Sunday 17 July 2022


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Cardinal Cupich incorporates elements of Taoism and Hinduism into the Holy Mass

"Something very evil this way comes." 

Fr Z and Ann Barnhardt both tried to stop it but the evil arrived today - in the form of a prince of the Church. 

"Cupich of Chicago has told the members of the Institute of Christ the King in Chicago (ICKSP) that he is effectively shutting them down as of August 1.

"I had hoped," says Fr Z (Fr John Zuhlsdorf), "to build a prayerful barrage regarding this really bad news.  This is very bad for everyone, as it is another move to slam shut the gates of grace, to make the Church smaller, stingier, narrower.   If a place is doing well, then – by gum – crush it. "

Fr Z, who has many followers in New Zealand, seems to be tempering  righteous anger with meekness. He'd hoped, by an urgent appeal for "a prayerful barrage" to head this demo job off at the pass, but "it seems there are those who cannot keep things to themselves",  who prematurely broke the news on Twitter, destroying Fr Z's hopes - repeated urgently by Barnhardt - that the Archdiocese of Chicago could "save face" and not have to "dig in".

Has the Archdiocese of Chicago even got a face to save, any more? Cardinal Blase Cupich - Fr Z quite rightly doesn't accord him the honorific - has by heresy, heretical Masses and tacitly supporting child porn already brought his seat into scandalous disrepute. He is arguably deserving of latae sententiae (automatic excommunication). There's this much to be said of Cupich: he puts Cardinal John Atcherley Dew in a good light.

Cupich blames pedo homo-predator abuse in the Church on 'clericalism'. 

This outrageous suppression of a traditional order, coinciding with the first anniversary of Traditionis Custodes - in a gratuitous insult to the Mother of God, on the Feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel - is of course coherent with Antipope Bergoglio's persecution of faithful Catholics, bishops priests and lay people alike. One has to wonder if Cupich is jealous of  the congregations flocking to the ICKSP, and wishes to have them join the poor Novus Ordo-ites in pagan worship at his ceremonies. 

The ICKSP closure was to be formally announced today at the Institute’s church on the South Side of Chicago.

No Masses.  Nothing.  31 July is their last day to function.

You might respond that, given the Archdiocese in question, that was an act of the greatest optimism, even naivete.
This is very bad for everyone, as it is another move to slam shut the gates of grace, to make the Church smaller, stingier, narrower.   If a place is doing well, then – by gum – crush it.

It seems that they would rather have smoking, salt-sown craters rather than vibrant churches where Tradition is maintained.  I am reminded of the fateful words of Tacitus about the Romans in Germany: “Where they make a desert, they call it peace.” 

Ironically, even at Jesuit-run Amerika there are thoughts about how “excessive restrictions on the Latin Mass could push away some ordinary Catholics”. That’s an article title!  The well-intentioned author gets pretty much mired in the externals of the two Rites, Vetus and Novus, and thinks that just by dressing the Novus Ordo in traditional trappings, that ought to be enough, the answer to everything.  What he doesn’t understand is that the differences are far deeper.  But this isn’t the time or place for that.

My heart aches for the faithful of Chicago… those left.

I still ask you all, please, to get down on your knees and say, at least, a Memorare for the people who will be hurt by this, for the priests involved. And perhaps ask St. Joseph now, also, to take this matter into his mighty hands.


ICKSP Seminary Chapel Gricigliano, Italy

St Joseph most Just, pray for ICKSP, the Archdiocese of Chicago and Cardinal Blase Cupich 


  1. Sadly, Pope Francis would back Cupich 100 per cent. The move is manifestly unjust. The Cardinal tolerates many strange liturgical innovations in his Archdiocese. Seems our only hope is another Pope. A Palmarian priest visits here twice a year and they still have a Chapel in Hamilton, for your interest.

  2. Typical. Bash, bash, bash the Tridentine folks and let all others run free. Why? It's the theology underpinning the Tridentine Mass and trad communities they hate. They want a church for all people and even spiritualities. All have a home in the Catholic Church, they claim. Sure, the church is for sinners and they are to repent. The divinity of Christ is really what they are nibbling away. The Arians thru to Teilhard. Same old story. St Athernatius, pray for us all, please..... And fast!

  3. Shocked, stunned and saddened by the news. As bad as communist China. When churches are closing the Cardinal should be happy one is still active and left the community alone. 'Knees up mother Brown' is his liturgical style. We really are in a state of madness or at least Chicago is.

  4. Coupled with the Papal Academy for Life wanting a paradigm shift in moral theology and the pill suggests that more change could be in store unless a strong Pope is elected next conclave.

  5. Cardinal Cupich does not have the authority to shut down that Mass in Chicago (yes, he is a Bishop, but he is outside the Faith). Cupich has become, objectively and measurably, so far outside the faith that he has lost his position as a Cardinal and lost his authority over the Diocese of Chicago.

    To be a Cardinal of the Church a man needs to be inside the Church, that is to say, he has to believe ALL of the Faith, whole and complete.

    Cupich is not a Cardinal of the Catholic Church! He has entered so far into heresy and he has manifested it so clearly in both his actions and words that it is impossible for a person to call him a Catholic without the danger of entering into heresy themselves.

    A wolf is a wolf, not a sheep, and not a shepherd. Like a man in a dress is not a woman, a wolf in a scarlet zucchetto is not a cardinal. To be a cardinal in the Catholic Church that man needs to be in the Church. That is to say, he must believe all of the Faith, whole and complete. The spotless Bride of Christ, the Catholic Church is not a worldly club that members can simply pay a due and join.

    While we can’t tell the state of another person’s soul, and judging them is for Christ, we can see what they objectively do. Cardinal Cupich has spent so long calling sin not sin and preaching heresy that it is not possible to see him as being anything else except outside of the Church and thus without any authority. He, by his own actions walked away.

    In the past, men like Cupich would have been thrown out of the Church, and town, long ago. No one would have recognised his authority, and the hierarchy of the Church would have dealt with him and healed the damage he has done. Today there are so many men like him that quietly infiltrated into the Church Militant that this will not happen. Under normal times, the clergy under him and the laity would not have needed to act. But these are not normal times. Today they need to say, “NO”. To tell Cupich, “You have by your own actions left the Church and have now exposed yourself as being not just outside the Church but an enemy of Christ.”

    Cupich is not in the Church, is thus not a Cardinal, and thus cannot close the Institute of Christ the King in Chicago (ICKSP) or order them not to celebrate the Holy Mass. (Yes, he remains forever ordained as a Bishop, even though he does not believe the faith and actively works to destroy it).
    When has a prince of the Church ever been able to order a priest in good standing in the Church not to offer the Mass, nor those faithful that are properly disposed from assisting (Can 843)?

    What authority do I say this? I’m a member of the laity, with eyes to see and ears to hear. I am just calling a wolf a wolf. The rest is as obvious as Cupich’s heresy. A man cannot exercise the authority of the Church if he is outside the Church!

    Stop acting like Cupich is still a member of the Church. He left years ago!


    1. Of course, disgraceful antipope Francis is outside the Church. No truth is found in him. Because he does not hold the true Catholic Faith nor does he hold to the Deposit of Faith, that true Popes hold. He refuses to repent. He makes shady deals with corporations, false religions and other enemies of the true Catholic Faith and of all people worldwide.

  7. Yes, Francis is a complete disgrace, is no pope and outside the Catholic Church. He is not even a Christian. He was put in that role, by globalists and those unfaithful in the Vatican. He is only there to destroy the Faith even more. Also, he will not repent.
