Saturday 20 April 2024



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Since 2020, when Babykiller Supremo Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern smuggled her heinous Abortion Law Act through Parliament under cover of the mass hysteria she whipped up over Covid, the slaughter of innocent unborn children in New Zealand has increased by 25%. 

We know that only because the intrepid Ken Orr of Right to Life (a Lay Carmelite, incidentally) used the Official Information Act (OIA). The shameful 'Manatū Hauora' (aka 'Ministry of Health' aka Ministry of Sick') no longer publish the statistics. Because they're so incriminating. 

So now New Zealand is killing 45 CHILDREN A DAY. Last year 16,214  pre-born children were starved to death, poisoned, or violently dismembered in their mothers’ womb.

It's a new holocaust. Remember how, when the world discovered that 6 million Jews had been eliminated by the Nazis in World War II, the world said, "Never again"? first 

The world lied. Now, when a young woman moves into a flat in Tawa, Wellington, she can find herself living with five other young women, not one of them a Kiwi. Because we're murdering our own children by the thousand and have to import aliens to replace them. 

At Parliament the day NZ decided on its own Kiwi holocaust

According to Right to Life's OIA response, provisional figures show a 14% increase in abortions from 14,164 abortion procedures in 2022 to 16,214 last year (2023).

It is the highest number of abortions since 2011. Abortions have been falling and remaining at a low level until 2021 when they started trending upwards.

However, this is the sad reality which we predicted would happen when the law was changed.

Medical abortions are also on the increase – but according to the Abortion Services Aotearoa NZ report released last year and covering abortions up to the end of 2022, 221 women suffered complications including haemorrhaging, retained products, infections and even failed abortions (up from 161 the previous year – an almost 40% increase) and this risk was greater with medical abortions. 60% of complications were with medical abortions. For 57 medical abortions, they couldn’t even find the woman to follow up.

Our abortion law denies the humanity of the baby and creates inconsistency with other legislation and public health messaging for pregnant women which clearly recognises the rights of the unborn child. Anybody who has viewed the ultrasound of an unborn child will know that this law is a gross abuse of human rights.

We will continue to fight for the rights of the unborn child and the welfare of pregnant mothers.Abortions in New Zealand rapidly increasing – Family Life International NZ (


Ardern enjoys her baby; does she think of the thousands who will never enjoy theirs?

And now, a word from abortion's sponsor, Dame Jacinda Ardern, quoted by Lindsay Mitchell for the BFD:  

This week I opened the paper to find some astonishing “news” – a lack of marriage is to blame for child poverty.

I’ve spent the better part of six years reading and researching child poverty, and what we need to do to resolve this complex problem in New Zealand

And yet here it was, the silver bullet we have all been looking for. Marriage. Getting hitched. Tying the knot. It turns out that we didn’t need an Expert Advisory Group on child poverty, or any OECD analysis for that matter – apparently all we really need is a pastor and a party.

She would have responded to Treasury’s evidence (that these children face material hardship and poor outcomes) by arguing, ‘Of course, that’s because they don’t have enough money.’

She had no sympathy for the counter arguments that growing up fatherless (72% of last year’s welfare babies had caregivers on the Sole Parent Support benefit) and in jobless households, is also harmful for children. Ardern was happy to risk more of both in order to claim a poverty reduction

A scene from the documentary “German Concentration Camps Factual Survey.”Credit...

On October 7 last year, Hamas attacked Israel from the Gaza Strip: 
A pregnant woman was allegedly shot in the head. Her stomach was reported to have been cut open and her unborn baby stabbed.
The journalist asked the question: “Which happened first?”
I ask that you think about that question for a moment. Some may be shocked. It is difficult to imagine this being done by one human being to another, yet it has happened and does anyone really care about this? 
Did anyone consider how terrifying this could be for the unborn child? Would anyone have cared about this child if this were simply a report of a mother having an abortion? Do we realise the humanity of the children or do we too easily forget those without a voice? 

The Jews were labelled as “untermensch” by the Nazis, they were treated as less than human, as though they were somehow ‘sub-human’ – but do people still feel this way about some human beings today?

We are appalled at the protests in Sydney calling for Jews to be gassed, we recognise that we are all human beings, but do we really care about the unborn child? Do we really value them as fellow human beings? New Zealand law may not recognise the child as a human being unless he or she has fully emerged from the mother’s body.

To recognise this act of terror as the murder of two human beings would be to admit that abortion is also an act of terror on the unborn child.

While we think of the victims in Israel and also those in Gaza and elsewhere who have suffered because of the terrible things that have happened, let us not forget what is happening here in New Zealand. Let us not forget the children killed here as their deaths are celebrated with the chants of ‘My Body, My Choice’, how is it any different to those chants calling for the murder of Jews?

Pray for Israel, pray for the nations and pray that New Zealand would repent of this evil also.

I challenge Christopher Luxon to formally acknowledge this child as a human being. We will see what kind of man the people of New Zealand have voted for.


The Breaking of the Bread
Rembrandt van Rijn

Stay with us Lord, alleluia. For it is getting towards evening, alleluia.


  1. If it is true, that Ardern 'pushed' the full term abortion legislation through under the 'mania' of Covid, in order to manipulate child poverty figures, then Ardern is HITLER No2!!!. She is a murderer and MUST be dealt with.....Disgusting sub-human!!!

  2. Gosh you have zero facts on this. The abortion law reform was passed long before COVID. Was long overdue and your stupid baby killer remark shows your ignorance

    1. The Abortion Law Act was passed March 24 2020. NZ entered its first nationwide lockdown March 25 2020. Just to make it clear to you, that was the very next day.

  3. Depopulation through the use of Lawless Power

  4. You are moving into dangerous territory here. Whilst I was anti Jacinda and Labour mainly for the support of maoris to tell the rest of NZ population what they can and can't do, you are moving into fringe territory here if you want to act the same way to women if you start saying they have no choices with regard to abortions. Don't get off the real reasons we despised Labour or you will lose support.

    1. Women do not have a 'choice' to kill. No one does. God gives us life and except in rare, justifiable exercise of the death penalty (which Scripture endorses), only God may take it away. I care nothing for the support of anyone if it means losing the support of God. "We must obey God, not men" (Acts 5, 29).

    2. I totally agree with you Andy

  5. Such a thing should NEVER have been pushed through under urgency


  7. Mmmm… do you mean women are able to have a say over their body after being pregnated by men, how shocking! I mean grow the fck up and let women decide whether they want to be pregnant or not.

    1. It's pretty simple. If women don't want to get pregnant they refrain from sexual intercourse.

    2. them they should decide before they indulge in sexual activity. Maybe if they had to pay for their own abortions it would change attitudes, instead of burdening the taxpayers.

    3. Jennifer Belinda Logan20 April 2024 at 15:29

      STOP JUDGING WOMEN THAT CONCEIVE AN UNPLANNED AND/OR UNWANTED PREGNANCY. That is part of the problem. Lets help insure an Abortion is not needed by addressing getting a solution to help prevent it in the first place. And NO—the solution is not to ‘not have sex’ it is to HELP women have TOTAL FREE ACCESS TO PREVENTING PREGNANCIES. We GIVE ISRAEL (who is not even a NATO member country) over $15 MILLION PER DAY!! They have free healthcare—how about at least providing women with free pregnancy prevention—it will actually save millions to take this approach instead of what we are allowing Politicians to exploit us and use it to play us and divide us.

    4. It's that kind of gimme girl thinking which has this nation in a third-world condition. Why should I or anyone else pay for women to have sex for free? Actions have consequences and one should be prepared to pay for them. In this context Israel is simply a red herring.

    5. Ivan, but they can burden the tax payer with another benefit for the next 16 years because they didn't get one, yeah ok

    6. Jennifer Belinda Logan, I am not judging anyone. Prevention is the solution.

    7. Suze Amsterdam, keep your legs closed then and you certainly won't get up the stick.

    8. Why not take care .take precautions.takes two make a baby
      I am anti abortion unless is health problem to Mother or unborn child
      Years to come Parents are having smaller families
      But next generations where will tax come from help older groups
      Also caregivers -


    9. Suze Amsterdam, you grow up. The baby is a totally separate individual.

    10. Moniek Harrison21 April 2024 at 00:07

      Suze Amsterdam so its ok to abort a baby up until full term???????

    11. Irina Wundheiler wu21 April 2024 at 00:08

      Irina Wundheiler Odessky
      Suze Amsterdam not when baby 9 months developed its not abortion but premeditated murderer

    12. To be consistent one must acknowledge that any abortion is premeditated murder - but it's not only the mother who may be the guilty party. The so-called doctors and nurses who kill their smallest patients are always guilty of murder and will be held to account one day by Almighty God. They should ponder the Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell.

  8. Now tell me how many kids are born when nobody wants them? Tell me how many are abused or murdered once breathing oxygen. Tell me how many are abused and bought up in horrid conditions. Tell me how many are born from rape or incest?

    1. We all have a pretty good idea of the answers to your rhetorical questions - which are completely beside the point. Why should an innocent baby be killed before birth because someone might abuse it after birth? Or because it was conceived by rape? Why should an unborn baby be punished for the crime of its father, or for the putative crimes of its mother's 'partner'? Is that justice??? Two wrongs never make a right.

    2. the choice is made before they hVe sex and conceive ,not afterwards .There are plenty of families that would adopt these unwanted children. Using abortion as birth control in this day and age is just totally irresponsible. And having abortion legal up to birth is barbaric.Nz now haS the worst abortion laws in the world thanks to that sneaky kinkniving ,devil seducing b####.Ardern. The blood of those innocent children be on her head and I pray for one that she is brought to justice for her crimes against humanity in this life

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Wendy Takamore Hiha20 April 2024 at 23:49

      correct. Jabcinda is evil. She will have to stand & give an account for her murderous ways, the unsafe & ineffective jab for one which she was just a snake oil saleswoman 🐍Cold blooded. And pushing through the most extreme abortion bill under the cover of darkness 👹

    5. why are they beside the point. How would like to be continually beaten raped and underfed just because a justice warrior decides you should be. So you would be ok to have a child born from rape and incest? Plenty of sick individuals ready to take advantage. I know someone who was born from rape. I know someone who was sexually abused from their own family.

    6. The whole ghastly abortion scenario has arisen because we prefer our own selfish will to the divine will of God Who orders all things to the good of those who love Him, and your 'solution' is only hastening the train wreck of what is still called civilisation.

  9. The abortion debate is a 'hiding to nothing'...until the juvenile delinquents grow up and learn personal responsibility and responsibility for their female friends.
    Broken marriages, broken families, lack of respect for fellow human beings all contribute to this chaos and LACK OF PERSONAL RESPECT.
    It is not 'rocket science'!!!
    As for Ardern sneaking through the 'extended term abortion bill' without consultation (she knew this was wrong), well, a full term abortion is MURDER. ...a baby born and breathing left to die without medical intervention is MURDER.
    What a cess-pit NZ has become all assisted by a physcopath, Ardern!!!

    1. Yes but to be consistent one has to admit any abortion is murder. Life begins at conception and to end it by force at any stage is murder even when it's 'legal' (which only makes it more horrifying).

  10. I am looking at it differently if we could make adopting children more accessible it could help in some situations. I dislike the new abortion rules what I had read had it sound absolutely barbaric no pain relief if baby born alive and they are left to die a agonising death. I dont think it can be as simple as keep legs closed though….For so many years we as a society been taught not to think we get fed information, blinking Siri, Alexia, Many many people have stopped critical thinking and become way to reliant on benefits, handouts, it's time we take responsibility back on ALL fronts including reproduction.

    1. Unpalatable though this may be to the vast majority, the answer to the whole horrible abortion debate lies in the Ten Commandments. Knowing them and keeping them.

  11. So this thing initiated a barbaric ruling to abort up to full term, so why has the new prime minister allowed this to continue? They are all under the same umbrella called the globalists. They don’t care about anything except filling their own pockets.

    1. This present time new PM working hard getting involved other countries for trade hope in future will help our employment up
      Happy hear Winston speaking about how forced vaccination with Covid created deaths and health problems Covid spread
      I say forced due to no jab no job
      Unemployment created people losing -homes- businesses - billions dollars borrowed -prop up extra benefits -
      How can she look at herself??
      Let Luxton get on running country

    2. Patricia Duff it’s Luxon, but of course he’s a stand up man, taking $1,000 per week to stay in his own mortgage free
      apartment. Also just pledging $42 Million of NZ taxpayers money to an asian country for them to initialise climate bs change. And don’t forget he absolutely adores and admires the wonderful Billy boy Gates who is destroying farmers and made
      billions from deploying a useless and dangerous vaccine on the world population. Yes I have complete trust in this man to honestly run our country. NOT!

  12. Contraception must be the right & only solution,
    their is no excuses really just stupid people making
    wrong decisions with unacceptable outcomes!

    1. Actually it was contraception which triggered abortion: the 'sex with no consequences' mentality. That's why in 1968 Pope Paul issued 'Humanae Vitae', but by then Marxism, Freemasonry and the notorious 'Spirit of Vatican II' had permeated the Church to such an extent that the Church had lost its authority and the world's bishops largely ignored HV - with the disastrous consequences only too evident today.

    2. What ever!
      The point is contraception is prevention still better then( abortion).

    3. Practising contraception leads to abortions as surely as night follows day.

    4. What a load of rubbish you are deluded, if you take contraception their's no pregnancy or abortion,end🔚 of story🤣


    5. Linda Gay and massive complications when you do/are ready to have babies. So many women have taken contraception and suffered later for it. I know a few who have had fertility problems from it and never got the chance to have kids.

    6. Contraception and abortion are the same mentality, of avoiding the consequences of bad actions. Scripture condemns contraception and until 1930 all Protestant denominations agreed with the Catholic Church in condemning it as sinful.
      John Calvin: “The voluntary spilling of semen outside of intercourse between man and woman is a monstrous thing. John Wesley: “The thing which he [Onan] did displeased the Lord and it is to be feared; thousands by this very thing still displease the Lord, and destroy their own souls.”
      Pope Paul VI predicted grave consequences from widespread, unrestrained use of contraception: “Consider how wide and easy a road would be opened (for) conjugal infidelity and general lowering of morality. Man, growing used to anti-conceptive practices, may finally lose respect for women and, no longer caring for her physical and psychological equilibrium, may consider her as a mere instrument of selfish enjoyment, and no longer as his respected and beloved companion” (HV 17).
      No one can doubt the fulfillment of these prophetic words.

  13. Julia, it was our generation that created this mess (though I congratulate you for being one of the few to oppose). Our generation was the free love generation, fornicating like rabbits (antibiotics, contraceptives and abortions we wrongly thought would fix the mess). We were the generation who introduced generous welfare, so that if anyone left the marriage it hardly mattered financially. Is it any wonder now that half the children are growing up in broken families. We were the generation that made housing unaffordable for young people. Is it any wonder so many of our children don't want families?

  14. Vaughan De Adman21 April 2024 at 16:42

    Her day will come when she will answer to God

  15. That is murder at the highest degree. She will be answerable along with the Drs concerned to a much higher authority .

  16. I'm not anti abortion but i sure as hell are after 12 weeks or 20 weeks upon exceptional circumstances. Up to 40 weeks is murder imo.
    Adhern loves killing people and she's a Dame go prove it.

    1. Penelope Armstrong21 April 2024 at 16:47

      it's murder at ANY part of the gestation and forming of a completely innocent and unique individual.

    2. Up to full term? I agree it's insanity.

    3. Penelope Armstrong, you are looking at it from a religious point of view.

    4. Christianity's point of view is the only p o v worth having. You better get it.

    5. I'm an atheist but thanks anyway. Religion causes war and im not interested in the harming of others because of their beliefs.

    6. Christianity is the religion of peace. But there is such a thing as a just war and men have fought to defend Christ and His kingdom on earth, in other words for the cause of good over evil, just as the Allies fought the Nazis and Japan in WWII.

    7. who dictates what is good and what is evil.? It's all a matter of choice

    8. God dictates what is good and what is evil, in Scripture and through His Church, but as you say 'it's all a matter of choice' whether we choose to love and obey Him or not. He gives us free will to choose: He will not force us either into heaven or into hell.


  17. Antony Griffiths couldn't agree more and they still push it with no warning of the potential risks which they know 🤔 How much does it cost to buy ones morals??

    1. Antony Griffiths21 April 2024 at 16:56

      I don’t know for sure if it true, but, rumour has it the Pfizer backhanders Jabinda received grew her net worth by $25M. I suppose that’s an indicative cost.
      I wonder if that grinning gumby David Seymour, leader of the Act Party, is the one receiving the Pfizer backhanders now? Since I understand, he still supports the jab.

    2. think they all got their heads in the trough

    3. Lee Tamati-Aubrey21 April 2024 at 16:58

      Shared that pdf 2020 it got taken down

    4. Antony Griffiths21 April 2024 at 16:58

      Lee Tamati-Aubrey I’ve still got a copy if you want it. Just PM me.

    5. Lee Tamati-Aubrey21 April 2024 at 16:59

      Here it published by CDC 2021

  18. Penelope Armstrong21 April 2024 at 17:09

    there are plenty of people who can't have children and would gladly adopt a child rather than murder them.

    1. there are plenty of unwanted kids now. There's nothing stopping them 🤷

    2. I'm afraid there is something stopping them because the reality is, in NZ it's extremely difficult to adopt a baby.

  19. I stopped going to an A O G church as you couldn't get in without a vax passport , pack of HYPOCRITES and COWARDS leading their own sheep to slaughter

    1. The Church Hierarchy SOLD their Flocks out. For their 30 pieces of Silver. They don't serve God they Serve Mammon.

    2. I can’t remember all the rules but it was something along not allowing more than 20 per service if you didn’t take on vaccine passports or something… we ran 2 extra services, people who helped with service were not included in that number, so everyone got a job and we opened up 4 spaces where 20 people could sit with a video link. Each group had their own individual communion and if possible we booked in for each service we knew we were attending so they had some indication of how many were coming.
      Where there is a will there is a way! Every single time.
      It was a lot of effort and work but not one person was turned away ever!
      I also started following Pastor Tony Spell in Louisiana who never closed his
      Life Tabernacle Church. Was put on house arrest, ridiculed nation wide and still never backed down. They won in their high court that what they tried to do was unconstitutional and he was absolved of all charges. Their church grew exponentially through that time.

    3. So did a traditional Catholic church - St Anthony's SSPX, Whanganui. Nourished on the "Mass of Ages", the traditional Latin Mass which the usurper pope Francis has done his best to abolish, they knew the truth and acted on it, even though having to keep very much to the rules in order to keep their school (Yrs 1-12) open.
      The NZ Conference of Bishops on the other hand celebrate the counterfeit Mass, the Novus Ordo, and so do their flocks of course, so lack the spiritual resources we desperately need in this age of unprecedented evil and corruption.

    4. Yes that same Jesus wiped the Money Lenders out of the Temple . If he fronted up today they the authorities with the assistance of the Hirelings ( not Shepherds) would Crucify him again .

    5. Julia when our Lord returns he will look at those individuals and Say I know you not .
      He wants us to be Hot or Cold Not LUKE WARM . Like many of Religious Hierarchy.

    6. the hive mentality was damaging; the lack of strength and courage and critical thinking, outright shameful!
      Won’t they get a surprise when Jesus tells them He’s doesn’t know them.
      They’ve been took busy patting themselves on their backs to notice they have lost sight of their goal. Or possibly they have jumped ship to the other master and don’t give a toot…

  20. I'm actually pro choice. I would rather see an unwanted foetus terminated than another kid growing up being discarded constantly by an over stretched child welfare system. Obviously , it would be better if guys and girls actually took protection seriously in the first place. You can't go "no jab it's my body", then turn around and go "it's not your body" when it comes to being pregnant. But nevertheless, bring on the abuse....

    1. so you would be happy dealing to a nine month old baby as jabcinda made legal how cold this generation is doomed to repeat the history of the nazis

    2. but that is BS rumours. 20 weeks is the cut off date unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances. In the UK it's been 23 weeks for years. Full term is 33 to 40 weeks. So the answer to your question is: terminating a baby at full term is not right, and simply not done anyway.

    3. I'm afraid it IS done, and babies have been left to die by nursing staff, unattended.

    4. David Frederickson22 April 2024 at 15:29

      dear Donna...It is totally irrelevant what we think! God said do not murder! The age of the victim makes absolutely no difference... Murder is Murder!!!

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. God said do not judge others but He tells us repeatedly to judge their actions, and also our own. And speaking for myself, I will not go to support those working on a Sunday.

    7. David Frederickson22 April 2024 at 15:37

      Donna, remarkable that a freedom loving person like you seem to be ok with murdering little babies. To compare murder to shopping on Sunday is interesting!!!

    8. god teaches a sin is a sin, he does not see one above another..he forgives all.
