Monday 3 July 2023


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On your knees: the bishops ask Catholics to pray to this lot 


Rome has lost the faith. Our Lady's prophecy at La Salette comes true with New Zealand's Catholic Bishops recommending that their flock should pray to the collection of Maori gods known as 'Matariki'. Be it ever so woke and midwintry, that's idolatry. The bishops are breaking the First Commandment and urging their flocks to follow suit. That's seriously sinful. As in mortal. And heretical to boot. 

"Heretical bishops must not be obeyed, and every Catholic is called upon to bear witness to the truth against them, even if they enforce their power with brute force, just as the Arian and Donatist bishops once persecuted true Catholics" - Fr Kevin M. Cusick kev.

And why should the bishops not desert the Most Holy Trinity, when the sovereign pontiff  'Pope Francis' appoints as head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith a prelate who in 1995 penned "Heal me With Your Mouth: The Art of Kissing." Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández is a protégé of Francis and yet another of his wolves in shepherd's clothing.

In their 'prayer' to 'celebrate and honour Matariki', the bishops state that "Matariki is the eyes of God". That is a falsehood. The bishops would likely try to wheedle faithful Catholics with blather about 'enculturation' . But a lie is a lie is a lie.

"Matariki is an abbreviation of ‘Ngā Mata o te Ariki Tāwhirimātea (‘The eyes of the god Tāwhirimātea’)" - Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand.

The 'pope' with +Fernandez: these are holy men?

I can hardly bring myself to write about yesterday's announcement that Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández to be the new head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith replacing Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, S.J. (now 79) who was previously the secretary to Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Muller.

Another example of orthodox prelates replaced by heterodox. Look at the college of cardinals, now loaded to the plimsoll line with Bergoglio-ites. In May 2015 Archbishop Fernández stated that the People of God would not tolerate any attempts by a future pope to reverse the changes Francis has already brought to the Church.

 +Fernandez has been elevated to this most influential post in the Curia just in time to ensure implementation of the egregious rewriting of doctrine and dogma which we can confidently expect from the Satanic Synod. And just wait for Bergoglio's bestowal upon this wolfish head of the red hat. It won't be long.

Fernández is certainly one of the Pope's men, his whole career has been crafted and guided by Jorge Bergoglio. He headed the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (CUA) and then on December 15, 2009, the then Cardinal Bergoglio appointed Fernandez as rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. However, much to the frustration of Cardinal Bergoglio, Fernandez was not able to take the oath of office until May 20, 2011, after he had answered objections to his appointment raised by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which assessed concerns about the orthodoxy of certain elements of his scholarship.

As CNA reports:

By the time Fernandez was chosen by Cardinal Bergoglio to head the UCA, he had written more than 100 articles and books, many of them combining biblical passages with "self-help" themes, in texts including "Activity, Spirituality and Rest" (2001). "Living in Peace" (2003), "Catechesis with Spirit" (2003), "Grace and a Wholesome Life" (2003), "Keys to Living Fully" (2003), and "Incarnated Spiritual Theology" (2004,) a book that was featured in the Argentinean soap opera "Esperanza Mía," about an illicit love affair between a priest and a nun.

The book commonly regarded as his most unusual is 1995's "Heal me With Your Mouth: The Art of Kissing." Regarding the book, Fernandez explained that: "in these pages I want to synthesize the popular feeling, what people feel when they think of a kiss, what they experience when they kiss... So, trying to synthesize the immense richness of life, these pages emerged in favor of kissing. I hope that they help you kiss better, that they motivate you to release the best of yourself in a kiss."

Not surprisingly, "Heal me With Your Mouth" has disappeared from most official lists of Fernandez' works.

Pope Francis named Fernandez the titular Archbishop of Tiburnia on May 13, 2013, thus making him the first rector of UCA to become an archbishop. According to the UCA sources consulted by CNA "Archbishop Fernandez was less than gracious upon receiving the episcopate, and wrote a couple of articles in ecclesial reviews running a true victory lap and denigrating his past critics with very unkind words."

This reaction did not sit well with many in Argentina, but by that time, sources say it was clear that Fernandez was one of Pope Francis' closest collaborators.

The Pope entrusted him with drafting his first apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, a text in which Fernandez cited his own prior scholarship as a source document.

Fernandez' controversial role in the drafting of Amoris Laetitia, especially the critical chapter VIII, was denounced by Vatican analyst Sandro Magister and then criticizied by Professor Michael Pakaluk of the Catholic University of America. 
Writing for Crux in January 2017, Pakaluk argued that "the most important footnote in Amoris Laetitia may not be, as many suppose, one dealing with access to the sacraments for Catholics in 'irregular' situations. Instead, it may be a footnote that's not actually in the document but which should be, since one of the sentences in Amoris is lifted nearly verbatim from an essay published [by Fernandez] in 1995 in a Buenos Aires theological journal."

"These instances of material plagiarism call into question Fernandez's suitability to be a ghostwriter for the pope. A ghostwriter should remain a ghost. By quoting himself, Fernandez has drawn attention to himself and away from the pope," Pakaluk added.

"Worse than that, Fernandez strains the consciences of the faithful… in the plagiarized sentence do we find 'the magisterium,' or Fernandez's own theological speculations?" Pakaluk asked.
Acknowledging his influence in drafting Amoris Laetitia, Fernandez published in August 2017 a long essay in "Medellin," the theological Magazine of CELAM, titled "Chapter VIII of Amoris Laetitia: What is left after the storm."

In the essay, he tried to make the case for greater latitude when deciding giving Communion to the divorced and remarried: "It is also licit to ask if acts of living together more uxorio [i.e. having sexual relations] should always fall, in its integral meaning, within the negative precept of 'fornication.' I say 'in its integral meaning' because one cannot maintain those acts in each and every case are gravely dishonest in a subjective sense. In the complexity of particular situations is where, according to St. Thomas [Aquinas], 'the indetermination increases.'"

Fernandez has also been very vocal in expressing that "in many issues I am far more progressive than the Pope."

Argentinian press also reports that the Archbishop covered up for abusing priests even threatening the victims with legal action.

In his letter to the new incoming Prefect, Pope Francis says 

"Those were times when, rather than promoting theological knowledge, possible doctrinal errors were pursued. What I expect from you is certainly something very different.”
What can this mean? What precisely is the problem with the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith pursuing possible doctrinal errors? Does this comment relate to the experience of the two men back in 2009? 

One cannot help but see some grand irony in the fact that the Congregation for the Sacraments can police and restrict the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass with such fervour that even advertising its existence in the parish newsletter is forbidden, presumably because its attended by the wrong sort of Catholics, while the DDF receives the Pope's ire for actually doing its job and protecting the deposit of faith. This comment is made all the more insulting by the fact that the incumbent for so many years was Pope Benedict XVI, Francis' brilliant and saintly predecessor.

If you want a reminder of how incompetent Fernández, I would point you to this post from from 2017 with input from Fr Raymond de Souza, Dominican Father Aidan Nichols & Vatican theologian Canon George Woodall.

The Pope continually appoints his cronies with no care or guile.

He doesn't need to take care or employ guile. He's been 'pope' for ten years and has surrounded himself with so many henchmen he can do what he likes.  

Think of Zanchetta, another Argentinian friend of the Pontiff. Between December 2018, when the allegations against him by two abused seminarians (the victims could have been many more) and March 2022, when he was sentenced to four and a half years in prison, the merciful pope sought to "save" Zanchetta by putting him in charge of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See.
The Jesuitification of the Vatican and the self-referential Argentinian clergy the Pope prefers are hardly "going out to the peripheries" is it? More like creating a very small, closed minded self affirming theological narrative. Despite his own rhetoric to the contrary, Pope Francis continually shows himself to be the Pope of a very small number of Catholics with a certain ideological bent - mostly that the Catholic Church is wrong about a lot of stuff. 
Can anyone argue that the appointment of Fernández is about merit rather than the fact he is one of the Pope's oldest mates?

As Eric Sammons puts it in Crisis Magazine:

"In the case of Pope Francis, his appointments—from Cardinal Cupich to Fr. James Martin to Archbishop Fernández to everyone in-between—have implemented a program that has undermined Catholic teaching at almost every turn. As President Harry Truman stated when it comes to being in charge, “The buck stops here.” When it comes to the attack on Catholic doctrine we see coming from so many figures in the Church, we need to realize that ultimately it points back to one man." 


The Pope's self-referential style (10 out of the 11 references in his letter to Fernandez reference himself) makes a mockery of the Magisterium. His continual cronyism can be nothing except extremely divisive for the faithful, creating factions and favourites, not to mention fear, in the heart of the curia. It is increasingly clear that it is no longer acceptable to be the kind of Catholic that Catholics have always been. 

Positioning Fernández like this just before the synod on synodality could be the sign of a dangerous strategy. 

The Francis revolution is brutal, anti-intellectual & authoritarian in the extreme.


Martyrdom of Ss Processus and Martinian

 Valentin de Boulogne


Saints Processus and Martinian, on your feastday please pray for our bishops 



  1. It is hardly surprising that New Zealand is afflicted with storms, division and high crime rates since the passing of one of the world's most liberal abortion acts allowing abortion up to full-term, the right for people to kill themselves under the euthanasia Act, and the most serious of all is breaking the First Commandment in adopting a holiday celebrating pagan gods. We all need to increase our praying of the Rosary asking our blessed Mother to intercede for us that God defend New Zealand from all the evils afflicting our country.

    1. I've said as much before, on this page. Thank you for the reminder that the bishops are breaking the First Commandment (also, I believe, pointed out on this page before now).

  2. Unfaithfulness to God brings Gods judgement which can be beyond your control and can be permanent. Turn back to God now in case He will forgive your idolatry and restore your blessing.
    Can the Maori gods save you from the chastisement of the Lord?

  3. The Bible tells that the gods of the pagans are demons - Psalm 95:5

  4. Johnathan Potts4 July 2023 at 14:41

    I think u mean The Doctrine of Discovery the Ultimate Sin Jesus was a Black man.

  5. Beverley Bennett4 July 2023 at 14:43

    Thank you, Julia, for posting the truth. Next thing we'll have Pachamamas in our Cathedrals.

    1. But if what we're told about Bishop-elect Adams is correct, not in Palmerston North's. Deo gratias.

  6. I cannot find the official document where the Bishops are telling us to pray to the Matariki gods. Where can I find it please?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


  9. Barbara Hempseed4 July 2023 at 20:00

    Father John Adams is a faithful and holy Priest. Keep him in prayer 🙏

  10. The iwisation of New Zealand is embedding deceit, myth and lies, into our Society and Nation...
    Accept the historical fact, in 1840 a few thousand settlers had no way of forcing around 80,000 warlike stone age tribes to accept British Law or do anything they didn't want to do...
    The truth is, after 40 years of savagery where up to 47% of the tribal population were massacred in the genocidal, tribe against tribe, musket wars, tribal leaders begged Britain to come to their aid to protect them from the French "and mischief from other tribes!"
    And the tribes were not stupid, they recognised the benefits of British Law, food, clothes, technology, transportation and domesticated animals, that provided settlers with year round food, warmth and security...
    And the quickest way to develop the settlers skills, was to learn the language and customs of the settlers...
    The result, a voluntary civilisation over a period of 183 years, of British Law and civilisation...
    Has it been perfect, NO!
    But it has been infinitely better than the alternative of tribal war, continual utu, and up to 600 tribal dictatorships, where the only law was "might is right!"
    Know your true History New Zealanders, and ensure at the next election in October 2023, all concepts of a return to unelected tribal dictatorships are buried in 1840, where they belong...
    Meanwhile the continual corruption of our society with a mythical national tribal language, customs and religous myths, should cease to be financed by the taxpayer, immediately...
