Monday 19 October 2020


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Bow down, you 'useful idiots' who voted for Jacinda Ardern, bow down  before your new Godde. It's a while since you had a God and you noticed things were going wrong and subconsciously you missed Him.  So you've chosen Ardern to replace Him.

Look at this image of our Glorious Leader at her Election 2020 rally at the Auckland Town Hall on Saturday night. Frankly, it gives me the creeps. It hints of the occult or, with the placement of lighting booms, Masonic ceremonials and as we know, it was the Freemasons who paid for the degree in communications which taught Ardern how to tell lies so persuasively. There are echoes also of Robespierre's Cult of the Supreme Being and the French revolutionaries who were the prototypes for the neo-Marxists of the NZ Labour Party.  

I was in bed asleep at the time but a reader of this column notes, and the pic bears it out, that the whole election night production was choreographed to present a new Messiah - and with the whole world swooning at her feet, who knows if Ardern might not ascend to the throne of the New World Order? Pope Francis might have to step aside.

New Zealand had it coming. This chastisement of three years' hard Labour was presaged on March 24 2020, the Vigil of the Annunciation, when Parliament's legislation enabling massacre of our unborn innocents came into force.

Yesterday, when you'd think Catholics - specially Catholics in the farming sector, of whom there were several in the congregation - would be recoiling in horror at the prospect of three more years of neo-Marxist ms-government, Father treated us to a sermon straight off the back of Tutti Frutti (oops, pardon me, I should say Fratelli Tutti).

In his latest encyclical (I've lost count how many) the pope, in stating that "different religions ... witness to God", espouses the heresy of indifferentism. One can understand a parish priest approvingly quoting his pontiff, but then Father went on to quote "the Prime Minister last night", who complained of "so much antagonism" around the world.

Pardon me? Behold how effective a Masonic degree in comms can be. It pulls the wool over our eyes. Father doesn't notice the disconnect between Ardern complaining about antagonism and Ardern's antagonism towards the most vulnerable in our society, the unborn - and probably most in the congregation didn't either.

Ardern dispenses with reason, truth and logic and people don't notice. Or they don't care. Call them 'smiling zombies' or 'useful idiots' - it amounts to the same thing. Remember the nursery rhyme?

"Don’t care was made to care,

Don’t care was hung:

Don’t care was put in a pot

And boiled till he was done."

God will not be mocked. Yes, God is Mercy - the truth used to browbeat Catholics quite mercilessly for years now, in the Novus Ordo Church - but He is equally infinite Justice. I knew, that day in March, that New Zealand was in for it but hoped and prayed the coming chastisement might come in any other way, shape or form other than a Labour victory - and it may be a case of not only, but also. Who knows what more is in store?

It's not only abortion crying out to God for vengeance, it's the clarion call for killing the elderly and disabled and easy access to mind-altering drugs, it's same-sex 'marriage' with a poor old man described on telly as a 'widow', it's women selling themselves for  sex, it's LGBTQ+ (in schools, watch out!), gender-bendering, the insidious corruption of childhood by parents parading their little girls as sex objects in 'beauty contests' or a drag musical for kids ... 

Charli Bickerton, 11, gets her own drag makeover behind the scenes of The Glitter Garden
- and New Conservative's Elliot Ikilei gets clobbered by the msm for mentioning it

... it's the Kiwi obsession with food and wine, attested to by the 'uge (I use the epithet advisedly) proportion of overweight people (Judith Collins didn't get it all wrong) in the population which will overwhelm the hospital system and so expedite 'mercy killing' - I could go on. 

New Zealand has made its bed and will now lie on it, for at least another three years - or four as Labour and the other parties, having reached a rough consensus on a four-year term, would have it. 

New Zealand was once called Godzone, and it was. You might say we were spoiled rotten by God, and when spoiled children grow up, what do they do? They reject their parents or at the very least, neglect them. As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said in the '80s, "men have forgotten God".

New Zealand has rejected God's reward of Heaven; has forgotten His punishment of Purgatory and Hell, and for this Catholics should hold their priests, bishops and cardinal responsible; the priests, bishops and the cardinal who locked up our churches and deprived us of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Communion when our need for the Sacraments had never been greater, when they should have declared that the Catholic Church by divine right stands above the dictates of an atheistic government. 

You may say that the idea of a chastisement is so - well, old fashioned. So Old Testament. But God never changes and just as He willed that His Son would never compromise, but suffer throughout His 33 years on earth all the way to Calvary and so win us eternal life, God wills that we like His Son be made perfect by suffering. In no other way can we become an alter Christus, another Christ. 

So we abandon ourselves to the divine Will, and give God thanks for allowing us to suffer and so grow in perfection in this life. Rather that than in Purgatory! 

The readings for yesterday's Mass in the 1962 liturgical calendar, as read and preached so well at the Latin Mass at little St Columba's, Ashhurst were, as is so often the case, perfectly attuned to the 'brave new world' we woke up to.

The Introit: "All that Thou hast done to us, O Lord, Thou hast done in true judgement: because we have sinned against Thee, and we have not obeyed Thy commandments".

The Epistle: " ... The days are evil. Wherefore, become not unwise, but understanding what is the will of God ... giving thanks always for all things, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to God and the Father, being subject one to another in the fear of Christ."


  1. Maria Fischer says:
    Hard Labour indeed. And yes Jacindamania has made her many New Zealanders' Godde. She didn't get my vote.

  2. Philippa O'Neill says:
    Me neither Maria...

    Krauss Miles says:
    Life in NZ will become a Hell on earth.
    Life is NZ will become an Hell on earth.

    I say:
    I prefer to think of it as Purgatory. Or as St Teresa of Avila called it, way back when the Protestants were rebelling against the Church, "a night in a bad inn". There's perspective for you!

  3. Michael Fitzgibbon says:
    Just read your blog. You knocked it out of the park. Should be front page of all the papers.

  4. Leave your novus ordo parish. Tridentine only!
