Sunday 10 July 2022


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Zuckerberg: suppressing the truth (i.e. Hunter Biden emails)

One million Kiwis are thinking about turning into Rats and deserting Jacinda's sinking ship 'Ah-taya-ror-ah'. 

Was anyone else gobsmacked by TvOne 'News' having the impudence to report, on July 6, a mysterious rise in deaths in New Zealand since we started taking the Jab? Sadly, TvOne lost their mojo and fudged their analysis because for the Government, the stats are just so embarrassing.

The Ministry of Sick has suddenly revised its Covid data - but who is TvOne 'News' (on the payroll, so to speak), to ask the reason why? And it's not just tweaking that's going on at the MoH, it's  more like twerking - making Minister Little and his stats look sexier than they really are. Take a look.

In the MoH we now see what Catholics might call "a hermeneutic of discontinuity". As of yesterday, hospital admissions were suddenly reclassified - on partly subjective grounds which Ardern's 'podium of truth' is yet to reveal. Remarkably, the new stats show a huge drop in jabbed cases and only a little for the unvaxxed. MoH staffers would've had a few on the way home on Friday, slapping one another on the back for covering their Covid tracks so nicely. Talk about lies, damned lies and statistics!

The MoH say lots are in hospital now for reasons other than Covid. You bet they are! And just what are those 'reasons'? Ever heard of 'post-Covid Reflux', for example? That's what the hospital told one poor guy - jabbed to the hilt - but if he hadn't been told better we'd have said it sounded just like a heart attack. The MoH isn't releasing the data on admissions like this, so no one, not even MPs, can know what's going on. 

Over the last four months the vaccinated are becoming progressively more vulnerable to testing positive for Covid before or during hospitalisation (red line) while the unvaccinated are becoming less vulnerable (blue line).

The unvaccinated have been gradually making up a smaller and smaller proportion of cases, hospitalisations and deaths.

We can guess at what's going on though, and people who pray will likely be inspired by the Holy Spirit to arrive at the truth. But they'll be silenced, like Facebook has just jailed a reader of this blog for another month after a third party reposted her piece on the unfortunate Justin Bieber, who has Ramsay Hunt Syndrome - aka Sads, aka post-vax disorder (if we are not very much mistaken).

Justin Bieber: so pretty, but a victim of the Pfizer scam


Truth is truth.

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

-Carl Sagan, “The Demon-Haunted World”

Bamboozled, hornswaggled: you see them in any street, any Catholic church - masked muppets, as pictured for example, in the Cathnews story about conservative Catholic 'gatecrashers' at the National Synod. National synod gatecrashed ( 

National Synod's invited attendees at St Catherine's; the Gay Pride symbol is off-camera

Kindly making conversation, probably wanting to strike a sympathetic chord - as far as that's possible when wearing a mask - an elderly religious sister remarked to one of the (unmasked) interlopers "how incredible" it was, "looking back, how quickly we all took to wearing masks". 

"Speak for yourself, Sister," would have been a very rude response, even from a gatecrasher who's never worn a mask. So she agreed with the holy sister. If by then she'd noticed the Gay Pride display in that classroom at St Catherine's, with the 'Rainbow'' blasphemy of the Polish icon of Our Lady of Czestachowa just a couple of metres away from the assembled hierarchy, she might have asked Sister if she found that incredible too.

But it's not incredible. The staff at St Catherine's are bamboozled, those poor kids groomed as stoke for the fires of hell by changing their sex or having sex with one another are bamboozled, and the bishops responsible for that, sitting complacently just metres away from this egregious insult to the Mother of God are either bamboozled or bamboozlers - or both. 

The Catholic Church has been bamboozled by an atheistic, Marxist Government and its tainted money: $150 million a year doesn't come without strings. The Pride propaganda at St Catherine's might possibly have been the inspiration of one sadly misguided lesbian teacher. Possibly. A lesbian whose classroom is never inspected by the principal, not even when the Metropolitan of New Zealand and a few bishops - not to mention 80 privileged, modernist Catholics - are expected there for a Synod? Nah. 

You can bet your bottom dollar that the heresy of homosexual practices is rife in our 'Catholic' schools which are anything but Catholic, because that same heresy is encouraged by bishops and priests who are anything but Catholic, because for one thing, they refuse to call that heresy by its name: sodomy.

Parents, get your girls out of there, out of these 'Catholic' schools. Get to know a few good Proddies who home-school their children. They know how to do it, and their kids go on to get engaged and married and have kids of their own. Or move to Whanganui and enrol your children at St Anthony's School in the parish of St Anthony's SSPX, where last Sunday the banns were announced of not one but three marriages scheduled for their parish. MostNovus Ordo Catholics don't even know what marriage banns are. Look it up.

We seem to have strayed from the subject of fiddled stats at the MoH, and Facebook. But not really. Those 'gatecrashers' were there at the National Synod because they'd been muzzled, silenced and excluded. (BTW, they did not 'comply', as reported in Cathnews, with the request by Julianne Hickey (ex-compromised Caritas) that they leave the meeting; they stayed to hear Cardinal John Dew's keynote speech as they'd said they intended, and then left in their own good time) They had wanted to discover the truth and they got more than they bargained for.)

This is all about lies, and hiding lies, and suppressing the truth, and Antipope Bergoglio's  Synod is all about the huge lie of modernism, "the synthesis of all heresies" (Pope Pius X's 1907 encyclical, Pascendi Dominici Gregis). Most of all it's about Satan, the father of lies. He's bamboozled the bishops into believing his biggest lie, that he doesn't exist. At least, that's how they carry on. These days, it ain't just Paul VI's famous 'smoke' that's entered the Church but the Beast himself, an enormous elephant lurking unnoticed by the hierarchy. Apparently. 

It seems, in the street and in church, like we're living in a looney bin. And we are indeed, because the world has forgotten God and so it's gone mad. But He who had the power to cast out demons from a lunatic is with us whenever we call on Him - in our soul and in the Eucharist if we are in a state of grace, and in the tabernacle unconditionally, to cast out any and every demon, public or private. But who goes there, to that little burning light? No one to speak of. Specially not priests. We must learn to pray, and pray for priests and bishops. Seriously. All - hah! - it takes is humility, to realise that we are nothing and He is Everything.

Ann Barnhardt is one who prays seriously. She prays: 

-that Antipope Bergoglio be publicly acknowledged and removed as Antipope, and that the entire Bergoglian Antipapacy be publicly nullified;

-that Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger be publicly acknowledged as the uninterrupted one and only living Pope since his election in April of ARSH 2005;

-that Antipope Bergoglio repent, revert to Catholicism, die in a state of grace and someday achieve the Beatific Vision;

-and that Pope Benedict XVI repent, die in a state of grace, and someday achieve the Beatific Vision.

Because once you give a charlatan power, you rarely get it back without supernatural help. But the first step is to shed the pride and acknowledge that you have been had.

Amen I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, Remove from hence hither, and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you.  But this kind is not cast out but by prayer and fasting (Mt 17: 19b, 20).


  1. Where is Her Majesty's loyal Opposition on this? Are they hoping to simply swap seats and resume government at the next election?

  2. It's church politics she is writing about not NZ govt. Think u have lost track. So, where is CUF and Opus Dei? I spent hours working for CUf. They wouldn't touch the Tridentine Mass. Seemed only interested in following a Pope blindly. They were unread for the most part. That was pre Internet.New marriages at Whanganui will bring good Catholic fruit.

  3. With so many signs and so much being unleashed on us. Things cannot possibly continue as we are used to.

    Life is about to get extraordinarily challenging just in a basic survival way. Food, shelter and Faith (in no particular order!) will be all we will cling to.

    This is not going to be an ordinary war. It hasn't been from the start. Its at one level a global psyop and spiritually a fight against all the powers of hell in a last ditch effort to win souls.

    The portal of Cern has been opened. If when Padre Pio was alive it was true as he said that if we could see all the demons the sun would be blacked out, what is it like now?!

    The level of sin is so dire and abominable, not to mention so flagrant and endorsed even by those who call themselves Catholic. How can you believe this is something any bishop can sort out at a diocesan level?

    This is a battle that will consume every part of our lives, distress upon nations which has never been seen on earth before nor ever will be again.

    The Lord will have His day of reckoning and it has begun.

    God help us to know Your Will and fulfil It! We long to dwell forever on Your holy mountain in the sunshine of Your Love with all our beloved ones.

    Jesus, save us from the Dark Night, take us while we are Yours! Take us Home.

    Deo fidens persistas.

  4. Talking of lies:
    VFF found some data on the RNZ website proving how most of the covid infections, hospitalisations and deaths were in the vaccinated and/or especially the boosted category.

    After they reported on this:
    Now that data has been scrubbed from the RNZ website and they have new charts that do not show the comparisons between who is vaxxed or unvaxxed anymore when it comes to the sick/dying!!!
    The inconvenient TRUTH has been scrubbed, either at the direction of the government or these very poor journalists who cannot report truth.

    It was the perfect data to prove without a doubt that JA’s “safe and effective” was a total lie.
    Now it’s gone, even the wayback machine is scrubbed of the charts that were available up to a few days ago.

    RNZ site now says:
    Who’s catching Covid-19:
    “Recent changes to the way the Ministry of Health reports data have affected some charts RNZ previously included in this section. These have been temporarily removed.”

  5. Social Creditor11 July 2022 at 19:22

    A very fine post. Padre Pios quote was amazing. Pat Dunn put Felix Donelley in the same category as Fr Meuli. I have read all of Felixs' books and listened to his talk show. He favored selling sex toys in chemist shops. Had kids on his talk shows from The Glade into all sorts. This raises issues on Dunn's credability as a Catholic Bishop and his spa and bar in New Street, Ponsonby. This man refused to meet Cardinal Burke. Let us pray for a better Pope next conclave.

    1. All compliments gratefully received, but I wonder if you were commenting on this post, which doesn't quote Padre Pio.
