Wednesday 14 October 2020


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What do these images (below) tell you? Take a gander at what's happening to New Conservative billboards up and down our (un)lovely country. And consider the amount of time that went into the 'Handmaid's Tale' job done on NC Leader Leighton Baker in the third image below - which like all billboards stood in a very prominent position. How many passersby would have spotted the vandal at work? Why didn't they report it to the police?

Or did they report it to the police???

Yes, graffiti's been applied to Labour and National billboards too, but when you think how many fewer NC billboards there were (because NC doesn't have the money to put more up, even though they have as many candidates as Labour and more than National), it's obvious that New Conservative has been under much heavier fire.

The reason, NC Leader Leighton Baker says, is that, "In politics, we are the most dangerous as true believers who are secure in the knowledge that we are here to save New Zealand." 

"We have become a real threat, not just to the extreme left, but also to the establishment."

"The far left exhibiting their hateful anti-semitism and fascism via Nazi symbolism has not stopped us. Some people do it to be funny ... Every party gets damaged billboards. There are just some people in New Zealand who think it's okay to damage other people's property and who have no self-control," he said.

Baker emphasised that New Conservative is a very central party that has the values of family in mind and that if people looked into their policies they will realise they are not as extreme as some have suggested.

"We cannot be bought, we are not career politicians and we have ethics."

If you think the trashing shown above is bad enough, the mentality and morality of the vandals who oppose New Conservative is better fully revealed in the image below of Lee Smith, a Christian mother of seven and New Conservative candidate for Taranaki-King Country. Take a good hard look.


Lee snapped the pic herself; she's come up smiling. But she wants the rest of the country to see this evidence of the evil trolls who are out to get New Conservative. The only other example of billboard obscenity to be found on an internet search is of another Christian candidate, from another minor party. Funny that.

Makes me think of the reaction of Democrat senators at the US Senate confirmation hearings when after several hours of grilling, increasingly vicious, President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett pulled out a crucifix: 

When Amy Coney Barrett gets out her crucifix

Democrat Cory Booker lets satan out of the bag

New Conservative Leader Leighton Baker responded to inflammatory, puerile billboard graffiti with temperate language. In the head-on collision between Christian and Satanic belief we're seeing in Election 2020 (both here and in the US), Leighton's equanimity shows how good interacts with evil. 

Commentator Lindsay Perigo has accused Advance NZ of being 'charlatans' and he's right, but when he calls New Conservatives 'wimps' he's probably unaware that equanimity is one of the seven virtues which oppose the seven deadly sins.

On the feast of St Teresa of Jesus (Avila), and one day away from Election 2020 we remember her prayer for equanimity (aka patience, meekness). It's called St. Teresa’s Bookmark because, according to tradition this great saint carried it around in her breviary, where it was found after her death in 1582.


Let nothing disturb thee 
Let nothing affright thee 
All things pass away 
God alone is changeless 
Patience obtaineth all things 
Who hath God, wanteth nothing 
God alone sufficeth.



  1. Great post, Julia. You've certainly exposed the vileness of those who so hate New Conservative. That alone suggests that New Conservative deserve our votes.

  2. Steven Senn says:
    Did any other party signs get done over?

    Ken Naylor says:
    Where the hoarding are in my suburb it was always NC getting hit every weekend, a team hit all the Hutt Valley hoardings almost every weekend. Lately, it was Greens that got kicked in.

  3. Ross A Smith says:
    Yes. Lots of time there for that operation.

  4. Mike Kuipers von Lande says:
    What is astonishing is the level of ignorance needed to concoct this.

  5. Gerry Walmisley says:
    When people can only stoop to insults, they have nothing left.

  6. Russell Hohneck says:
    More like the level of hate.

  7. Vie Williams says:
    What they did was pre-done else where. And put over another sign.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. When people can only stoop to insults, they have nothing left

  10. Teresa Coles says:
    I am ashamed of our citizens here in New Zealand..They have no respect at all for other people’s property..

    Paul du Fresne says:
    Would you feel so ashamed if it were a Labour hoarding that was trashed??

  11. Monica Devine says:
    Probably not to be honest. But I wouldn't deface anyone else's hoarding. In our electorate mostly Labour ones were grafitti-ed with slurs against solcialism.

    Simon Archer says:
    Paul,I would, and I am most certainly NOT a labour supporter. It is the principle; any trashing of someone else's property is wrong, and within the context of an election it is particularly nasty.

  12. Jan Quinn says:

    Bernadette Soares says:
    I have this sign with me. I am keeping it as it will be a treasure in years to come!!

  13. Sue O'Neill says:
    Should have used a Gloriavale pinafore and bonnet.

  14. And don't call priests Father. That is clericalism��
