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Jesus feeds His disciples |
"A stab in my heart is all what I got - before the Altar, in the Sanctuary."
This cri de coeur came today from the wheelchair-bound man in Palmerston North Diocese who has been denied Holy Communion by his parish priest because he's not vaccinated. The email was necessarily brief, because he has difficulty operating a keyboard - but not his brain.
"I went to Mass, sat in my usual place – up the front, others were there, and I was denied Holy Communion, by Father. A stab in my heart is all what I got - before the Altar, in the Sanctuary.
"for what? the Mortal Sin of refusing to take the vaccine - for the sake of God’s little babies, if I consent - I consent to their little throats cut in the preparatory vaccine.
"Father came
along after Mass gave me, very
special - for me, no one else, Cardinal Dew’s Directive to Priests about the Latin Mass, (another stab). I in reading it
"things in it are blurred – not factual, as P Benedict Motu Proprio he gave Priests full permission. we are backward need - educating ."
The only editing done on his message was in regard to spacing, for easier reading. It is surely easily understood and needs no commentary, other than to state (as is fairly obvious) that he attends the Traditional (Tridentine) Latin Mass - whenever possible, which is not often, given his disability and wheelchair.
But he will no longer be attending the Latin Mass, and now has been forbidden Holy Communion at the Novus Ordo Missae in his own parish. Contrast his situation with that of US President Joe Biden, who has in effect signed off on the slaughter of millions of unborn children.
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"Get on with your gruesome biz of babykilling, and receive Communion while you're at it" |
Novus Ordo Catholics need to ask themselves why 'Pope Francis' - whose kindly image is emblazoned on parish newsletters and church foyers all over the county, urging us all to take the fake 'vaccine' which was made with the involuntary aid of dead babies dismembered alive, to "keep ourselves safe", allows mass murderer Biden to receive Holy Communion - while this faithful Catholic is denied it. Biden came away from his meeting with Bergoglio recently saying the latter had told him he's "a good Catholic", he can continue to receive Communion - and Bergoglio has not denied that. Obviously, if Biden were lying on such a grave issue, Bergogio would have said so.
Not only is the disabled man refused Communion but his parish church is locked except for Mass (where he can't receive Communon). When you consider that elsewhere in the Palmerston North Diocese a parish priest has issued his own diktat to the effect that parishioners must be "double vaccinated" to attend "Christmas celebrations" you realise that the diocese is in a parlous state and badly needs a bishop. A holy bishop.
A reader of this blog has a line-up of Bishops and Martyrs she asks regularly for intercession for a holy bishop for PN Diocese: Ss Iranaeus, Polycarp, Boniface, Josaphat and we forget who else.
Appointing bishops is the primary task of a pope. But 'Pope Francis' is apparently too busy writing his own Motu Proprio, Traditiones Custodes, which contradicts his predecessor Pope Benedict's.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to give him his real name, as he eschews the title of "Vicar of Christ", encourages the world's bishops - and cardinals, vide Cardinal John Atcherley Dew of Wellington Archdiocese - to cancel the Mass of Ages, the Usus Antiquior, "the most beautiful thing this side of heaven" as Father Faber of the Brompton Oratory put it.
So +Dew has cancelled the Latin Mass Parish of St Columba's Ashhurst, attended by the wheelchair-bound man whenever possible. So he makes do with his local Novus Ordo and his parish church, because there he could still make daily visits to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and receive Holy Communion. That is, until someone informed the parish priest that he was not vaccinated.
You can't believe it? But the parish priest is "keeping people safe". Denying Christ to His faithful is Novus Ordo way, it seems, that we should "love one another as I have loved you" (Jn 13:34).
Father Faber continued:
“It came forth out of the grand mind of the Church, and lifted us out of earth and out of self, and wrapped us round in a cloud of mystical sweetness and the sublimities of a more than angelic liturgy, and purified us almost without ourselves, and charmed us with the celestial charming, so that our very senses seemed to find vision, hearing, fragrance, taste, and touch beyond what earth can give.”
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Not your Novus Ordo Missae |
This is unbelievable. That priest has no concern for the spiritual wellbeing if his parish, and by acting so it seems he has no concern for the spiritual wellbeing of his own soul.
ReplyDeleteRobert Mason:
ReplyDeletePriests that knowingly or unknowingly serve the dweller of the infernal regions.
Nick van der Westhuizen:
ReplyDeleteI feel for this man, but... The CHURCH is in our hearts. The rest are just buildings and smoke. Once people realise that, they will be free from the Babylonian deceit...
Susan Barlow:
So sad! Perhaps there is a "message" here. All I can really say is that the Church that I attend for weekly communion doesn't ask about vaccinations ... masks are not required. It does abide by the numbers allowed per service but to accommodate the parishioners, 3 communion services are held per Sunday instead of one.
ReplyDeleteNick, the Church should be in our hearts certainly, but it's a human institution as well as divine, founded by Christ Himself on the 'rock' of Peter, and the Sacrament of the Eucharist instituted also by Christ as one of the 7 Sacraments, is the Body and Blood of Christ Himself. So when we consume Holy Communion in the Catholic Church we consume Christ Himself and are transformed into other Christs. That's how saints are made.
Paul Young: "Dismembered dead babies" ... you are one dangerous mad b.... ...
ReplyDeleteYes, Jacinda is.
ReplyDeleteBob Gill:
ReplyDeleteObviously you are referring to Jacinda, Paul! She getting through to you?
Pip Harvey:
ReplyDeleteGod will judge them. Meanwhile any Christian can take Holy Communion, not just Catholics, and the Communion meal doesn't need to be consecrated by a priest either as it is CHRIST HIMSELF who instituted this sacred meal, and HE alone who makes our Holy Communion meal holy unto Him, not man. Corrupt priests are no longer necessary. Take Communion in your homes reverently praying and asking God to consecrate it and make it Holy unto Him, according to His will recorded in scripture (especially including John 6:25-70) and He will do whatever we ask in His Name. He will NOT refuse us! For He can not deny Himself!
I say:
Pip, your beliefs in regard to Communion are surely pleasing to God, and we can and should make spiritual Communion,inviting Our Lord spirituallly into our hearts. But Jesus Christ is literally present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity only in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, consecrated by a Catholic priest; only such a priest is validly ordained because there is only One, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Christ Himself on the 'rock' of Peter.
Susan Barlow:
ReplyDeleteHowever, do you think that what this validly ordained Catholic priest refused to do would be something that Christ's "Rock" would have done?
Pip Harvey:
Susan, exactly.. and nor does the Pope have much in common with Francis of Assisi.. what a JOKE!... sanctimonious fool if you ask me.. he should have been shouting from the rooftops "let my people go" .. but all we've heard is crickets! Sanctimonious religion no longer founded on the rock but on the illusion of man-made religiosity and control.... historically the Catholic church has been corrupted on many occasions... and this time it's the last straw for many. I once had a deep love for the Catholic church, but now all I see is cowardly appeasement kowtowing to a globalist agenda... I don't see anything remotely Christlike in the institution of the Catholic church anymore. They have lost the flock because they've lost the Way!.. having said all that, it's not JUST the hierarchy of the Catholic church that has lost it, the Anglicans and Presbyterians are certainly no better, and don't even get me started on the Evangelicals and Pentecostals either.. they have ALL lost the Way!.. the TRUE CHURCH IS THE FLOCK OF CHRIST, the Remnant of God and made up from a variety of denominations, who seek The Way, The Truth and The Life with every fibre of their being.
I say:
Susan, without a doubt, Christ's "Rock'" would have given this man Holy Communion. Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected illicitly; Benedict, not Bergoglio, is the "Rock".
Pip, Bergoglio is no fool, he's evil. The Catholic Church is now undergoing the Passion prophesied for Her over the centuries; with the cancellation of the Traditional Latin Mass, She the Body will be crucified, as Christ Her Head was crucified. Just two days ago I made the decision to leave the Novus Ordo Church - but will of course stay faithful to the true Church, attending the TLM whenever I possibly can, at St Anthony's Whanganui with the SSPX, who have preserved the purity of the Catholic Faith. Although it is not a substitute for attendance at Holy Mass, the TLM is available also on line from many churches throughout the world.
Pip Harvey:
I agree Benedict was better, but he abdicated.
I say: some canonists maintain that the papacy cannot be abdicated: a father cannot abdicate his fatherhoood. One must take into account coercion, fear and/or fraud, all of which could have applied to Benedict's 'resignation'.
Pip Harvey:
Julia, with all due respect how can the language in which the Mass is said make it more 'spiritual'? Unless the People can understand what is the point? The true Gospel of Christ is simple to understand and should be said in the language the People can understand, otherwise what is the benefit to anyone if they can't understand what is being said? I love most of what Archbishop Vigano says, except for the latin mass, I don't get that bit... and BTW I love reading your blog!
I say:
Thank you, Pip. The missal used at the Latin Mass has Latin on side of the page and the vernacular on the facing page. It is the depth and breadth of the texts of the 'Mass of Ages' that lift minds and hearts to eternal horizons, and priests who celebrate the Mass of Ages deliver sermons which truly catechise and convert the people.