Saturday 28 March 2020


And Jesus wept (Jn 11:35).

Jesus wept: His friend Lazarus was dead.  And we weep too, because on Passion Sunday, as we enter the commemoration of Our Lord's Passion, our Church also seems to have died.

No Mass. Churches locked. And our bishops, 'hidden away' in their palaces, write us a letter "following the leadership of Pope Francis" (who is also 'self-isolating' - yeah, right) "who has communicated the graces usually given through these sacraments (Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing) ... through a Plenary Indulgence".

Isn't it true that each Sacrament actually offers the sacramental grace which is proper to it alone?

"The Sacraments have an intrinsic power, in as much as they are the acts of Christ Himself who communicates and diffuses grace from the divine Head to the members of the Mystical Body" (Pius XII, Mediator Dei).

St Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi has exclaimed, "Oh, how great is the dignity of priests!  In ... administering the Sacraments, they give us Your treasures. They are, O Lord, Your secretaries and treasurers."

In the letter they released yesterday, NZ's bishops sound more like civil servants - even, some would say, Maori separatists. 

The Maori translation of  'New Zealand Conference of Catholic Bishops' is writ, big and bold, over and above the English version. To be fair, if the bishops do that, should they not add the Philippino, Korean, Samoan, Chinese etc etc versions of NZCBC?

The date is given as 28 March 2020, rather than "Fifth Sunday of Lent" or 'The First Sunday of the Passion".  In their letter, the bishops forbid us to leave our homes, excepting only the exceptions laid down by our 'be kind' - except to unborn babies - Government.

The bishops give the conditions issued by "the Apostolic Penitentiary for people affected by the Covid-19 lockdown"- in other words, the entire scared-witless world - giving "a way (a Plenary Indulgence) for those in danger of death to be forgiven their sins and to be readied for eternity."

This Plenary Indulgence is granted also to the dying “provided that they are well disposed and have recited a few prayers during their lifetime.” 

Just what does "well disposed" mean? How can a lay person, uncatechised due to the failure of priests since Vatican II to preach the commandments of God and His Church, and grieving at the imminent death of their spouse, take that in? It's not enough in these circumstances, when people are deprived of their priests, 'hidden away' for fear of illness, to issue such glib information.

Where is the requirement, if the dying person is conscious and sentient and hopes for heaven, of an act of perfect contrition??? For sorrow ex amore which springs from love of God who is infinite Goodness, rather than fear of punishment?

For the Sacrament of Confession to be valid, sorrow is necessary, otherwise there is no absolution. Does this not apply also to a Plenary Indulgence for the dying? I don't know; do the bishops know? If we asked our parish priest who is "available to give counsel via the telephone or online", as the bishops recommend, would he know?

Are the Apostolic Penitentiary and our bishops readying those in danger of death for eternity in Hell?

Jesus Christ comes in for a mention in the last three paragraphs of the two page letter (3-page, if you count the appended instructions for 'Quarantine').

In the entire letter there is not any mention of Our Lady, Mary the Mother of God and Mediatrix of all graces, or of the Rosary. 

As a reader has commented, "We are seeing the triumph of Ecclesial Masonry". 

We know, as Our Lord knew in weeping for Lazarus, that the Church is not dead, but only sleeping. Or as Our Lady said at La Salette, the Church is "in eclipse".

What a privilege then, is conferred on faithful Catholics, who in these days which commemorate the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, can run to His Cross with Him and be transformed in Him.

“The Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families…that cannot be solved by the Rosary. There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.” 

(Sister Lucia dos Santos, Fatima seer.)


  1. Philippa O'Neill says:
    We have teddy bears in one church window. No time place our Our Blessed Lord in the window as done the faithful can adore Him.. but teddy bears are ok... what spiritual benefit will people get from that? The picture of the man prostrate on the ground in front of Our Lord outside his church was beautiful.

    Sharon Crooks says:

    I kept walking to a local Church as one way to get my exercise and spend an hour with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament (sitting outside alone) before walking home - always maintaining my 2 meter distance in the process. The parish priest has repeatedly text me telling me I’m breaking the laws and demanding I am to stay away and in his last text told me I am not allowed on Church LAND and a neighbour complained.
    The building is not to be entered but church land and complaining neighbours 200 meters away??? I have asked him where that is in the fine print but am yet to hear back.
    Meanwhile I can go into a supermarket and even catch a bus if needed to get there! I can ride a bike, a surf board etc and walk my dog - all whilst complying with civil law.

    The New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference letter to parishioners (on their Facebook page and in our inbox yesterday) is just as bad! They fail to mention we are free to go out walking and bike riding and even converse with our neighbour over the back fence if we stay 2 meters apart.

    I cannot believe the new level of evil permeating the Catholic Church at present. Not only have priests and bishops deserted their post and obligations to the Sacraments, but they have become civil bureaucrats and monitors of civil law! They have failed on so many levels but the parishioners they have really failed, in addition to the sick and dying, are those living with domestic violence.
    Our Bishops have neglected to encourage people out of their homes for fresh air, a break, exercise, and especially for safety etc. Have these men never looked at our domestic violence statistics?

    In sum, Covid has shown us who is prepared to follow Christ into danger and who is not. It has shown us that NZ Bishops treasure their own lives more than the vulnerable- those in domestic abuse situations, those dying, and those in spiritually hungry for Our Lord.
    Is there ever a time when a Shepherd can justify abandoning the flock? I cannot find a biblical reference.
    God bless

    A REMNANT INTERVIEW: Bishop Athanasius Schneider on Church’s handling of Coronavirus

    Sharon that is disgusting... yes.. a new level.of evil. What is wrong with that priest... at least the government are encouraging us to get out for fresh air for our mental health. I've been for huge walks... never been anywhere as close to people as I was when grocery shopping...
    I've always thought the Catholic Church in NZ is doing it's best to shut the church down, to get rid of the faithful.. or maybe now we see it is certain faithful. Pro lifers... Pro communion on the tongue... Pro anything that is not leftist. Marxism has entered our church.. e.g. Satan.

    Bob Gill says:

    A sad time indeed when we can’t turn to the New Zealand Church for complete support, Sharon. I have been dropping my wife off at the supermarket, taking a deliberate journey past the church there and back home so I can make the Sign of the Cross to the location of the Blessed Sacrament inside. I really admire what you have been doing, though, which is actually safer than people entering and shopping in the supermarket! I am not impressed at all with the non-Catholic actions of your parish priest. God bless your fine efforts, Sharon.

    Sharon Crooks says:

    Philippa you have hit all the nails on the head!

  2. Bob Gill says:
    Re “….and they have said if required they will come.” Have I been living under a rock since lock-down, because the only news I have seen publicised is that they will NOT come?

    Adelie Reid says:

    Bob, no not under a rock you dont have our priest.

    Bob Gill says:
    I understand now, Adelie - you are overseas. God bless.

    Adelie Reid says:

    No Bob you are right.. today on live streamed mass, our priest told us about yesterdays letter and that he could not deliver sacraments in person....

  3. I say:
    I'd like to say more but in this 'police state' I'd better stay mum.

    Philippa O'Neill says:

    Julia, nah go for it... I'm totally past it. Can't even be bothered reading that statement.

    I say:

    I wouldn't want to be found out. It would not be in the Lord's best interests.

    Philippa O'Neill says:

    When our priests start sounding like the government we are in trouble.

    I say:

    Ecclesial Masonry in action. A hideous sight.


  4. Some anonymous person sent a very funny comment which has disappeared. Please send again!

    1. Canon 212 makes and inspires many sidesplitting cracks.They could
      fill the missing gap.

  5. Bob Gill says:

    Instead of the parish priest complaining about one of his faultless parishioners supporting the hidden Christ, perhaps he should do a tour of all the Sunday Masses being live streamed in New Zealand and evaluate the performance of some of his colleagues.
    I have always thought that all priests genuflected at the moment of Consecration, but some today, I found, merely bowed – a big difference in meaning, I believe. Surely all could not have been suffering from old age!
    Also, I would have felt the inclusiveness of being Catholic if all Sunday Masses had placed the Blessed Sacrament on display to the viewer.

    Helen Carver says:

    Anyone who doesn't follow the rules for isolation is breaking the law would you go outside if there were bullets flying around? Right now there are gazillions of tiny bullets out there trying to kill us

  6. Bob Gill says:

    I don’t think recent comments by people posting on this blog indicate any of them are breaking the law. One, for example, was minding her own business, quietly praying outside her church while on an allowable walk and was complained about by a neighbour and her parish priest. Both complainants need to be complained about by the community for their uncharitable and unwarranted actions.
    It’s not just “right now there are gazillions of tiny bullets out there trying to kill us” as they have always been there, particularly those of the flu virus which continue to kill millions more lives than the Coronavirus each year. Just think that if the present catchphrase ‘wash your hands’ had been around these last 50 years of using lay ministers in the Church (who have never washed their hands before distributing Communion), for example, just how many lives may have been saved.

  7. In my many blog-commentator's guises I commune with some very clued up
    and witty and fiery fellow Catholic lay faithful round the world. They keep me sane, as do my perambulations to the supermarkets and the local beauty spots, and as do my visits to the true-faith sites on the internet. Carmeite Canto Fermo visits some of the same sites
    as me, but I am usually cagey about my national identity, though at times with punster clues, eg 'in dew course'.

  8. Bob Gill says:

    I correspond with Father Bryan Buenger on occasions and he has given me information on the following:

    He does stream the Mass and advises the Saturday 16:00 Phoenix Mass equates to 12 noon in New Zealand. He believes he is scheduled for all of those in April, and the Easter Vigil will be at 15:35 on Sunday in New Zealand. This information is to be sent to our St Joseph’s and it will put out in the newsletter.

    Father advises that the governor of Arizona is a practising Catholic, so although he has put in place a “Stay at Home” order, it is quite broad and he says churches are an essential service and are allowed to remain open, although we are to maintain a 10 person maximum gathering and remain 2m apart as well.

    Father hasn’t given me the Mass link, but I will look online first to see if I can locate it.

  9. Bob Gill says:
    Here’s the link to Father Buenger’s streamed Mass, Julia: . Father advises the Mass can only be done live as the bishop frowns on pre-recorded Mass.

  10. Bob Gill adds:

    With some overseas priests displaying the Blessed Sacrament Exposed on rooftops, while walking on the beach, or at the entrance to church, bishops here have been shown various ways to be able to distribute the Sacraments (essential services) in New Zealand during trying times.

  11. One of my aliases has been banned by CathNews. I shall try to sneak past them as 'Ruth O'Dea' Probably something I said about bishops.

  12. Out in the open. I am a Kiwi. God save Julia. Sanity personified.
    Truth roll on against the Jorge-naut.
