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The stuff of nightmares: the leader of 'the free world' and his consort, what's-her-name? |
In the unlikely event that you're not already totally appalled by the US swapping Donald Trump the statesman for Joe Biden the CCP puppet, consider the following:
- Although the US Bishops' Conference chairman found it 'deeply disturbing and tragic' that Biden has pledged to codify Roe v Wade, two days later he received Holy Communion at Mass. After Biden attended Mass at Washington’s Cathedral of St. Matthew on the morning of his inauguration, Austin Ruse, outspoken president of the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM), wrote:
Joe Biden ate and drank his own spiritual death. That he received the Holy Eucharist from the hands of a cardinal of the Church adds scandal upon scandal. One radio wag called it a Mass for Planned Parenthood. And so it was.
- Hysterectomies, breast augmentation, 'male reproductive' construction — all this and more, courtesy of American tax dollars, will be provided for the US military, after Biden upended the ban on transgender service on Monday.
- Biden has stopped work on the border wall.
- Biden has promised amnesty to 11 million undocumented workers.
- Biden is throwing the US borders open to Central American caravans.
- Biden has shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline.
- Biden has issued an oil and gas moratorium for drilling on federal land — firing tens of thousands of workers in the process.
- Biden's chief medical advisor, the Faustian Dr Anthony Fauci, has changed his mind yet again on mask-wearing. Now he's saying we should wear not just one mask, but two. Maybe he needs one for each of his two faces ...
Meanwhile, back here in Godzone, the Department of Education's new sexuality guidelines will teach your primary school children/ grandchildren that they can change their sex as easily as they change their clothes. Faustian Dr Fauci
And don't go crying into your pillow at night over Pfizer and BioNTech risking financial losses from any illness or death caused by their vaccines: Ardern's 'kind' Government has promised these pharma giants that you, the taxpayer, will stump up - quite a lot maybe, as 181 deaths have already been reported to the U.S. government as possibly related to COVID vaccines.
But it seems the evidence is mounting internationally for a case against the architects of the COVID plandemic for crimes against humanity. This video - which most unusually held my interest throughout - was pulled by YouTube but it's still on Rumble: Lady of the Eucharist
And having supplied you with all the above links to various news sources, now (just like a woman) I will do a volte-face, and refer you to Dr Peter Kwasniewski as a guide through the Bidden Biden-Bound beastliness of the months or even maybe years, ahead:New prayer campaign will honor Eucharist, fight modern world’s unique evils
The pledge for the Novena of the Eucharist includes daily Mass, fasting, and a concerted effort to abstain from media.
It has become increasingly clear that the year 2020 was, by God’s providence, a wake-up call on many levels. Massive disruption was caused by civil and episcopal responses to COVID-19, and these may well worsen in 2021, as “Traitor Joe” takes up the reins of authority in the United States of America and begins to carry out, with Comrade Harris, the soft Bolshevik revolution, with the smiling complicity of most of the Catholic hierarchy. The errors of communism, which Our Lady of Fatima warned would spread throughout the world, have indeed spread over the decades, like a light rain that slowly saturates the ground — first winning over the intelligentsia, then percolating through the media and popular culture, and finally dictating the policies of the oligarchs who exercise power.Meanwhile, in the churches where they might have expected to find strength and consolation, the faithful have faced demoralization from liturgical tinkering, shortcuts, shutdowns, arbitrary rules, institutionalized abuses. They have internalized the message that Mass is totally optional and that, in fact, it’s “safer” to stay at home or to do something less crowded.
The results are hardly surprising: what appears to be a permanent dramatic dropoff in Mass attendance. Crowdedness now seems to be a “problem” only at traditional Latin Masses, where, thanks be to God, many Catholics have found the reverence and orthodoxy for which they had been longing. This, indeed, is the silver lining on the otherwise dark cloud.Stepping back and taking the broad view, there is no doubt about it: we are witnessing an acceleration in the sinfulness of mankind — and this includes, alas, Catholics — whereby more and more extreme forms of evil are becoming more and more “normal.” Our sins are piling up in number and gravity, as if we want the inevitable divine reckoning to be as terrifying as possible.
It seems that at least a few should “stay awake and watch” with Jesus in His agony in the garden, should unite themselves to His Cross, and should deny themselves in order to beg the Lord for His mercy. Abraham asked the Lord if He would spare a city where only a few just men lived, and the Lord said assuredly He would. Chastisement has come and will come, but our prayers and sacrifices will strengthen us in bearing the storm and bearing fruit for the eventual restoration of the Church and of the Faith. In some mysterious way, our involvement is part of the unfolding of God’s plan, and we should not stay on the sidelines when we can enter more deeply into that plan.This is why Sophia Institute Press has announced a “Novena for the Eucharist,” from January 24 to February 2. The website is Those who sign up pledge to:
- pray a daily rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet
- attend daily Mass
- fast by skipping one meal
- give alms
- abstain from media
What is important is not absolute perfection in this regard (one makes a promise, not a vow!), but doing all that one can to live the spirit of penance and reparation for sins committed against the Holy Eucharist.
The Novena of the Eucharist is linked with the release of my book The Holy Bread of Eternal Life: Restoring Eucharistic Reverence in an Age of Impiety. In Holy Bread, I take a no-holds-barred look at the evils committed daily against the Blessed Sacrament due to decades of liturgical deformation and abuse, and I argue for immediate and urgent concrete solutions. Not all of us are in a position to implement most of these solutions, yet we should do what we can. At very least, we should pray and do penance.
Prayer and fasting will save us, and nothing else.
And Jesus rebuked him, and the devil went out of him, and the child was cured from that hour. Then came the disciples to Jesus secretly, and said: Why could not we cast him out? Jesus said to them: Because of your unbelief. For, amen I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, Remove from hence hither, and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you.
Biden uses the Ted Kennedy argument from radical Jesuits. 'YES. I DO OPPOSE ABORTION.. BUT I CAN'T IMPOSE MY CONSCIENCE ON OTHER PEOPLE. I WOULDN'T ADVISE IT.. BUT ALWAYS VOTE PRO'. Our spiritually sick prelates drunk on worldly thinking and finance tolerate this spiritual garbage.
ReplyDeleteKaren Raglan says:
ReplyDeleteThat Cardinal better repent, or he is going to be very hot in the next life!
Tania Emslie says:
Well said.
Paul Young says:
Bitter and twisted ...
I say:
Paul, actually, faithful: believing the word of God and applying it to the fact of a cardinal's sacrilege.
Sharon Crooks says:
Paul, would that not be aptly labelling those who troll to get their ‘kicks’ - a modern day Herod perhaps?
Paul Young says:
How could anyone get their kick from the sort of vicious stuff that Julia spouts ...?
Anne Greeff says:
Our God reigns.
Janet Curran says:
Paul, bitter and twisted are those who support the killing of babies.