Monday 12 October 2020


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St Peter's Church, Wairoa


The tabernacle of  the beautiful little church of St Peter's Wairoa was stolen last week. (Wairoa, for you who live north of the Bombay Hills, is in Northern Hawke's Bay.)

Father announced the theft at Mass yesterday as "a tragedy," and asked us to pray for the people of Wairoa. 

It is certainly a tragedy and the people of Wairoa - who have good grounds to suspect the thieves live in their midst - but more particularly surely, the parish of St Peter's, certainly need prayer.  Parish priest Father Arthur Toothill said the tabernacle and bells also stolen were heavy and he believed more than one person would have been involved.

But the horrifying aspect of the crime is abuse of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. Presumably the tabernacle held a ciborium containing a number of consecrated Hosts, and the lunette and large Host exhibited in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. 

We can only pray it was bored school kids who stole these sacred objects, and not 'useful idiots' inspired by the wholesale desecration of churches and statues in the US by Black Lives Matter thugs, or malefactors who would offer the Hosts for sale for black Masses.

But it seems strange that children, apart from Massgoing children, would know of the existence of this tabernacle. 

Because in this image of St Peter's interior (above) there's no sign of a tabernacle. In the words of someone familiar with St Peter's it's "sort off to one side, out of sight", which would make it easier to steal or damage or otherwise desecrate without being seen. That's one of the reasons why the Church in Her wisdom stipulates that the tabernacle be clearly seen on entering the church.

But New Zealand's bishops, in their wisdom, have ordained that it's okay for tabernacles to be shunted aside, as something seemingly to be ashamed of - vide, St Mary's Taradale, Sacred Heart Hastings, and the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Palmerston North. The bishops' idea would seem to be making Catholic churches more acceptable to Protestants, but faithful Catholics wish their churches could be made more acceptable to Almighty God. 

And lest you're scoffing at the idea of Hosts being sold for black Masses, just last year the e-commerce company offered what the vendor claimed were “Real Catholic Hosts, consecrated by a priest.”  

The seller, calling himself “AL” and his business “Pentagora,” stated that the purpose of the nine Hosts was “to abuse for classic black fairs or black magic purposes.”
The Hosts, he said, were made and consecrated in Germany, and the listing indicated that they would be shipped from Germany.

LifeSiteNews contacted the vendor for evidence that the Hosts were indeed consecrated.

“Maybe you don't know, but to celebrate an authentic black mass, you have to be an ordained Catholic priest,” AL responded.
“There are a handful of priests in Germany who work in the satanic underground.
Unfortunately, I am not allowed to tell you more,” he continued.

" You don't have to believe me. The right people recognize me, that's all that matters.”

Beverly Stevens, editor of Regina Magazine, who lived in Germany for seven years, said
 “Catholic artifacts and sacred objects (in Germany) are routinely treated with the utmost disdain by the hierarchy and the elites they cater to ― so pretty predictable that this would spread to regular people.”

Stevens said she had seen sacred relics for sale in a Wiesbaden flea market.

“The seller thought it amusing that we Americans were horrified,” she recalled. “So the sale of consecrated hosts online for satanic worship purposes is completely predictable. I doubt whether Cardinal (Reinhard) Marx would bat an eye.”

It's obvious then that there is a most pressing need for concerned, faithful Catholics, not just in Wairoa but throughout New Zealand, to make reparation for this theft and the consequent desecration of the Blessed Sacrament. 

How quaint, Novus Ordo Catholics might think, who've been told there's nothing we can do to merit Heaven, and that 'holy people' might not make it. 

But Eucharistic reparation is a major theme of Fatima, whose message has been largely ignored by the Catholic hierarchy with the most devastating results, among them World War II. It was not Our Lady Herself - who showed three shepherd children a terrifying vision of Hell - but the Angel of Fatima who prepared the children for Her apparitions who has taught us, through them, to make reparation for abuses committed against our Lord in the Eucharist.

St Jacinta,left, and St Francisco, right, with Lucia (Lucy) whose canonisation is still pending, probably because she was an embarrassment to the hierarchy and was usurped by a fake

The angel taught them this prayer:

Most Holy Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly.  I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference with which He is offended.  By the infinite merits of His most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of You the conversion of poor sinners.
Then, as he was giving them Holy Communion, he spoke these words:  Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Make reparation for their crimes and console your God.”
Francisco ... would spend much of his remaining short time on earth praying before Jesus in the tabernacle in order to console Him and make reparation for the sins that so saddened Him.

Why make Eucharistic reparation?

While we make reparation for all sins when we sanctify our daily lives by offering our sufferings, Eucharistic reparation is done most efficaciously, although not exclusively, in the presence of the Holy Eucharist.

But wait on, isn't it those 'holy people' who make visits to the Blessed Sacrament that we're discouraged from emulating, because they're less likely to make it to Heaven? And why should they bother, when a priest tells them there's nothing they can do to merit Heaven - which is what Martin Luther taught and Protestants believe; that 'we're saved, Halleluiah! Amen!' No worries!

Second, its specific foci are the outrages, sacrileges and indifference, so offensive to Our Lord. 

What are the outrages? Some examples are the desecration that occurs when churches are sacked; the use of stolen Hosts in satanic rituals; sacrilegious communions repeatedly committed by public manifest sinners who support abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. 

What are the sacrileges? The reception of Holy Communion when not in a state of grace; failure to consume the Host immediately and discarding It later, or worse, giving It to others who have intent to desecrate It.

Indifference is most often manifest in ignoring Our Lord’s Real Presence – our failure to visit Him; our failure to acknowledge Him when passing by a church; our failure to reverence Him upon entering a church; and our failure to avail ourselves of chapels of perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.

We can also exhibit indifference when our reception of Holy Communion becomes a meaningless ritual act where we disregard the grace that God wants to give us.

We can offer Holy Communions in reparation for these outrages, sacrileges and indifference.

The astonishing thing about Communions of Reparation made in observance of the conditions requested by Our Lady is eternal salvation for the communicant. Anyone fulfilling the conditions can be sure of obtaining at the moment of death - even when in mortal sin - the graces they need for God's pardon and to avoid eternity in Hell.

Communions of Reparation will also convert sinners in danger of Hell. 

So mothers and fathers who fret over children conditioned by the NO and Proddy preaching, children who know no better so they've stopped going to Mass, and Catholics concerned for their priests and bishops - who are in much greater danger of Christ's judgment - can come to the rescue of those children and clergy by Communions of Reparation. 

The five conditions for Communions of Reparation:

  • On the first Saturday of five consecutive months
  • Receive Holy Communion
  • Say the Rosary 
  • Keep Our Lady company for fifteen minutes while meditating the mysteries of the Rosary 
  • Confess with the same intention (the confession can be made another day on condition of being in a state of grace whilst receiving Holy Communion).

We can visit Our Lord in any church anytime to make Eucharistic reparation. We can frequent a Eucharistic Adoration Chapel and console Our Lord.

But where are those Eucharistic Adoration chapels? In the whole of the PN Diocese I can't think of any, and just one I can think of in the Archdiocese of Wellington. That's because, I suppose, that Eucharistic Adoration chapels are so - well, you know, Catholic. 

We should pray the Angel’s Prayer often, especially when in Jesus’ presence.

At the close of each period of Eucharistic reparation, we should pray Most Holy Trinity I adore You, my God, my God, I love you in the Most Blessed Sacrament seven times. Why seven times? Because in scripture the number seven signifies completeness and/or Divine perfection.

May the Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament be praised, adored and loved with grateful affection at every moment in all the tabernacles of the world even until the end of time!  Amen.


  1. This appalling crime and sacrilege has not yet appeared in any New Zealand news medium that I can find.
    But imagine if some-one had pinched something from a mosque.

  2. It made the front page of -surprise surprise - the Wairoa Star. You're absolutely right: Ardern would have got her hajib out of storage and been photographed hugging 'the people of Wairoa'.

  3. Kevin de Lacy says:
    I'm no longer religious, Cuz, but, if I were, I'd be pretty confident that, should the sacred articles be used for anything apart from their original intention, any "consecration" would be nullified.
    Regardless, the thieves are dickheads!

    I say:
    Thanks Kevin, but the point is that those Hosts having been consecrated are, and remain until consumed dissolved or otherwise destroyed, the Real Presence of Jesus Christ, Body, Blood Soul and Divinity.

    1. I see no reverence in our churches. A disgrace. Deliberately planned by the liturgical forces underpinned by masonic theosophy.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Kevin de Lacy asks:
    By the power of God? It is not the priest or any human that trans-substantiates the hosts is it? It is God (or so I was taught). Therefore, He could reverse such substantiation.

    Adelie Reid says:
    He could... but the Host is now Jesus and It's Calvary ....

    I say:
    Adelie is right. Jesus chose to suffer and die for us, to save us from "the fires of Hell" and He chooses to do so still, suffering all kinds of sacrilege and outrage in the Blessed Sacrament, not least at the hands of evil priests.
    God gave us free will to choose evil. He is just; if we choose evil we will suffer the consequences - which incidentally is the reason why NZ now has to suffer the consequences, in the shape of an evil government, of choosing to kill babies up to birth.
    God will not undo or negate even our smallest choice for evil, exactly as He rewards even our smallest choice for good.
