Thursday, 30 January 2025


To comment please open your gmail account or use my email address, FB Messenger or X (Twitter). This post is likely to attract Protestant rants; they will not be published on this page. 


Today America's Catholic Bishops were justly deprived by President Donald Trump of  nearly $2.9 billion of federal funding for their leftist Catholic Charities' immigration racket. And whistleblower Kyle Seraphin, the chap who alerted the world to FBI snooping on the Latin Mass, is giving the lead to fellow Catholics by depriving the US Bishops of his tithing.   

"Are (the bishops) actually worried about their bottom line?” asked Catholic US vice-president J D Vance. Catholic Charities has ushered millions of illegal aliens into the United States, and advised 638,000 of them on how to evade immigration law. .  The bishops' venal immigration policy is a rotten fruit of Communist infiltration of the Church, typified by the radical Jesuit papal pretender Jorge Bergoglio.

Columbia has buckled under Trump's threats and taken back their exported criminals. NZ's Coalition Government and socialist Catholic bishops need to lift their game and play the ball - separatism and Novus Ordo effeminacy, respectively.

First, Kyle Seraphim on X (Twitter) socking it to his Austin, Texas, Bishop Vasquez.

Hey - My parish is reading your Leftist propaganda "letter" at Mass this Sunday. It decries the unfairness of 's immigration policy.
As of today, I will cease financially contributing to the Parish or the Diocese. I'll find ways to give charity directly to those in need as I did last year.



Bishop Vasquez - 'mealy-mouthed'

You need to repent and stop hiding being mealy mouthed, virtue signaled nonsense by saying the Diocese "recognizes a country's right and responsibility to promote public order, safety, and security through well-regulated borders and just regulations on immigrations" while pushing RADICAL Marxist/Liberation Theology tenets in the next sentence.

"At the same time, all people have the moral obligations to refrain from denigrating any group of people, to provide human treatment of the poor or others in need and to deprive no individuals of protection under the law."


The breakers of laws in this country have DIRECTLY and NEGATIVELY impacted the poor of THIS country. I haven't see your cries for the homeless veterans who served America. I don't see you reaching out for those in rural parts of America struggling.

The current US immigration situation directly leads to the rape, abuse, and enslavement of those who are trafficked and smuggled across the border and must result from willful ignorance or actual malevolence.

Americans murdered by illegal aliens

I will not be separating myself or my family from the Word or the Eucharist. But you can expect that I will not support this corrupt and lawless advocacy against the principles of national sovereignty and responsible governance. Shame on you, Bishop Vasquez.

Recent revelations about the federal funding awarded to Catholic non-governmental organizations (NGOs) over the past four years have raised significant questions regarding the motivations behind the U.S. Catholic bishops’ public stances on political issues.

An in-depth analysis of federal spending has revealed that the Biden administration granted Catholic NGOs nearly $2.9 billion in immigration-related funding, a figure more than three times higher than the funding awarded under the Trump administration’s first term.



22 year-old nursing student Laken Riley fought an illegal alien for 16 minutes before she died  


The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and affiliated Catholic NGOs have long been active participants in resettling immigrants and refugees, advocating for policies aligned with Catholic social teaching. However, the sheer scale of financial support during the Biden administration has sparked concerns about potential conflicts of interest, especially as these same bishops have largely refrained from addressing Biden’s anti-Catholic policies.


Furthermore, despite Canon 915 of Catholic Church law—which states that Catholics “obstinately persisting in manifest grave sin” should not receive Holy Communion—many bishops have continued to welcome Biden to the Eucharist.


The analysis, conducted using data from, reviewed immigration-related federal funding awarded to Catholic NGOs between 2009 and 2024. Researchers flagged organizations affiliated with the Catholic Church, analyzed the geographical distribution of funds across dioceses, and used data visualization tools like Tableau to present the findings.


The results revealed striking disparities: Catholic NGOs received $2.9 billion in the past four years, compared to $5.2 billion over the previous 16 years combined. More than half of the funding awarded since 2009 occurred under the  Biden administration, raising questions about the intersection of financial incentives and ecclesiastical advocacy.


The two largest recipients of these funds were Catholic Charities, which secured $2.6 billion, and the USCCB itself, which received nearly $1.6 billion. Geographically, the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., led the way with $1.6 billion, followed by the Diocese of Fort Worth with nearly $1 billion.


Federal funding was primarily allocated through three key programs: Refugee and Entrant Assistance State/Replacement Designee Administered Programs (41%), Refugee and Entrant Assistance Voluntary Agency Programs (18%), and the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (12%).


Critics of this funding suggest it may explain the bishops’ public silence regarding President Biden’s policies and their criticism of former President Trump. Trump’s immigration policies, including reduced refugee admissions and stricter enforcement of immigration laws, jeopardized the federal funding streams that Catholic NGOs heavily rely upon.


Meanwhile, Biden’s more lenient approach to immigration not only aligns with the USCCB’s advocacy but also ensures the continued flow of federal dollars to Catholic organizations.



Today Trump signed the Laken Riley Act ensuring no more Americans suffer at the hands of illegal alien criminals

Beyond the financial data, the study highlights the broader context of financial challenges facing the Church. Catholic dioceses have paid over $5 billion to settle sex-abuse scandal lawsuits, with additional millions spent on legal fees. This financial strain may contribute to the Church’s reliance on federal funding to sustain its operations and social programs, including those related to immigration.


The findings also spotlight inconsistencies in leadership messaging. For instance, Pope Francis has criticized strict immigration policies, such as Trump’s deportation plans, while simultaneously implementing measures to limit illegal entrants into Vatican City.


This financial and political entanglement raises critical questions about the motivations behind the bishops’ policy positions and public statements. While Catholic NGOs provide essential services to vulnerable populations, the Church’s reliance on government funding risks creating the appearance of compromised integrity.


As the faithful consider these findings, it is essential to prioritize transparency, accountability, and adherence to core Catholic principles to navigate the challenges of serving both God and neighbor.




  1. Great news indeed!!


  2. Stand on your own two feet


  3. They shouldn't have stolen.


  4. Trump the racist, rapist, convicted felon, bully. Trump killed more than a million Americans by downplaying covid. He tried to bully China and gave the whole world covid.

    1. None factual ! How about the WHO that lied to the American people, which pushed there agenda to make billions .


  5. Don't know how they joined Catholics and Communists together.
    They are not the same.... Duh🙄🤙🏽


    1. How do you join the One Holy Catholic Church and Communism together? It cant be because communism is condemned. It is against God and His Church. Instead, the enemies of Christ have created an Ape of the Church, a satanic facade. The short answer is by the combination of the condemned heresy of Modernism and the KGB invented Liberation Theology, which the KGB gave to the Jesuits, who then spread it around the world.

  6. Gladys H. Mariani30 January 2025 at 17:03

    About time!

  7. Robert Patlovany30 January 2025 at 17:05

    Every USA bishop that took USA taxpayer money, and then closed all Masses and sacraments for over a year beginning 2020, committed an act of idolatry to F a u c i et al. Conflict of interest, lusting for dirty money over the faithful reality that inspired the first 23 popes to embrace martyrdom rather than burn incense to Roman gods. Even the Pharisees that killed Jesus knew better than the 2020 bishops by rejecting Judas' 30 pieces of silver to protect the Temple Treasury for desecration. Catholic Charities was desecrated beyond redemption institutionalizing woman and child sex slavery, drug smuggling, human trafficking. The bishops fighting Trump are no better than Judas, way less pure that Pharisees that killed Jesus.


  8. It's about time these turds get their "come-up-in's!
    Catholic Charities and the CHI (Catholic Health Initiative) which provides Administration to so called Catholic Hospitals. These "wolves in sheep's clothing are anything but Catholic.
    It's all a scam!

  9. Дэмиен Демент30 January 2025 at 17:12

    my middle name is Saint John, I was raised Catholic, but with age and knowledge I have become a non-denominational Christian. I don't follow the bible word for word, I just live my life with the sincere hope I don't bring unnecessary hurt or hardship on people around me.
    Sadly, many aspects of organized religions have become corrupted and out of line with my moral expectations, so when I see Trump cutting these guys off, I support it.

    1. Дэмиен Демент as a traditional Catholic I support this too. Absolutely. The Catholic Church is a human institution as well as divine anc the make-over she's getting now from Antipope Francis and his minions in the USCCB is temporary; a future holy pope will by the grace of God restore her beauty.
      And by the grace of God, guided by your holy patron you will one day return to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church..


  10. The Catholic Church leaders have always been corrupt. One just has to remember how they jumped into bed with Hilter in the ‘30’s. Look how they sweep the sexual molestation of kids under the table.

    1. Marc Machon, sounds like your knowledge of history goes back only as far as Vatican Council II - except for the '30s and even that you get wrong. "Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) was instrumental even in a determining
      way in drafting the famous Encyclical Mit Brennender
      Sorge. This was published in Germany. It’s the only
      encyclical ever written in German. It was smuggled
      into Germany by a diplomatic pouch, distributed by
      persons on motor bicycles or cars to the individual
      bishops, printed in hundreds of thousands of copies,
      read out from all the pulpits in Germany on a given
      day; and of course the Nazis were furious because there
      are statements about extolling race above everything
      else, etc. Therefore it is a total condemnation of the
      racist ideology of the Nazis."
      Read the whole thing. It will enlighten you. If your mind is open to it.


  11. I understand that!
    It’s tragic because St Vincent De Paul society here in NZ does marvellous work for the poor in my country
    So American Catholic Churches are a blight on society

  12. Livingman-Mark House-Thompson30 January 2025 at 18:19

    All pleasing to read…
    But all Theatre 🎭
    We’re witnessing a changing of the guard …don’t for a minute think Humanity will be released from Slavery under governments & religious serfdom.


    1. Livingman-Mark House-Thompson The Catholic religion is Reality, and true freedom.

    2. Evan Brent Connock30 January 2025 at 20:13

      The RC church does not require funding

    3. Livingman-Mark House-Thompson30 January 2025 at 20:30

      ALL Religion is man’s attempt to reach Divine. Then coming up with rules and dogma to enforce on & control the Followers.
      The RC church - which I was born into - was established by satanist Constantine who went on to oversee the Council of Nicea AD325 creating the 66 book “Bible”
      It’s only gone downhill from there. Catholicism ….evangelicalism ….Pentecostal ism….
      It’s all foundationaly & systemically corrupted & perverts true faith in our divine creator.

    4. Julia du Fresne

      Top contributor
      Livingman-Mark House-Thompson Oh dear. The RC Church was established by the Son of God on the "rock" of Peter. "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Mt 16,16). Our Lord couldn't have spoken more clearly. And it can only be pride that prevents Protestants et al from taking the Son of God at His word.

    5. Livingman-Mark House-Thompson30 January 2025 at 22:51

      Livingman-Mark House-Thompson

      Rising contributor
      Julia du Fresne
      Dunno. Wasn’t there at the time. Hearsay. Were you there?
      Peter may well have been the original chosen one. But that didn’t stop Saul/Paul from interloping. Then setting things up for Constantine three centuries later.
      Learn your church history. There are sone massive holes to be discovered.
      I’ll agree to disagree with you. You seem a lovely faith-filled lady. Your religion is of great comfort to you it would seem.
      I choose to place my faith in my Creator; not anything created. Especially not created by lustful sinful men.

    6. Livingman-Mark House-Thompson Christians believe Holy Scripture was written by God, Who doesn't listen to hearsay.
      The Catholic Church was created by the Son of God, Who is inerrant. Who was sent by the Father and Who sent the Holy Spirit, and Who said, "behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world." (Mt 28,20). That is Church history. I also place my faith in my Creator; and in the Church He built and gave me to be my Mother.


  13. Evan Brent Connock I would differentiate. Catholic named charities are not all directly or financially part of the catholic church. They market on the name and tar the greater church but aren't actually accountable in any way to the church directly.

    1. Evan Brent Connock30 January 2025 at 20:15

      Brad Clifton only problem is that the church in Rome has many assets. While studying in the US cardinal Dulles had occasion to visit the Uni, these folks arrived in New Black Lincolns...not one but three! I hardly think tne Catholic church should be pleading poverty. Charities aside, there is plenty to go around. The US govt was giving a huge amount of money to the RC church, but what if military veterans? Many are homeless and addicted... they likely could yse nore support.


    2. Evan Brent Connock all I'm saying is that most catholic charities these days are not catholic in reality. They are overrun by leftist stooges and perpetuate the false ideology of social justice.


  14. Good. The Catholic Church is incredibly wealthy. They don’t need federal funding.


  15. Fantastic. The parasites sucking on the producers need a dam good sheep dip or three.


  16. Bloody good job!!👏👏👏


  17. Seriously they need funding?


    1. Roslynn Fielder the post-conciliar, Novus Ordo, Synodal Bergoglian sect/church' bishops' flock is deserting. And it has to stump up $2,49 billion for sex abuse settlements, largely because they have failed to preach the Gospel..

  18. Kristen Gustafson31 January 2025 at 13:32

    Why would the gov be funding anything that churches do?


    1. Kristen Gustafson because Catholic Charities is supposed to be a charity. Supposed to save the government money.

    2. Kristen Gustafson31 January 2025 at 13:55

      Seperation of church and state?


    3. Kristen Gustafson it demonstrates once again that separation of Church and State was a disaster.

  19. Lynnette Erickson31 January 2025 at 13:33

    Yay go trump !!!!!!!


  20. 🙏🙏 of thanks. Kept up this work DJT

  21. Cindy Roder Hughes31 January 2025 at 13:44

    About time with many other NGO's. Thank God.


  22. Good for him! Catholic Bishops need to be held accountable for their woke policies too. Some our very good, and faithful to Christ's teachings, like Cardinal Burke, others are more political, and focus only on social justice. Jesus didn't do that!


  23. Let's see the bishops step up and sell their mansions or move the immigrants in with them. Lead by example bishops


  24. Alleluia!

  25. Its good that Trump is cutting the funding of the "catholic" church's Charities/NGO's. The Church should not be funded by Caeser.

    Trump should go further and cut the funding of catholic schools. No state funding of Catholic Schools the Bishop and the parents should fund it themselves. No funding means no State mandated curriculum! Trump could give tax credits to those that donate to schools or pay students tuition fees (or donate to the Bishops, Diocese fund for the schools in the Diocese. As long as the donated money ONLY goes to funding schools). The reasoning being that those children's education is no longer the responsibility of the State.

    1. I quite agree, and NZ's state funding of Catholic schools ditt, because it has compromised the transmission of Catholic doctrine to our children to the extent that the schools can no longer be called Catholic.


  26. I'm a practicing Catholic and I stopped giving to them years ago. I'm glad Trump cut them your own investigation.

  27. Libby Harris McGinn2 February 2025 at 14:04

    Good, I’m Catholic but if they support planned parenthood and illegal entry into this country than so be it!
    Good, I’m Catholic but if they support planned parenthood and illegal entry into this country than so be it!

  28. Connie Rose-Straube2 February 2025 at 14:05

    What really upset me with the Bishops was during COVID when the GOVERNMENT decided we couldn't attend Mass. The Bishops complied without any hesitancy, rebuke, or argument. They should have kept the churches open and left it to the people if they wanted to risk going to church or stay home. When churches finally opened, It was nonsense to have to make an appointment to attend Mass and stand in line to be admitted. If there were too many they were turned away.


    1. Connie Rose-Straube Exactly!! Also, they received gov funds for compliance

    2. Connie Rose-Straube2 February 2025 at 14:07

      Theresa Davies My heart goes out to all the grieving families who could not have a funeral Mass for their loved ones who died during COVID. My nephew-in-law died during that time and my niece couldn't have a funeral Mass for her husband. I know of one Catholic church who defied the Bishop and allowed funeral Masses to be said.


    3. Horrible!! I hope we learned our lesson. Sorry about your nephew-in-law, very sad.


  29. I was a regular donor to Catholic charities from the time I was 18 until about four years ago. I’ll start giving again once the evil has been purged. 


    1. Eddie Burns
      Give to convents and monasteries.




  31. Awesome, go Trump

  32. Josetta Cascione Burchardt2 February 2025 at 14:14

    This is long overdue. The bishops were sure quick to criticize POTUS Donald Trump, but, good 'ole 'Faithful Catholic Joseph Biden' who took actions against pro-life Catholics, and pushed perversion, plus hurting families with his economic and left-wing social agendas - crickets.


    1. We didn't need your sedevacantist take on the otherwise news item (Pope Francis is not a "pretender", he is the Supreme Pontiff).
      This is called trolling and reveals an obsession with promoting the sede error at every opportunity.
      Such trolling (sede spam) should be banned from this group.


  33. Finally...🥰😘

  34. Joni Gray Janssen2 February 2025 at 14:19

    Ironically, the CC commercials have started and they are asking for donations. They need to make up that 2.9 billion somewhere. 😂 Not from me!


  35. Separation of church and state


    1. Lauren Valente no separation. God is always in charge.

    2. Bea There agreed. There should be no such separation.


  36. 👏🏻I stopped donating several years ago when I found out that Catholic Charities was funding illegal immigration. Way to go President Trump! ❤️

  37. Beth Mocko About time.2 February 2025 at 14:28

    About time.

  38. Deirdre McHugh Dooner2 February 2025 at 14:29

    They need a wake up call. Was hoping it would be God and not Trump.

  39. Maureen Hanlon Whalen2 February 2025 at 14:29

    Thank God!


  40. I have not gave to Catholic Charities for a few years.

  41. Renee Marrero Withers2 February 2025 at 14:30

    sometimes the good have to suffer for the bad


  42. I am very, very supportive of this!!!
    Go TRUMP!!!!!

  43. Annette Waggoner2 February 2025 at 14:33

    The salvation of souls is in great jeopardy with these Bishops! God will not be mocked!


  44. I guess the bishops will have to rely on the faithful now. Maybe they will also have to address the low church attendance and actually try to implement liturgies people want to attend, like the Latin mass.


  45. Why would a Bishop be engaged in such a thing?? Is that what the Bible or the Church teaches?? If they really cared would they not have gone about helping these people the right and legal way???


  46. 2.9 BILlION. Is there any accounting of where exactly that money went?


  47. Build monasteries and convents just like it used to be. It is no wonder modernists wants to do away with our patrimony. They like the money they receive from government and Catholics to perform their evil actions and take everyone of us for a fool.


  48. We don’t need none of these alynski societies. None. We need monasteries and convents back. But I as long as heretics are in charge that won’t happens.


  49. Social justice… not a fan


  50. Praise God! Jesus & Mary please wrap your mantel of protection around Pres Trump and continue to guide him in the right direction. In your most holy names we pray...Amen


  51. The Catholic bishops together with bergolio need repent


  52. Good. He also got the Lutherans and the Jewish organizations that had NGOs bringing them in.

    1. Connie Rose-Straube2 February 2025 at 14:40

      Tim Rounds That's one reason why the Episcopal Bishop hates Trump so much.


    2. Tim Rounds no different than any other point in history. Remember the gates of toledo and who opened them to the Muslim hordes. Same thing happening today with all the jews promoting this. It's a silent genocide of whites.


    3. Tim Rounds might be stopping now, at least in America, but in Europe where jews have captured all the institutions, native white populations are being replaced by migrants and so-called refugees.

  53. Tim Rounds
    C.K. Miller except that you use the word captured. Not so. Look waaaay back at the history of the institutions or industries they "captured". You will find that they all have their roots in hard manual, dirty work. Those were the only jobs available to Jess. They took them and made a living while growing the business. Look at the media. They "own" the media because in the 1600's no one wanted to be a typesetter. Now, that same group is still in control. Banking?..same. Facts matter. It's not their fault they rose to the top. It was forced on them.
    C.K. Miller except that you use the word captured. Not so. Look waaaay back at the history of the institutions or industries they "captured". You will find that they all have their roots in hard manual, dirty work. Those were the only jobs available to Jess. They took them and made a living while growing the business. Look at the media. They "own" the media because in the 1600's no one wanted to be a typesetter. Now, that same group is still in control. Banking?..same. Facts matter. It's not their fault they rose to the top. It was forced on them.


    1. Tim Rounds parasites can be removed with the right treatment.


  54. Awesome🙏🙏


  55. ·
    This is the first time I heard about where CC funds are going and I've been donating to them. I should have done my research

  56. Paulette Stewart2 February 2025 at 14:46

    thank you.

  57. David Middlekauff2 February 2025 at 14:47

    I’m all for charity…just not government charity for those who break our laws and lie about where that money goes..if you want to come here and apply and wait your turn..and honor yourself by completing the process that shows humility and respect. There is so much crime with drugs human trafficking now…we need to slow things down and make sure where we send taxpayer dollars is a worthy and just need.


  58. Good for him.

  59. Nancy Gibilterra Sievert2 February 2025 at 14:49

    Good for him.


  60. Thank you, God.

  61. Lisa Walker Jennings2 February 2025 at 14:50

    I'm a practicing Catholic and so happy to see this. We need to get the corrupt leadership out of the church.

  62. Diane Pascaretti2 February 2025 at 14:51

    Good. I won't donate either for our demise. Five cash directly to your Priest.

  63. William Gates Jr.2 February 2025 at 14:52

    Trimming the FAT
    Get'rrr done!

  64. Carol Kroll Babbitt2 February 2025 at 14:54

    I am a church going Catholic and refuse to donate to Catholic charities.


  65. Good. Shine a light on this evil.

  66. Wolves in sheep’s clothing…


  67. ·
    God's discipline is coming down on the true law breakers!


  68. CC is not Catholic.


    1. Logan Coovert you mean perhaps that the N O Bergoglian sect is not Catholic.


  69. "The Plot to Infiltrate and Destroy the Catholic Church From Within." Book by Dr. Taylor Marshall. 😡

  70. Hollis Maria Lucia4 February 2025 at 14:14

    Hollis Maria Lucia
    Wonderful 👏👏👏As a Catholic myself I am proud of the actions of President Trump and ashamed of the corruption and evil ways the Catholic Church has been doing. The Church should stick to preaching the faith and being a model to the faithful.

    1. Maureen Eden Smith4 February 2025 at 14:15

      Hollis Maria Lucia scary times but the Holy Spirit leads us to truth. I don’t understand this Pope. I too am greatful for President Trump. I didn’t like the way the Pope treated him first time around and how he accepted all the unchristian ways Biden was in favor of. Such a disgrace. All we stand for as a Catholic was pushed aside for the Biden agenda. Especially regarding the unborn. I remember way back in regards to the Blessed Mother. Someone asked during the apparitions how do we know who to vote for in leadership. The response was that when we need to choose between two that seem not totally what you believe is correct always go with the one who promotes life.


    2. Maureen Eden Smith what you say all points to the fact that Francis is not the pope. Because he is so obviously NOT guided by the Holy Spirit Who always leads the Vicar of Christ (a title, btw, that Francis almost immediately discarded).
