Sunday, 26 January 2025


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At an Ignatian retreat in Taranaki last week, a very smart Society of St Pius X (SSPX) priest compared two archbishops: +Marcel Lefebvre and +Carlo Maria Vigano. Naturally the SSPX founder came off best and this blogger rather cravenly concurred. 

But God raised up the saintly +Lefebvre to challenge incipient heresies at Vatican II which bore bitter fruit in a Deep Church, a Deep State and an Antipope: in this unprecedented crisis He needed the militant +Vigano. For years +Vigano has denounced the WEF as anti-Christic and anti-human, and exposed the fraudulent Francis as the globalists' spiritual godfather who enables their depopulation agenda by revolutionary changes to Church doctrine. 

And God has raised up unlikely allies for Vigano in Argentina's Milei (see cartoon below) and US President Donald Trump, who two days ago nuked a roomful of WEF, New World Order morons with the clarion call, “Your anti-human agenda is OVER.”

Don't look now, but meanwhile in Davos the globalists' vile underbelly is showing. "Since the start of the WEF, we've seen around 300 women and trans women booked in Davos." In 'dates you pay for', many arrivals are enjoying sex orgies arranged by individuals who are booking multiple women at once.

WEF head Klaus Schwab was mentored by Henry Kissinger.


The Davos Forum has a very specific plan for social dissolution which is explicitly anti-Christic and therefore anti-human and anti-Catholic. For this reason, together with the destruction of the economy, agriculture, and livestock, the WEF also pursues with dogged obstinacy the destruction of the family and Religion, which is considered an obstacle to its objectives.

The woke, LGBTQ+ and gender ideology is the main tool to indoctrinate future generations into a world without males and females, without father or mother, without Faith and without Morals. In that world, young people are not to have any ideal, any purpose, other than the pursuit of the most aberrant perversions and the satisfaction of degrading pleasures that the System provides them.

Every deviation in matters of Faith and Morals promoted by Jorge Mario Bergoglio corresponds to the implementation of a precise program dictated by the woke agenda. This is proof that sitting on the Chair of Peter is not a Pope but an emissary of the globalist elite, whose mission is to destroy the Catholic Church, just as almost all Western leaders now intend to destroy the Nations they govern. All are linked by their membership in the World Economic Forum.


Argentina's Milei rails against wokeism, transgenderism at Davos  


 Sarah Kate Ellis is CEO of GLAAD, a powerful subversive LGBTQ+ lobby that interferes in governments and institutions to impose social acceptance of vice and perversion. It is no coincidence that she is a guest of the Davos Forum, in which globalist governments and societies take part, including the Bergoglian church.

Hearing Ellis praise Bergoglio should make the blood run cold in the veins of every Catholic, starting with the Bishops. It's as if an association of arsonists complimented the fire chief on how he prevents fires being put out.


And instead the Bishops continue to pretend not to see and not to understand – some out of cowardice, some out of blackmail, some out of self-interest – that Bergoglio is a usurper of the Papal Throne, considering him just “a little too progressive.”


In this mad cowardice, in this betrayal, they make themselves accomplices of the worst enemies of the Church of Christ.
To put an end to the tyranny of the WEF, the Trump Administration – inaugurated under the best auspices – will have to strike incisively and effectively at all its ramifications in public institutions, including the Bergoglian church.


Francis' autobiography - "he has written too much"


And now to the vexed question of promoting women above their humble station, dealt to below by Michael Matt of The Remnant.

Female Cardinals? Well, we're getting there ... Pope Francis announced that Sister Raffaella Petrini, the current Secretary General of the Governorate of Vatican City State, will assume the role of President starting in March 2025, replacing Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga. However, the Pope's own promulgated rule states that only a Cardinal can be President of the Governate... Therefore, the appointment of Sister Petrini would require an amendment to the current regulations or mark the beginning of a path towards the institution of lay cardinals and even "female cardinals."

Sr Petrini - at her computer, not in choir


On Sunday, January 19, 2025, Pope Francis appeared on the television show "Che Tempo Che Fa," hosted by Fabio Fazio, for the third time during his pontificate.

His decision to participate in a media context often criticized for superficiality and "radical chic" ideological alignment raised eyebrows, further fueling criticism of a pontificate that seems to focus more on media popularity than doctrinal clarity. On this occasion, the Pope took the opportunity to promote his recent autobiography, Hope, the first in history to be published by a reigning Pope.


This book, which presents itself as a personal account of the life of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is already a topic of discussion for its symbolic implications. If it is true that never before has a successor of Peter decided to publicly narrate his personal story with such detail, the gesture appears emblematic of an era in which public image and media narrative seem to exalt and commend the supposed virtues of humility and mercy of the reigning Pope.


Enthusiastically received - the Francis autobi


However, the Italian publishing market—according to some Italian sources—has received the book with lukewarm enthusiasm: many publishers and booksellers reportedly lament a constant decline in interest towards publications by Pope Francis, described by some as repetitive and unable to capture the attention of an already saturated audience. "He has written too much, people have lost interest," figures in the Italian publishing industry would confidentially confess.

But it wasn't just the autobiography that made headlines during the broadcast. Pope Francis announced that Sister Raffaella Petrini, the current Secretary General of the Governorate of Vatican City State, will assume the role of President starting in March 2025, replacing Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, who will turn eighty on March 1.

This decision raises questions not only of an institutional nature but also of an ecclesiological one. "Women handle problems better than men," said the Pope, riding one of the most painful clichés, and cited Ursula von der Leyen (globalist EU commissar) as an example.


Coming to a Catholic church near you? The presidential inauguration's Mariann Budde, LBGTQ activist


The Fundamental Law of Vatican City State, promulgated by Pope Francis himself in 2023 to replace that of John Paul II, indeed stipulates that the President of the Governorate must be a cardinal. Therefore, the appointment of Sister Petrini would require an amendment to the current regulations or mark the beginning of a path towards the institution of lay cardinals and even "female cardinals."


This latter scenario, although seemingly unlikely, echoes rumors that have been circulating in Vatican circles for months about a possible reform of the Conclave, which would include lay electors directly appointed by the Pope, with the right to vote, but not to be voted for. These rumors have recently quieted down, but who knows?

These hypotheses raise profound ecclesial questions. Introducing yet another element foreign to the traditional vision of the Church risks irreversibly altering its hierarchical and sacramental structure, as well as the authority of the Roman Pontiff himself, all of which are already severely compromised.


In a context already marked by doctrinal confusion and internal divisions, such an innovation could further exacerbate tensions. St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that the frequency with which laws are changed undermines their authority and leads to a decrease in respect and obedience towards them, as people end up perceiving them as unstable and untrustworthy (Summa Theologiae I-II, q. 97, a. 2).


“Human law should never be changed,” writes the prince of theologians, except to meet the common good; but in this case, "a great and evident utility" should derive from the new statutes, or there must be "a great necessity, either because the customary law contains a manifest iniquity or because its observance is very harmful. Therefore, in establishing new laws, the utility must be evident, so that one can deviate from a law that has long seemed fair."


It is no secret that this pontificate has been characterized by a strongly revolutionary approach, often accompanied by a sense of urgency. The rapid pace at which changes and innovations are introduced reveals a desire to profoundly impact the future of the Church, perhaps in response to the weight of old age and health problems that the Pope himself has never hidden. However, this frenzy risks compromising the stability and unity of the ecclesial body, creating a climate of disorientation and distrust.



At a historical moment when the Church should position itself as a beacon of truth and hope in an increasingly lost world, the current pontificate appears to be clearly following the thinking of the world, adapting to it in a worrying way.

The desire to engage in dialogue with the modern world, though laudable in its intentions, today translates into concessions that risk diluting the specificity of the Christian message. The apparent obsession with image and media popularity only accentuates the feeling of a disconnect between pastoral leadership and the spiritual needs of the people of God, as it seems that the focus has shifted from nourishing souls to building superficial and worldly consensus.

Adding to this is a general climate of despondency among the faithful and priests, who increasingly feel abandoned and lacking in solid points of reference. Trust in ecclesiastical institutions is undermined by decisions that appear driven more by earthly logic than by a sincere desire for the triumph of the militant Church on this earth.

The widespread impression is that of a Church progressively distancing itself from its primary mission, which is to lead souls to salvation.

It is necessary for those who have the authority, capacity, and responsibility to intervene to do so soon, with courage and determination. Prelates who share concern for the future of the Church must raise their voices, not as solitary singers, but united, and draw attention to the spiritual, legislative, and doctrinal urgencies that cannot be ignored.


It is not about opposing for the sake of contestation, but about exercising that prophetic role that belongs to those who care about the truth and the good of the Church. May the high prelates who care about preserving the traditional essence of the Church feel addressed by the words that God speaks to the prophet Ezekiel in Scripture: “If, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die: thou declare it not to him, nor speak to him, that he may be converted from his wicked way, and live: the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at thy hand.” (Ezekiel 3, 18).


History teaches us that moments of crisis can be opportunities for rebirth, but only if faced with faith and discernment. The confusion and disorientation that reign supreme today must be countered with a renewed fidelity to the Tradition of the Church. Only in this way will it be possible to restore to the Church the credibility and authority it needs to fulfill its mission in the world.



Christ heals the centurion's servant 

"Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof"

 - Gospel, Third Sunday after Epiphany


  1. That's a new low putting that morons head on Pope Francis

    1. Caroline Waite (sigh.) There's no such person as 'Pope Francis'. And 77 million people would tell you that Trump's no moron.


    2. Caroline Waite 77 million plus me!


    3. Caroline Waite You have got it the wrong way around


  2. Tobs Kenobs
    Securing the U.S. Catholic Church Against Infiltration and Healing the Damage
    To address infiltration and heal its effects, the U.S. Catholic Church must take a multifaceted approach:
    1. Acknowledge the Threat: Recognize ideological infiltration and its impact on the Church, particularly through secularism and doctrinal confusion.
    2. Strengthen Seminary Formation: Focus on orthodox theological training, psychological screening, and fostering spiritual maturity among seminarians.
    3. Reclaim Catholic Education: Reinforce Catholic identity in schools and universities by ensuring adherence to doctrine, hiring faithful educators, and reviving classical education.
    4. Heal Spiritually and Institutionally: Promote devotions, prayer, and fasting while addressing scandals through transparency and care for victims.
    5. Engage the Laity: Equip laypeople with robust catechesis, involve them in leadership, and support grassroots movements.
    6. Counter Secular Influence: Use bold preaching, modern media, and public witness to resist materialism, relativism, and cultural decay.
    7. Uphold the Magisterium: Ensure clergy and laity adhere to the Church's teachings, promoting unity in truth.
    Ultimately, the Church must prioritize holiness, prayer, and sacrificial love to overcome internal and external threats, echoing St. Paul’s call to put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-11). This spiritual and practical renewal will secure the Church’s mission to bring Christ’s light to the world.


  3. Surprise surprise. Why should a leopard change it's spots?
