Wednesday 3 July 2024


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The revelations below by Rodney Hide, of the grooming going on in New Zealand's schools, the deliberate perversion of our next generation for the sexual delectation and delight of depraved adults, should make you hopping mad. 

And it's small wonder, when a senior member of the Coalition Government, Finance Minister Nicola Willis, 'follows' a deranged creature like Willy SmacknTush, a drag king who makes his money corrupting tots in public, in a career made possible by what he describes as "a change in the political climate" enabling legitimized paedophilia. 

The monsters responsible for Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) are teaching children they can have sexual relations - when legally they cannot. How can the Coalition Government - even if graced by amoral ministers - countenance such criminal behaviour in the classroom? Are teachers now so debased and incompetent that they resort to porn to get and hold attention? Evidently they are. Apparently they're thrilled to bits to discover kids in their class whose sexuality is 'outside of (sic) the norm'. 

The dead hand of Planned Parenthood, aka Family Planning - and we say 'dead' advisedly, as death is Planned Parenthood's business, and a very lucrative one at that, no matter how often they euphemise their moniker (now 'Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa') - is all over this dirty work at the crossroads of New Zealand education.

Well-informed observations from David Alexander Lillis, garnered by his 20 years in the Public Service, corroborate Rodney Hide's report and make it abundantly clear that Education and Human Resources especially are riddled with bullying and ill-will. 

Lillis' comments are, among others, as follows: 

  • honorifics such as Queens Service Orders, damehoods or knighthoods (awarded after careers in the Public Service)do not in any way imply a person of common decency
  • (there are) unqualified and inexperienced people in lucrative management roles
  • plagiarism
  • constant public reprimands and other harassments for disliked staff
  • framing of disliked staff to make them look incompetent
  • isolating staff and instructing others not to talk to or otherwise communicate with those being targeted
  • physical intimidation, verbal harassment of a sexual nature, and, of course, the inevitable covering-up by other managers, senior executives and Human Resources
  • many others were subjected to much the same mistreatment and an unknown amount of public money has been “invested” in non-disclosure agreements designed to shut down complainants
  • bullying right, left and centre as they ascended the chain of command with great speed to very high and completely undeserved salaries, and into positions where they stood to damage their organizations and the sectors that they were supposed to administer
  • Others, decent people and hard workers who gave of their best year after year, were destined to go precisely nowhere
  • Anyone who was disliked by the top executives could look forward to being performance-managed out very brutally or made redundant in the next round of restructuring
  • I have seen several such mediocrities sneer and laugh aloud in public while smashing far more highly-qualified out of their professions
  • HR - grossly over-remunerated nobodies extracting money from the public purse for doing nothing of any value and engaging in their own forms of abuse in support of bullying managers in pushing good people out of employment
  • I see those same bullies in a certain education ministry and another education-related organization, safe as houses in highly-remunerated positions that they never deserved in the first place. (David Alexander Lillis.)

Wakatipu High School, Queenstown; fairly top-drawer and well-heeled

My 13-year-old daughter is a year 9 student at Wakatipu High School.

The School’s Head of Health and Physical Education emailed me explaining an upcoming course on Relationship and Sexuality Education.

The email read as follows:

Kia ora Parents/Caregivers,

This term, as part of the compulsory ‘Health Education in New Zealand Schools’ our Year 9 students will be participating in a unit of work focused on relationship and sexuality education.

The following topics will be covered in your child’s Year 9 Health & Physical Education (5HPE) lessons:

Relationships, including characteristics of both healthy and unhealthy relationships, influences on these and how to access help for yourself or others, if required

Sexuality, including diversity in gender and sexual identities and actions we can take to ensure we are being an inclusive school.

Pubertal change and strategies to manage this

Female and male anatomy and conception

Romantic Relationships


Where to go for help, support and advice if required.

Your child's upcoming Health lessons will include a range of learning activities and modes of learning, including powerpoints, videos, scenarios, group discussions and reflection. Our program includes aspects from the Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa's resource ‘Navigating the Journey’, as well as a variety of other sources.


Children need fathers like Rodney Hide, more now than ever


The email appears innocent but raises multiple red flags. I have had the benefit of attending Family First’s Bob McCoskrie’s and Let Kids Be Kid’s Penny Marie’s and Elizabeth Cave’s presentations explaining what has happened in our schools.

Red Flag #1: The email implies the course is compulsory. It isn’t. The Training and Education Act 2020 s.51 specifically makes it optional.

Red flag #2: “including diversity in gender and sexual identities”. This is the idea that sex is assigned at birth and that we have a gender “feeling” that makes us something else, i.e. we can be born in the wrong body. There is an ever-expanding list of gender possibilities and, indeed, our gender identity can itself be ever evolving.

Red flag #3 “Where to go for help, support and advice if required.” Does this include parents? Spoiler: it doesn’t.

Red flag #4. “Your child's upcoming Health lessons will include a range of learning activities and modes of learning, including powerpoints, videos, scenarios, group discussions and reflection.” What videos? What “scenarios”? What gets discussed in “group discussions”? Spoiler: it’s not good.

Red Flag #5 “Our program includes aspects from the Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa's resource ‘Navigating the Journey’, as well as a variety of other sources.” What is “Navigating the Journey” and what sources?

I wrote to the Head of Department with my concerns:

“I would be grateful if you could tell me when this unit is to start and on what days it will run.

I would be grateful also if you could provide me the PowerPoints, the scenarios to be discussed, videos to be shown and also the “variety of sources” outside the “Navigating the Journey”.

I would be grateful too if you provide me with “Navigating the Journey” for year 9s.”

I got the dates but not the curriculum. “The resources we use for this unit are intellectual property … [and] the Navigating the Journey resource is a purchased resource and we can not share this due to copyright.”

I could see the slides to be used but I would need to “acknowledge that the purpose of your request is to assess appropriateness … and that the material will not be used for any other purpose and/or distributed.”

Of course, the slides are only a subset of what is to be taught.

My concern became informed consent: I couldn’t see the material that was to be presented to my 13-year-old daughter.

I did learn that the course was to be taken by a male teacher.

However, the 196 page “Navigating the Journey” for Year 9 students is available as a PDF for $5 from “Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa” (formerly Family Planning).

Family Planning, aka Planned Parenthood, in other words Baby Killing for Profit.  Now why have they graduated from one euphemism to another? Hmmm? 

There are separate publications for each of years 1 to 10, i.e. ages 5 to 14.

I got the Year 9 PDF. Remember: this is for 13-year-olds in the classroom, boys and girls together, and a male teacher.

Marriage is mentioned only once and then only to explain that sexual assault can occur within marriage. That’s it. Marriage and family don’t feature in a course on Relationship and Sexuality Education.

Abstinence is not recommended. It’s the 13-year-old’s choice.

The age of consent gets a mention but the course explains that children under 16 may still want to have sex in which case, “It is important that both people give consent and that contraceptives are used carefully”.

And when the carefully used contraceptives fail, the Babykillers for Profit are there to help. 

The course explains over and over how 13-year-olds can give consent when legally they can’t give consent.

The entirety of the message is pleasure, consent and contraception. There is nothing else that seemingly matters.

The course is child-centred. There is much activity with the students split into groups to discuss, for example, what they know about sexuality, what it means to have sex and the giving and gaining of consent and so on, and which they then share with the class.

The class is divided into pairs for pupils to practice putting condoms on wooden penises.

The curriculum has many classroom resources for pupils working in groups. For example, within their group they connect the cards saying vaginal sex, anal sex and oral sex to the cards with the meanings. This is for 13-year-olds. Or matching labia minora (or ngutu pua pua iti) with its definition. The exercises are aids to stimulate class discussion.

Illustrating the fruits of 'diversity in gender and sexual identities' - Trudeau's Canada, Ardern's NZ 

There are also scenarios presented to discuss. For example:

A young woman gets drunk at a party. She is flirting with and kissing an older woman. After dancing with her she passes out in a bedroom. The older woman has sex with her.

Remember: this is for 13-year-olds.

The curriculum is full-on gender theory: “sex is between your legs but gender is in your head and heart.” You have a penis but you think and feel you are a girl, then voila, you are a girl.

The curriculum baldly states, “The main reason people take part in sexual activity is for pleasure.”

The curriculum explains that masturbation is a good way to learn about what gives you pleasure with the pupil’s bedroom being a good place to masturbate. Male teachers are teaching this to 13-year-old girls under their care.

The course explains that girls can get an abortion at any age.

And at any cost to their physical, mental and spiritual health. Like eternity in the fires of hell.

The course warns 13-year-olds that sharing sex toys can spread disease.

The curriculum claims everyone is on their own different sexuality journey and everyone will have their own reasons for having sex or not. It’s all about what feels right and good for the 13-year-old.

The videos that the curriculum recommends aren’t copyright. They can be seen here under The Real Sex Talk. The videos are co-written and co-produced by singer-song writer Lizzie Marvelly paid for by New Zealand On Air and guided by Rape Prevention Education, Family Planning and Rainbow Youth.

The videos showcase comedian Guy Williams, TV show host Matty McLean and Shortland Street actors.

Here are some snippets from the videos recommended for 13-year-olds and I quote:

“So there are a bunch of sexual orientations that sit on the spectrum and it is just important to go with what works for you.

“If your sexuality is outside of the norm, that is awesome."

“If you feel you don’t fully identify with the gender you have been assigned

... by Almighty God, no less ...  

you can always reach out to places like Rainbow Youth, your GP or even a school counsellor.

And will Rainbow Youth, your GP or school counsellor be there when your baby is killed, and your soul is killed? Will they be there when you stand before God at your particular judgment? 

“When it comes to having sex for the first time, it is all up to you. You can do vagina to penis, or hands to vagina, or hands to vulva, or mouth to vulva, or vulva to vulva, or hands to penis, you could do mouth to penis or penis to anus.

“Lube is especially important to use during anal sex because anuses don’t self lubricate.

“STIs are a common part of sexual activity and nothing to be ashamed about. Best thing to do is to get checked often. It is just like checking your hard drive for viruses.

“You should have protection every time you have sex. And it is not just p in v, it is eggplant emoji and taco emoji, and it is eggplant emoji and mouth emoji, taco emoji and mouth emoji, eggplant and eggplant, eggplant and peach, taco and taco, taco and mouth.

This which seems totally incomprehensible is presumably language 13 year-olds can understand. Thanks to the 'education' they have received and are receiving. 

“If you are performing oral sex on a vulva you can always use a dental dam to protect both you and your partner from STIs. And if you don’t have a dental dam at home you can always make one from a condom and some scissors.

“If you are drunk or high you can’t give consent. If something bad happens to you, it is not your fault.


Kids would now perhaps be better off in boot camp


The Chair advised me the biennial review is set for next term, term 3. It’s up to parents of pupils at Wakitipu High School to determine the curriculum and whether their children opt in or out. They now have a once-in-two-year opportunity to have their say on whether the present curriculum is what they want for their children.

My concern is informed consent: that parents get to see the content their children are taught. To help, Let Kids Be Kids is setting up regional groups around New Zealand. I'm part of the Queenstown and Lakes group . If you're not on Facebook and want to connect with a local group contact Let Kids Be Kids.

Postscript: Earlier this year, the Ministry of Education banned urinals from new toilet blocks and upgrades. For the Ministry, not all boys have a penis -- and it’s wrong to make boys without penises feel excluded.


July is the month of the Precious Blood of Jesus

Precious Blood of Jesus, save us!


  1. Antony Auckland3 July 2024 at 15:25

    Even when I went to school it was easy to pick out the pedos. And there were quite a few.

  2. Colleen Willoughby3 July 2024 at 15:26

    I dont understand why parents are not up in arms about this . What a sick lot we have become ..

  3. My thoughts on sex Ed is we were given sufficient information in the 80s what was lacking was not so much the schools fault but I attended a college boarding school and we would talk about how we were taught re the birds and the bees I am sure parents are much more open these days days but back then parents were either to busy or to shy or blasé. If kids need more then basic I think its up to parents to make that decision not schools. I don't like hearing that there is information that is withheld from parents or guardians.

    1. Thank you; I hope you read the post and its shocking content. RSE doesn't even pretend to be sex ed. It's 'Relationships Sexuality Education'. The Education Dept pretends to be compensating for parents' dereliction of duty in failing to teach their children the facts of life and succeeds only in making the situation disastrously worse. They do not understand that their business is teaching the three Rs, not 'relationships', and that trying to teach on that subject without faith in God and excluding His Ten Commandments is ridiculous and bound to fail, cataclysmically.

  4. Sex educattion does not belong in schools any more than in the street - because of human hormones it matters not one bit whether a child is educated in sex or not as they will do it when ready or be raped and have no say in the matter - i agree totally with the sentence including the 'legitimalisation of paedophilia' in schools which is just the next step in govt indoctrination curricula

  5. Antony Auckland4 July 2024 at 14:42

    Just saying that there appear to be a lot of openings for pedos in the education system. It was like that when I was there too.

  6. The legal age for consent is 16, but the police and other authorities have ignored this for many years. Just like they ignore dope smoking at rock concerts. If children having sex are roughly the same age, nothing is done. Only if one participant is much older will it be prosecuted, it then becomes a 'power' issue.

    The sex education our children are exposed to at school is revolting, but unless enough parents get coordinated and object, nothing will change. It's obvious how parents are left out of the decision making, the teachers and government have taken control. In the New Zealand Catholic church the same tactics are used. When the bishops compiled their horror booklet on ramming the gay agenda into Catholic schools (Aroha and Diversity in Catholic schools) they made sure parents were not consulted, because parents would have pointed out what Catholic truth actually is. A similar process is being used for the secretive Synod on Synodality, only selected nobs are consulted.

  7. Will it reach Catholic schools????

  8. Those with long memories may remember 20 years ago when Labour tried to slip through a bill to make sex between 12 year olds legal. At the time it was too much too early and even Helen Clark had to step away from it. Still, with the Police having discretion to prosecute it's certainly happening regularly anyway. So by modern woke logic, what's wrong with schools teaching it (the writer is being sarcastic for this sentence).

  9. Those Type need to Feed into a Wood Chipper feet first
