Saturday 23 December 2023


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Opposition mounts by the hour in the Catholic world to the latest blasphemy from the pen of non-Catholic Jorge Mario Bergoglio, impostor pope, in his more than usually egregious Fiduces Supplicans.

No, he (or ghost-writer Cardinal 'Tucho' Fernandez - another Jesuit) doesn't change Church doctrine. Not outright. He can't. And he's too clever by half. He dresses up this vicious deed as virtue - as the devil always does, when persuading us to evil. So naive and faithless bishops and priests will fall for it (as they are in the US, led by the boring Bishop Barron), and in the end will fall into hell for it.

He admits the "possibility" of blessing "irregular" unions, which are happening already, all over the globe - even in Palmerston North Diocese New Zealand, under former bishop Charles Drennan - and goes all around the houses dragging the red herring of difference between 'liturgical' and 'non-liturgical' blessings. As if God would bless sodomy, in any way whatsoever.

RESIST! Deo gratias! This time of persecution in the Church is the moment for martyrdom: white martyrs now, but likely red martyrs in the not too distant future. 

Read Cardinal Fernández' attempt at self-justification in this interview by The Pillar:

a Same-sex blessing ‘does not validate or justify anything’ (highlight and follow the link).

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò (a latter-day Marcel Lefebvre) says the Vatican’s newly approved blessings for homosexual ‘couples’ show that the ‘Bergoglian hierarchy’ are ‘servants of Satan and his most zealous allies.’


CARDINAL MÜLLER dismantles #Vatican declaration: “There are no biblical texts or texts of the Fathers & Doctors of the Church or previous documents of the magisterium to support [Fiducia Supplicans'] conclusions ... What we see is not a development but a doctrinal leap.”


EXCLUSIVE: Bishop Strickland urges bishops to say ‘no’ to Francis’ ‘blessings’ of homosexual couples
Prominent canon lawyer Fr. Murray excoriates new Vatican doc endorsing ‘blessings’ of gay couples

Archbishop Chaput: Fiducia Supplicans ‘a doubleminded exercise’ in ‘affirming and undercutting Catholic teaching’

 For comprehensive, condemnatory conclusions on Fiducia Supplicans go to:  

Complicit Clergy <>

And from OnePeterFive: 

 "But when Cephas was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed" (Gal. ii. 11)

Brethren in Christ, we are living in the glorious times of the saints! This is an awesome time to be a Catholic. Let us thank Almighty God that He has chosen us to live in this dark time, in order to call us to take up the mantle of all of our forefathers and lay down our lives for the Faith.

After ten years of this pontificate, in which the worldwide episcopacy has been mostly asleep (with a few happy exceptions!), this latest action seems to have awoken more bishops to oppose Pope Francis than ever before. Here we will review all that have made statements thus far who either condemn the document and/or prohibit blessing “same-sex couples” or in some other way oppose this document. (Credit to LifeSite for much of their commentary on these statements).

So far we have bishops taking a stand from Europe, Africa, Asia and North America. Let us continue to pray for more to stand up for the sake of the Faith and the salvation of souls.

Clicking on a country, group or name will yield the official episcopal statements in the original languages or official English translations as well as English commentary as necessary (giving credit as much as possible to the original source of publication). Also noted are a few instances of opposing Francis indirectly, while prohibiting blessings of what the document calls “same-sex couples.”

Individual Bishops or Dioceses

Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk (unofficial English)

Kazakhstan: Diocese of Astana (Archbishop Peta and Bishop Schneider)

Democratic Republic of Congo: Cardinal Ambongo (calling upon all African bishops to have a united response)

Switzerland: Bishop Eleganti (English commentary)

United States: Bishop Strickland

Vatican: Cardinal Müller (English commentary), Archbishop Viganò

Episcopal Conferences

Malawi (prohibits “blessings of any kind and [sic] for same-sex unions of any kind”)

Rwanda (English comments)

Zambia (prohibits the “implementation” of Fiducia Supplicans in Zambia)

Nigeria (prohibits “blessing of same-sex unions and activities”)

Kenya does not oppose Francis directly but prohibits the blessing of “a style of life” and insists that blessings are for “individuals” on a “personal basis”)

Cameroon (“we formally prohibit all blessings of ‘homosexual couples’ in the Church of Cameroon”)

Ghana (does not oppose Francis directly but condemns the blessing of “same-sex marriages”)

Ukraine (unofficial English)

Poland (English commentary)

Canada (does not oppose Francis directly but prohibits blessing “their situation” and insists that only “persons themselves” can be blessed)

Priestly Confraternities

International: SSPX (website & superior general)

United Kingdom: Confraternity of Catholic Clergy

Catholic Women Organisations

This Saturday I am going on retreat for Christmas and will not return until the 9th Day of Christmas. At that time I hope we can update this list to include every continent and many more bishops, priests, and other organisations!

Above all, let us pray for the poor souls who are afflicted with same-sex attraction, since they are the greatest victims of this assault on the Faith. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!

T. S. Flanders

O Rex Gentium


Arrival at the Inn in Bethlehem
                               by Joseph von Führich

But you, O Bethlehem of Ephrathah, who are one of the little clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days” (Micah 5:2).



  1. "vicious blessings of sodomy"... what does that even mean?

    1. It means that to bless sodomy is vicious, because sodomy is a vice. THE vice.

    2. THE vice? I would think murder or rape would be more THE vice.

    3. Murder and rape are vicious, but not a vice. A vice is a sinful habit, not an act.

    4. What makes sodomy THE vice? How does it hurt you?

  2. It's how it hurts God that matters. He made us male and female for the purpose of begetting children for His honour and glory. Sodomy is the ultimate in rejection of God and his laws. See St Peter Damien on this. http://www.catholictradit… See more

  3. God is all powerful. It's doubtful that anything hurts him. This "vice" isn't even mentioned in the 10 Commandments.

    1. Bc they are not mortal sins of the soul.

    2. There is no doubt at all, if you study the writings of the saints, that Our Lord is deeply offended and wounded by our sinfulness. And homosexual relationships are forbidden by the Sixth Commandment. And by Scripture (many times).

    3. The 6th commandment is thou shalt not kill. Has nothing to do with sodomy.

    4. Take a look at the authentic Commandments - those given by God to Moses and faithfully transmitted through the Catholic Church until the sixteenth century when the mad monk Luther rewrote them. The sixth Commandment is "Thou shalt not commit adultery" - a command to live chastely.

  4. sodomy is anal sex. Homosexuality.

    1. Sodomy is defined as unnatural sexual relationships. Including bestiality.

    2. sending more unsuspecting people to hell 4 eternal condemnation

    3. Hell doesn't exist.

    4. u won't understand unless u know faith

    5. I don't need to understand. You are frightening yourself for no good reason.

    6. I'm not frightened... Of anything

    7. You're frightened of "eternal condemnation" lol

    8. not 4 me only u

    9. Why? You think you're special? You bleed red, right? So do I. You're nothing special.

  5. Liliana, sodomy is a mortal sin committed by the body and consented to by the soul.

  6. Then a man and a woman living together
    Not married. In fornication.
    Ask the priest to bless their union
    The priest will have to bless them like the gay couple ?

  7. The priest is not blessing the couple, he's blessing the individual

  8. Elzura Numa-Francois24 December 2023 at 13:36

    Who are you to judge

    1. I'm not judging Bergoglio or homosexuals; I'm judging their sin, as God requires each and every one of us to judge whether any act is sinful or not. Sodomy is a sin, no matter who commits it. Love the sinner, hate the sin, as Jesus Himself has taught us..

    2. He said that then he excommunicated the entire Mafia and the good father Pavone and he removed Bishop Strickland and gave no reason for it at all .He is also Evicting Retired Cardinal Burke and taking away his pension .
      He is very judgmental himself .

  9. Even working together these two will not prevail JESUS told us that . It amazes me how He didn’t go all in like his Buddy Fr. James Martin or the entire Church in Germany .
    That is GODs doing because all My faith is in the LORD and I have no Faith in this Pope as he is now . Let’s all Pray for his conversion .

    1. Indeed. Every day. Pray for the cleansing of the Church.

  10. Can't be impeached

    1. nope he can not be.
      Isn’t it a wonder that he did not try and change Church teaching ?
      This letter doesn’t even come close to it . It says exactly the opposite of how it is being reported .
      GOD is allowing him to be very confusing and causing a lot of division but he hasn’t change a thing .
      HOW GREAT is OUR GOD .

  11. Everyone deserves a blessing, even sinners. I think the Synod is not calling for blessing immoral relationships.

    1. not directly, because it can't, but it's ushering them through the back door. Just like AL did with permitting the Eucharist to the divorced remarried without annulment.

    2. see that is just it
      No one deserves anything!
      If you need a blessing go to Mass and get a final blessing at Mass!

    3. Then why announce the blessing of "couples" and not just individuals? Even then, the Vicar of Christ has no need to make it public. Blessing "S.S. couples" is "code" (as Obama would call it) for "we approve of your lifestyle but have to wait for the right time to declare it"

    4. Let us hope not.

    5. You are free to think that, of course. But beware of wilful blindness.

    6. the Vatican explicitly has called for it, against Scripture and against Jesus Christ Himself. This time, they went TOO far! Even pagans recognize this is NOT Catholic.

  12. Zaida Pastrycreations24 December 2023 at 23:01

    Michael Ferguson
    Bishop Schneider's explanation
    Bishop Schneider on Fiducia Supplicans: “A Mockery of the Natural and Revealed Law of God”

  13. Jean-Guy Robichaud24 December 2023 at 23:10

    Be careful how you judge him, for you too will be judge by Jesus with such a standard.
    You may have been mislead in your understanding of the Catholic faith. You may have been mislead by the so called media. (They are not of God)
    Have you even read “Fiducia Supplicans”?

    1. here we go... that is the only verse you know of the Bible. By the way, read what it follows!!

    2. I for one do not judge Bergoglio but only his misdeeds. Which Christ Himself has called us to do. Love the sinner, hate the sin.

  14. Ignore him…..stick with Traditional teachings…..God will take care of him in His time…Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.

  15. Administration, how can you allow such an evil post.

    1. Rx-Yo Lopez 😂🤣🤣


    2. Rx-Yo Lopez, The Vatican opened the door to being called heretics and apostates.

  16. I know 2 women who are using this kow to justify their immoral relationship. Dont lead the little ones into sin. He made a horrible decision.

    1. Joyce Moti-Stanley24 December 2023 at 23:30

      true, but not our call

    2. they lead themselves into hell. Let’s see if they get to Mass, let alone confession.

  17. Pray for a true Shepherd in Rome.Fiducia Supplicans is absolute rubbish.

  18. We will need to go 'underground" soon as a Remnant.. keep praying and fasting.

  19. Raymond Mohau Bereng24 December 2023 at 23:34

    The Pope is correct. Those sinners should be blessed. It is only God's grace that will help them on their journey of conversion.

  20. “It is very sad, that after 2, 000 years of converting pagans to Christianity, some of our tired brother bishops would want to convert Christians back to paganism”
    Bishop Martin A. Mtumbuka

  21. His day is coming, GOD will not be mocked!

  22. Correspondence on this post is now regretfully closed. Too many comments to publish.
