Wednesday 7 July 2021


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At Palmerston North's Cathedral of the Holy Spirit  Fr Joe Grayland continues to busy himself with white-anting the Catholic Church. Helping him out in his ignoble ministry is Kate Bell who (God help us!) is the cathedral's catechist.

Kate Bell, theologian with 'a questioning faith' 

Bell, who describes herself as a theologian - but with 'a questioning faith' - wants "anything that authenticates, makes visible and validates women's ministry (to) help women take their rightful place in the Church." 

We'd love to help her out.

On 'Flashes of Insight' so-called,

Bell has a chat with 'fellow theologians Fiona Dyball, Elizabeth Young and Jo Ayers' about 'womenness' and how helpful it is that canon law has been changed and women are formally allowed into ministry as Lectors, Acolytes and Catechists. 

And who's hosting this cosy chat? None other than apostate Father Grayland in another promo for the 'heresy of heresies', of the modernism condemned by popes (but not the current occupier of the Seat of Peter who's the leading exponent, a past master of modernism).   

But hasn't Bell, for one, been calling herself a catechist for years? How come, when women as catechists were formally approved as catechists only this year - by the man who calls himself pope (but not Vicar of Christ, note).  

Bell's self-promotion is a symptom of her 'questioning faith' - which is an oxymoron if we ever heard one; faith is, first and foremost, belief and trust in Almighty God and His Church: and faith implies obedience. In this day and age it's necessary, unfortunately, to add, "obedience to God rather than men" (Acts 5:29). 

Ms Bell got to be a catechist by the time-honoured strategy of creep. Let the ambitious women in your parish get up to the lectern and do the readings; that'll keep them out of your hair, thinks your typical Novus Ordo parish priest. Don't make a song and dance about it, because it's not allowed; just let it happen. And then when the same women get ideas about 'Eucharistic Ministers' or catechising, just carry on; sooner or later the pope will give in and say it's okay.

Which Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Judas' man and ever obliging to apostates and idols, has now done. His next move, if God in His patience allows him time, will be to announce women may 'minister' as deaconesses. Just like the Anglicans. It's all in the Protestantizing 'Spirit of Vatican II'. 

Germany marks fake Deaconesses' Day (wishful thinking)

But hello; Bell does not want ministry to happen only when it is recognised.

“It’s the job of all of us to be involved,” she said. Like, 'if it feels good, do it. Now.'

So, Ms Bell, if it's the job of all of us to be involved, while you're at it, why not hear confessions?

Nah. She just wants to give homilies. For now. 

Not so, Ms Jo Ayers.She's from Auckland, she's a lecturer as well as a theologian, so she's much more on to it. You know, progressive and liberal, a real feminist who knows what's what. And what's what is that the institution of these ministries for women should be called “crumbs from the table” and “another layer of clericalism".

Ayers says she is looking for real power-sharing.

'Flashes of insight'? 'Slashes of incite', more like. Inciting ideas of power, not humility as modelled for us by all the saints without exception, above all by the Mother of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, who knew her role as a woman was to be the handmaid of the Lord, to raise her Son; who knew that God puts down the proud and exalts the lowly; who even in our day reminds us that "only the few are saved and the many are damned".

Let Father Grayland and his lady friends listen, instead of enjoying inciteful convos, to these words of Our Lord, as quoted by St Leonard of Port Maurice:

He addressed all of these present. He says to them: You ask Me if there are only few who are saved? Here is my answer: strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able Who is speaking here? It is the Son of God, Eternal Truth, who on another occasion says even more clearly, Many are called, but few are chosen. He does not say that all are called and that out of all men, few are chosen, but that many are called.

Which means, as Saint Gregory explains, that out of all men, many are called to the True Faith, but out of them few are saved. Brothers these are the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Are they clear? They are true. Tell me now if it is possible for you to have faith in your heart and not tremble.

When I hear Saint Chrysostom exclaiming with tears in his eyes.
Look higher still, and see the prelates of the Holy Church, pastors who have the charge of souls. Is the number of those who are saved among them greater than the number who are damned? 
Listen to Cantimpre’; he will relate an event to you, and may you draw the conclusions. There was a synod being held in Paris and a great number of prelates and pastors who had the charge of souls were in attendance.

The king and princes also came to add luster to that assembly by their presence. A famous preacher was invited to preach. While he was preparing his sermon, a horrible demon appeared to him and said, “ Lay your books aside. If you want to find a sermon that will be useful to these princes and prelates, content yourself with telling them on our part, ‘We the princes of darkness thank you, princes, prelates, and pastors of souls, that due to your negligence, the greater number of the faithful are damned; also, we are saving a reward for you for this favor when you shall be with us in Hell.”!
Woe to you who command others! If so many are damned by your fault, what will happen to you?

We the Princes of Darkness thank you, pastors of souls


  1. Sharon Crooks:
    As a reminder, during lockdown, Joe turned to be ‘one’ with the people, not to Our Lord, or the grace that He can obtain for us by offering the Holy Mass. His ungodly desire for human union with his flock provides more than a flash of insight into the type of character Joe is . He may be many things, but a shepherd, high in faith, and with due reverence for Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, he seems not! And perhaps rightly, he suggests in every newsletter that we should not ask for communion on the tongue. In all honesty we could rightly ask whether he is spiritually ‘fit’ to offer Our Lord period, providing as he does, all the evidence needed to see he makes a mockery of the catechism of the Catholic Church.

    1. I say:
      Like all of us, Fr Grayland can't change his personality but he can, in accord with the Divine Will and by divine grace, moderate it to the extent of becoming an 'alter Christus'.

      Brad Larsen:
      Sharon, the only solace here is that ‘Joe’ doesn’t believe in Consubstantiation and therefore most likely lacks the proper intent to confect the Eucharist at his ‘Masses’. People are only receiving unconsecrated hosts. How do I know he doesn’t believe this? He’s said so! Both at the seminary when I was there and since in public. And yet he’s a priest ‘in good standing’ with his superiors. Proof positive of how far the rot goes. I believe this happens in many places apart from the Cathedral of Palmerston North Diocese where he ‘ministers’ and in some strange way is possibly a defence of the Blessed Sacrament. It’s nonetheless a scandal but one which won’t be addressed until the Sacraments and the Church’s theology has been restored. ‘Instaurare omnia in Christo!’

  2. Sharon Crooks:
    I have heard many others also quote Joe’s explicit proclamations regarding his lack of faith and +Dew has been advised of these public admonitions, probably many times over, but like you rightly point out, the rot goes deep…
    Thanks for pointing out the silver lining in all this though!
    Joe seems like a nice character, is well spoken and though his writing seems confused and incoherent at times, he’s no stranger to putting pen to paper. What a blessing he could be to the Diocese if filled with Our Lord’s Holy Grace and moved to use his talents to advocate a return to orthodoxy.
