Thursday 23 May 2024


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Israeli Defence Forces women soldiers kidnapped by Hamas

After enduring 60 Minutes of what could politely be called humbug from antipope Francis, Lindsay Perigo's views on Israel and Hamas comes across not so much as a breath of fresh air, more of a Force Eight gale of forthright, funny candour.

Not that the invasion of Israel on October 7 is anything to be funny about. But Perigo and these images from that day - which likely were never published by New Zealand's MSM - are an antidote to the antisemitic, pro-Palestinian propaganda such as overheard tonight from TV One Spews by a reader of this blog who doesn't always manage to escape it. 

 And before anyone starts, this page is not pro-Israel. And that's not because the Jews crucified Christ. No. This post is in the interests of fairness and balance, and a reminder to all the Green Party keffiyeh wearers and would-be 'encampers' at Auckland University that it was Hamas who started it. 

First, today's update:

Families of several kidnapped Israeli Defense Forces soldiers have released a video of their missing loved ones in an effort to put pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has repeatedly rejected agreements for their release.

The footage, which shows several women bound and bloodied, was originally released by Hamas, and was edited by the IDF before being given to the Hostages and Missing Families Forum.


An Israeli woman abducted by Hamas, October 7

And now, Perigo: 


I expect everyone has heard about Queers for Palestine and been perplexed  as to why queers would want to show solidarity with those who would execute them. This queer was even more perplexed to hear about an event held by a group called Palestinians for Queers, until he learned it took place on the roof of a tall building.


The famously queer Douglas Murray whom I greatly admire has been sounding off on the incongruity of Gays for Gaza.   Douglas Murray  Beginning to "welcome to Hell."  



Bodies at the Nova music festival


The sleep of reason produces monsters,  and that is no more apparent than in the deeds of Ham Ass and those who support them. Listen to this unhinged professor - yes, a professor, tenured - as she's being arrested on campus at Irvine, California, where mindless Woke students, professors and paid agitators had set up an encampment and were refusing to disperse.   Beginning to 1.07  "If the students don't have a future."   Unhinged professor.


Explaining why the police had been called in, the University Chancellor said, "The latest campus-specific and systemwide demands made by our encampers and their counterparts across the University of California attempted to dictate that anyone who disagreed with them must conform to their opinions. ...  their assault on the academic freedom rights of our faculty and the free speech rights of faculty and students was appalling."


Well, that doesn't sound like the Woke-Fascists at all, now does it?!


On the matter at hand, just so we're clear: Genocide is what the bestial butchers of Ham Ass perpetrated on October 7. Ongoing genocide is what Ham Ass and Iran propose for Jews and Israel. "Every day will be October 7 for you."   


Israel's pursuit of Ham Ass, its scrupulous efforts to minimise civilian casualties in spite of Ham Ass's evil use of civilians as human shields, are not genocide. Don't believe the phoney casualty statistics supplied by Ham Ass and repeated by gullible toadies. Hell, even Beijing Biden, stooge of  Iran, isn't calling it genocide ... at least, not to Jewish audiences.



Photos of burned babies were posted to Israel's PM Netanyahu

.   5.35  "Let me be clear   " to 6.06  "is not genocide - we reject that."


"Remember the 7th of October! That will happen not one more time, not five more times, not 10 more times, not 100 more times, not 1000 more times, but 10,000 times! 7th October is going to be every day for you."


Ladies and gentlemen, that is genocide!


Would that the zealous theocrats, the mullahs and ayatollahs who spawn that sort of stuff could chill out a bit. More helicopter rides, perhaps?.


Bret Stephens, an opinion writer for the New York Times, opines as follows:


There used to be a sign (which, for all I know, is still there) somewhere in the C.I.A.’s headquarters that read, “Every day is Sept. 12.” It was placed there to remind the agency’s staffers that what they felt right after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 — the sense of outrage and purpose, of favoring initiative over caution, of taking nothing for granted — had to be the mind-set with which they arrived to work every day.


Israeli soldiers guarding two men shot dead by Hamas, October 7 


There ought to be a similar sign in every Jewish organization, synagogue and day school, and on the desks of anyone — Jewish or not — for whom the security and well-being of the Jews is a sacred calling: “Every day is Oct. 8.”


What was Oct. 8? It wasn’t just the day after the single greatest atrocity against Jews since the Holocaust, an atrocity whose details were impossible to miss because the perpetrators made sure to film them. It was the day when that atrocity was celebrated. Not just in places like Tehran, but also on the streets of Manhattan and on too many college campuses.

And it was the day in which, instead of it being universally denounced by institutional leaders, we began to see it often ignored or addressed in belated and carefully parsed statements of regret.


In the wake of the anti-Semitic hysteria that has raged all over the world since October 7, a video has resurfaced from 2010, of an exchange between Jewish author David Horowitz and an apologist for Ham Ass. It tells you all you need to know.    0.59   "Good evening" to 4.11  


If  Israel surrenders there will be more genocide as promised by Ham Ass; if Ham Ass surrenders, or better yet, is destroyed, there will be peace, and in one country at least, tall buildings will hold no terror for gays.


Count me in as a Queer for Israel!   4.08 - 6.50     You'll Never Walk Alone

 Perigo's Perspective, Paul Brennan Breakfast, Reality Check Radio, Thurs May 23, 2024




A menorah on a kibbutz windowsill after a deadly Hamas infiltration, October 17

May God have mercy on us, and bless us: may he cause the light of his countenance to shine upon us, and may he have mercy on us
-Psalm 66





  2. Palestinian civilians cheered on the kidnapping of 19 year old Naama Levy— her pants stained with blood from rape, her heels sliced open to prevent her from running, her hands tied behind her back so she could not resist.
    Today is her 225th day in Gaza.

  3. Shirley Hooton Walker24 May 2024 at 15:37

    Oh no roof top flying lesson didn't they know no gays are allowed oh well

  4. The Palmerston North Catholic Church seems to have taken a very polarised position on this. Palestinian activist Prof Mazin Qumsiyeh spoke at the diocesan center this Friday (he wore a keffiyeh and a Maori tiki). His presentation was smooth but predictably totally biased, blending in environmentalism and feminism. But, he deserved a chance to speak.

    Being such a polarised topic, surely a pro-Palestinian and a pro-Israel speaker should have shared the floor. I trust the Palmerston North Catholic Church will ensure there is synodal balance, and now invite a pro-Israel speaker.

  5. Daniell Ruatahe26 May 2024 at 18:16

    Is that not what catholic use to do !
    my kettle is blacker than lol

    1. Not to my knowledge is that ever what 'catholic use to do' (sic). But feel free to supply a reference to a credible source.

  6. Maureen Kibblewhite26 May 2024 at 18:18

    I would support jailing him for lying. In fact I would support the hanging of all those who forced an experimental jab on the world's population because their agenda is beyond sick.
