Wednesday 19 June 2024



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Antipope Francis and Cardinal Arthur Roche  

It has to happen. After Antipope Francis' Traditionis Custodes the Vatican thought the Traditional Latin Mass was dead. But it won't lie down.

The Antipope's handlers in Davos are not pleased. As satan's henchmen they know they can ignore the Novus Ordo Missae as harmless - or more likely helpful - to their cause. But the Mass of Ages, the Usus Antiquior or the Tridentine Mass, as it's variously known after 2000+ years of its existence, is the greatest obstacle they face to the establishment of their fiendish New World Order. 

This is rumour-mongering of the holy sort. You may have a policy of ignoring 'gossip' and mostly you'd be right to do so. But when we hear news like this from a source like Rorate Caeli (with OnePeterFive and Lifesitenews chiming in) it's a call to prayer, sacrifice and penance which faithful Catholics ignore at risk to their immortal soul.


Why is Francis cancelling the Latin Mass?

Dear readers,

Once again, as at least twice in the past (before the crackdown on the Franciscans of the Immaculate, and in the twelve months leading up to Traditionis Custodes), Rorate Caeli is sad to be the first bearer of grave, heavy, and persistent rumors coming from the circles close to Cardinal Roche and to the liturgical warriors close to Casa Santa Marta in Rome.

An attempt is being made to implement, as soon as possible, a Vatican document with a stringent, radical, and final solution banning the Traditional Latin Mass. The same ideologues who imposed Traditionis Custodes and its implementation, and who are still frustrated with its apparently slow results, especially in the United States and France, want to ban it and shut it down everywhere and immediately. They want to do it while Francis is still in power. They want to make it as wide, final, and irreversible as possible.

These rumors come from the most credible sources,* in different continents, and we urge you to take them as seriously as possible, and do what you can in your station, as laity, priests, bishops, cardinals, religious men and women, to prevent the ban from becoming a concrete measure.

Can we stop it from happening? Yes, we can: by prayer, sacrifice, penance -- and influence and pressure, of whatever sort we can manage to put forward. The enemy is strong, but Our Lord and Our Lady are mightier.

When we have further information that can be made public, we will let you know.


Churching of Women after Childbirth - just one of the Catholic traditions lost along with the TLM

*Note: What we can say is that these rumors come from the very same sources that revealed to Rorate that the Vatican had sent out a survey to bishops on Summorum Pontificum (in preparation for what would become Traditionis Custodes), and Rorate was the first source to post this; and the very same sources who first revealed that a document like Traditionis Custodes would come (and Rorate was also the first to reveal it at the time). With the addition of other credible sources who have now mentioned the same present rumors and whom Rorate was not acquainted with at the time of Traditionis custodes, and who now corroborate the persistent rumors.


Without a doubt, Rorate is a credible and trusted source for this important news. And the recommended actions can never be too frequently recommended. We can prevent bad things from happening to our TLMs by prayer, penance and whatever influence we can muster on our priests and bishops.

The most important part of our spiritual preparation for whatever comes next is twofold: 1.) to study the lives of our Trad godfathers, who endured much worse times than these (and probably worse than what comes next – have you heard of the 1970s?). These Trad godfathers are the ones we publish here at OnePeterFive. For a look into the crusading spirit of our Trad godfathers, listen to Fr. Charles Murray, who laughs at the enemies of Christ and their filth in the 1970s:

The second thing is contained in our founding passing from 1 Peter 5: Be you humbled therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in the time of visitation (I Pet. v. 6).

The fact is, the Catholic response to evil is the virtue of patience – to suffer evils well. In order to do this, we must consider that the wrath of God is being poured out upon us for our sins. We simply do not deserve to have the TLM. But God deserves it, and our children deserve it. So let us be purified by the wrath of God, and beg His mercy, so that we may know again His loving-kindness in the ancient rites of our forefathers. As the apostolic Roman Rite says in the collect of Thursday after Ash Wednesday:

O God who by sin art offended and by penance appeased, graciously regard the prayers of thy people making supplication to thee, and turn away the scourge of thy wrath, which for our sins we deserve.

Stay tuned for a Trad roundtable discussion on this critical moment since Traditionis Custodes tomorrow:

T. S. Flanders

St. Gregory Barbarigo

Timothy S. Flanders earned a BA in Greek and Latin from Grand Valley State University in 2010 with special studies in history, writing and Arabic. As a result of his studies, he converted from Protestantism to Eastern Orthodoxy and began working in education among ages Kindergarten to adult. He then pursued a Masters’ Degree in Christian history and theology with the Catholic University of Ukraine. In 2013, as a result of further searching, he converted to Roman Catholicism shortly after Pope Francis was elected. In 2019 he founded The Meaning of Catholic, a lay apostolate dedicated to uniting Catholics against the enemies of Holy Church. In 2021, he became the editor-in-chief of the online journal, OnePeterFive. He is the author of three books: Introduction to the Holy Bible for Traditional CatholicsCity of God versus City of Man: The Battles of the Church from Antiquity to the Present and When the Gates of Hell Prevail: What Catholics Do in Dark Times, as well as a forthcoming book about Eastern Orthodoxy, published by St. Paul Center. He lives in Michigan with his wife and six children. Is the Vatican About to Destroy the TLM Once and for All? - OnePeterFive

St Padre Pio (1887 – 1968) offered the Traditional Latin Mass during his entire priesthood. The first stigmatized Catholic priest, who bore the stigmata for 50 years, Padre Pio, who died in 1968, never offered the New Mass, created in 1969. He kept celebrating the Traditional Latin                                  Mass till the end of his saintly life. 


  1. Persimmon Hill Antiques19 June 2024 at 15:16

    Who cares anymore ( Rome has lost the faith). Hold fast to the holy traditions given to you!

    1. Yes, Rome has lost the faith and has become the Ape church prophesied by Ven Fulton Sheen. The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church now resides in the Traditional Latin Mass movement. Francis has no power to cancel the Latin Mass.

  2. Rumors are like those who spread them. Better off ignored.

    1. Absolutely not. 'Rumours' like this from a source like Regina Caeli need our response with prayer, sacrifice and penance to avert their realisation.

    2. Gossip. That is a sin. If you aren’t already in prayer, sacrificing, and conducting penance for the church and the holy father then you are doing something wrong.

    3. You may call it gossip, which is indeed a sin. But this is not gossip, which “without objectively valid reason, discloses another’s faults and failings to persons who did not know them” (CCC 2477)."
      The reason for the post is to alert Catholics to a specific reason for prayer, sacrifice and penance which is sufficiently grave to spur them on to greater efforts (and so come closer to Christ).

    4. Constance Henry19 June 2024 at 16:01

      Not good. Not good at all.

    5. Do we have anything aside from rumors such as citations or quotes from anyone? If so then please let me know but like i said, “if you aren’t already in prayer, sacrificing, and conducting penance for the church and the holy father then you are doing something wrong.”

    6. The post comes from Rorate Caeli, from the very same sources that revealed to Rorate that the Vatican had sent out a survey to bishops on Summorum Pontificum (in preparation for what would become Traditionis Custodes), and Rorate was the first source to post this; and the very same sources who first revealed that a document like Traditionis Custodes would come (and Rorate was also the first to reveal it at the time)." Rorate is backed up by OnePeterFive and Lifesitenews but of course you are free to ignore them too.

    7. I literally just read the article by them and there are no quotations nor are there any indications that they acknowledge whomever is giving them this information. Without proof it is all just rumors.
      Now I must ask, am I wrong?

  3. Yes, my post quoted Rorate's article in full. A good journalist never reveals his sources. If he did he very soon would have no sources.

  4. Probably fake news. I'll believe it when it comes from somewhere official not social media.

  5. The internationally respected website Rorate Caeli doesn't do fake news. As the post states, these 'rumours' come from the very same sources that revealed to Rorate that the Vatican had sent out a survey to bishops on Summorum Pontificum (in preparation for what would become Traditionis Custodes), and Rorate was the first source to post this; and the very same sources who first revealed that a document like Traditionis Custodes would come (and Rorate was also the first to reveal it at the time)>
    The rumours are corroborated by OnePeterFive, LifeSiteNews and one othe website (so far).

  6. Pope Francis is so far removed from reality he does not understand that closing the TLM officially will only make it stronger. If closed it will go underground, in living rooms and garages. Holy priests will say the TLM anyway. People will drive for hours every Sunday for their faith. SSPX will get a further boost too.

  7. Pathetic...ridiculous post.
