Saturday 11 May 2024



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"Crown the Witch". The catchphrase went viral on social media sites when 31-year-old Bambie Ray Robinson – known as “Bambie Thug” - made it into the Eurovision Song final. 

"My goal in life is to make everybody leave all the other religions and join witchcraft", said she. Robinson won support from Irish media and politicians, including Prime Minister Simon Harris. "Ireland salutes Bambie Thug," said he. 

Ireland's Bambie Thug was beaten by Switzerland's Nemo. But when once-holy Ireland voted by a landslide to legalise butchery of the unborn, Lucifer seized his opportunity for his take-over of the once-Catholic nation. Bambie Thug's "blood-spattered corporate Satanism" is a direct, diabolical consequence of the crime of abortion against Christ our King. What are Ireland's once-Catholic bishops going to do about it? Corporate exorcism and public Masses of Reparation are in order.

Taoiseach Simon Harris: "Ireland salutes Bambie Thug"

Bambie Thug says her aims are “to talk more about the occult and get people more familiar with it and make people stop being so judgy about witchcraft.” 

Her description of writing music sounds like a kind of demonic possession: “I can go into a vortex.  I completely channel. I just go somewhere else for ages and then just come out with the song. I sometimes don’t even remember writing something."

She says her aims are “to talk more about the occult and get people more familiar with it and make people stop being so judgy about witchcraft.”


“My goal in life is to make everybody leave all the other religions and join witchcraft,” Robinson stated.

 Robinson claims to be non-binary and describes her work as “Ouija pop,” with prominent and central aspects of satanic-inspired images, actions and symbols present throughout.

Robinson said “Bambie Thug is your witchy king antidote to the world”. Her openly satanic flagship song “Doomsday Blue” saw Robinson dressed in gothic attire, with devil horns and fake nails representing bishops’ crosiers. 

Overt satanic themes included Robinson’s makeup and lyrics featuring spells drawn from Harry Potter literature.

What did we say about Harry Potter, way back then? But claiming "I told you so" is never satisfying.  

At one point, Robinson stood in the center of an encircled pentagram while candles lit up as she waved her hand over them.

Her dance partner 's makeup resembled a demon while a mid-performance disrobing saw Robinson wear the transgender flag colors on a bikini, which she explained was to “shout from the rooftops about trans rights forever.”

Robinson ended with “Crown the Witch” in Gothic text on the screen behind her. She had the phrase tattooed on her face in Ongham script. Her original intention to have “Free Palestine” tattooed on her face was rejected.

The catchphrase “Crown the Witch” has since gone viral on social media sites, with Robinson winning notable support from the Irish media and numerous Irish politicians, including newly appointed Prime Minister Simon Harris.

The song is described by Eurovision as being “about the feeling of having your potential overlooked, an ode to the queer community.”

Robinson’s songs and music videos are notable for explicit content such as full nudity, heightened focus on sex, and direct links to the occult.

She professes to have practised “spells” since an early age. “My heritage is pagan and I practice witchcraft. I’m a goth b**ch.” 

Speaking in 2023, Robinson stated that the then-unreleased song “Doomsday Blue” is explicitly satanic. “I have a song called ‘Doomsday’ that isn’t out yet. I spoke tongues under the beat or we all speak backwards in songs or just hide spells in songs, using occult language as well. Or even like the ‘NECROMANCY’ song, that came from a spell.” 

Her description of writing music sounds like a kind of demonic possession: “I can go into a vortex.  I completely channel. I just go somewhere else for ages and then just come out with the song. I sometimes don’t even remember writing something."

She says her aims are “to talk more about the occult and get people more familiar with it and make people stop being so judgy about witchcraft.” 

“My goal in life is to make everybody leave all the other religions and join witchcraft,” Robinson stated.

Her rise to international prominence is completely unexpected given her very small number of songs and the fact that “Doomsday Blue” peaked at 37 on the Irish charts.

After Robinson performed “Doomsday Blue” on Irish TV in February, Father Declan McInerney of the Diocese of Galway, Kilmacduagh and Kilfenora excoriated the performance. In a viral homily, McInerney stated after viewing Robinson’s song that “we are finished. We are finished as a country.”Irish non-binary ‘witch’ makes Eurovision final with song aimed to ‘make everybody join witchcraft’ - LifeSite ( (redacted).


  1. Michael Watson11 May 2024 at 23:15

    Your post was good until you started propaganding against Russia's so called "invasion" and defending the state of Israel which no Catholic in right conscience can defend or promote. Claiming to oppose on evil but then to promote another is hypocrisy and yet another layer of double deception.
    As much as some of the Palestinians are far from innocent, Israel's indiscriminate bombing and killing of Palestinians (some of them Christians) in their homeland is naked aggression and genocide. No Catholic in right conscience can support or prolong the war in Ukraine either. Russia has been fighting in Ukraine to defend the ethnic Russian population in the southern and eastern Donbass regions of Ukraine which were historically Russian territories as they were being violently persecuted by the US puppet Zelensky regime which was installed by the US backed Maidan revolution in 2014.

    1. I stated that Russia invaded Ukraine. I believe that's simply a statement of fact. " Hamas attacked Israel and raped and mutilated Israeli women" is yet but another statement of fact. I had deleted a reference to genocide being inexcusable, for reasons of brevity (and because I prefer not to state the obvious).
      I do not support the war in Ukraine and did not imply as much. I'm familiar with the history you reference; I pray for Zelenskyy daily, mainly because I believe him to be evil.

    2. Michael Watson13 May 2024 at 14:58

      Ok I see, that's all good then. Thanks for the clarification. I apologise for the misunderstanding.

    3. Julia do you pray for Putin, too, or are dictators not evil?

    4. Yes as a matter of fact I do pray for Putin daily, in my Rosary.

    5. Michael Watson, why is it such a trend to be a Putin cuck in these Trad circles? It’s not even compatible with our faith.
      What if Mexico had a stronger military than us and decided to invade Texas to “protect its ethnic population,” would it be justified simply because it used to be part of Mexico? See how stupid that logic is? An invasion of a sovereign country is precisely that; an invasion. Regardless of how you justify it. So cringey.

    6. Michael Watson14 May 2024 at 13:44

      Why is it such a trend to be a Zelensky/US/western globalist cuck in Trad circles? That is most certainly not compatible with our faith.
      Turn it around. What if there was a large white American yankee population in Mexico and the US government invaded it to protect them if they were being persecuted? I guarantee you that is exactly what would happen if that situation were the case and there would pretty quickly be nothing left of Mexico by the time the US regime is finished with it.
      You see, there is one rule for the liberal democratic US & western nations where its ok for them to invade other people's countries under unjust & false pretexts (think Iraq) to spread librul demakrazi and another rule for non-democratic regimes & every other non-western nation who are condemned under any pretext whether just or not. How stupid & nonsensical is that logic? There is certainly no moral justification for double standards either. Now that is what you call cringy!
      Besides, Mexico doesn't need to militarily invade Texas to retake its originally coveted territories from the US anyway because the Mexican & Latino immigrants are retaking it themselves by simply walking over the porously guarded border illegally and repopulating them with their people thanks to Biden, the Democrats and the establishment Republicans in Congress.
      Disconnect yourself from the American TV & political establishment matrix. The truth shall set you free.

    7. Michael Watson, you really do not have all your historical facts straight.

  2. “For just as the days of Noah were, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For in those days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark. And they did not understand until the flood came and swept them all away
    Come Lord Jesus come

    1. Yes you are correct, these are the End Times & we have been given enough warning. The above performance was not a joke.
      We need to pray, ask for protection & be grateful to Jesus.
      Thank you for your comment

  3. Daniell Ruatahe11 May 2024 at 23:23

    Your beloved usrael promotes this stuff who owns Hellywood, an music industry ? Oh let me guess 🤔 they start with j end with w
    So stop your promotion of lies when you only tell half truths to push your lieing agenda. Stop the lies

    1. Israel is certainly not my "beloved". I had deleted a reference to genocide being inexcusable for reasons of brevity - and because I avoid as far as possible stating the obvious. I refuse to take sides on this issue and I pray for the residents of Gaza. Above all I would avoid anti-semitism and suggest you should too.

    2. Daniell Ruatahe12 May 2024 at 02:36

      jews are not semites no no such thing

    3. A semite is a "member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs" (Oxford Reference).

    4. Daniell Ruatahe14 May 2024 at 17:41

      they spoke Yiddish lol

    5. And what does that have to do with the price of fish?

    6. Daniell Ruatahe14 May 2024 at 17:43

      not semites

    7. Oxford Reference could employ you as an advisor.

    8. Daniell Ruatahe14 May 2024 at 20:17

      oh I new you would try on bring up that Zionist book lol

    9. Oxford Reference is the premier online reference product, spanning 25 different subject areas, bringing together 2 million digitized entries across Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions and Encyclopedias. It's not even a book, let alone Zionist.

    10. Daniell Ruatahe15 May 2024 at 15:51

      indoctrination is all about you Zionists

    11. Your conception of me as a Zionist is totally mistaken. In your own interests I urge you to review your ideas of other people in case they are just as wide of the mark.

    12. Daniell Ruatahe15 May 2024 at 16:18

      Christin/catholic all the same thing if one is further up che chain if not you are all separated by the ones further up

    13. I'm sorry but at this point I'll have to give up: I can't make sense of that comment.

  4. the whole thing was a total joke - loony lefties sliding down rabbit holes of insainity

    1. You're right about the insanity but I'm afraid the whole thing is anything but a joke.

  5. Yes on your text, horror at the artist pictured. Too many “sell their souls”, that is their Divine inheritance, as Bambie apparently did for success, fame , and $$$$. So much demonic influence in our world!

  6. Kylie Fergusson12 May 2024 at 19:04

    Catholics have always worshipped the enemy...the Pope is the son of perdition. ..his words....but then again all religions are man made and not of the creator 😉

    1. You're entitled to your Protestant brainwashing, but it does nobody any good.

    2. Kylie Fergusson, only one group pulling the strings and it ain't the Catholic Church as we have been led to believe. Having said that, the Christian Church as a whole has been bought and sold by the puppet masters. Who are they? Follow the shekels!

    3. Kylie Fergusson13 May 2024 at 01:12

      Catholics have always worshipped the enemy...the Pope is the son of perdition. ..his words....but then again all religions are man made and not of the creator

    4. You're entitled to your Protestant brainwashing, but it does nobody any good.

    5. Kylie Fergusson13 May 2024 at 01:15

      I'm not a protestant first of all...and second your eyes and use your brain lady the truth has been put right in front of you and you still wanna suckle at the teat of the whore of Babylon's deceit? ?? Guess you'll have to do this all over again till you find a brain cell 😂 I'm really trying to help you ....but you just can't see it...nor will you study and find yourself approved 😂 oh my stars....the cognitive dissonance to much for you???

    6. Where did you get that fundamentalist language if not from Protestantism? Can you name your religious affliation?

  7. Utter shite

  8. It's very far from being an act, isn't it? But many are blinded demonic possession to a degree, and are unwilling to take it seriously or see the implications, worldwide - which is why I posted on it twice. I don't think I've ever done that before.

  9. religion and secular authority killed our Lord Jesus. Jesus has been building His church since He rose in resurrection life, calling us, sanctifying us, by His life giving Spirit in our spirit, born anew, putting to death the UNprofitable works of the flesh. Religion still persecutes Jesus and won't stop until His return. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by Him.

    1. The Jews and the Romans killed Our Lord Jesus. WE killed Our Lord Jesus. To generalise from particulars as you do is a mistake. No one comes to the Father but by Him and His Church which supplies through her sacraments (instituted by Christ in the Gospel) the sanctifying grace with which to do so, and without which we cannot have eternal life.

    2. Well, someone had to kill Jesus. Otherwise He wouldn't be Our Redeemer.

  10. Can people not tell - just by looking at these images - so foul 🤮🤮something is seriously wrong with these human beings - sadly.

    1. Most people have been blinded by Satan to his M O of demonic possession. Even many in the Catholic Church, which still officially maintains a trained exorcist in every diocese, have been misled by the anodyne texts of the Novus Ordo into believing everything in the garden is rosy and we're all going to live happily ever after. The success of Bambie Thug in the once-Catholic nation of Ireland is proof of the devil's work. An Irish bishop had predicted that the referendum on whether or not to recognise the right to life of the child in the womb would be "a close vote". Blind, deaf and dumb.

  11. The vast majority of Irish people would not even have voted for this rubbish.
    These shows target girls and young woman.
    Remember the last time the media told us the population did something by a ‘landslide’……

  12. St. Patrick said the faith in Ireland would shrink to a few pockets of faithful followers. Then an explosion of faith in Northern Ireland would help the country go back to her Catholic faith. And the faith is growing in Protestant Ulster.

  13. Raewyn Coulter16 May 2024 at 23:06

    Think you need to look into what Israel has done to Palestine since it's inception.

    1. Lorraine Simpson16 May 2024 at 23:07

      it might pay to look into Pallywoid. You do know that Hamas lie. Why di you think other Muslim countries will not take these people. They dont behave. Have a look. Jordan, Egypt, Syria etc. Israel give out lots of warnings before they come in and attack. Hanas hold them as human shields and wont let them leave. Hamas have tunnels under hospitals, schools. Most if these peopld voted fod Hamas. Why do you think they have the Iron Dime. These oeople are cindtantly attacking Israel. Rickets arent for show. They want ti kill all Jews. They are tauht from a young age to hate Jews. They love playing the victim. Most people falk for their lies. If they would stop sending rockets, attacking innocent Israelis,, this would all stop. They wont. From the river to the sea means the extermination of the Jews. If you are not religious you wont get it.

    2. Raewyn Coulter16 May 2024 at 23:24

      if you focus on only Hamas or the IDF you have lost site of humanity.
      You have a rapist living in your street, does that mean everyone in your st should be jailed for rape?
      People are dieing because two factions are sqwabbling, Israel keeps poking and scream victim when hot back comes
      Plenty of Palestinians live in other arab states
