Thursday 8 October 2020


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Really? Must a Christian choose between these two? NO. 
The Christian choice is New Conservative's Leighton Baker.

“… I’ve seen my father with a whole dose of morphine put in him in the hospital. I tell you what, that was a lot better than watching my sister-in-law basically starve to death”: Judith Collins.

It's embarrassing. 

Judith Collins, Leader of the National Party and standing for the office of Prime Minister of New Zealand, has voted for euthanasia without knowing what she was voting for. On Monday she revealed in 'Magic Talk' that she doesn't know which side is up. 

Collins was trying, as a self-proclaimed Christian, to excuse herself for voting to kill the elderly and disabled. She clearly does not realise that morphine is used legally and appropriately every day to relieve patients’ pain. Morphine is not used to terminate a life. 

What the End of Life Choice Act would legalise is doctors or nurses deliberately administering high doses of phenobarbitone and propofol, not to relieve pain, but to kill.

So Collins - in the popular mind - is one of our two choices to lead the country. Going by her grasp of the most important referendum in NZ history, it's no wonder that the other ever-so-visible contender, Jacinda Ardern, makes voters feel more 'hopeful' than Judith Collins.

  • New research shows Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern makes nearly twice as many people feel hopeful and proud than leader of the Opposition Judith Collins.


    The Horizon Research Survey found Ardern made people feel more 'comfortable,' 'pleased,' 'hopeful,' and 'proud' than Collins - who was more likely to make people feel 'angry,' 'afraid,' 'nervous,' 'disappointed,' and 'disgusted.' 

So much for feelings. But hold on. Jacinda Ardern is voting to kill the elderly and disabled too, and like Collins she voted for the heinous Abortion Legislation Act - but Ardern was actually responsible for it. It was 'her baby', so to speak. Clearly Collins is the lesser of two evils.

Oh but, apparently for NZ voters there are far more important considerations than abortion and euthanasia. Horizon Research's poll shows the most important issues for this election are: 

  • Health (54% of those polled)
  • Covid-19 economic recovery (51%)
  • Covid-19 pandemic management (48%)
O me miserum. We all know (don't we?) that people vote according to their pocket but for this election - unlike any other - the issue of your pocket, and how much money's in it, is described not as 'the state of the economy', but as 'Covid-19 economic recovery'. What the pollsters, bewitched and bedevilled like all the msm, especially sports reporters (I hear them from the next room - aaargh!) really mean is, 'Ardern Lockdown economic recovery'. 

Is NZ 'recovering' from the deaths of 23 people? No, NZ is struggling to 'recover' from the stranglehold on the economy brought on by Ardern's very own Lockdown. 

So it's obvious - if we can believe a poll - that most people are more worried about saving their skin than anything else. This is where NZ's bishops come in (or should have come in, a long long time ago), to teach the faithful to "mind the things that are above" (Col 3:2). 

But hello: for faithful Catholics, more embarrassment - our very own Cardinal Dew has been one of the first to applaud the pope's latest encyclical 'for a post-Covid world', tripping over the heels of the Primate of All Ireland, Archbishop Eamon Martin who told Catholic voters in June that the environment was a bigger election issue than abortion. Birds of a feather, flocking together around the Pope. 

"On the other side of the globe," enthuses Vatican News, "Cardinal John Dew has added his voice to the chorus, saying Fratelli tutti invites us to do more than just make small changes to our lives. 

“Rather it is very much about a way to re-read and to live the Gospel for our times.” 
Vatican News reports "the vice-president of New Zealand’s Catholic Bishops Conference" as saying the Pope’s message touches on the very survival of our contemporary world. “It is that serious. It is that compelling. It is that demanding,” he says.

Dear Cardinal Dew, "the very survival of our contemporary world" is NOT YOUR BUSINESS. Your business, as the shepherd of our souls, is our survival in the eternal world.

Fratelli tutti, urges Cardinal Dew, “is an invitation for everyone to broaden our perspective to view a world without borders and to view every single person on the planet, and yes, the planet itself, as brother and sister.”

There we have it: apart from the Global Churchy, Masonic language, it's unvarnished idolatry. The Pope puts the planet on the same level - "as brother and sister" - to the children of God whom God Himself tells us to love as we love ourselves - as God loves us. The Pope (and the Cardinal) evidently subscribe to the Maori pagan religion of animism. 

In Fratelli Tutti Pope Francis suggests that a religion that does not follow Jesus Christ could be good for society, thus excluding the claims of Jesus Christ as King of society, as Pope Pius XI had explained in his 1925 encyclical Quas Primas. 

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano explains: “This concept of religious freedom – which replaces the freedom of the one Religion, the ‘freedom of the Catholic Religion to exercise its mission’ and the ‘freedom of the faithful to adhere to the Catholic Church without impediment from the State’ with the license to adhere to any creed, regardless of its credibility and credenda (what we have to believe) – is heretical and irreconcilable with the immutable doctrine of the Church.” 

Of the pope's idea that different people "drink from different sources," while Catholics drink from the source of Jesus Christ, Archbishop ViganĂ² says: "the only source from which you can drink is Our Lord Jesus Christ, through the one Church that He has established for the salvation of souls.  

On Pope Francis' claim that God loves everyone regardless of their religion and that in the end there may even be "surprises": Archbishop ViganĂ² is outraged. He points out that, of course, God's love for us it is proportional to how our lives correspond to his commandments and instructions. 
While God created us all and desires our salvation, our own works and our faith will ultimately be decisive: “In the supernatural order,” writes the prelate, “God's love for a person is proportional to his state of Grace, that is to say that to the extent that this soul corresponds to the gift of God through faith and works, deserving the eternal reward. "

So much for the falsification expounded time and again from NZ pulpits, that "God loves us all the same" and "there's nothing we can do to deserve Heaven". If Catholics believe - like the majority of those polled by Horizon Research - that saving our skin's the most important issue this election it's  thanks to our bishops and priests.

But in our embarrassment over our political and religious leaders we find ourselves in the highest company: the Pope's.

In Fratelli Tutti, Francis contradicts Scripture and 2000 years of Sacred Tradition. He states that:

"Today we state clearly that 'the death penalty is inadmissible' and the Church is firmly committed to calling for its abolition worldwide.

Pope Francis has egg all over his face. 

Because his abrogation of the death penalty in Fratelli Tutti is being blown sky-high by his chief dialogue partner Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayyeb - who, in accordance with Islamic jurisprudence, supports the execution of apostates from Islam.

Al-Tayyeb, who is named five times and upheld as the pontiff's inspiration in Fratelli Tutti (All Brothers), trashes Francis' declaration, stating: "The four schools of law all concur that apostasy is a crime, that an apostate should be asked to repent, and that if he does not, he should be killed."



Pope Francis embraces the Imam (left) who endorses the death penalty (right)


The death penalty, Islam-style

So we're embarrassed. What to do about it? The Catholic Church not being a democracy, we can't vote to change our religious, Catholic leadership; we can only pray. Neither are we condemned to voting for the lesser of two political evils. 

New Conservative is a party that is Christian in everything but name - it's Christian even in by being persecuted, in the evil, expensive trashing of its billboards all over the country, pretty obviously by Greenies and Laborites. ("We suffer persecution, but are not forsaken" (Cor 2,9).) If every Catholic voted for New Conservative, with the votes taken especially from Labour for which Catholics cannot in conscience vote anyway) National and New Conservative could surely form a  government.

The redoubtable Leo Leitch, Lion of Benneydale, has this to say: 

The New Conservative leadership are not entertaining any scintilla of a thought about caving in to the Laborious/Groans/NZLast coalition. It is not that New Conservative should be telling their supporters to vote for Labour-lite (a.k.a. National); it’s Labour-lite who should be telling their supporters to give their Party votes to New Conservative, so that they’ve got a reputable ally in Parliament if they get close to governing.

Vision, Advance et al are the ones also who should be caving in and directing their supporters to New Conservative. George Soros thinks his money has been well spent. 
We (Catholics), indeed everyone, need to vote for what we believe in, not for the least of the evils. And confusing that by anticipating how the voters will vote doesn’t help. I iterate for the umpteenth time, the wasted vote in 2017 was a vote for National. Even worse was a vote for NZLast. How was the strategic/tactical voting that time ? 
Don’t be confused; vote for the Party that most represents you.

In 1946 the seer of Fatima, Sister Lucia, stated that “What Our Lady wants is that the Pope and all the bishops in the world shall consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart on one special day. If this is done, she will convert Russia and there will be peace. If it is not done, the errors of Russia will spread through every country in the world.”

She was then asked, “Does this mean in your opinion, that every country, without exception, will be overcome by Communism?” And Sister Lucia answered: “Yes.”

So, you have been warned. And if you want to know how extreme the Commies' little Socialist sisters like Ardern can get, just look at Victoria and the megalomaniac Android Andrews, with his curfew, his 5k limit on all shopping, care-giving and exercise, and work - and VicPol's brutal arrests.

Humanity has become sick with a lack of Faith, due to its poor spirituality, indecision, its uncertainties, and because of its attachment to what is worldly and sinful. The only cure at this time is conversion in order to be able to survive in the midst of the fierce attacks of all kinds via which the devil is going to spew his hatred upon humanity (cf. Mk 1:15; Acts 17:30 ).

Disease has taken over man’s mind.

Elite are acting against humanity, unleashing migrations from one country to another. The economy will fall into the hands of tyrants; man is being replaced by technology.

YOU MUST PRAY, OFFER UP AND MAKE REPARATION, PUTTING SPIRITUAL GROWTH INTO DAILY PRACTICE (cf. Eph 4:15; Col 1:10) so that each person would be another’s Simon of Cyrene. In this way the People of God, although tested and purified, will be more visible (cf. I Thess 3:12). You will not be so numerically, but through your spirituality and dedication.

Nourish yourselves with the Body and Blood of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, properly prepared; nourish yourselves in spirit and truth, grow – this is urgent so that you would not falter and so that you would save your souls.

Within the Mystical Body, many people are lost due to communions received in a state of sin, failing as regards the Commandments of God’s Law.

Revelaciones Marianas <> 

And, from the Readings this morning from the Memorial of St John Leonardi, Priest (Cor 4,2):  

We renounce the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor adulterating the word of God; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience, in the sight of God  



  1. You make a very good point, Julia, when you remind us that Pope Francis' Islamic consultant has no hesitation in affirming capital punishment, albeit for "offences" that the Church would never countenance.
    For 2,000 years, the Church has approved capital punishment in circumstances where justice demands it. Even when justice didn't demand it, Our Saviour did not condemn it of Himself or those who hung on either side of him.
    Justice is simply the giving and receiving of what is deserved. And there's no doubt that the deliberate, pre-meditated murder of an innocent person deserves the slaying of the murderer. Between that judgement and its execution, mercy might well intervene. But that is another matter.
    It's certainly not the prerogative, however, of a clown in Rome to apply such mercy wholesale and universally.

  2. There have been a number of strange things said by Pope Francis. We do well to remember that the Petrine Office has certain limits. When a Pope speaks it is either as Bishop of Rome or private theologian or universal doctor. A Pope is rarely infailable and not always impeccable. The council of Trent was dogmatic. Vatican II was pastoral and open to interpretation.

    1. We need another Council of Trent, with the theologians getting together have a fist fight before the Cardinals and Bishops start horse-trading on dogma.

      Vatican II was pastoral but the Spirit of Vatican II announced a rupture of discontinuity and has strongly attacked the dogma. In particular it attempts to dismantle Christian anthropology: especially reworking the Augustinian/Aquinas notions of human freedom and conscience.

      Pope John Paul II gave the key to the interpretation of Vatican II found in Lumen Gentium 22. To paraphrase, it is only in Christ that man knows himself. That discounts any notion of relativism, which advances a false humanism such that God is like an elephant where each religion knows something, one the trunk, another the tail and so on. Inevitably the true God of Revelation in Christ is pushed further out into the unknown but repackaged as absolute mystery. It sounds good but effectively relativises Revelation itself. The epochal power of the Incarnation, Death and Resurrection of Christ over the whole of creation risks being reduced to the subjective realm of Christian religious experience.

  3. Try listening to Steve Bannon's War Room #430. The Church in these times features strongly in that episode as well as others. Julia, I think you would appreciate the message.

  4. Mark S Simpson says:
    Thank you for your insights, Julia. Liberation Theology at work? I really appreciated the use of the term "Canto Fermo" as existing melody for a new composition. The melody of a song is the spirit of the song.

  5. I think you're the first ever to make a knowledgeable comment on the term 'Canto Fermo. You must be musical. Thank you.
    Yes, Liberation Theology is still embarrassing faithful Catholics. It has certainly flourished, during this pontificate, like the green bay tree from its roots in Latin America.

  6. Rose Kerr says:
    Love Crusher open and direct Jihinda skirts around the answers

    I say:
    Crusher voted to crush babies up to birth and the elderly and disabled vulnerable too.

    Janet Curran says:
    Julia, agreed but we are voting for a party, not for Judith Collins. With what is at stake I can't believe Christians are not willing to use their party vote strategically to vote Labour out. We have seen what Labour has done over the past three years. If they get in again it will be so much worse and it will be no good complaining then. We've got the chance to do something about it now. If I were Leighton Baker, for the good of the country, I would be telling my supporters to party vote National, which in reality is the only party that has a chance of unseating that evil bunch. There is a rumour going round that Labour will lock us down for Christmas. I read in June that there was a rumour going around that they would lock us down in August and that certainly happened so expect the worse if the Labour lot get back in again. It's up to you.

    1. Locking down doesn't help the economy. They are trying to save lives.

  7. Helen Carver says:
    Labour is so 'evil' that they have saved tens of thousands of lives...go figure

    I say:
    HHelen, you're kidding. Except it's not a kidding matter. A holy priest told me today that when he sees Labour's red insignia , all he sees is the blood of murdered unborn babies - which if Labour's re-elected will certainly before long amount to the 'tens of thousands' of lives Ardern threatened could be lost to COVID if she didn't lock NZ up and throw away the key.

    Helen Carver replies:
    You don't honestly think that Collins and National are going to change the existing abortion laws in the unlikely event they're reelected??

    I say:
    No I don't. So I'm not voting National.

    Janet Curran says:
    It is prudent, though, to vote National rather than let a worse evil in. Bottom line.

    Janet Curran adds:
    Helen, there is more chance that National could vote to change the Act with 13 out of National's 19 caucus having voted against the abortion bill. It certainly won't happen under Labour and no other party can make any difference at all, so itis prudent to party vote National this election ...
    "Prudence would dictate that it would be better to vote for a primary candidate [in our case party] who has a lesser but still good set of values than a third-party candidate [party] who has a higher set of values yet no chance to win the election." Prudence, as St. Thomas Aquinas says, is “right reason in action.”

    Helen Carver says:
    Sorry I meant elected of course they weren't elected at the last election were they?... I am voting for the government that has enabled us to live right now as virtually no other country on the planet can right now we are the envy of the world

    Janet Curran says:
    Helen, to me having the most extreme abortion law in the world is nothing to be proud of and even Samoa has done a better job than us in keeping their island Covid free with no deaths. Anyone could have done better than Labour without decimating our economy with such a severe lockdown.

    Helen Carver says:
    Just looking around our country during the school holidays I noticed places like Woodville were teaming with people although big hotels are suffering losses motels and motor camps are thriving it's a matter of adaptation and being affordable to Kiwis we don't have the most extreme abortion laws in the world there are many countries which force women to undergo abortions they have no choice or say over their own bodies that is the crux of our abortion laws
