Monday 24 July 2023


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St Mary's 'Catholic' College, Wellington


"To our wonderfully, fabulous SAGE group,

Congratulations on a full and busy week celebrating your awesomeness."

This 'wonderfully, fabulous SAGE group' comprises Catholic girls at the Catholic college of St Mary's in Thorndon, Wellington. SAGE is an international LGBTQ movement. And to St Mary's staff these girls' 'awesomeness' evidently consists precisely in their professed homosexuality. 

How can this be? St Mary's teaches the Catholic faith. which from time immemorial has declared that lesbianism (in other words, sodomy) is "intrinsically disordered" and seriously sinful, and to die with such a sin unrepented is to condemn oneself to hell for all eternity. 

It's only the equivocation and ambiguities of Vatican II, exacerbated and exploited by 'Pope Francis' and his heterodox hierarchy, and parroted ad nauseam by faithless bishops and priests, that make it possible for staff at a so-called Catholic school to address would-be sodomites as 'wonderfully fabulous'. And should the girls lose their souls,  God will hold these wolves in shepherd's clothing to account.


So far, foul enough. But it gets worse: it seems this 'letter', ostensibly addressed to the 'wonderfully, fabulous' SAGE girls, was a subterfuge for a snide and cowardly attack by Director of Religious Studies Maria Fouhy (and two other staff who stood by silently) who carpeted a very different group of St Mary's girls who had the courage to object to their 'Catholic' school celebrating 'Pride Week' (

Fouhy's 'letter' - which she read out to these young defenders of the Faith, proceeding then to harangue them about how wrong they were - is printed below in full. It reveals the error and darkness into which Satan, the father of lies, leads Catholics who are blindly and falsely obedient to the demons in the hierarchy (and their name is legion) who want them to believe that LGBTQ is cool.

So here goes - with a warning: this 'letter' may make you feel ill.

"To our wonderfully, fabulous SAGE group,

Congratulations on a full and busy week

... 'Pride Week', Fouhy means ... 

celebrating your awesomenessIt's not easy living your truth in a world that still struggles with people who live outside the box.

'People,' Fouhy means, who stand up for Christ and His teaching. She means the girls who objected to St Mary's celebrating 'Pride Week'. Does Fouhy not understand that 'truth' is not and cannot be a personal belonging, but is actually a Person, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity? Almost certainly not: Fouhy is a post-Vatican II, Novus Ordo Catholic.   

However, how utterly brave of you all to start your own personal journey and speak your own personal truth. Thank you for letting us be a part of it.

Everyone is always on their 'personal journey'; it's never someone else's journey. But truth can never be 'personal'.  


Sometimes the Church (or rather the people in it) can show their fear of those brave enough to speak their truth, by being cruel, exclusive and judgmental. Just know that that is a "them" problem.

Fouhy is, of course, talking about the girls who opposed 'Pride Week'.  

It is not the message of Jesus and is not the message of St Mary's.

Good Catholic parents should remove their daughters from St Mary's. Tout suite.The message of Jesus, to which 'Pope Francis' and the liberals in the Church are evidently oblivious, is that we must always and everywhere be judgmental of deeds - but never and nowhere judgmental of the doers of deeds. 

Our Lord requires that we make calls on what is good or bad, right or wrong, every day. He requires that we judge ourselves - our thoughts, words and actions - and confess thoughts words and actions which are objectively seriously wrong and sinful. We are never to judge other people, but often we must judge their deeds. 

St Mary's girls (who should be taught this by their teachers) have to judge for themselves whether or not their school should celebrate Pride Week; and the girls reprimanded by Fouhy et al made their judgment in accord with the mind of the Church (sentire cum Ecclesia) as, it goes without saying, St Mary's staff should have done.  



St Mary's DRS Maria Fouhy


When we speak of anyone in our community, it is with love, pride and acceptance.

Really? Think. If the father of a St Mary's girl should be convicted of rape, would Fouhy et al speak of him with pride?  

As a Mercy College we aspire to be love in action to each other. Jesus, our God with skin on, showed us exactly how we are to treat each other with his command that "whatever you do, to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do to me." (Mt 25:31-46).


There are so many beautiful encyclicals from the Popes, speaking of the love we must show and the joy to be found within this love. Anyone who does not show love to another person simply doesn't know God, because God is Love (John 1:4-16).

Fouhy et al are once again pointing the finger at the girls who objected to 'Pride Week'. Fouhy mistakes the nature of love.

St John gave us the words of Jesus himself who said "I give you a new commandment. Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you must also love each other. This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, by the love you have for one another" (John 13:35).

"To correct the wrongdoer is a spiritual almsdeed. But almsdeeds are works of charity, as stated above (II-II:32:1). Therefore fraternal correction is an act of charity (St Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church."


  We see, and love you, as people created beautifully and perfectly in Imago Dei        (the Image of God).

Everyone is created beautifully and perfectly. It's the task of teachers to help students strive for that beauty and perfection which inevitably they begin to lose, to different degrees, once they attain the age of reason.  

We celebrate your diversity, your challenges, your courageousness and are delighted to accompany you on your journey of becoming. You are invited to come exactly as you are. You are exactly what we need to give colour and strength to our whole community!  

The SAGE group - who were held up to the anti-'Pride Week' contingent as an example to emulate - seem to be in no need of confession and absolution. Like the nauseating hymn sung at Catholic funerals, God wants them in their sins and unrepentant of same. 

We don't have time, nor space, in our whanau for judgment, exclusion or rejection. It is simply not who we are and not what we preach. Pope Francis taught us that "God's style is closeness, mercy and tenderness". We are as proud of your SAGE group as we are of the Tu Tangata group, the sports teams, the cultural and musical groups etc.

In his neglect of inconvenient Gospel truths and the Commandments of God, 'Pope Francis' will certainly have much to answer for. 

You are speaking your truth and we are proud of you. You are standing up against those who seek to quieten you, to each other and the joy to be found within this love. Anyone who does not show love to another person simply doesn't know God, because God is Love (John 1:4-16) .St John gave us the words of Jesus himself who said "I give you a new commandment. Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you must also love each other. This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, by the love you have for one another" (John 13:35). 

We see, and love you, as people created beautifully and perfectly in Imago Dei (the Image of God)''...

Yes, we are created beautifully and perfectly. And it's the task of teachers to help their students achieve that beauty and perfection, which inevitably they began to lose once they reached the age of reason. 

... and we are proud of you. You are including others in your journey, and we are proud of you for this.


Agape; the unconditional love that we have been shown by God, does not allow us to decide who is right and who is wrong. Agape does not tell people who they can and cannot love. Agape does not put some people above others and sit by and watch those on the margins suffer.

Agape, welcomes with open arms. Agape embraces the similarities AND the differences of our brothers and sisters. Agape says at all times: "we love you and you are so necessary to our sense of being."


St Mary's Principal Andrew Murray - obviously approved his school's celebration of 'Pride Week'


Pope Francis in his statement to Outreach said to those who have experienced rejection from the Church, that he would not have them recognize it as "the rejection of the Church" but "instead of people in the Church". He implores us to see the Church as a mother who calls together and loves all her children equally.


Just as in the parable of those invited to the feast, those invited are the just, the sinners, the rich, the poor. God does not differentiate. God loves unconditionally. In Pope Francis' own words: A "selective" church, one of "pure blood," is not Holy Mother Church, but rather a sect."

Oh yes, God does differentiate - as Fouhy and Co will discover at their Particular Judgment, when Christ as their Judge will differentiate between the good they have done, and the bad. And at the General Judgment, when again He will "differentiate", by separating the "sheep from the goats" (those who loved Him and strove to do His will, from those who rebelled against him). And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left. (Mt 25:33) And these shall go into everlasting punishment: but the just, into life everlasting (46, ibid).


With regards to those who love those of the same sex, Pope Francis says these words: "Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?

As we have just seen in Mt 25:46, if this 'gay person' does not repent of his sin, God will certainly reject him.

We have to find a new balance; otherwise even the moral edifice of the church is likely to fall like a house of cards, losing the freshness and fragrance of the Gospel."

'Pope Francis' himself has made it his business to preside over Church's fall "like a house of cards" but thanks be to God, he doesn't preside over "the gates of hell (which) shall will not prevail against it" (Mt 16:19). 


At St Mary's College, we want to love you into finding your personal truth. We want you to be people of moral strength and character; of acceptance and vulnerability; of justice and truth and above all, Love. To do this, we must always try to model these virtues ourselves.

Try humility first, Ms Fouhy. It's the foundation of all the virtues (St Teresa of Avila) and of course, the very opposite of pride. 

We have a responsibility to model ourselves on the Gospel values, the example of Jesus and our genuine love for you all.

St Paul in his letters says; "Dear friends, let's love each other, because love is from God, and everyone who loves is born from God and knows God. The person who doesn't love does not know God, because God is love."

In Romans' Paul says, "I'm convinced that nothing can separate us from God's love in Christ Jesus our Lord: not death or life, not angels or rulers, not present things or future things, not powers or height or depth, or any other thing that is created."

"You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things,. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister."

Speaking of stumbling blocks, what about millstones? You know, the thing that Jesus says should be hanged about the neck of him "that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea (Mt 18:6).

With St John the Evangelist, I too pray, that we, "will have the power to grasp love's width and length, height and depth, together with all believers. I ask that you'll know the love of Christ that is beyond knowledge so that you will be filled entirely with the fullness of God."

Happy  last day of Pride Week, beautiful humans. Lots of love, 

Your teachers xx

This missive leaves the reader with the queasy feeling that it was prompted by LGBTQ sympathies held by staff at St Mary's, some of whom who could even be overtly homosexual themselves. 

Note the number of times Fouhy et al use the words proud and pride - the sin of Lucifer, whose "non serviam" ("I will not serve") caused his fall from heaven to the depths of hell. 

Pride goeth before destruction: and the spirit is lifted up before a fall (Proverbs 16:18). 

And the pride of sodomy goes before the fall of civilisations, as we see in New Zealand today. It's painfully ironic that teachers at St Mary's can write of their SAGE students "as people created beautifully and perfectly in Imago Dei" but encourage them to rebel against God's will for them by denying their womanhood, as homosexuals. 

Sodomy, as these teachers must know, is one of the four sins that cry out to God for vengeance, and God will most certainly be avenged.

Gustave Doré

Holy Michael, Archangel, defend us in the day of battle
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God restrain him, we humbly pray
And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts
Cast down into hell Satan
And with him all the wicked spirits who wander through the world
Seeking the ruin of souls.


  1. How disgraceful to see teachers and students forced to argue with each other over the Catholic faith. There are now arguments on these issues going on between groups all over the Church, its painful and divisive.

    There can be little doubt that Pope Francis and our local bishops have a massive change agenda for the Church. They cannot discuss their agenda in the context of existing doctrine, because truth and doctrine stand in the way of their modernist agenda. The letter of Maria Fouhy is the same, it is a one sided and quotes much scripture but ignores key issues and 2,000 years of doctrine.

    Pope Francis set the new standard with his radical Amoris Laetitia. When a group of senior theologians and Cardinals questioned him on the grave doctrinal errors it contained he refused to reply or meet with them. The Pope said "make a mess", he has surely done that.

    The doctrinal fog we Catholics now live in is incredibly destructive. It is up to the Pope, the bishops and the Maria Fouhys of this world to clear the fog and stop the arguments and the bullying.

  2. Expecting other people to suppress their identity to conform to your religion is one of the most disgusting opinions of yours so far

    1. I certainly do not 'expect' other people to conform to the one true religion. It's far too confronting and difficult, the reason being that the Catholic religion makes the demands necessary to conform us to Christ. I can only hope and pray they do, because of the immense rewards even in this life (joy, peace, tranquility etc) and eternally in the next.

  3. your religion dictates your life. when you act like it dictates everyone else's life, you are a religious fascist

    1. Julia du Fresne25 July 2023 at 14:49

      I have a free will which I freely surrender to God Who died for me and for everyone - to whom He gave a free will also . Everyone chooses for themselves whether or not to give back to God the free will He gave them, or to keep it for themselves.

    2. It really depends on whether that religion is true or not. If it's true its tenets dictate everyone's life without exception and if it's not true to hell with it.

    3. The Catholic religion is true and its tenets are a sure and safe guide to eternal life - but one of its very basic tenets is that God gives everyone, without exception, the gift of free will. You are free to choose the truth and beauty of the Catholic religion or to reject it. .

  4. Catholicism is what kept me away from all religion until later in life. The people who spout and push this rubbish need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ because they sound as lost as the rest of secular society!

  5. Can I ask other readers a question please? Should the parents have been involved in these discussions between teachers and students, or is it none of the parents business?

    1. Anon, it has become the norm at all schools, hasn't it, that parents are not involved nor even consulted in matters that impact upon their children ? My own experience includes being told by a daughter that a woman teaching "family planning" at a Catholic girls high school had cautioned them not to mention it to their parents.

  6. It would have been easier just to publish the letter in full and the objectios to it.

    1. You bet it would have been easier. But it is published in full.
