Sunday 3 December 2023


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A small protestor faces reality at an abortion facility picket in Edinburgh

The pro-life movement in New Zealand needs to muster the courage of its convictions and demand nothing less than an end to abortion. 

The annual March for Life saw thousands go to Parliament yesterday - geriatrics, babies and all ages in between - to hear excellent speeches, from international American pro-truth activist Isabel Brown ( https://www.isabel-brown.comto Catherine Gillies, an Auckland accountant, to Cheyenne Aranui, a young mother from Raupunga in Northern Hawke's Bay, and Alfred Ngaro, the first NZ-born Cook Islander in Parliament. But while celebrating the historic overturning of Roe v Wade in the US, they all fell short of demanding an end in New Zealand to the lie that abortion is a "women's right".

"Face it: Abortion kills" read the billboard held by one marcher. What has happened to "Godzone"? 29 helpless babies are killed here every day in the womb of their mother and dismembered, perhaps for merchandising for in the lucrative international fetal body parts industry. And yet those infants' defenders yesterday were abused as "fascists" by the usual sad, screaming liars who call themselves "pro-choice", meaning "my choice": women (mostly) who one way or another have suffered terribly from abortion and yet, unhinged by grief themselves, are impelled to inflict that punishment on another generation. 

They sat down in the middle of Lambton Quay near Parliament, halting the March for 10 - 15 minutes until the police ever so politely persuaded them to move to the pavement, where they gave vent to their over-wrought emotions to the peaceful parade passing by. One can readily picture the process by which police would have cleared the street if pro-lifers had disrupted a parade of LGBTQI+ and transgender activists.

We may remind those "pro-choice" people that in Nazi Germany it was fascists who butchered or gassed or otherwise despatched 6000,000 Jews, pre-figuring in miniature the horrific holocaust of abortion which kills 73,000,000 EVERY YEAR, sacrificed to the god Moloch on the modern altar of convenience. The abortion industry is based on the lie that the unborn baby is somehow inhuman. That is the lie that spawned the propaganda of the LGBTQI+ movement that would persuade us that men can be women and men can have babies. 

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in 1975

What has happened to Godzone is collective, national amnesia. As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said in the 'sixties, "Men have forgotten God", and it seems today that even churchmen have forgotten God. 

There were priests there yesterday, marching to Parliament. One was conspicuous by his cassock as a priest of the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) - and in close-up by pockmarks left by a recent, very severe bout of chickenpox (even on his feet) which didn't, however, stop him from walking from Civic Square to Parliament and staying on those same feet to lead the Rosary at the end of the March. One other wore a collar and clericals, as one would expect from any priest asked to lead the marchers in prayer from the steps of Parliament. 

Two further Catholic priests went incognito, one for the reasons best known to themselves by clergy who dress like lay people, but the other because his order kowtowed to a group of women who "went to the bishop", with the result that he was removed from public ministry.  Both - one by his own wish (shared with the majority of New Zealand's Catholic clergy) and the other by the wish of his order - were, by wearing civvies, failing to remind the rest of us of the existence of God in our midst. 

And FOUR priests, among those thousands of marchers? Where were the others? Where were the bishops?

One of the pou at Parliament 

Another indicator of Godlessness at Parliament was the pou which now preside over the steps, above the statue of "King Dick" Richard Seddon (himself not memorably Christian). It strikes one as significant that where there is no emblem or symbol of Christianity to be seen there is now, according to Stuff,  "a carved post that stands guard and protects an area from physical and metaphysical harm"(added emphasis). "It is on display to remind people the area is protected, they need to be aware of their own behaviour and mindful of the environment they’re entering."  In other words, a pagan entity.

The overwhelming majority of the marchers yesterday (who seemed fewer than last year) were without doubt Christian; in other words, people who pray. Cheyenne Aranui, the last to address the crowd at Parliament, appealed for a change of heart to convert our nation from the culture of death to one of life and love. The new "pro-love" movement within Voice for Life NZ works towards that in a practical way by filling boxes with booties, bonnets and blankets for pregnant women in need - an apostolate which honours the Second Commandment and greatly pleasing to the Heart of Christ.

But pro-life Christians who pray for a change of heart in our nation must honour firstly the commandment to give glory to God, without which intention nothing can be pleasing to Him. And especially Catholics, who have the Mass - of which St. Padre Pio once said, “It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do without Holy Mass” - need to remind themselves that with God "no word shall be impossible" (Lk 1:37). 

Some saint has told us that if we want to enter heaven, we must aim for the highest level of holiness and then we might just scrape in. In the same way, if we want New Zealand to emulate the defeat of Roe v Wade, we need to pray, absolutely, for an end to abortion.

Nativity with St Francis and St Lawrence

On the first Sunday of Advent we pray to thee, O Blessed Virgin, for an end to abortion


  1. Yes, where were the Catholic leaders, ordained and lay? The latest home grown piece of local theology from our bishops conference "A Consistent Ethic of Life" has a few of the right words but it lacks real conviction. Our leaders kind of 'talk the talk', but they were not there 'walking the walk' in Wellington when it counted. Could you imagine a couple of our bishops at the march leading in prayer a crowd of hundreds of Catholics who would have turned up if the bishops were there (actually dressed as bishops of course). Dreams are free.

    Those who did turn up at the march were screamed at by the pro choice counter protestors. The police mysteriously gave the pro death crowd an amazing amount of latitude to disrupt the pro-life march. But if pro-lifers turn up at a pro death abortion facility there is a 150 meter limit for praying, breach it and you could go to jail. It's all very funny, isn't it.

    1. There were at least the four priests mentioned, one of whom led the prayer to end the rally at Parliament. Of course there might have been more in the crowd but without the collar and clericals, where is the witness to Christ and His truth?

  2. it is barbaric and sickening; now that we are aware of the real facts and effects of this so called medical procedure it is time we stopped doing it unless it is needed to save the mothers life😢

    1. Internationally famous 'Father of Fetology' Prof Sir William Liley said abortion is NEVER NEEDED to save a mother's life.
