Monday 18 July 2022


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Mass in a Connemara Cabin
Aloysius O'Kelly (1883)

Yesterday evening at the Celatus Chapel, somewhere near Napier a waddling of ducks filed by, quacking, a dog barked not far off and a chicken paused at the open door, all waiting for the sacred moment when Almighty God would descend to the altar at the bidding of an SSPX priest in the Traditional Latin Mass.

The Celatus Chapel in reality is a single garage, the altar is portable, the floor concrete and bare but for a skimpy rug, but last night it was the most beautiful place this side of heaven. Candles burned at the windows and on the altar, graced also by white camellias brought by a Massgoer and arranged at the last minute by the hostess. 

Although there are already others booked to come to the next Mass, the next Third Sunday, it will be hard to find room for them. A single car garage isn't all that commodious and at the "Mass of Ages" space is needed for everyone to kneel. And kneel they did, all except for a baby cooing in its father's arms.

The Mass scheduled for 5 p m started rather late because of the queue for the confessional (the like of which has never been seen before). That's the thing about the Latin Mass. It inspires people with a desire to confess their sins. The Latin Mass provides scripture readings rarely or never heard at the Novus Ordo which tell the fate of those who don't.

And the fact of being forced to find a garage to celebrate the "Mass of Ages", when there are three spacious and underpopulated churches in nearby Napier, speaks eloquently of the rot which has spread to such dreadful effect in the fruit of the Second Vatican Council, the Novus Ordo Missae (New Mass).

Saturday was the ancient Feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel, chosen by Antipope Bergoglio (aka Pope Francis) one year ago in an insult to the Mother of God which we must in charity assume was unintended, as the debut of his egregious assault on the patrimony of the Church, ironically named Traditionis Custodes.

If we didn't know better - having been assured otherwise by Bergoglio, and knowing that even a pretend pope couldn't possibly entertain such sinful motives - we might be tempted to think TC was motivated by jealousy, and likewise Cardinal Blase Cupich, who yesterday canned the traditional Institute of Christ the King (ICKSP) in his Archdiocese of Chicago. 

Because how many faithful Catholics, even poorly-catechised Novus Ordo-ites, must have deserted by now rather than attend Mass in an archdiocese contaminated by Cupich's heresy, and fled to the safe haven of ICKSP orthodoxy? In the same way, Cardinal John Dew in the Archdiocese of Wellington, New Zealand might have noticed his pews emptying, and churches like St Columba's Ashhurst which harboured the Latin Mass filling, not to mention the crammed SSPX chapels like Tawa and Celatus, and churches like St Anthony's Wanganui.

Italy's Freemasons eulogized Fratelli Tutti as "close to the foundations ... of Freemasonry from the very beginning"

But we shouldn't forget the age-old Masonic plot to depope the papacy, and we have to admit its success with the Freemasons' darling Bergoglio who is building the new global Masonic church apace, ably assisted all over the globe by men like Dew and Cupich in their studied persecution of traditional Catholics, their attempts to stamp out any flickering embers of faith, adherence to Catholic doctrine, dogma and devotion within their borders.

On the one hand they need to keep people in the pews and their money in the collection baskets, in New Zealand by bland assurances of heaven for everyone no matter what, and in Chicago by Hindi and Tao entertainment. 

They must also, by devices such as the Ultra-Silly Synod, distract Catholics from any serious pursuit of perfection, of personal holiness, of keeping to the strait and narrow, of following Christ Our Saviour, all of which are entailed in the Tridentine Mass and the preaching of its sermons.  Bergoglio and his Dews and Cupichs need their churches as going concerns as real estate for the Masonic New World Church, and Satan needs apostate bums on pews as fodder for his nether regions of hell. 

One Novus Ordo Massgoer has been heard to say of his wife, an SSPX adherent, that she has "left the Church". 


It is Antipope Bergoglio, his heretical hierarchy and their unfortunate, misled, apostatising followers who have left the Church.  

Our Lady of Mt Carmel
Pietro Novelli

Flos Carmeli,
Vitis florigela,
Splendor caeli,
Virgo puerpera

1 comment:

  1. Remember, Catholics: Rarely is the Pope infailable. That a Pope may speak as universal doctor, private theologian or Bishop of Rome. That popes have been corrected in the past and some were immoral. That Trent was a dogmatic Council and Vatican II was a pastoral council. That liturgical tinkering has caused us to think as Protestants. That creation Spirituality was started by former priest Matthew Fox. The Dutch Catechism was heretical and the lavender mafia are all around.
