Saturday 3 October 2020


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"I find myself unable, on principle, to vote for National. The only Party standing that I can vote for on principle is New Conservative (perhaps the Destiny Church’s party, but I don’t know a lot about them)."

This is a man who I suspect was once a National supporter (like moi and if he wasn't he'll certainly soon tell me). Leo Leitch of Benneydale, whom I like to call my angry old man (vide John Osborne and Kingsley Amis in the '50s) is well known to pro-lifers throughout NZ and abroad for his staunch pro-life stance - and his sense of humour - is telling us why he's had it with National, and in Election 2020 will be voting New Conservative.

"There are some", says Leitch, "who think a vote for the best Party standing for election would be a wasted vote. Of course, in 2017, a vote for National was completely wasted.  And, in 2017, their popularity was deemed to be higher than is deemed now.

"And, in my view there is little or no difference between Labour and National. I now call National 'Labour-lite'. 

  • They supported the abortion legislation 
  • they support the global warming scam 
  • It was National who gave the seabed and foreshore to the part-Maoris 
  • It was National who signed the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Helen Clark declined to do either of those 
  • It was a National Govt which ignored the overwhelming wishes of our people in regard to corporal discipline of children  
  • National Governments have gone along with the legalisation of prostitution, the lowering of the drinking age, homosexual “marriage”
I find myself unable, on principle, to vote for National. The only Party standing that I can vote for on principle is New Conservative (perhaps the Destiny Church’s party, but I don’t know a lot about them).

New Conservative’s telecanvassing has revealed that approximately 90% of surveyed voters (although voters consenting to participate in a survey might not represent a random assortment), suppor them, once they know about them.  However, only approximately 15% of voters know about them.

But 90% of 15% = 13·5%.  If 13·5% of the voting public give their Party vote to New Conservative, they’ll get 16 seats.  But, of course, many of them might think they’d be wasting their vote.    The feminist media certainly suppress anything about New Conservative, and that itself influences couch potato voters.

An idea has emerged of Party votes for Parties that fail the 5% threshold being re-distributed amongst Parties that reach the threshold. How would that work ?

I add: even the left-leaning Marist Cathnews (although the SMs would say this is not necessarily their view) is criticising 'kind' Jacinda Jackboot Ardern, publishing a piece by Brooke Stanley Pao, incoming coordinator for Auckland Action Against Poverty:

Back in 2017 Jacinda Ardern said she wanted the new government to be “empathetic and kind”. We’re all familiar with the “be kind” mantra, but I question its ability to achieve… well, anything.

  • Ardern asked landlords to chill with raising their rent when the kind thing to do would be to introduce rent controls.
  • Work and Income staff were asked to have more compassion when dealing with people when the kind thing to do would be to provide livable incomes for all.
  • What’s happening on the ground in our communities is the opposite of “being kind” and we’re over it.
  • People receiving benefits can’t eat kindness.
  • They can’t pay their overpriced rent and power bills with it.
  • They can’t buy food with it. ...
  • Work and Income ... are still declining people basic assistance and care ..
  • .Those in emergency housing will be charged 25% of their entire income.
  • Supposedly 30,000 more people are going to have more money in their pockets because they will be allowed to work a whole eight hours at minimum wage before their benefits are affected. Implementing initiatives that only affect tens of thousands of people isn’t enough when hundreds of thousands of people live below the poverty line here. ...

AAAP – alongside ... Child Poverty Action Group, KidsCan, Action Station, the Welfare Expert Advisory Group, unions, the Human Rights Commission, and the Children’s Commission – have been demanding the government transform our welfare system and still not enough is being done.

We have seen the government respond to gun laws and Covid-19 with swift decision making ..

The reason for Labour's swift response with gun laws and Covid-19 is, I suggest, Mr Pao, Labour's socialist obsession with power and control. 

As a retired fisherman said to me yesterday, his head lowered - so furious with Ardern, I think he was close to tears, "Has it come to this? I work 50 years fishing and now I have to take orders from a pot-smoking unmarried mother." 

Immaculate Mother, we call upon thee

from this land of the south, from our isles of the sea.

Ave Maria.

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