Sunday 14 April 2024



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Mass at St Patrick's Catholic church in Taupo this morning proved the success of the modus operandi of the Church of England's Archbishop Thomas Cranmer. Cranmer and his partner in crime, Henry VIII, believed that changing the way people pray changes the way they believe. And what do you know? They were right.

The age-old doctrine of the Catholic Church outlawing abortion is no longer believed by 60% of US Catholics, and given New Zealand's Bishops' shocking neglect of the doctrine they were ordained to uphold, who would dare say Kiwi Catholics are any better? 

St Patrick's Tongariro this morning showed why Kiwi Catholics are every bit as un-Catholic as their US counterparts. The Mass was more Protestant than Catholic: only the Consecration of the Host, transforming it from 'a little round thing' as Monsignor Trevor Murray reiterated histrionically, into the Body and Blood of Christ, saved the liturgy from blasphemy and sacrilege. That is, only if no Particles of the Host, distributed mostly by women in trousers, were dropped and trodden on - or stolen.

Stealing Our Lord. It happens 

At the risk of luring all the Proddy Catholic haters out of their lairs, it was Cranmer who engineered the English 'Reformation' - more accurately, Deformation - changing the Catholic Church into the Anglican sect which St Patrick's Tongariro so closely resembles, chiefly by measures which closely paralleled those visited on the Church after the Second Vatican Council, evidenced at St Patrick's by:

  • The table for sharing a meal, instead of the altar on which the Son of God, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is offered anew to God in propitiation and reparation for sin
  • the monsignor facing the congregation instead of God (with graphics displayed on a screen to illustrate his 5-minute homily, tailored to his hearers' listening span) 
  • communion under both kinds
  • women in the 'sanctuary' (as it used to be), dressed like men
  • most egregiously, communion taken in the hand (a practice allowed by indult and  born out of disobedience).

The worst of it is, St Patrick's Tongariro is just par for the course. Most Novus Ordo Masses in New Zealand are no better. No, wait: St Patrick's is actually better than average, because at least the altar servers were all boys. But women and girls got their own back everywhere else in the liturgy. 

A woman more than usually obviously in need of affirmation as 'ministers of the Eucharist' go, proclaimed the 'Welcome' and led the 'Prayers of the Faithful' - which featured the obligatory Francis church prayer for 'Mother Earth' while of the Mother of the Church and Mother of God, Mary most holy, she made no mention. She asked the congregation to pray that young people find 'models and mentors'. 

The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church features, in her liturgical year, more models and mentors than you could shake a stick at: chief among them after Jesus Christ Himself being the Blessed Virgin Mary. But the Novus Ordo liturgy has done away with most of God's magnificent retinue of canonised heros and heroines - in their thousands - who grace the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church.

The spirit of Archbishop Cranmer (who hated the 'Masse') animated the monsignor's homily to such an extent that the only reference he made to the Sacrifice of Calvary which is re-enacted in every Catholic Mass was his use of the word 'broken' - which could signify the bread of Eucharist which is the Protestant rite, just as much as the Lord's Passion and death which is the Mass.

Cranmer's thought and practice was lodged so securely in the liberalities of the Second Vatican Council that in an intervention made in 1987, another, truly Catholic, archbishop, Marcel Lefebvre, could rightly state that "so long as he clings to error, the human person falls short of his dignity. The dignity of the human person does not consist in liberty set apart from truth. In fact, liberty is good and true to the extent to which it is ruled by truth.” The Remnant Newspaper - 60 Years After the Council, Will Catholics Reject the Unholy Errors of Tucho’s Dignita s Infinita?

Diabolical deception, riddled with errors - Dignitatis Infita

Another appalling statistic uncovered by yesterday's Pew Research report is that only about 3 in 10 US Catholics attend Mass regularly - and even worse, 75% approve of the usurper pope Francis. 

These are the bitter fruits of the 'New Mass', whose errors as epitomised at St Patrick's Tongariro this morning echo so faithfully the monumental, disastrous heresy that was Archbishop Cranmer's Anglican 'Masse'. 

Which rather knocks the repulsive Cardinal 'Tucho' Fernandez' new document, Dignitatis Infita, for six, does it not?

There was a sign of hope, however, at Mass at St Patrick's Tongariro this morning. One young woman (twenty-ish) wore a chapel veil, and another a head scarf, both covering their heads in the presence of Christ as the Church always required until after Vatican II. They and a couple of young men received Our Lord kneeling, on the tongue. It was enough to make one other Massgoer - who had decided to kneel too, even at the risk of a public rebuff - weep for relief, not at being let off the hook, but at the sight of real reverence. 

This is the future for the Church. 

Good shepherds. Reverence

"I am the Good Shepherd, and I know Mine and Mine know Me, alleluia 


  1. And I bet those against it are all males! If they were the ones that were giving birth it would be a different story. What right has anybody got over a woman's body?

    1. How enlightened. It's not the woman's body we're talking about in abortion, it's the unborn baby's.

    2. still. Should be a woman's choice

    3. So you believe that if your mother had wanted to abort you, that would have been her choice, which means of course that she would have killed you, violating her own innate sense of right and wrong and also God's Fifth Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill".

    4. yes I believe it should have been her choice. I would have been aborted before I was a proper human. I dont need the sermon. Its my opinion.

    5. Yes you're right; yours is an opinion, not a fact. The proven fact is that the unborn baby is 'a proper human' from the moment of conception. Sorry about the 'sermon' but one must speak the truth, especially in view of the horrific consequences of the holocaust of legalised abortion.

    6. We all are the temples of the Holy Spirit. Aren’t we! So anything you do to the human body against Gods law is grieving the Holy Spirit. Isn’t it!!

  2. Sounds like bs

  3. George F Gumpper14 April 2024 at 15:24

    So 6 in 10 U.S. Catholics are in an objective state of continuous mortal sin.

  4. Give it time. The Church in New Zealand has been under terrible stewardship for decades and the new bishops need to find their footing. Trust God’s promises as per Matthew 16

  5. In other words, 6 out of 10 are no longer practicing Catholics.

  6. I'm against Abortion now and always.

  7. Make sure you enter by the narrow gate, the prince of this world is deceiving many.

  8. MaryBelle Clark14 April 2024 at 15:46


  9. Betty Jobczynski14 April 2024 at 15:47

    Horrible that's cause the priest don't preach right and wrong

    1. no the world does not know right and wrong! We legalise and approve sin!

  10. Leland Hutchison Snr14 April 2024 at 15:49

    Thou Shall Not Kill. It’s not a suggestion.

  11. I am not a Catholic, but as a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible, I believe your personal relationship with CHRIST and following his teachings is what is important!! Any particular church and its man-made doctrines and methodology or palaver has no sway with our Creator, LIVE BY LOVE AND HIS 10 COMMANDMENTS IS ALL HE ASKS OF US

    1. Yes, one must know Christ Who said, "Love one another as I have loved you." He loved us while still on earth by founding His Church and saying, in regard to that Church, "He that heareth you, heareth me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me" (Luke 10, 16). It is abundantly clear then, that we have no option but to hear the Church he founded which history proves is indubitably the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

    2. We must accept the one true Catholic Church, but only when it is teaching the truth of Jesus Christ. When the leaders of the Church teach contrary to the the teachings of Jesus Christ, we owe them no obedience, but we ourselves must continue to follow Jesus Christ. It tests our faith to the limit, but we must remain in the Church.

  12. Bernadette Milliken14 April 2024 at 22:38


    1. have you got all the vaccines or your children from 1970s if yes then you also contribute to abortions. Plutkin said how many aborted babies were used in the vaccines

    2. However, her 'contribution' would have been made unwittingly, surely.

  13. In others words, 6 in 10 Catholics will be in for a surprise at judgment.

    1. And Francis reckons there mightn't be anyone in Hell ...

  14. Archbishop Cranmer was burned at the stake by Catholic Queen Mary I. She did not like his ideas either.

    1. Funny, that. Of course the Proddys call Cranmer a martyr.

  15. God thought us into existance

  16. Those are non-practicing Catholics. They’re called cafeteria Catholics.

    1. cafeteria Catholics are not Catholic at all.

  17. Rose Marie Doyle15 April 2024 at 14:00

    I believe with my whole heart, the RC church is the one & true, but years have contributed moss that needs removing for a new Pentecost.

    1. What in the world are you talking about?

    2. Rose Marie Doyle15 April 2024 at 14:01

      the same way old people get set in their ways. Homilies could become more personal, reflect a greater knowledge of Holy Scripture and courageously address Catholic moral perspectives on current events. Adult baptisms could include candidates’ testimonies for the edification of the congregation and as a means of connecting them with the congregation. Confirmation could stop being treated as a rite of passage, but rather a prayerfully sought empowerment of the Spirit to love better and receive the New Testament gifts of the Spirit (not just the ones in Isaiah 11:2) to strengthen the Church and more effectively evangelize the lost, etc. In other words, not be so ridged and invite creativity to enhance and share the spiritual treasures of the Church.

    3. Hmmm… You should come to the Latin Mass and be silent and listen.

    4. Were you aware that you are perfectly describing so-called “Evangelical” Protest-ant-ism?
      Is that intentional or accidental?
      What I’ve personally witnessed is that most Evangelical groups are fading as badly as the Novus Ordo religion.
      But authentic Catholicism (the kind found in TLM parishes) is thriving and growing.
      Let’s all pray for our wounded Church!!!! 🙏🏼😢🙏🏼

  18. “RC” is most typically used as an Anti-Catholic slur. The Catholic Church is universal and worldwide. It’s not just Roman.

    1. Yeah. It’s used as if it’s one more denomination among many.

    2. Rose Marie Doyle15 April 2024 at 14:06

      I was merely condensing for format. What abbreviation would you suggest?

    3. “Catholic”. It’s really not that difficult to type

    4. Rose Marie Doyle15 April 2024 at 14:07

      format wouldn’t allow 6 more letters.

    5. Maria Rose Asbury15 April 2024 at 14:08

      CC then

    6. Thomas, I know what you mean - I had an uncle who used to say indignantly, "I'm not a Roman Catholic, I'm a New Zealand Catholic." But the Catholic Church as most assuredly Roman. The eternal city, chosen by God and sanctified by the first pope, St Peter, by his blood and the blood of thousands of martyrs, is the beating heart of the Church.

    7. Jesus conquered the Rome empire with His Church. She is a holy nation. One nation that rules all nations. From Rome she reigns all nations. But it’s not Roman Church. It’s one holy Catholic Church. The enemies hate it.

    8. History shows it's also Roman.

    9. Well, holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic is what we say... we use unleavened bread like Christ did.

  19. FrJoseph Pasquella15 April 2024 at 14:13

    Amen...there are 23 Eastern Catholic Churches besides Roman...

    1. One more reason to call the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church "Roman", to differentiate.

    2. FrJoseph Pasquella15 April 2024 at 14:39

      you miss the point, those I mentioned are part of the Holy Catholic Church, they are on full Communion with Rome. One need not be Roman to be fully Catholic. Ie, Melkite Catholic Church, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.etc.

    3. It's still necessary to have "Roman" to differentiate (as in "Melkite", "Ukrainian" etc).

    4. No, not unless you have some anti-eastern bias.
      The correct term is “Latin rite” even though the Novus Ordo Church won’t use its own official language.

    5. I don't have any anti-eastern bias. To me the use of "Roman" not just historical but useful and commonsensical.

    6. FrJoseph Pasquella15 April 2024 at 14:55

      You are not correct in this matter. Read your Catechism.

  20. Replies
    1. The Church is not in need of anything of the such. Only the false Vatican 2 counterchurch does.

  21. Michele Frances15 April 2024 at 14:19

    “In other words, not to be so ridged and invite creativity to enhance”
    I wonder if you’ve read the about section of the group. You may not know this, but, the group is rather RIGID.

  22. Michele Frances15 April 2024 at 14:21

    and, as a reminder . . . "Catholics cannot vote for Democrats".

  23. Why do so many of my fellow “boomers” so Hate the actual Catholic faith, and work so diligently to make the Church even more Protestant than it already is?? 😢

    1. Michele Frances15 April 2024 at 14:23

      it is a mystery and I’m ashamed most times to be in the category. You’d think once in a lifetime of being a hippie dippy socialist greenpeace modernist selfish self centered phase would be enough. 🙄 apparently not.

  24. Rose Marie Doyle15 April 2024 at 14:24

    John 10:16 “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.” We must acknowledge that God has blessed “other sheep” where we have lacks, just as He has blessed us where they are lacking. United, we will be a mighty power on the earth. How does God want us to cooperate with His Will to accomplish His purpose?

    1. The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church lacks nothing. She is the one flock with one shepherd. God does not bless heretical sects; we cooperate with His will simply by upholding and living by everything the Catholic Church believes and teaches.

  25. Is it now that in Novus Ordo lay ministers carry the Eucharist?

  26. I don't believe that statistic at all.

  27. FrJoseph Pasquella is correct that the Latin rite churches are part of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and all their Masses are valid rites within the Church that any Catholic may attend. "The Latin Church (Latin: Ecclesia Latina) is the largest autonomous (sui iuris) particular church within the Catholic Church, whose members constitute the vast majority of the 1.3 billion Catholics. The Latin Church is one of 24 churches sui iuris in full communion with the pope; the other 23 are collectively referred to as the Eastern Catholic Churches, and have approximately 18 million members combined".

  28. Monsignor Murray parish priest of Taupo has always been a law unto himself (as his parishioners will say) and his Masses are not representative of the majority of NO Masses in Hamilton which are very reverent, with many people kneeling for Holy Communion, women wearing veils and often parts of the Mass sung in Latin. All parishes (but Taupo) the parishioners kneel from the Sanctus through to the great Amen, which was adopted by the Bishops Conference as the norm for the Catholic Church in New Zealand, although not adhered to in Palmerston North or in Taupo by a couple of renegades: Bishop Emeritus Cullinan and Mons Trevor Murray.

  29. abortion is reducing the number of children for the clergy to play with

    1. Ignorance and bigotry will get you nowhere.

    2. less children, less chance they can be sexually abused by catholic clergy

    3. Let me reiterate - Catholic clergy do far less sexual abuse than other men. You've fallen for MSM bias and discrimination against the Church. Google the facts.

    4. rubbish, proprtionately they are the worst offenders so you can shove your religion right up the rear passage

    5. Sincere thanks for your disgusting abuse, but can you supply your references? Thank you.
