Wednesday 4 January 2023


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Traditionis Custodes broke Pope Benedict XVI's heart, says the Pope Emeritus' secretary Archbishop Georg Gänswein.

That being the case, why would any bishop want to obey Pope Francis? (Pace, all you who call the man an antipope - 'Pope Francis' sticks in our craw but we're stuck with him until God wills otherwise.)

Even the letter of the law (Canon 87) tells bishops they may legitimately dispense from particular or universal disciplinary laws - even those issued by the supreme authority of the Church. And if Traditionis Custodes broke a pope's heart, it would seem very much as if it offends against the spirit of the law as well. 

So if bishops hope to do God's will in all things - as we rightly assume they do - they will resist Francis and reinstate the Old Mass (Traditional Latin Mass) in their dioceses.

Regardless of what we may think about why Benedict didn’t say anything at the time to oppose the tyrannical motu proprio, this latest revelation prompts the question:  Why would any bishop feel obliged to obey an order which “broke Benedict’s heart” and which, according to his personal secretary, Benedict lamented as a massive abuse of power that could only harm the faith of young Catholics the world over?

Traditionis Custodes is an abomination and, especially after this startling revelation, no bishop in the world should have anything more to do with its implementation.

Here is the complete text of the interview with Archbishop

Interviewer: So,
Pope Benedict’s lifting of restrictions on celebrating the Extraordinary Form
of the Roman Rite according to the 1962 Missal did not last as long as he
intended. As Pope Emeritus, he was around to see the promulgation of Pope
Francis’ MOTU PROPRIO Traditionis Custodes. Was he disappointed?

Gänswein: It hit him pretty hard. I believe it broke Pope Benedict’s heart to
read the new MOTU PROPRIO, because his intention had been to help those who
simply found a home in the Missale Vetustum—to find inner peace, to find
liturgical peace—in order to draw them away from Marcel Lefebvre. And if you
think about how many centuries the old Mass was the source of spiritual life
and nourishment for many people including many saints, it’s impossible to
imagine that it no longer has anything to offer. And let’s not forget that many
young people—who were born long after the Second Vatican Council, andwho don’t

really grasp all the drama surrounding that council—that these young people,
knowing the new Mass, have nevertheless found a spiritual home, a spiritual
treasure in the old Mass as well. To take this treasure away from people …
well, I can’t say that I’m comfortable with that.
In a Youtube video some years ago, Bishop Bernard Fellay SSPX commented on a recent visit with Pope Benedict. He'd asked the Pope, "Why can't you do something about it (the state of the Church)?" Pope Benedict replied, "My power stops there"...and pointed at the door. The Pope told Bishop Fellay that he felt he "was in a cell"... prison.

As an aside (but relevant):
Bishop Fellay, head of the fraternity, enraged Jewish groups when he referred to Jews as enemies in December 2012: "Who, during that time, was the most opposed that the Church would recognize the Society? The enemies of the Church. The Jews, the Masons, the Modernists. 
... Claiming that Francis’s efforts to include divorcees and homosexuals in the church should be enough "to be scared to death", he explained: "The situation of the Church is a real disaster, and the present pope is making it 10,000 times worse."

Speaking of said disaster, a reader of this blog has this to say:

I just noted that Pope Francis is not offering the Roman Canon at Pope Benedict's funeral. I guess this makes the clearest signal possible that the last vestiges of Liturgical Beauty (being the Roman Canon in the New Order Mass) are being buried with Pope Benedict.



The mortal remains of Benedict XVI in the chapel of Mater Ecclesiae Convent

I can't imagine Pope Benedict's response to this as he was very much in favour of the first Eucharistic prayer. 

The powers to be have obviously been waiting for this moment to send such a significant signal. The Roman Canon is the name given to the first Eucharistic prayer. It has monumental importance for our Catholic faith because it is the longest, most formal prayer of Consecration, uniting the faithful explicitly with Our Lord's Passion and Resurrection. It unites us to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Apostles and Martyrs, John the Baptist, and the all the Saints. We beseech their company to grant us pardon from our sins through Our Lord. We acknowledge Our Lord as the Maker and Sanctifier of all good things, and thus by His doing, the bread and wine (the gifts) are changed to His Body and Blood.

We are reminded of the events of the Last Supper and are joined to the fathers of our faith, including Abraham and God's high priest, Melchizedek. It is clear that the Mass is a sacrifice, by the offering of a 'spotless victim'.   In this prayer, we remember those who have gone before us and we ask that God grant them a place of refreshment, light and peace (hence its suitability for a funeral one would think!). We hope in the mercies of Our Lord and we ask for a share in the fellowship of those same apostles, martyrs and saints.  

In the third Eucharistic Prayer almost all of this omitted, which is a scandal to our faith and the cause of so many of the faithful falling away. It is the type of Mass we become accustomed to in Palmerston North, and in my opinion, until someone can tell me otherwise, it is THE most serious thing that Pope Francis has so far done.

The implications of this, I think, are horrendous because, thinking of Cardinal John Dew and cleaning up liturgy and the grave misgivings we have about the brevity of the Mass and lack of devotio, he can now use Pope Francis' precedent of the third Eucharistic Prayer to remove what actually IS a a reflection of liturgy that is Beautiful, True, and Good within the Novus Ordo Mass.   

If you thought the removal of the extra prayers at the Latin Mass was bad enough, this is like burying the last vestige of beauty with Pope Benedict. At least, this is how I've perceived it today. Perhaps there is a good reason for the third Eucharistic prayer, but I'm yet to discover it. In my opinion, it sends a monumental signal to the world that formal Liturgy is officially on the way out. 

God help us!

St Elizabeth Ann Seton, convert and saint, on your feast day please pray for us

1 comment:

  1. I think Pope Benedict has had the final word, dont be disheartened.

    It seems most bishops around the world are rejecting Traditionis Custodes, most bishops dont want to be seen as cruel and out of touch with their congregations by shutting down the Latin Mass in their area

    I think Pope Francis has little power beyond his door, just like Pope Benedict. I believe most bishops (or bishops conferences) reject the authority of Pope Francis, they want to do their own thing, be their own Pope, make their own rules. Pope Francis survives superficially because he is devolving so much power to the bishops, he is probably little more than a figurehead now.

    Pope Benedict is a man of God. Pope Francis is a man of the world. God will always win in the end.
