Friday 30 July 2021


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Minister Faafoi at a press conference - like a possum in the headlights

Today Ardern, Little&Co, Death Dealers to the Nation, have outdone themselves. They've introduced legislation banning conversion therapy. (TvOne reports that they're wanting to ban 'conversation therapy' and one has to wonder if that might be next on their agenda.) 

As with his preposterous plans for 'hate speech', Justice (what a joke) Minister Kris Fa-afoi has rushed into a space sacred to humanity, where even angels fear to tread. 

This is Government taking over God. Making the perversion of homosexuality normal.

“My body, my choice” doesn’t apply to homosexuals, according to this diabolical Government. Not even "My mind, my choice." Whatever will they try to ban next?

The Government is taking steps to fulfill its election promise of banning conversation therapy - today introducing a proposed law to ban the practice which tries to make a person change their sexual orientation or gender identity.

What kind of 'therapist' tries to 'make' a person change anything? A Marxist therapist, perhaps? Or a totalitarian therapist? 

It could see someone imprisoned for up to three years in jail for performing conversion therapy on someone under 18, and up to five years where it has caused serious harm, irrespective of age. 

And who will prove that 'serious harm', and how will it be proven? More grist to the legal mill. 

Justice Minister Kris Faafoi announced the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill today. 

He said it "aimed at ending conversion practices which don’t work, are widely discredited, and cause harm to rainbow communities and the wider community". 

Where are the facts, Minister, as opposed to your opinions?  

"Those who have experienced conversion practices talk about ongoing mental health distress, depression, shame and stigma, and even suicidal thoughts," Faafoi said. 

Some of those who have experienced this Labour/Green Government talk about ongoing mental health distress, depression, shame and stigma (for belonging to a nation which voted overwhelmingly for this Government) and even suicidal thoughts, and probably suicidal acts, Minister. But note, only some. Not all, as you imply for those who've experienced conversion therapy.

"Conversion practices have no place in modern New Zealand.

If you say so, Minister? 

"They are based on the false belief that any person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression is broken and in need of fixing."

You sound, Minister, like you've spent too much time in gay bars. 

The proposal makes it a criminal offence "to perform conversion practices on a child or young person aged under 18, or on someone with impaired decision-making capacity".

It's a proposal. A proposal doesn't make anything. It proposes. 

Someone performing conversation therapy on a person under 18 could receive punishment of up to three years in jail. 

Is it conversion therapy, or conversation therapy, Minister? Do make up your mind. 

A person could get up to five years in prison if they have performed conversion therapy on a person of any age and it has caused serious harm.

 Ah. You've made up your mind, Minister. Are you sure? 

It also would allow for civil redress.

To be considered conversion therapy, it must: "Be directed towards someone because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, and performed with the intention of changing or suppressing their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression".

"The Bill’s definition of conversion practice has been carefully designed to ensure health practitioners providing health services will not be captured; nor will people providing legitimate counselling, support and advice," Faafoi said. 

So health practitioners providing healthy conversion therapy services will not be captured, Minister? 

"General expressions of religious beliefs or principles about sexuality and gender will also not be captured."

Ah. But the general expressions of religious beliefs and so on that you don't capture under this Bill, you probably count on capturing under your hate speech Bill, Minister? 

Green Party's Elizabeth Kerekere welcomed the proposed bill. 


Elizabeth Kerekere - clearly suffering from electric shock therapy

"Aotearoa should be a place where no matter who you love or how you identify, you are accepted, and no one should be allowed to force people to change who they are," she said. 

Does that mean that the Critical RaceTheory in modern schools is no longer acceptable? Because going by CRT, if you're white or Christian you must change to be accepted. (Perhaps we should explain that Dr Kerekere got her PhD by arguing that pre-colonial Māori were sexually experimental people who openly accepted gender and sexual fluidity.)

Labour announced its promise to ban conversion therapy in last year's election.

Calls to ban sexual orientation and gender conversion therapy came in 2018 after TVNZ's Sunday investigated therapy offering to "cure" people.

'Offering.' An interesting word, which means just what it says. Not 'forcing' - offering. 


       Max Tweedie, Green Party co-convenor. The black-out is Google's idea and not a bad one.


It revealed that conversion therapy in New Zealand was readily available.

'Revealed'. So was this 'conversion therapy' being done in secret, then? Did the therapists anticipate Minister Faafoi's brainstorm?

Labour MP Marja Lubeck had already introduced a Member's bill in 2018, after a 20,000-strong petition led by the Green and Labour youth wings was delivered to Parliament. It was never pulled from the ballot.

Earlier this year, the Green Party, fed up with the time it was taking the Government to ban conversion therapy, launched a petition for priority to be placed on outlawing the practice.

It received more than 157,000 signatures. National also gave its support to banning conversion therapy.

More evidence of the reason why we've got this Government: endemic, galloping lunacy. Only ACT is opposing this Bill, thereby consolidating its handy position as the de facto  Parliamentary Opposition. 

Faafoi said at the time the Government was aiming to have it banned by February 2022.

Shaneel Lal, who was a youth MP and had also been through conversion therapy, told Breakfast last year they were disappointed it had not yet been banned, after calling for a ban in Parliament back in 2019. 



Shaneel wears their own tapa ('their' is not a typo)

"Conversion therapy is not about 'praying the gay away', it's about psychologically and physically torturing the most vulnerable to death," Lal told Parliament at the time

Ah, the 'most vulnerable' who are pschologically and physically tortured to death are surely the unborn babies murdered in their mothers' womb or maybe a bit later, after being extracted alive and torn apart while their hearts are still beating, for sale of their organs to pharmaceutical companies, maybe for manufacturing vaccines. Isn't that so, Shaneel? 

No one is even thinking about forcing homosexuals to undergo therapy. And we're told we can choose to change our gender/sex/identity as often as we like. 

Ministry of Health figures put the average cost of male-to-female surgery at $53,382, with individual surgeries costing between $25,587 at their lowest up to $81,975. The costs for female-to-male surgery are higher, averaging $218,892, with a range of $45,169 to $525,034.

The New Zealand government has lifted a cap on gender reassignment surgery to address a 30-year plus waiting list. Under the previous government the state funded three male-to-female surgeries and one female-to-male every two years. The waiting list for around 100 people stretched into the decades.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and injustice of those men that detain the truth of God in injustice (Rom 1:18). 





  1. Our God reigns. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full on his wonderful face. And the things of the world will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace.

  2. Karen Latimer:
    The ventriloquist's puppet

  3. Sarah Oconnor:
    Fancy even doing this at daycare. How dare they push this on pre schoolers. How dare they.
    (Sarah Oconnor had posted on FB a photoshot of Ardern twittering, with a pic of a labcoat sporting a rainbow. Ardern's tweet read:
    'Jacinda Ardern is in Auckland, NZ
    Tonight’s agenda included writing a speech, preparing for a school opening, reading briefing papers for meetings and painting a rainbow on a lab coat for rainbow day at daycare - obviously.'

  4. Sarah Oconnor again:
    According to our government, you can now only have therapy encouraging homosexuality.
    Milo who himself has renounced his own homosexual behaviour is starting a therapy centre for others who want help.
    He has been overwhelmed with thousands of men wanting his help. Thousands.
    What this government wants to do is prevent people from having this option in the name of ‘kindness’, because the gay lobby globally does not want anyone to question their sexuality unless they are questioning being straight. Then it’s encouraged.

  5. I say:
    And of course, compared with straights, the gay lobby being unhindered by time- and money-wasting children has so much more time and money to spend pushing their egoistic ideology.

  6. It is irrational that the only conversion permitted is in the one direction the government approves of.

    Well, they say the devil is legalistic.

  7. Richard Frazer:
    The Government is a poor parent in many ways!

  8. Piripi Thomas:
    Kris Foofuu is a perfect fit for a ministerial position in this Gummint. Can't explain what the issue is or how it will be legislated/policed/enforced. He is the embodiment of the classical foofuu bird which flies about in ever-decreasing concentric circles until, ultimately, disappearing up its own foofuu. Shouldn't be long now!
