls**t on them, as Paul Henry did so splendidly at the ACT conference.:

·  Paul Henry  3.56  "I'm an environmentalist"  to   4.21 "infiltrate our systems and lives."


ACT, if you want to crush National and New Zealand First, let alone Hard Labour, the Shoplifters' Party and Te Paaaaati Apaaaaatheid, we need to hear speeches like that INSIDE Parliament. Paul Henry for Prime Minister!


As you know, I like to conclude every Perspective with a suitable piece of music from the great classics of the greatest civilisation ever. We've had plenty of the likes of Puccini and Beethoven and Tchaik and Rach and Gershwin; today I think it just has to be someone unassailably and unapologetically ... English:   Nimrod  0.50 to end







  1. Winnie should stay close to his base. We do not support WEF, UN, NWO, WHO or anything to do with the control freaks

  2. What is the issue with giving a $million to UNRWA?
    At least 37,232 Palestinians have been killed and 85,037 wounded in Israel's attacks on Gaza since October 7. This is an IDF genocide, and they need all the help they can get. This is NOT a Hamas controlled organistaion. I'm really sick of the pro Israeli rhetoric. The Israeli's are doing far, far more harm than even the Hamas are. The IDF is a terrorist organisation. They are holding Palestinian hostages, and torturing them.

    1. The trouble is a $1million here, $20 million last month to some other irrelevant country...and so it goes on.
      WHO gives these egotistical Ministers the right to throw our, the taxpayers money around...... all to gain 'brownie points'....look at meeting!!!
      This govt and the last govt are the most corrupt and self-serving governments in my 70 years on this earth!!!!
      ...I have nothing but disdain and contemp for the dodgy types warming the sears of parliament.

  3. Karanna Enting14 June 2024 at 00:35

    in New Zealand they're still pushing the death shot.

  4. Winston Peters is the cleverest con politician in NZ.They used him to get Ardern in and don't think for one minute he didn't know what he was doing.and again with Luxon ..He is a pit viper.A good very bad guy.Smoke in mirrors specialist.

    1. yep, wouldn't trust a career politician like him

  5. All politicians knew what was going on they all NEED TO GO ALL TARRED WITH THE SAME BRUSH

  6. Peters is basically a lawyer so he does what he feels he wants to do. He should never be in parliament as has made himself a prominent figure and one to be listened to but it always comes down to the bottom line,money!

  7. Jacqueline Biggs14 June 2024 at 00:44

    Nz is still signed up to many UN agreements. Its our governments response not one particular person's and Winston is a member of the government not the government.

    1. Peters isn't merely a member of the Government, but one of the Coalition's three leaders. And he must know that much of the support base which got him over the line are opposed to NZ's involvement with the UN, WEF, DAVOS and globalists generally.

    2. I think most people are more concerned with improving our economy first and at present the coalition is working well and I wouldn't like to see it fracture into partisanship. Fix our economy and partisan legal system first. We can't fight anything from a place of poverty and compromised legal system.

  8. Wars & division is/are created by those in power with narcissistic egostitic belief in themselves only. The rest of us are simply collateral damage to feed their power!

  9. Cruden MacSader14 June 2024 at 15:56

    Only a moron trusts Winston.

  10. Is that more effective than just providing a link to the post?

  11. Celia Joy Baunton15 June 2024 at 22:07

    keeping us in a place of poverty keeps us from questioning what is really happening 😢 It’s how we have been ruled for centuries!

    1. Jacqueline Biggs15 June 2024 at 22:08

      the halcyon days of post ww2 up to the 80s are but a distant memory when a wage was enough to buy a house and even save a little.

    2. Celia Joy Baunton15 June 2024 at 22:09

      Are government doesn’t care about our health

  12. Just like you Julia, millions of concerned Kiwis have their reservations about this lot..... "The WORST of a Bad Bunch....?" When we consider that they are the Product of a totally Corrupt MSM....?
