Tuesday 17 March 2020


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We wake on the Solemnity of St Joseph, patron saint of families, to the news that New Zealand is now a world leader in baby-killing.

It's done. Like a dinner. So is New Zealand's future. Last night our Members of Parliament voted 120 to 69 to stop the heartbeat of our nation. 
  • Abortion up to birth. 
  • Sex-selective abortion. 
  • Abortion for teenagers, on their own say-so. 
  • Abortion for Down Syndrome babies - 
One of the most heinous abortion regimes in the world has been hustled up and smuggled in while we "smug, lazy" Kiwis were oohing and aahing about coronavirus and rushing round the supermarket buying instant noodles and loo paper in the hope that will save our lives, should Godzone's media hype live up to its own expectations.

Even the most ardent advocates for the unborn - traditional, faithful Catholics - may have had their backs inadvertently turned on developments in Parliament, disturbed as we are by the dreaded recession and its effects on business and the work force; not to mention the ghastly prospect of Jacindarella rising from the highly-anticipated ashes of a richly-deserved defeat at the polls in September, to coast back into government on the wave of her big spend-up on beneficiaries. 

Don't tell me that the Devil doesn't know what he's doing.

Rad trads - myself among them - were oohing and aahing too, especially at the news that six priests have died in the town of Bergamo, Italy, a city best known as the birthplace of Pope John XXIII, who launched the pending disaster of Vatican II on an unsuspecting Church. 

So don't tell me that God does not chastise, either. 

This legislation means babies will be born live after botched abortions and left to die:
  • Without painkillers. 
  • Because it's a girl and Mum and Dad wanted a boy. 
  • Because it's Down Syndrome. 
  • Because the baby's mother was coerced or downright bullied into killing her child.

The irony of it all - which as far as I know has completely escaped the NZ Conference of Catholic Bishops, busied as they are with reading 'Health' Department instructions, unscrewing water fonts and sending purificators to the drycleaners - is this:

this evil legislation, which will plunge New Zealanders like so many possessed pigs into a lake of trauma and disaster, was passed on the vigil of the feast of St Joseph, patron saint of families.

"St. Joseph, who felt the tribulation and worry of a parent when the child Jesus was lost, protect our dear children for time and eternity. May you be their father and counsellor. Let them, like Jesus, grow in age as well as in wisdom and grace before God and men. Preserve them from the corruption of his world, and give us the grace one day to be united with them in Heaven forever. Amen."

A post script:

Simon O'Connor, National MP for Tamaki, ended his speech in Parliament last night with these words:

"Mihi vindicta: ego retribuam, dicit dominus" -which means:
"Vengeance belongeth unto me; I will repay, says the Lord" (Romans 12:19).

And repay He will.


  1. Maria Fischer says:
    Beyond belief that we are about to introduce a draconian abortion law on the eve of a major pandemic in New Zealand.

  2. I say:
    Yes, time to pray as never before. "Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death".

  3. Bob Gill says:

    St Joseph, patron saint of families, help us in our hour of need.

    Philippa O’Neill says:

    St Joseph, patron saint of families, pray for us.

  4. Jos van Iersel says:

    I'm watching Parliament TV - All three women speaking - spout disgusting abortion propaganda.

  5. A grandchild says:

    Thanks the triathlon went fine, dad has already told me to pray for the MPs voting to vote against abortion.

  6. Melanie Glass says:

    Yup sadly Winston can't be trusted either.

  7. Simon O'Connor MP says:

    (Winston Peters) needs to be called out. I should be fair and say he did vote against the bill at third reading tonight, but has let us down terribly all the way till tonight.

  8. When I came to settle in New Zealand nearly 50 years ago, I marvelled at how locals kept referring to the country as Godzone. When a nun asked me in Rome in 2006 too where I was from, I proudly said I was from Godzone. The passing of the recent abortion bill has given me a reality check - I ain’t from Godzone.

  9. Jodie Nelson says:

    The main question (as there is no need for a bill on abortion if there is no baby!) is "When does human life begin?"

    Science is on the side of Pro-lifers. It's not a clump of cells that just sits there and at 40 weeks miraculously becomes a human being as it travels down the birth canal. It is a human being from conception and simply needs time to develop to the point of needing care outside the womb.
    If you don't believe it is a human being at conception(it certainly isn’t a kidney bean!), at what point do you believe it is? At the heart-beat (6 weeks)? I have a heart beat and I am certainly a human being.
    I challenge you to watch the development of a baby over 40 weeks https://youtu.be/-YEyA8e5S5k and tell me this isn't an amazing thing to behold, life developing in the womb, a human being.
    If it is a human being at conception or even if you believe it is later, at the heart beat, abortion kills a human being and the last time I looked, killing a human being is murder. So it makes sense that abortion remains in the Crimes Act.
    Women are not criminalized; they have never been thrown in prison for an abortion. We have had over 500,000 abortions so far so our law certainly didn’t stop women accessing abortion.
    But what having it in the Crimes Act did do was to make women realise it’s pretty serious, you are thinking about ending a life.
    I want to ask the question of all you people who posted with joy at the bill's passing, don't comment till you have watched the video clip (please don't go on about women's rights etc, if you comment), just tell me, when does human life begin ?
