Wednesday 4 March 2020


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This morning New Zealand woke to the distressing news that unless the Abortion Legislation Bill, like its tiny victims, is torn limb from limb at the third reading, New Zealand will soon proudly possess The Most Extreme. Abortion Law. In the world. 

So it seems we Kiwis are pretty much the 'smiling zombies'  Gordon McLauchlan said we were in The Passionless People  after all. Mostly. At least, Ardern* et al will be pinning their hopes on us proving ourselves to be zombies by returning this wretched Labour Coalition in September's General Election. 

Last night in Parliament, 81 out of 120 members voted to deny the legal rights of its most vulnerable citizens, the unborn children who are this nation's future.

This morning Injustice Minister Andrew Little modelled zombieism for us by objecting to graphic images displayed at Parliament yesterday by pro-life demonstrators. "New Zealanders," he intoned, "have a low level of tolerance for that sort of extremism."

Pardon me??? 'Extremism'? The images were of babies "bloodied and dismembered", as Ken Orr of Right to Life pointed out, legally. That, Mr Little, is exactly 'the sort of extremism' which happens daily, legally, in NZ hospitals, on your watch.  

Further, Mr BeLittle thinks "the rest of New Zealand" finds pictures of these murdered infants "distressing". 

Dear Mr BeLittle, in reality they are 'distressing'. When will you and 'the rest of New Zealand' wake up? Before the third reading? Is that too much to hope or are we determined to prove ourselves to be as Gordon McLauchlan said, 'lazy and smug'?

As Ken Orr points out, Mr BeLittle, this nation protects birds, spiders, weasels and beetles with penalties of up to 2 years inside, or $100,000 in fines, for endangering these precious species, while the human species now goes completely unprotected - unless of course, like Ms Ardern's child, they happen to be 'wanted'. 

So a katipo spider now has more value for our nation than an unborn child. 

But on our dark horizon a light has been shone for us, by the 15 MPs who voted against this Bill after voting for it on the First Reading. We're very grateful to them and all who voted NO, but especially I am grateful to my own MP, Alastair Scott (National, Wairarapa) - who I'm sorry to say will not be standing for re-election in September.

We used to be able to count on National MPs as conservatives, or so you'd think, to conserve the rights of unborn citizens enshrined in our law since forever, and last night their leader Simon Bridges followed that tradition. But 25 National MPs did not.

Labour's Jacinda Ardern (secure, or should that be 'smug'? in her enjoyment of little Neve) led her brave party's offensive against the defenceless unborn, and we all know that in busily pursuing 'the good life' for themselves and all us fortunate people who escaped our mothers' wombs intact, the Greens and Act want to limit the number of their competitors for a place in the sun by means of abortion - and euthanasia. 

What about Winston, you ask. Isn't NZ First pro-life? Well, that's what we all thought, that's what Winnie said, and that's why a lot of us 'zombies' voted for NZ First at the last election. Winsome Winston groomed us. For years. Doh.

Then, returned to Parliament by the pro-life vote - once again, 'zombies'! - he got his MP Tracey Martin to spend eight months cooking up this bill as sous chef to Andrew Little who then, with his cabinet wherein he's No 2, signed off on it. What a sordid saga.

So we can look forward - because this Bill is worse even than the abortion law in Victoria, Australia - to showing the rest of the world the way in baby-killing. And the MPs responsible can look forward to dead children, or grandchildren. Children and grandchildren someone else would have wanted.  

This morning a priest said to me, "You look worried."

"I am worried," I said. I told him I thought Parliament would be debating this bill tonight. 

"They'll pass it," said Father. 

"Not if we pray," I said. I don't know if he replied; I was thinking of the Masses offered recently for rain, but none for the unborn. 

This morning's Gospel seemed pertinent. It was about the wicked city Ninive, how God told Jonas to "preach in it the preaching that I bid thee" (Jon 3:2), and Jonas did so. He told Ninive it was about to be destroyed, "and the men of Ninive believed in God: and they proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth from the greatest to the least" ... and "the king of Ninive  ... was clothed in sackcloth, and sat in ashes" and said "let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the iniquity that is in their hands" (ibid 3: 5-8). 

"And God had mercy with regard to the evil which he had said that he would do to them, and he did it not" (ibid 3:10b).

The NZ Conference of Catholic Bishops have been slow and feeble in the preaching that God bids them preach, about the sanctity of human life. They have utterly failed in preaching penance and fasting from the iniquity that is in our hands for having unprotestingly paid tax that funds the killing of the unborn, for driving by the hospitals where they are killed, for not supporting families in trouble and women with unwanted pregnancies, for staying schtum on abortion in case we upset people. 

So God has not had mercy with regard to evil. We see evidence of that evil on every page of the newspaper, in every item on the News and in every street. 

But it's not too late. 15 MPs changed their vote from Yes to NO between the first and second readings, and there is a third reading yet to come. If NZ First don't get the referendum they want (to hide behind?) and vote against the bill, we need only another 12 MPs from the other parties to change to a NO vote.

We need only

  •  faith that God can do this and avert further evil
  • hope that He will forgive us for the sin of abortion
  • love for the unborn, for their parents, and for our nation

*NZ's version of MAGA: Make Ardern Go Away


  1. Philippa O'Neill says:

    We can't rely on church... not now... they only interested in looking after the environment... for the future babies that are lucky enough to be born. If church really believed God is the giver of life then church would have opposed this vehemently. That they can idly sit by and watch God's creation killed violently up to birth disgusts me. Not one word from the pulpit to urge us to contact politicians... the very least they could do.

    1. I would qualify, 'the church', as 'church leadership'.
      Their are exceptions, but too much of our leadership is weak.
