Sunday 29 March 2020


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"In every country, more people die from regular flu compared with those who die from the coronavirus."

Dr Loram Yass is an Israeli physician, politician and former Director General of the Health Ministry. He also worked as Associate Dean of the Tel Aviv University Medical School and during the 1980s presented the science-based television show Tatzpit.

Dr Yass is one of twelve medical experts whose science and commonsense contradict the "oh my gosh, oh my goodness" hysteria propagated in New Zealand by the MSM, especially in my experience by TvOne News. 

One can only hope those reporters don't catch the dreaded virus: most of them manifest a serious underlying lung condition affecting, their ability, to, draw breath during, their, panic-stricken 'report' of one old woman's death in Greymouth. 

Look, every death is saddening and to be regretted, and every soul should be prayed for - but not now, not by the Catholic Church of New Zealand, whose bishops and priests and even lay people are forbidden by order of same bishops to leave their homes, or to visit Our Lord in His.

It's been brought home to me in my bubble today, just how some people are affected by coronaphobia. 

"Everyone's so frightened," says a friend - a well-educated friend, whose friends and family would comprise mostly good Protestants who believe in God, and as good Protestants also believe that when they die they'll go straight to Heaven, because they're 'saved'. 

Someone else was in tears on the phone, accusing me of 'cynicism' and 'not taking this seriously!'

Another, a very well-informed traditional Catholic, texted the same message. She said it looked like she should be praying for me. "Take it seriously!"

I have encountered intransigence, complete and utter. A denial of the facts. Someone said they rely on the experts at WHO.

Those World 'Health' Organisation experts have:

  • Trained doctors in Africa to perform abortions, sometimes over their objections and perhaps even against the law.
  • WHO has released a new report promoting the use of abortion-inducing “contraception” for new mothers around the world.
  • WHO has long promoted abortion under the premise of health. The WHO has long claimed that legalized abortion is crucial to reducing the prevalence of "unsafe abortion."
  • WHO leaves member states with the clear implication that legalized abortion is necessary to protect women's health.
  • WHO never mentions the wealth of published research showing that abortion is harmful to women's physical, psychological, and emotional health. The WHO further peddles the association between wealthy western countries with liberal abortion laws and low maternal morbidity due to abortion as if the two were causally related by necessity. 
  • WHO ignores the examples of pro-life countries with exceptionally low maternal mortality ratios (MMR) like Chile,[29] Ireland, Poland, and Malta which prove that there is no necessary association between legal abortion and low MMR.
  • Pro-life stakeholders should be attentive and concerned about the WHO's efforts to more closely integrate abortion and human rights law. 


"The words of his mouth are wickedness and deceit; He has ceased to be wise and to do good.He devises mischief on his bed; he sets himself in a way that is not good; he abhors not evil" (Ps 36:3). 

I take coronaphobia extremely seriously. Especially as it affects Spain and Italy, 'Catholic' countries where abortion is now legal, and especially New York, whose 'Catholic' governor Andrew Cuomo recently enacted legislation which leaves babies who survive botched abortions to die, and nurses not permitted even to cradle them in their last moments. 

I'm extremely concerned that God's justice might also wreak vengeance on New Zealand, and for similar reasons.

But I have a sense of humour and since I have in my 'bubble' someone who doesn't share my views, I have to repress my desire to laugh at the breathlessness of TvOne reporters, and at the PM, just like a headmistress at assembly needing to hold the attention of naughty girls, conveying the sad news of the death of one old lady in Greymouth as something of a national emergency.

The media love coronavirus. It saves them a lot of work. Quite apart from their lefty love of disaster which could deliver anarchy and a One World Government, they don't have to go looking for stories any more. And being 'essential services' they're allowed to go out and film the deserted streets we Catholics aren't allowed to walk in - not if we heed the instructions issued by our bishops.

One Catholic lay person, of irreproachable repute, has now earned the reproaches of her parish priest, by sitting outside her parish church to keep Our Lord, alone in the tabernacle inside, company. She's been told church property is all off limits. The bishops have said so. So there.  
Forget the bishops for a moment. Dr Sukharit Bhakdi is a specialist in microbiology. He was a professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene and one of the most cited research scientists in German history. 
Dr Bhakdi says that "We are afraid that 1 million infections with the new virus will lead to 30 deaths per day over the next 100 days. But we do not realise that 20, 30, 40 or 100 patients positive for normal coronaviruses are already dying every day. The government’s anti-COVID19 measures are grotesque, absurd and very dangerous. All these measures are leading to self-destruction and collective suicide based on nothing but a spook. ..." 
Then there's Dr Joel Kettner,  professor of Community Health Sciences and Surgery at Manitoba University, former Chief Public Health Officer for Manitoba province and Medical Director of the International Centre for Infectious Diseases. He saysI have never seen anything like this, anything anywhere near like this. I’m not talking about the pandemic, because I’ve seen 30 of them, one every year. It is called influenza. And other respiratory illness viruses, we don’t always know what they are. But I’ve never seen this reaction, and I’m trying to understand why.

Anyone not yet convinced that something fishy is going on can go to:[…]  

Consult the other nine medical experts here, and decide for yourself whether or not coronavirus is the straw man I have said it to be. The figures might shoot up - they might even reach the "tens of thousands" that Aunty Ardern warned us about - but as yet they are lower than other infectious diseases such as flu.

It's a sad fact, but our emotions are manipulated by the camera which shows us shocking scenes of hospitals in Italy - where the population is top-heavy with old people afflicted with heart and lung disease brought on by over-eating and drinking and smoking. But the camera is not science. There's no data yet to show that Covid-19 is unusually lethal, so there's no reason why we should be locked up and treated like a police state yet.

Father Michael Johnson SSPX pointed out yesterday, in a cracker sermon delivered in St Anthony Whanganui's Priory Chapel to one altar server in reality but I hope thousands virtually, around the globe, that deaths around the globe from abortion, smoking, HIV-Aids etc put Covid-19 fatalities totally in the shade. I can't remember the stats - I don't usually have a pen and paper with me at Holy Mass. 

But I do remember him saying that deaths from flu in the current season are 4 - 8 times higher than from Covid-19. 

I remember he quoted the Honorable Jacinda Ardern's "tens of thousands" who might die; that "things will look worse before they get better"; that "the presence of police and military on our streets might be daunting"; and her reminder of "self-isolation requirements". 

'Self isolation'??? Are we isolating ourselves, or are we being forced into isolation? Fr Johnson didn't say, but the inference was obvious - to me, anyway. 

"We will play the role of enforcer," Father quoted the PM as saying. He didn't criticise her, except to comment that her "Be kind" evidently does not apply to babies in the womb. 

He likened New Zealand to a police state. He traced the abolition of Holy Mass back to the French Revolution, when "then, as now, forbidden activities included public celebration of the Mass. Holy Communion was forbidden."

"THEY HAVE TAKEN AWAY MY LORD" is a letter written in 1801 by Father Demaris, Professor of Theology, Missionary of St. Joseph, at Lyon, France.

"The time is coming when most Catholics may not have good, true priests to say the Mass and to administer the sacraments. This has happened before and the following is a letter to the faithful explaining their plight and how to overcome it."

Father Michael Johnson of St Anthony's SSPX Whanganui has hard copies of that letter to give away to anyone who asks him at, with 'They have taken away my Lord' in the subject line. It's also to be found at

I quote from that letter:

"To love God and fear Him alone, such is the lot of a small number of the elect. 
"It is this love and this fear that makes martyrs by detaching the Faithful from the world and attaching them to God and His Holy Law. 
"To support this love and this fear, in your hearts, watch and pray."

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