Tuesday, 28 January 2025



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That nasty epithet, "racist", is often used now as a club to beat anyone who believes in equal rights and suffrage about the head, to shame them into silence. It's very effective. So much so that 140,000 fair-minded Kiwis were excluded from the Justice Select Committee hearings on ACT's Treaty Principles Bill, which attracted three times more feedback than any other bill, ever.

Which raises the distinct possibility of the bill's architect, David Seymour, walking out on his Coalition partners and taking with him the only spine to be had among them. Oh for a Kiwi Donald Trump: effeminacy is the besetting sin of New Zealand's current leadership, painfully obvious in MPs who sit inertly gaping at hakas, trans dress-ups, kiss-ups and vitriol. Of the first reading of the Bill, veteran broadcaster Barry Soper said he'd “never seen hatred like that in Parliament”. 

The haters who oppose the TPB are actually exercising their democratic right to their  opinion that the rest of us shouldn't have a democratic right to our opinion. They're typified by iwi lobbyist Chris Finlayson, who destroyed Urewera National Park.

So we turn to Professor Elizabeth Rata, who as an academic, a sociologist and a Maori who discovered "neotribal capitalism" is better placed than most of us to submit her opinion on the Treaty Principles Bill.

 "Once Maori tribes were given back assets, they behaved just like white New Zealanders"


What is the best title given to any New Zealand legislation? My money is on the 1877 Education Act – 'An Act to make Further Provision for the Education of the People of New Zealand' – the People of New Zealand. So as early as the 1870s there's the commitment to a united people who belong to, and benefit from, the nation 'New Zealand'.

Nearly 150 years later that commitment is under serious threat from those who would replace liberal democracy with tribal sovereignty and, by doing so, create a racialised society – apartheid.



Consider the two words 'liberal', 'democracy' and their connection. Both give us something that none of our ancestors living in kinship groups had.

'Democracy' gives us a system of parliamentary sovereignty, of law, of regulation. It recognises that our common humanity justifies equal rights. Those rights belong to the individual citizen, not to the group.

The word 'liberal' gives us the freedom to be different – as individuals and in voluntary associations based on a range of shared interests –culture, heritage, language, sport, music, religion, politics, and so on.

This is what makes liberal democracy remarkable. As citizens we have the same political and legal rights. As members of civil society we are free to be different. This is an enormously important point. It is the combination of rights, responsibilities and freedom within democracy's governance and laws that makes the modern world vibrant and prosperous.


Waititi: "If people don't like the type of language I used in parliament, they should look at themselves in the mirror."


That's why I support the Treaty Principles Bill – because it provides a coherent and succinct statement capturing what liberal democracy is – something we should all know, especially the Members of Parliament who represent us, the People of New Zealand.


Until now, the Treaty has been a sacred cow milked by senior lawyers and judges for all it's worth

First world nations need liberal democracy's creative tension – an invigorating tension between rights and responsibilities, and between having the same rights and having the freedom to be different.

The Bill is the symbolic link to the hope found in both the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi and in the 1852 Constitution Act. Nineteenth century New Zealanders, especially those who had been slaves, decimated by war, of low genealogical birth status, or from impoverished backgrounds – they put their faith in a peaceful and prosperous future for their descendants.


In the 21st century we can strengthen that faith for our descendants by agreeing to the principles in this Bill.


New Zealand's future may be that of a prosperous first-world liberal democratic nation or a third-world, retribalised state. A first world tribal nation is a contradiction in terms. It is not possible. There can be no prosperity without individual equality and freedom. There can be no social equality without prosperity.

We are at a crossroads. The value of the Bill is that it not only forces us to confront this fact but allows us to do so within the parliamentary select committee process rather than through cultural posturing, intimidation, perhaps even violence. The very existence of the Bill is liberal democracy in action.

Professor Elizabeth Rata is a curriculum expert and author of A Political Economy of Neotribal Capitalism

ELIZABETH RATA: Oral Presentation to the Parliamentary Justice Committee on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill


Indeed the mystery of Christ runs the risk of being disbelieved precisely because it is so incredibly wonderful

- St Cyril of Alexandria (January 28) 


  1. WELL SAID, Julia !!
    We are witnessing apartheid being created here in New Zealand.

  2. Just get rid of the treaty altogether.Its ancient,.

  3. Johannes Rosloot28 January 2025 at 11:58

    Luxton is a weak shadow of a man - grow a pair and support David. One law for all. This is not rocket science.


  4. OK people this is the fact .. we are in deep shit with our constitutinal status. its been rogue from day 1 (ToW). The treaty was a treaty .. look it up .. TREATY .. no more no less .. it was not a constituninal document though various attempts has tried to make it that .. notable 1988 from memory .. but its NOT our constitution .. how do we solve this? Peters knows this and so does Egg Head .. yip I have little respect for any of them as they are all fraudlent puppets


  5. No Julia. They are in for longer term gains, no split at all. The bill will succeed in the future. Seymour is the ball carrier.

  6. Damien Cavendish28 January 2025 at 12:00

    I don't see Seymour quitting. Too weak.


  7. Sitting on the fence sums it up....


  8. Why the hell is Winnie not supporting this or is it just the fact he doesn't want to support David?


  9. Trixie Webber he has been advocating for decades, since the '80s i think, that there are NO PRINCIPLES to treaty. And that this whole idea of there being vague, endless principles is a farce. I support Seymour with this bill, but i agree with Winston, because I think Winston's is a much bigger hurdle to cross, and something is desperately needed to stem the flood of shit we're currently drowning in.


    1. Trixie Webber - He's hiding in the wood work as usual, it's the make up of the person, as he has been all the time and yet I voted for him !!!!! "NEVER AGAIN". !!!!


    2. Richard Field I'll never trust him after that election where he went with labour.


  10. Any democracy afraid of the voice of the majority is not a democracy at all. Those afraid of discussion or referendum are afraid of the outcome. In being so dismissive of those who elected him, Luxon is showing arrogance and ignorance, things that come with a price.


    1. Don Malcolm exactly. We had a gutsful of a PM who thought she knew better than her voters, we didn't want another one.


    2. Yep they need to grow some balls we voted for change why are they scared of it


    3. Brendan Paul change for the sake of it is not a good idea. Needs to be water tight and no tricks. Or it will be going on for another decade or is it two.


    4. Robyn Corfield yes, we voted for change and this is what we got!
      On this, NO CHANGE!

  11. Leith Oliver-Gilchrist28 January 2025 at 12:12

    Luxon is a Pussy


    1. Leith Oliver-Gilchrist no, those are useful, he is not!

  12. r
    This nation cannot continue as is. One nation one goverment one rule one set of laws...ONE People.
    We cannot continue to subsidize seperatism


  13. Watch democracy in action. The establishment hate it.

  14. Kim Murphy-Stewart28 January 2025 at 12:15

    You obviously don't understand treaties


  15. Less than 10 percent of the country voted for the little git, why should he get to dictate anything?

  16. Jared Kiwijaz Morgan28 January 2025 at 12:18

    I had hope for Winnie and was giving him a chance


  17. So with all the bla bla bla from Shane Jones it really is all those empty bla bla bla after all which means zero bla bla bla from NZFirst.


  18. Breaking agreements is what caused the problem in the first place, and combining that with a belief that "no agreement needs to be honored" openly displays an extraordinary amount of stupidity that is required to confirm what racism actually is in practice


  19. Many of the TP Bill presenters are clear evidence of the desperate need for the bill to become law. And more. Huge extreme leftist iwi entitlement has done huge damage to NZ, financially and culturally. Thanks to Ardern and her bevy of numb skulls. Google their MP list.


  20. Chris Keoghan Not sure about that - I haven't been called "a racist" today yet!


  21. Logic tells us it's a fractious relationship, Ardern and co started the polarization and we now have them.n us situation.
    MMp is daft for a country this size .
    Far too many opinions with only 1 set of ears...iwears


  22. Always voted Nats but ive joined act party why would a pm be against equal rights but even Luxon light years better than labour

  23. National supporter here but I have to agree, there’s a definite split.
    It’s playing perfectly into Seymour’s hands come next election, and he’s smart enough to recognise that.
    And the actions of Te Pati Maori are only fueling that sentiment.
    And I said to my wife where will the coalition be without ACT.
    More to come here methinks.


  24. Luxon doesn’t stand for democracy so what are his party members doing ?

    1. Ian Bloxham I presume you saw the "Join the Boycott for the Bill" billboard included in the post?


    2. Ian Bloxham could be following orders from the back room so it would appear all those national MPs who talk tough cannot walk the talk. Lost my two ticks. It would appear that voters are starting to figure out how a well-lead coalition could work under MMP??

    3. Graham Lloyd-Jones28 January 2025 at 12:32

      Ian Bloxham, following orders. He is a fraud.


  25. Dave Smith be careful you don’t waste your electorate vote on ACT as it could cause labour to get enough votes over NAT and ACT. Unless you’re in Epsom or Tamaki. I’m going to party vote ACT but electorate vote National.
    Dave Smith be careful you don’t waste your electorate vote on ACT as it could cause labour to get enough votes over NAT and ACT. Unless you’re in Epsom or Tamaki. I’m going to party vote ACT but electorate vote National.


  26. Luxon needs to remember how he got there...


  27. I'm National through and through But Luxon has lost my vote!


  28. I am liking Seymour more and more he seems to be the only one with morals and common sense

    1. Seymour supports abortion and euthanasia. No morals to be seen there.


  29. When did Peter's backflip on the TPB, I thought he was all for it 100%


    1. Clint Herring he wants the principles removed entirely and just go on what the treaty said, the real one i.e originally written English version. Which would make the Pity party's heads explode.


    2. Alan Scoltock ok, so he still wants it changed or sorted, unlike Fuxson who just wants to get rid of the bill all together and keep pandering to Maori and handing stupid amounts of money to elite Maori so they can buy more flash stuff for themselves and have a lush lifestyle

    3. Alan Scoltock
      Clint Herring exactly. Irony would be if it got that far, the idiots against the the Principles Bill would figure out how stupid they were and what it really addressed.
      Clint Herring exactly. Irony would be if it got that far, the idiots against the the Principles Bill would figure out how stupid they were and what it really addressed.


  30. And here’s an out there random thought.
    If Seymour withdraws from the coalition could that mean a snap election?
    Right now that would be an interesting scenario.
    Not sure if that’s even a legal possibility but it would be interesting.
    Would chuck Peters on the scrap heap finally.

  31. Warren Rawcliffe28 January 2025 at 12:42

    Agenda 2030 is the objective,co-governance and division are just tools to meet those ends.


  32. While Seymour isn't perfect he's the best of a bad bunch.


  33. Seymour wouldn't risk destroying the country even more by breaking the coalition or giving the left any majority. Winston did that in 2018 and look where we ended up......
    More likely Act will just gain more big picture thinking National voters instead.


  34. Seymour should have sat on the cross benches and given us real change. Sadly the top end of town lost their nerve and financially backed Winston to be a third wheel.


  35. National & Luxon will NOT allow Act's Treaty Bill to go to a Vote in Parliament.
    DEMOCRACY demands that Parliament votes on this matter, so that the New Zealand public knows who to vote for at the next election……..Luxon is telling all New Zealanders to go get stuffed.
    ……..now every minute that Trump is President……National & Luxon look more & more like a gang of gutless left wing clowns.
    Luxon has dug himself a huge hole with his irrational opposition to ACT’s Treaty Bill….the only way for National to survive now…..is for Luxon to resign.

    1. Shane Jones has the biggest balls but they are being squeezed by Winston.


  36. Why does Seymour not gain all of these betrayed National voters votes. He is hope


  37. Paul Jones Seymour promotes abortion and euthanasia. No morals to be seen there.


  38. Paul Jones and persistence… stands his ground, doesn’t lose his cool… very level headed.

  39. Christina Humphreys28 January 2025 at 21:24

    Apartheid here we come still all tip toeing around

  40. Lexylou Mcdougall28 January 2025 at 21:25

    He should at the very least explain to voters why he won’t support the bill , he doesn’t want to talk about it in the house or anywhere else , but he’s happy to say in passing, that he will “ kill it “ ,,,,,,,,,, his advisers need lift their game .


  41. Yep. I totally agree..if we are not all equal then new zealand is never going to be a country of any substance..never..

  42. Gabriella Alessi Petrie28 January 2025 at 21:27

    TPM is entitled to express their opinion but not shout anyone whose opinion differs to them down


  43. They’re politicians - adept at playing both ends against the middle. Only objective to attain and retain power.

  44. Robert Mason
    Go.for it Seymour


  45. Can't Rely on Whinny he's All talk like most of them and NO DO Sadly..


  46. Jared Kiwijaz Morgan gave up on him,he is a right single nosed.looking out for himself. Only one NZF any use is Shane Jones. Winsome Wihinny said he was against the bill.Be
    interesting to see if the coalition holds so Seymour gets his time as Deputy PM. Might be some dramatic shifts in the seascape.


  47. Julia du Fresne what's wrong with that?

  48. Julie Honey ah - quite a lot. Abortion kills unborn children; in other words it's legalised homicide. Euthanasia (suicide) also is homicide and
    according to St. Thomas Aquinas, the worst form of
    homicide (Summa Theologica, I-II, q. 73, a. 9, ad
    2). No one may take away the life of another, because it belongs only to God, and He alone may give it or take it. What adds to the particularly odious and
    abject character of this specific act is the condition of the victim. In effect, euthanasia is only envisaged by a vulnerable person, diminished by sickness, made miserable by mental distress, sorrow, pain and suffering, https://sspx.org/sites/default/files/documents/nov-dec-2015-angelus-extract-web.pdf


  49. Who can explain why Luxon is ‘sucking up’ to the radical Maori & ‘looney lefties’ who will never vote for him ?? while seemingly ignoring the rank & file National & conservative voters.


    1. Craig Sawyer the globalists at Davos could explain. But of course they won't.


  50. Clint Herring he wants the principles removed entirely and just go on what the treaty said, the real one i.e originally written English version. Which would make the Pity party's heads explode.


  51. Alan Scoltock ok, so he still wants it changed or sorted, unlike Fuxson who just wants to get rid of the bill all together and keep pandering to Maori and handing stupid amounts of money to elite Maori so they can buy more flash stuff for themselves and have a lush lifestyle


  52. Clint Herring exactly. Irony would be if it got that far, the idiots against the the Principles Bill would figure out how stupid they were and what it really addressed.


  53. Maybe we have a Trump in the making, we sure need one, Don’t bow the knee David unity and equality for all will give our grandchildren a future right across all kiwis.


  54. Julia du Fresne - Seymour is not promoting anything.....just giving you a choice.....if you think it's wrong, that is purely your choice and you are not being forced to participate.....others have different beliefs, especially if they are in constant pain and suffering...


    1. Nigel Kennedy Seymour was responsible for the euthanasia bill. No of course I'm not forced to participate by killing myself, but that legislation forces me to partcipate with my tax dollars. Morally I must choose to express my opposition to evil legislation which right-minded people will eventually regret.


  55. David 90% of New Zealanders support your bill leave coalition and force an election Luxton would be gone

  56. Gwenda Evan Carson29 January 2025 at 13:38

    Luxon is not living up to his pre election policies. And with this latest stunt of not allowing 140th kiwi voices to be heard who took their time to send in a submission is undemocratic….
    All should be heard. If not then a referendum is the only fair way.


  57. I've gotta point out that , Ya all voted for these gutless arseholes . Luxton stated uncatagorically ,before the election ,that he would follow the edicts of the world economic forum and that's what he's doing.
    Winston is just being his usual windblown self.
    Seymore is trying to follow his stated path but his traitorous partners and his career keep getting in the way.
    The NewZealand voter is being sold down the track the way it always is after it chooses another lame horse govt. It's one day of democracy every three years wasted , as bloody usual.
    This time their actually was an alternative. The NewZealand Loyal mob . New ideas and new faces . New ideas and honest faces !!! God forbid that we stray from the norm . That we try anything new !!!
    Ya all have got the havering useless ,traitorous govt that ya voted for and that ya deserve !!!!


  58. David Seymour won’t leave the coalition, he’s about to come deputy Prime Minster.


  59. Because he is a puppet of the globalists and does have the courage to oppose them. A weak man is being exploited but he really does not care as his next job alongside Ardern is secure.


    1. Guy Slocum DS for PM, as far as I am concerned!

    2. Michael Lowe We need to be careful not to fall in the trap, again, of thinking that a better person is good enough. Too many thought that of Luxon and look where that got them. Let’s not make the same mistake

    3. Guy Slocum Yes. Seymour is a man of no moral principles.
