Wednesday 19 July 2023


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St Mary's 'Catholic' College, Wellington

The insidious evil of sodomy has infected St Mary's College, Wellington. 

The crème de la crème  - as one might suppose - of Catholic girlhood at St Mary's now boast a LGBTQ group, SAGE, whose deluded teenage members believe they're lesbian or 'trans'. Their teachers are 'proud' of them. They wrote a letter, ostensibly to SAGE, which was in reality was a thinly-veiled broadside directed at girls who'd rightly opposed St Mary's celebrating 'Pride Week' in direct violation of Catholic doctrine and teaching. 

These loyal defenders of Christ and His Church were carpeted by the DRS, Maria Fouhy, and two other teachers who stood by silently while the students - some as young as fourteen - were talked at about how wrong they were. One girl left the room in tears.

We should not be surprised at this assault on Catholic doctrine by women who are supposed to uphold and teach it, and no one will expect the apostate NZ Conference of Catholic Bishops to defend it that doctrine. 

Remember the Catholic activists who found Rainbow propaganda plastered all over a classroom noticeboard at St Catherine's, Wellington? Right under the noses, so to speak, of Cardinal John Dew whose patch Wellington is, and sundry prelates, at the national meeting of the Synful Synod?

St Mary's DRS, Maria Fouhy: is she actually a Catholic?

The “letter” written purportedly to SAGE which was actually a snide attack on girls loyal to Christ, came to the attention of an interested party who for reasons of protecting his family will remain anonymous. He wrote to St Mary's Principal, Andrew Murray, under a pseudonym. His letter expressing his righteous anger has been widely circulated among faithful Catholics. It is quoted below in full:  

The purpose of this communication is not to attempt to convert you, the principal and teachers of St Mary’s College, Wellington, New Zealand, to the Catholic position in regard to the sodomite lifestyle. I’m sure that would be fruitless. My purpose is to expose and circulate the Pharisaic nature of the sentiments expressed in the document, and let you know that we have seen and noted your villainy.


While the document purports to be a letter of praise addressed to members of the very unfortunate and non-Catholic SAGE group, we are aware that its other and major thrust is as a scolding of the St Mary’s pupils who had the faithfulness and the commitment to act in accordance with Catholic teaching and express their opposition to the celebration and promotion of the sodomite and lesbian lifestyle.


Indeed, the letter was written in response to the opposition expressed by those faithful pupils.


They understand the Church’s teaching far better than you do, it is clear.    They know that the Church teaches: Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered” … Under no circumstances can they be approved.     


And they also honour the Church’s instruction that homosexuals “must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity”. But they have the intelligence and the integrity not to pretend that acceptance and celebration/promotion are the same thing.


In endeavouring to humiliate and to bully these faithful young women, you have stooped so low as to misquote Scripture and Pope Francis, as if Pope Francis, St Paul and Jesus Himself would be angry with these exemplary young women.


While Pope Francis has expressed acceptance and sensitivity towards persons afflicted with homosexual attraction, he has never endorsed the sodomite or lesbian lifestyle.


And St Paul had this to say in Romans: “…the males, having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed by their lust for one another, males with males, committing what is shameful…”   Although you quoted from Romans about unrelated Love, you overlooked mentioning this directly related passage.


As for Jesus, these young women know that He told His disciples: “Whoever hears my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me”.    


And they know that Jesus instituted the Catholic Church, the Bride of Christ, building her on the rock of the first Pope, with the guarantee of teaching His commands faithfully: “…thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven…”.


As for your vile accusations of judgmentalism, cruelty and exclusion against these fine young Catholic women, it is not surprising that it is, in fact, you who fit all of those condemnations.


Does it not ever come to your mind that, when you judge someone as being judgmental, you are being judgmental ??


Are you so blinded by your devotion to homosexualism that you cannot discern that you are seeking to exclude those who would express opposition, and doing that so cruelly in the instance of these young women? Where is your inclusivity and commitment to diversity? Don’t tell me, I know – it’s a pretend diversity and inclusivity; it welcomes only those who share your devotion.


You’re very much like those of the Church whom you condemn, aren’t you ??


And, while you’re keen to dish out Scriptural quotes, I’d say that these are a few that pertain to you and your teachers.


It were better for him, that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he be cast into the sea, than that he should scandalize one of these little ones.


You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.


Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you are like to whited sepulchres, which outwardly appear to men beautiful, but within are full of dead men's bones, and of all filthiness.


Like Pharisees, you have written of agape as the love that “does not allow us to decide who is right and who is wrong”.  Hellooo! You haven’t decided that the SAGE group are right and the faithful young women are wrong? !


You have written that agape does not allow you to marginalise anyone. Hellooo!    You have deliberately and cruelly marginalised these fine young women, you hypocrites!


I’d better stop before I begin to speak plainly.


You are disgusting, and certainly not Catholic.



Alan Jones


PS:    I didn’t spot you at the National March For Life.

Fouhy makes the claim, in her letter purportedly to the SAGE group but actually directed at the girls who evidently know that to be Christian is to fight, makes the ridiculous claim - in regard to them judging the SAGE group - that "God does not differentiate".

Oh yes, He does. He judges people. Judgment of people is reserved to God, but He commands us to judge between good and evil. As you and your fellow teachers at St Mary's will realise at your Particular Judgment, when He differentiates between right and wrong, between virtue and sin and between heaven, hell and purgatory as your own choice of destination. 

And God will differentiate again at the Last Judgment:

And all nations shall be gathered together before him, and he shall separate them one from another, as the shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left (Mt 25: 32,33).

And these shall go into everlasting punishment: but the just, into life everlasting (46, ibid).

The Last Judgment



  1. St Mary’s! What’ll the Pope say about that?

  2. Garry Fergusson19 July 2023 at 19:53

    Doesn't this go against the word of God? Isn't this school supposed to be Catholic? i hope God strikes them down in a fit of rage.

    1. You'll see by reading the post that this certainly does go against the word of God, and that most New Zealand's 'Catholic' schools, like St Mary's, are now non-Catholic - and that's the way our apostate bishops want it. Like Francis they want to blend with the world and all its false religions and morph into an apostate, New World Church, with Francis as its 'spiritual' head. It's now time for faithful Catholics to cancel their planned giving and take their money to the nearest true, traditional, Latin Mass Church.

    2. Garry Fergusson19 July 2023 at 23:38

      I lost faith in the R C church when I realised that although it is one of the richest organisations in the world, it does very little to help the genuinely needy. I feel the Salvation Army, small though it is, does far more. I can continue with my belief without the church.


  4. It's a catholic girls school so how are they planning on this sodomy?
    As it's girls wouldn't it be more scissoring?

    1. Thomas Aquinas gave a definition of the word "sodomy" in his Summa Theologica. He wrote: by copulation with an undue sex, male with male, or female with female, as the Apostle states (Romans 1:27): and this is called the "vice of sodomy".

  5. Nick van der Westhuizen19 July 2023 at 20:09

    There should be blood in the streets, yet crickets. So many movies and books about this abuse but nothing. I blame MSMedia and our lack of bravery.

  6. Give your hateful paranoia a rest already.

  7. I remember when my kids were still at school (they are now mid 30's) Catholic School) Someone suggested a "Drag Show" as a fundraiser. It was promptly turned down by the dioceses as being "inappropriate and not in keeping with the beliefs and ethos of the Catholic Church. Yet here we are 20 years later!!!! How is this in keeping with The Faith???

    1. You and I both know it is not in keeping with the Faith. We need to pray for Catholics in the pew who seem not to know, or not to care. Dante says the lowest place in hell is reserved for those who keep silent in a crisis.

  8. My wife and I pulled our children from our local Catholic school, they were getting bullied by other children for sticking up for their Catholic faith. Now it seems the so-called Catholic teachers have joined the bullying of faithful children.

    Alan Jones writes a spirited and necessary letter to the school, but he is probably wasting his time. The problem is our bishops and the Pope himself. Pope Francis talks out of both sides of his mouth at the same time on the homosexuality issues. He makes solid affirmations of Church doctrine, but he surrounds himself with very pro-gay people like Cardinal Paglia and Father James Martin, and applaudes their pro-gay work. Pope Francis is silent on the incredibly pro-gay material our New Zealand bishops have published recently. The nuncio has said he will take up with Rome the complaints about our New Zealand Bishops, I have little hope this will happen.

    The protestant churches that have gone gay have been torn apart. The Catholic Church is next.

    1. Of course we need to pray for bishops who have seemingly lost the Faith, and for Francis himself especially.

    2. Anon, check out the Stonewall Center.

  9. I worked for Kiren Fouhy who ran the pace like a branch of the ACT party. We got sick of the political 'pot shots' made in the staff room.

  10. Surprising. Her great uncle was Bishop Thomas Fouhy, a traditionalist. Money works wonders in compromising ones beliefs. 'Integration' of our schools turned out to be the biggest sell-out of all.

    1. Catholic school integration 48 years ago has probably been the biggest factor in removing most of the youth from our faith.

  11. Lesley Kathryn Barrett22 July 2023 at 21:10

    Good grief

  12. 'National first the church comes second.' Then the one- world government is bettened. St Peters staff went crazy when it heard. The church comes first, National third! (we hoped).
