Monday 16 September 2024


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As half-expected, "Francis the Heretic Can't Be the Pope" - - as posted last night proved either too lengthy or too abstruse for some readers of this blog to grasp. What's obviously needed is a precis, a summary, and with apologies for its delayed appearance and for "shouting" at you, please find it below. 

Perhaps the most important point to take on board - after THE FAITH NEVER CHANGES - is that PAPAL EXERCISE OF THE INFALLIBLE TEACHING AUTHORITY IS NOT LIMITED TO SOLEMN DEFINITIONS. Believing that a pope is infallible only when making pronouncements ex cathedra is an astonishingly common error and, we confess, one probably made by this blog in the past.


Francis in Singapore: "all religions lead to God"



All that is required for infallible teaching [on the part of the pope] is the self-evident fact that something is proposed as to be believed, i.e. that it is not presented as a provisional and conditional, but as an irrevocable and unconditional truth.


In other words, when Francis tells an inter-faith gathering in Singapore or wherever that "all religions lead to God", he expects to be taken at his word. He's presenting that statement as "an irrevocable and unconditional truth".

BUT when he's enunciating such an egregious example of the heresy of religious indifferentism, roundly condemned by the last great monk-pope, Gregory XVI (August 15, 1832) in his encyclical Mirari Vos, any Catholic can clearly see that Francis is not infallible.

Ergo. Therefore. If he is not infallible he is not, and cannot be, the pope!!!

The POPE is precisely the INFALLIBLE rock of the Church, the one who infallibly confirms all the brethren, the infallible shepherd of the whole flock of Christ not only on extraordinary occasions, but in the ordinary course of Church life.


The Church ... is the true Church of Jesus Christ, the WHOLLY RELIABLE teacher, the INDEFECTIBLE vessel of divine grace, the Ark of Salvation which will never founder on the rocks of error.


This is the Church which has Jesus Christ as her Divine Head, and IT DOES NOT HAVE JORGE BERGOLIO AS HER VISIBLE HEAD ON EARTH.


Francis’ membership of the Church, and his exercise of any teaching authority within her, would be incompatible with her divinely established constitution and the indefectibility bestowed on her.




Faithful Catholics today – that is, those who take the magisterium of the Catholic Church as their rule of faith – are living as though there is no pope even if they verbally recognize Francis as pope. They are habitually withholding assent to his ordinary teaching, as we have seen in the example of new doctrine on capital punishment proposed in the “Catechism of the Catholic Church”.

That is to say, when they hear about Bergoglio's latest utterance, even Novus Ordo Catholics are saying (perhaps only to themselves), "That can't be right". And they are right. It's not. He is a scandal to Catholics and also to good Protestants, who quite candidly cannot stand him.   


Christ established His Church to lead us into all truth, not to teach us errors that we must then bravely resist.


As St. Robert Bellarmine taught: [I]t would be a miserable situation for the Church, if she were forced to acknowledge as her shepherd a manifestly raging wolf. But this is the miserable situation in which many Catholics find themselves, due to their unnecessary and contradictory recognition of Francis as pope.

This "miserable situation" is called cognitive dissonance.  

"Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort a person feels when their behavior does not align with their values or beliefs."

Believing that a manifest heretic must be the leader of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is a very uncomfortable condition for a faithful Catholic to live with  - not just for the sufferer but for his/her friends and/or family who are not afraid to recognise the truth as it is taught INFALLIBLY by the Church. It's boring and just bonkers to be continually pointing out to those suffering from cognitive dissonance in this regard that Bergoglio is  spouting heresy yet again. 


Catholics must bravely realise and accept that A MANIFEST HERETIC CANNOT BE POPE.


The Church of Christ has been temporarily deprived of her Visible Head and the voice of her Supreme Teacher has been temporarily silenced.

The longest time to elect a new pope after the death of the previous one amounted to almost three years. This happened after the death of Clement IV in 1268. 


The last pope - Benedict XIV - died in 2022. So this is not the longest interregnum in the history of the Catholic Church. In other words, DON'T PANIC! Christ did not desert His Church after the death of Clement IV and He has not deserted His Church now.  Behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world (Mt 28,20). 


She is what she has always been, the infallible oracle of truth, which no error can stain.

She has not defected, she has not failed in her sacred mission, and one day soon, in God’s good time, the Voice of Christ’s Vicar will be heard in Rome again.


St Cornelius, Pope and Martyr, St Cyprian, Bishop and Martyr, pray for the Church


  1. Any church that breaks any of God's laws are not of the true faith. How many went along with Gay marrage, abortion...

    1. Robert Elliott Lang Vicky Lilly they ALL break Gods laws16 September 2024 at 15:43

      Vicky Lilly they ALL break Gods laws

    2. Robert Elliott Lang, apart from Francis' attempt to change Catholic teaching on the death penalty, which of God's laws has the Catholic Church broken?


    3. All religion is born of man...the word itself means to shackle or bind....all stolen texts from other countries ...Come on now

    4. The word 'religion' means a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices.


    5. Julia du Fresne well correctly the original word is “bound”. How you are bound is the important part.
      If you choose to bind yourself into relationship with Jesus thats great. But if you are bound into man’s imposed traditions within a “religious” order then that’s terrible.

    6. Mac McConnell, Jesus Christ said "He that heareth you, heareth me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me" (Lk 10,16). So that when we bind ourselves to the successors of the apostles - the bishops of the Catholic Church - we bind ourselves into the relationship with Jesus that He wills for us. It's despising those bishops who teach Christ's Gospel which truly is terrible.


  2. All pope's are anti christ and not biblical.
    Probably the same for cardinals and all other name calling


    1. Remko Schipper of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven" (Matthew 16:19 RSV).


    2. Remko Schipper Matthew 16:18
      I tell you that you are Peter, and it is on this rock that I will build my congregation, and the powers of hell will not conquer it.

    3. The canonisation process is extremely rigorous and 83 popes have been canonised as saints, meaning they have gained heaven. However I do not count Francis' canonisations as valid. Nothing he does or has done has validity because he is not the pope.

  3. Kerry Campbell
    One thing you stated hit the nail on the proverbial head. "Lay people have out of the Catholic habit of obedience..." Unquestioning obedience to the authority and tradition of the Roman Catholic church gave it what was once unprecedented power over Kings and subjects. The indoctrination from an early age - for most - sets this overpowering sense of authority in them for life, and as a result they dare not challenge the so called clergy nor their interpretation of scripture, nor their cardinal doctrines such as apostolic succession. Indeed nor can the doctrine of childhood indoctrination be questioned - because that is the prime means of control. Martin Luther on the other hand emphasized the priesthood of all believers, and freedom of conscience which is a faculty only possible with being fully informed and maturity.


    1. Kerry Campbell, Christ Our Lord was "obedient unto death" (Phil 2,8). Christians must model themselves on Christ, so obedience is a beautiful virtue. To teach a virtue modelled by Christ Himself "unto death" therefore cannot be called 'indoctrination', and as long as 'the so-called clergy' are faithful to Magisterium, Scripture and Tradition, to challenge them is to challenge God. That is the sin of pride.
      And that sin of pride was modelled pre-eminently firstly by Lucifer and then by Martin Luther. He put himself above Christ's teaching, declaring that he himself knew better than Christ's Church. His pride resulted in 'the priesthood of all believers and freedom of conscience' which led to thousands of denominations, all believing themselves to be 'fully informed'.
      I'm sorry, but the Protestant scenario is simply risible.

  4. Peter Homer
    I do think Pope is heretical. But where does the line between material and formal heresy lie?


    1. Peter Homer Why so blind!? We must pray for him. But he indeed has done heretical and blasphemous acts, that do not align with the teaching of our Lord Jesus.

    2. Peter Homer, you do think 'the Pope' is heretical but you still think he's the pope? Really???

    3. Julia du Fresne, you are referring to the first part of a previous comment of mine, but do you know the answer to the question of whether he is in formal heresy or only material? I don’t claim to know. Do you say it’s formal?

    4. I believe Bergoglio is absolutely a formal heretic. He as 'pope' and Jesuit should know more than anyone that his beliefs and teachings contradict Catholic teaching but he obstinately continues to proclaim them.


  5. The current Pope is a Jesuit, and Jesuit influence has historically been achieved by numbers. This is why they encouraged Catholics to have large families throughout their empire. The Jesuit presence came to New Zealand with the first whalers, well before the Protestants and Samuel Marsden in 1814. However, God prevailed over the satanic influence of the Jesuits in New Zealand through Dunedin and the Scottish Reform Church, which spread God's word across the country. This, in turn, brought about New Zealand's success as a trading nation, despite the Jesuits plundering the gold wealth from the 1860s via their banker minions and merchants. The battle still rages today, unabated.

    1. At the time of which you speak the Jesuits were very intelligent and holy priests who achieved great miracles for God and His Church. So it's hardly surprising that since then Satan has targeted their order and corrupted so many of their number - Jorge Bergoglio, Fr James Martin and Fr Thomas Reese among them - but not, of course, all.
      That said, I wonder what your comment has to do with the price of fish?

    2. I’m an ex-Catholic, raised in the 1960s, and Dunedin was at the heart of the Jesuit system that saw the abuse of many children. Not all Catholics experienced this, of course, but I’m fully aware of the harm done to so many. There are gems of truth in the Catholic Church, and it’s not all fallible. That’s the mystery of God—He works through His children, as well as through the minions of Satan, to bring about His outcomes. For example, God chose King James—a tyrant of a king—to organize the creation of the King James Bible. Similarly, Martin Luther, in his time, was the only man in Germany with the necesary intellect and intemperate nature to spark what became Protestantism. Despite their personal flaws, these men played critical roles, and that has also, in many ways, saved New Zealand from following a much darker path.

    3. I'm so sorry that you should describe yourself as "ex-Catholic". You realise of course that the Church is human as well as divine, just as Christ Himself was, and that Catholics sin, as other Christians do - but with this difference: Catholics are a prey to Satan in a way that non-Catholics are not, simply because of his hatred of the Eucharist, the source and summit of the Church.
      God didn't "choose" King James or Luther. It is never God's will that anyone should sin, let alone as grievously as they did. They chose to disobey God of their own free will. Just like Lucifer.


  6. Bergoglio is not Catholic.


  7. He is a PHONY.


  8. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No one (not even one in the Greek)goes to the Father but by Me. (John 14)


  9. He is sent by his superiors to prepare the one world religion!
