Sunday 3 July 2022


On the Feast of the Visitation 2022, at the National Synod in Wellington, the Novus Ordo Church in New Zealand was exposed as a whited sepulchre. 

Cardinal John Dew and Bishops Paul Martin and Stephen Lowe, prelates ultimately responsible for Catholic schools and teaching Catholic doctrine, paid lip service to the commandments of God in a venue promoting serious sin - specifically, the sin of sodomy. 

"Pride Month" was illustrated in the venue, a classroom at St Catherine's, Wellington, by a blasphemous image of Our Lady of Czestochowa holding the Christ Child, both adorned with rainbow haloes. "Sexual identity is not a sin", ran the caption. 

Rejection of the gender given you by God is not a sin? Your Excellencies, that's the sin of pride - the first of the seven deadly sins - which throughout June, the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, was proudly proclaimed and paraded throughout New Zealand; even, evidently, in Catholic schools.

In a Catholic school at the National Synod with the Cardinal and the Bishops

Let's be very clear: the Synod is simply a tool for transforming the Bride of Christ into a New World Church, run by the Antipope Bergoglio (if God, who is Patience, lets him live that long) on behalf of the Freemasonic New World Order, and implemented by the malcontents - mainly women who want to be priests - who are already de facto running the Church in New Zealand. 

But you can't change Christ or His Church. Pope Francis and his cohort are using the Synod to build a faux church to suit all the world's religions so that eventually they will all blend. They will, as our motorway signs say, "Merge like a Zip"! 

Not only were the cardinal and bishops exposed on Saturday as hypocrites, but by this fortuitous juxtaposition of clerics and their Novus Ordo Church heresy that 'gay' is good, the pope's Synod was revealed as a mockery of Christ - a sop to the spiritually blind laity who are following the hierarchy, at their mortal peril, into mass apostasy.

Of course, it was not "fortuitous". Nothing happens by chance but is directed by God, whose ways are not our ways.  

Two traditional Catholics, having first been deprived of the Tridentine Mass and then refused an invitation to the National Synod, insinuated themselves into this classroom at St Catherine's, into the front row. There they were soon accosted by Julianne Hickey, seemingly designated as bouncer by the cardinal and assembled bishops. 

Ms Hickey was until recently the face of Caritas, the NZ Bishops' aid agency to which every NO Massgoer has donated their Lenten offering for years and which proudly declares itself 'part of Caritas Internationalis'. 

The Communist flag at Caritas' associate World Social Forum (WSF)  

Caritas Internationalis is a Vatican agency serving on the governing body of a Communist organization (WSF) engaged in pagan worship and witchcraft, which celebrates decriminalization of abortion all over the world while actively fighting against the Catholic Church’s stand against grave evil.

But we digress (intentionally). Julianne Hickey was one of the 'power women' in charge at the National Synod which hosted 80 NO Catholics, flown into Wellington from all around the country at the Church's expense.  

One of the 'Trad' infiltrators told Ms Hickey, when she asked them to leave, that they would go if asked by a priest or bishop. 

"I am a woman of the Church!" declared Ms Hickey. As such, her status, she implied, was at least equal to any priest's or bishop's.

"I'm a woman of the Church too," responded the second infiltrator. The two stayed put, in the front row, until they'd heard the 'keynote speech' by +Dew which Hickey had denied was on the agenda. They took their leave during a longwinded prayer to Te Wairua Tapu (the Holy Spirit) - in Te Reo (Maori) presumably for the benefit of the only Maori evident at the gathering - but not before the trad 'woman of the Church' had taken a closer look at a frilly paper ball hanging in full view of the delegates, but around a corner and out sight of the cardinal and bishops. Yes, it was a 'Rainbow' ball, hanging on a noticeboard entirely devoted to 'Pride' propaganda.

Perhaps such heresy is required reading at all Catholic schools subsidised by New Zealand's atheistic government. But if so, surely the NZ Conference of Bishops, ordained as they are to teach the deposit of Faith, would have resisted and renounced it. And if not, why not?

The Catholic Church teaches that sexual expression is between only one man and one woman, in the covenant of Holy Matrimony. Christ commands us to have compassion and love our neighbour in every circumstance, however confused or objectively sinful they may appear to be, but we must boldly and clearly hold up the Christian ideal of chastity. Chastity is asked by Christ of everyone, married or single, priest or religious. 

  • Sodomy is one of the four mortal sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance  and if not repented results in eternity in hell 
  • Mortal sin kills the life of God in the soul. 
  • Sin is not something made up by the Church which can be changed, not even by a pope 
  • Sin is an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience
  • Sin is a failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods
  • Sin has been defined [by St Augustine] as "an utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law."

'Pride' blinds us to our sin. But do Novus Ordo-ites even know what sin is, any more? One of the NO faithful, when informed of Pride propaganda at a Catholic secondary school, seemed to find it mildly amusing, quite likely because he doesn't believe in sin or hell, because in the Novus Ordo Church you never hear about either. 

They forget - if they ever knew - that only those Catholics who live according to the precepts of the Church, and believe every precept of the Church, will be saved. 

The "Catechism of the Catholic Church" promulgated by Pope John Paul II considers sexual activity between members of the same sex to be a mortal sin against chastity.[1][2] This teaching has developed through a number of ecumenical councils and the influence of theologians, including the Church Fathers. The Catholic Church opposes the acceptance of homosexuality within Christian society.

However, the NZ Bishops in their wisdom have cancelled the catechism and replaced it with something called "Virtues and Values". A fat lot of good that will do Catholic youth in avoiding hell and attaining heaven. 

"One who lives practicing the vice of sodomy will suffer more pain in Hell than anyone else, because this the worst sin that exists" - St Bernardine of Siena..

With fear and trembling work out your salvation (Phil 2: 12b). 

LGBTQ picketers demanding "Free Ele" hold the image displayed at St Catherine's, in protest at the arrest of a woman suspected of putting the poster up in public in Krakov, Poland 

Dom Prosper Guéranger makes it clear that the faithful have the duty to resist unorthodox doctrine. They should frontally oppose those "teachers of the doctrines of Hell," even if they are high Prelates of the Church.

When the shepherd becomes a wolf, the first duty of the flock is to defend itself. It is usual and regular, no doubt, for doctrine to descend from the Bishops to the faithful, and those who are subject in the Faith are not to judge their superiors. But, in the treasure of Revelation there are essential doctrines which all Catholics, by the very fact of their title as such, are bound to know and defend. The principle is the same whether it be a question of belief or conduct, dogma or morals.

Some pastors keep silence for one reason or another in circumstances when Religion itself is at stake. The true children of Holy Church at such times are those who walk by the light of their Baptism, not the cowardly souls who, under the specious pretext of submission to the powers that be, delay their opposition to the enemy.,necessary%20nor%20desirable.

How can a Catholic know when something is wrong? He needs only to check with the prior teaching of the Church. He can refer to the previous magisterium and verify if there is a long succession of papal teachings affirming the same thing. If there is not, or there is some difference in teaching, the new teaching of that pope is wrong. 

Can a pope commit an error in doctrinal matters? Yes, he can. This implicit in the very notion of infallibility. When Popes do not invoke the privilege of infallibility, they can err. Infallibility means the impossibility to fail, to err, to fall. If the Pope himself states that a document is not infallible, it is because it is fallible. So, he can commit errors.

It is very simple. This is not to say that each Catholic should take it upon himself to judge the Pope. I am not encouraging that. What I am saying is that if there is a clear and continuous teaching of the previous popes saying the opposite of the teaching of the new pope, the latter ipso facto (automatically) has been judged by that previous teaching. The Catholic faithful is only acknowledging the error.

But what about the Cardinal's keynote speech at the New Zealand National Synod, you may ask. What about it, indeed. Very little needs to be said. It was about 'listening'. To 'each other', mainly. It was an exercise in putting the second commandment before the first. The cart before the horse. +Dew talked a lot about 'the Spirit' but 'the Spirit' (Who from memory was not called "Holy") was to be 'Listened to' in 'each other'. 

He quoted Scripture: "You are my friends if you do what I command you" (Jn 15:4). But a couple of metres away from the cardinal was evidence in plain sight that a Catholic school - which like all Catholic schools is under governance by the NZ Conference of Bishops, headed by +Dew - is thumbing its nose at what Christ commands us. Is St Catherine's the only Catholic school in the country celebrating degrading sexual impurity and subverting its students to Satan? Maybe this is a lone lesbian teacher's initiative, but we doubt it. 

This is the Novus Ordo effect, and the Synod symbolises this rotten fruit by insinuating that there's something seriously wrong with the deposit of Faith handed down to us from Christ Himself, through His apostles.


Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you are like to whited sepulchres, which outwardly appear to men beautiful, but within are full of dead men's bones, and of all filthiness. So you also outwardly indeed appear to men just; but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity (Mt 23: 27) 

Christ driving the Money Changers from the Temple
El Greco

'Fashion Your whip Lord Jesus and drive them out! Drive them out!'

-Fr James Altman


Julia du Fresne runs a traditional Catholic blog, the only one of its kind in New Zealand. She attended the Traditional Latin Mass until its cancellation in Wellington Archdiocese by the modernist Metropolitan of New Zealand, Cardinal John Dew. Du Fresne's own diocese, Palmerston North, has been  without a bishop since +Charles Drennan resigned in 2019 after an allegation of inappropriate sexual behaviour. Du Fresne is a cradle Catholic, a fully-professed lay Carmelite, married with five children. In previous lives she's been a journalist, an actor, an artist and a novelist. Her book, "The Age for Love" can be downloaded from Amazon. 


  1. Sadly, Opus Dei are speechless. One NZ Catholic Bishop called Pride possibly a 'Galaleio moment.' Sadly, its coming from Rome. Orientation is one thing but the Pride people are in favor of acting on their impulses. The gay lobby in the clergy is strong. This exposed in a book by a Catholic priest called 'The Homosexual Network' published around 1984.

  2. Adding the rainbow to a holy picture. Surely this is profanity considering its new age meaning? O you clergy. What you will need to answer for in the next life because you failed to correct.

    1. They don't want to correct!!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Bob, Bishop Browne in 1989 had a synod. Its slogan was 'Cheesed off with the Church?. I guess a few of us are.

  4. This picture is shocking and an insult to Jesus and His Mother Mary. It should never be displayed in a Catholic School. We should write to Cardinal John Dew and Archbishop Paul Martin to tell the Principal of the College to remove it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anon says:
    The Madonna and Christ child picture with rainbow halos is disturbing. It seems the church has abandoned catholic teaching, especially in our schools. How could the bishops just stand there and accept this violation of everything our Lord stood for?

  7. The agenda is a church for all people. This told to me by a gay Catholic activist and medical academic.

  8. Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow. Try to get this old book. Explains the spiritual war and names the groups.
