Saturday 6 April 2024



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26 trans people killed in the US this year, their murders aided and abetted by the usurper pope's desertion of his post. Please pray for their souls

Trans people on Reddit are arguing over whether they should commit mass genocide or mass suicide to achieve their political ambitions. "Do some self-immolation in a mall or with with a shotgun. I was destined for a life of mids**t mediocrity but with this I can become a martyr and leader of the transgender revolution. 

"Doing it in front of a famous political figure. Hundreds, thousands of trannies doing it in front of politically powerful figures so they cannot ignore this issue any longer."

"Hmmm. How about cis genocide instead, why kill ourselves when we can fight back? " 

Probably these poor psychotic kids would think St Anthony's SSPX Wanganui, at dawn on a First Saturday at bursting point, is "midsh**t mediocrity". They'd scorn the parishioner, a mother of twelve, who's taking her children to France for the Final Profession of a daughter as a Poor Clare. 

These Latin Massgoers are doing the usurper pope's job for him. While he flirts with globalists and rabbis, fake female 'bishops', famous fake Catholics and homosexualists, St Anthony's proclaims Christ as King, as Head of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church - and His Blessed Mother Mary as "Queen of Families" - protecting and guiding and loving their own little churches in their homes. So that their children grow straight and - much-maligned word - pure. This isn't 'mediocrity'; it's heroism.

And they're managing it not just without any help from the man who is supposed to be Christ's Vicar on earth, but while defending the Church against the embarrassment, ridicule and humiliations earned (even or especially from good Protestants) by this usurper pope.  

The spirit of the saintly Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (whom some future, holy pope will surely canonise) animates and sustains the St Anthony parishioners, from the aged in wheelchairs pushed to their own pozzies at the communion rail to the very small girls whose dads adjust their chapel veils and their little sons' missals to the Children of Mary whose job it must be to polish the acres of brass candlesticks and vases (all filled with fresh flowers). 

The Church is enduring her Passion, just as her Lord and Master did. The Latin Massgoers of St Anthony's teach the Catholic world how to bear it by uniting their sufferings with the Cross of Jesus Christ and so finally to rise again with Him in the glorious age of the Church to come. 

'The Commie Pope' - always pushing the globalists' agenda

“The desire for peace is certainly harbored in every breast, and there is no one who does not ardently invoke it. But to want peace without God is an absurdity, seeing that where God is absent thence too justice flies, and when justice is taken away it is vain to cherish the hope of peace. ‘Peace is the work of justice’ (Is. xxii., 17).” (St. Pius X, E Supremi, October 4, 1903)

In his recent audience with participants in the First Colloquium between the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue and the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, Francis spoke of the godless peace and harmony that he and the globalists pursue:

We need to support each other in fostering harmony between religions, ethnic groups and cultures, a harmony of which your great country [Kazakhstan] can be proud. In particular, I want to emphasize three aspects of your work: respect for diversity, commitment to our ‘common home’ and the promotion of peace.”

Jesus and Francis cannot both be right, for they are fundamentally opposed to each other on this point, which is central to all religious considerations.

Although Francis naturally emphasized the need to respect the environment, his “religious” point focused on the need to respect all religions:

“With regard to respect for diversity, which is an indispensable element in democracy and must constantly be promoted, the fact that your State is ‘secular’ contributes greatly to harmony. To be sure, we are speaking of a healthy secularity, which does not confuse religion and politics, but distinguishes them for the good of both and which recognizes at the same time the essential role of religions in society, in service to the common good. Furthermore, peace and social harmony are fostered in your model by fair and equitable treatment of different ethnic, religious and cultural components with regard to employment, access to public services and participation in the political and social life of the Nation, so that no one feels discriminated against or favoured because of his or her specific identity.”


Francis and  friend Rabbi Abraham Skorka made videos featuring Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran leaders, Jewish rabbis, Sunni and Shiite Muslim clerics, Buddhist monks and nuns, and Hindu and Sikh leaders.


According to Francis, all religions (other than unadulterated Catholicism) are worthwhile and can contribute to the common good and the promotion of peace. These words are opposed to those of Jesus:

“Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword. For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.” (Matthew 10:34-35)

Jesus and Francis cannot both be right, for they are fundamentally opposed to each other on this point, which is central to all religious considerations. If Jesus was correct, then Francis must be wrong; and if Jesus was wrong — which would mean He was a madman instead of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity — then Francis must also be wrong for promoting the religion of a madman. In either case, Francis is wrong. Francis is, essentially by definition, anti-Christ, even if we conclude that he cannot possibly be the Antichrist because no decent person can be deceived by him. How can we honor Christ and an anti-Christ at the same time?

We rightly lament the fact that we lack a Catholic pope, but we do not lack the guidance a Catholic pope would provide today. Everything the pre-Vatican II popes tried to warn us about has come to disastrous fruition.

In his Lord of the World, Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson portrayed the words of Mr. Julian Felsenburgh, the Antichrist figure:

“It is understood now, by fanatic barbarians as well as by civilised nations, that the reign of War is ended. ‘Not peace but a sword,’ said CHRIST; and bitterly true have those words proved to be. ‘Not a sword but peace’ is the retort, articulate at last, from those who have renounced CHRIST’S claims or have never accepted them. The principle of love and union learned however falteringly in the West during the last century, has been taken up in the East as well. There shall be no more an appeal to arms, but to justice; no longer a crying after a God Who hides Himself, but to Man who has learned his own Divinity. The Supernatural is dead; rather, we know now that it never yet has been alive. What remains is to work out this new lesson, to bring every action, word and thought to the bar of Love and Justice; and this will be, no doubt, the task of years. Every code must be reversed; every barrier thrown down; party must unite with party, country with country, and continent with continent.”

This is what we hear from the globalists and Francis today. Again, how can we honor Christ and an anti-Christ at the same time?


Francis hosts Bill Clinton and Open Society Foundations' Alex Soros (son of George)  


In his Against the Heresies, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre summarized the way in which the pre-Vatican II popes spoke of the non-Catholic religions supported by Francis:

“The popes were not liberals, they remained firm in the Faith, and always deliberately distinguished the true from the false religions. For from what spirit do the false religions come? Do they come from the spirit of God, or do they come from Satan? If they are false, then they take their origin from the spirit of error, the spirit of lies, and the father of lies and of error is the devil. The false religions were invented by the devil expressly in order to impede them from becoming Catholic, and from hearing the Truth. There is no doubt about it.” (p. 199)

Thus, according to the pre-Vatican II popes, the true religion of Jesus (Catholicism) is true, and all others are from the devil. According to Francis, though, all non-Catholic religions are good, and only the intolerant, rigid, and backward Traditional Catholic religion defended by Archbishop Lefebvre is false. Only one of these beliefs can be correct.

Unlike secular politics, each confirmed Catholic who is determined to fight for the truth is far more powerful than the wicked fools who serve Satan. When we tell the truth about our Catholic Faith, we wield the sword of Christ.

Everything the pre-Vatican II popes warned us about has come to disastrous fruition. Before Vatican II, Catholics may have doubted whether Pius XII and his predecessors were right: perhaps, Catholics might have wondered, these popes were making too much of the threat posed by Liberalism, Modernism, and Freemasonry.

But today we clearly see that the popes were right because they told us what would happen if Catholics accepted these errors about which they warned and now we see precisely the evils they wanted us to avoid. So obviously the guidance of the pre-Vatican II popes holds today. Indeed, each new scandal from Rome is like an exclamation point for the great encyclicals of the pre-Vatican II popes.

For six decades since Vatican II, the anti-Christ errors of the Modernists have eclipsed the true Catholic Faith that Jesus entrusted to His Church. But this need not be the case because God has not abandoned us. As Jason Morgan recently expressed so well, we have every reason to wake up now and see what God has permitted to become so clear. And unlike secular politics, each confirmed Catholic who is determined to fight for the truth is far more powerful than the wicked fools who serve Satan.

When we tell the truth about our Catholic Faith, we wield the sword of Christ, which is the only thing today that can stand a chance against the false peace of Francis and his fellow anti-Christs. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!


Doubting Thomas 

"Doubt no longer, but believe"
-Gospel, Low Sunday 


  1. Kristen Gustafson6 April 2024 at 18:42

    reddit doesn't have rules about inciting violence, or hate speech?

  2. Livingman-Mark House-Thompson6 April 2024 at 18:46

    "In the last days, good will be called evil and evil will be called good" - Isaiah 5,20.

  3. Lot of mental health needed there, sad they slipped through the cracks.

  4. Some comments on this post are unChristian (to say the least) and will not be published.
