Sunday 17 January 2021


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 Ever been had??? 

The evidence would seem to suggest that millions throughout the world who are MSM-dependent have been had, hornswaggled and hoodwinked on a scale never known throughout history.

Professor Didier Raoult, France

At first glance we ultra-conventional Kiwis could readily dismiss Professor Didier Raoult of France as a mad scientist. So even if he is a global expert on infectious diseases we're not going to believe him when he says he's personally treated more than four thousand covid patients with this safe, cheap and amazingly effective drug combo: hydroxychloroquine combined with azitromycine. Virtually all of his patients healed in a short period of time. 

Ah, now that's more like it. We've been conditioned by Stalinda's propaganda machine - NZ's MSM - to believe anything Dr Anthony Fauci says. But just look at what he was saying in 2005. Hydrocloroquine - whose recommendation by President Donald Trump earned him the scorn and ridicule of the MSM - has strong antiviral effects on the SARS-CoV infection and is effective in preventing its spread. 

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, New York, healed over a thousand Covid-19 patients, and Dr. Stella Immanuel, Texas, saw 350 patients recover without a single death. All over the world, tens of thousands of covid patients recovered rapidly, thanks to hydroxychloroquine. 

So why did Jacinda Jackboot ever subject us to lockdowns? Why do we want vaccines? In fact it's $100-billionaire Bill Gates who wants them. Gates has revealed the best investment he has ever made in an essay in The Wall Street Journal. It’s the $10 billion he’s invested through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, into three particular organizations that increase access to vaccines and medicines.

Creaming it - Microsoft's Bill Gates

Who 'needs them' when HCQ is cheaply available? But fraudulent studies 'proved' that this safe drug is dangerous. One study - since retracted - was released by the UK's 'The Lancet'.  Another trial by the World Health Organisation tested HCQ on 3500 patients worldwide. One third diedand hydroxychoroquine was banned. 

But hello, said one Dr Meryl Nass, "How strange the hands of real medical practitioners HCQ heals tens of thousands of patients with virtually no deaths, and in the hands of WHO it kills one thousand?"

Dr Nass took a look at the study and discovered that the WHO tests use excessive, dangerous HCQ doses. "WHO and other organisations have conspired to administer excessive doses of HCQ in order to increase the number of deaths.By doing this they rob billions of people of a safe and cheap medicine."

"How can we trust the established authorities or prestigious journals when, in this perilous time, trials of an available, inexpensive, long-established drug appear to be designed to fail, while risking the lives of their subjects through deliberate or negligent drug overdoses?"

 A group of physicians, 'America's Frontline Doctors', have openly declared: "The media have been lying to you about Covid-19. We are here to tell you there are effective and safe treatments. Nobody needs to die. Nobody needs to go to hospital. Most people treated with HCQ+zinc recover quickly. There is a cure, hydroxycholoquine works!"

The video of their press conference was viewed over 20 million times in one day... and was then removed by Facebook and YouTube. Their entire website was taken down from the internet. 

In the Netherlands, family practitioner Dr. Rob Elens was treating his own dying patients with HCQ+zinc. They recovered in a matter of days. 

The government stepped in. He was told to stop healing his patients with HCQ, or he'd lose his licence. Dr. Elens had to let his patients die...

He made several videos which were removed immediately. One video  gave scientific information on several effective treatments for Covid-19. In less than a day YouTube got rid of it. "The governments say there's no treatment for Covid-19. It's a lie. They don't want to cure Covid-19 because everyone has to get the vaccines."

"The current shaming, blaming and censorship of doctors who oppose government policy - which is to reject alternatives to a vaccine route - is extremely concerning': Dr Dick Bijl, President of the International Society of  Drug Bulletins.


In California two medical practitioners, Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, examined over 6000 people and revealed their findings in a press briefing viewed 5 million times. YouTube removed their video... and removed it again, and again, and again, and kept removing it as hundreds of people kept uploading it on different YouTube accounts. 

World renown epidemiologist Dr. Knut Wittkowski studied the lockdowns and revealed how they did nothing to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This internationally respected scientist shared his findings in a video, and was censored immediately. 

Dr. David Brownstein, Michigan, succesfully treated over 120 corona patients using intravenous vitamin C, nebulized hydrogen peroxide, along with oral administration of vitamins A and D. (7B)

"We've treated over a hundred patients and they're all better. No one has been hospitalised or ventilated. We had a 100% success rate. We treated patients who were very old and very sick and we thought they were dying. But these patients are getting better with these therapies."

         Dr Brownstein cured 120 corona patients. He was rebuked by the FTC                   (Federal Trade Commission) and his entire medical blog was removed. 


Dr. Richard Bartlett, Texas, treated over 500 Covid-19 patients with a 100% success rate, using the well-known asthma medicine Budesonide which is used also in Taiwan, Japan (just over 4000, actually - ed) and Iceland, where only a handful of people have died from Covid-19, in populations of tens of millions.

What is going on, with this pandemic? 

The answer can be heard loud and clear throughout the media all over the world: humanity must be vaccinated against Covid-19. Governments are announcing a mandate to force every single person to accept this rushed vaccine, developed without proper safety testing.

The main voice calling for this is the worlds leading vaccine dealer, Bill Gates. He became a billionare through his company Microsoft, but increased his fortune to over one hundred billion dollars by dealing in vaccines. He said:

'Investing in the vaccine industry is the best business investment I have ever made'. 

Right before the outbreak of the pandemic Gates tweeted:

'I am particularly excited about what the coming year could mean for one of the best buys in global health: vaccines.'


According to vaccine dealer Gates, only people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 should be allowed to travel, go to school, attend meetings and work. 

Digital vaccine ID's are already being developed ) and Gates has a patent on the technology that makes it possible to trace an individual's body anywhere. This technology is called WO2020-060606 . And Gates wants to set up a global monitoring network, which will track everyone who came into contact with Covid-19 .

The forced Covid-19 vaccine will be very dangerous. It's developed without safety testing. Usually it takes 5-10 years to get a working vaccine. Bill Gates himself has stated that side effects show up only after two years. He says they don't want to wait that long, so skip the usual safety procedures. 

The plan then, is to inject a very dangerous, unsafe vaccine into all of humanity.  Gates has discouraged President Trump from looking into ill effects of vaccines, like cancers, paralysis, auto immune desease, autism, brain damage and death. 

The rush for a Covid-19 vaccine baffles scientists all over the world; they all know SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA virus, which are famous for their rapid and numerous mutations. Every vaccine is always multiple generations behind, and therefore per definition outdated. Dr. Mark Schleiss, a pediatric infectious disease specialist and investigator with the Institute for Molecular Virology at the University of Minnesota, says: ‘In the world of RNA viruses, change is the norm. We expect RNA viruses to change frequently. That’s just their nature.’

InigitIInIn September 2019 the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board released a report titled ‘A World At Risk’.

It stressed the need to be prepared for… a coronavirus outbreak!

On the cover of the report is the picture of a coronavirus and people wearing face vaccine ID's are alre

In the report we read:‘The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.’-060606 (33). In addition, Gates wants to set up a global monitoring network, w
In 2018 The Institute for Disease Modelling produced a video showing a flu virus originating in China and spreading all over the world, killing millions. They called it ‘A Simulation For A Global Flu Pandemic.’During that same year Bill Gates publicly announced that a disease was on it’s way (!) that could wipe out 30 million people. He said this would probably be a flu-like virus. Melinda Gates added that a natural or ‘engineered’ virus was humanity's greatest threat. 

During a preparedness event in Georgetown University in 2017 Anthony Fauci announced that during the first term of President Trump a pandemic would hit the world. He said: 'There will be a surprise outbreak!'

(So why were we surprised? - ed.)   

Movies made to prepare the world for this. ‘Dead Plague’ visualized a global pandemic with a coronavirus and even mentions hydroxychloroquine as the only medicine that can defeat this disease. ’Contagion’ shows a coronavirus spreading globally with social distancing face masks, lockdowns washing of hands etc as a result. 

Literally everything we see now is predicted in detail in these movies. It's called ‘predictive programming’: preparing people's minds for what is about to happen.. with Covid-19


In 2014 investigative journalist Harry Vox predicted a planned global pandemic and explained why the ‘ruling class’ would do such thing:

'They will stop at nothing to complete their toolkit of control. One of the things that had been missing from their toolkit is quarantines and curfews. The plan is to get hundreds of thousands of people infected with it and create the next phase of control.' 

Journalist Anthony Patch said the same thing, same year:

‘They will create a pandemic with a man-made coronavirus. As a result the people will demand a vaccine to protect them against this virus. This vaccine will contain material that changes the DNA of humans.' 

A rapper named 'Dr. Creep' wrote a song in 2013. ‘PANDEMIC’ describes in detail what is going on today. In 2020, his song suddenly became world famous, because the lyrics say: ‘2020 combined with CoronaVirus, bodies stacking.'

The musician says: “I did research back in 2012, and read the so- called “conspiracy theories”. You know, those investigations the media don’t want us to look into. According to those theories pandemics were bound to happen in the decade 2020 - 2030. I’ve used my music for over ten years to warn people and help them see what's going on in the world.’ 

Dr John Coleman is a CIA intelligence officer who wrote 'Committee of 300' in which he explains how secret societies manipulate governments, health care, every industry, the media and so on. This book can be found on the CIA website. One of their goals is to depopulate the earth. Dr. Coleman says the following about their strategy:

"At least 4 billion 'useless eaters' shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars,organised epidemics of fatal rapid acting diseases and starvation."
In 1980 a granite monument called the Guidestones was erected in Georgia. 10 guidelines are inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages and a shorter message in four ancient language scripts. The first guideline: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
During a TED talk Bill Gates echoed this goal, when he said that vaccines can be used to reduce the world's population by 10-15%.

 Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Cardinal Joseph Zen and Cardinal Janis Pujats have warned the world:

"Based on official data on the spread of the epidemic and the number of deaths, we have sufficient reason to believe that there are forces interested in causing panic among the world's population with the sole aim of imposing permanent and unacceptable restrictions on their freedom of movement.

The imposition of these illegal measures is a disturbing step towards a world government that would escape all control.

We must not allow centuries of Christian civilization to be erased under the pretext of a virus, and replaced by an abhorrent technological tyranny, in which nameless and faceless individuals can decide the fate of the world by relegating us to a virtual reality."

We should bear in mind that Satan is the father of lies and "a murderer from the beginning". 

In a message to His beloved daughter Luz de Maria, January 4 2021, Our Lord Jesus Christ tells us:

"I love you, My children; do not accept ideologies that cause you to fall into the hands of Satan by means of the tentacles that he is maintaining among people, supported by those who form the world elite, from whom the directives for all human action are coming."

e eliminatedDurinDuring a TED talk 


  1. Rachel Schurink says:
    Pure evil

    Sharon Crooks says:
    Sadly our New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference have grown so dull they cannot (or cannot afford to) discern Truth and advocate that we show no fear as Catholics and follow Scripture by not fearing sickness and reaching out to touch the sick, literally.
    They will no doubt also buy into monitoring measures at some stage too. Something already well advanced and being used to track the vaccinated through another Gates’ backed initiative - Khushi Baby. In the ‘walk through’ YouTube clip in the link below you will note the name of the fictional character seems to be a slight twist on the name ‘Devil’ - but who’d of guessed it is really another evil roll-out in a long line of compliance tactics!
    Khushi Baby Walkthrough
    Khushi Baby Walkthrough

  2. Gates is now the biggest owner of farmland in the USA

  3. Phil Buening says:
    Due to my white privilege, I'm donating my COVID19 vaccine to someone less fortunate. No need to thank me 🙄

    James Owen says:
    Are you suggesting we should not invest in Vaccines then or that only poor people should?

    Dale William says:
    I would like to see Bill Gates have the injection a few times and see if it does him good

  4. I say:
    James, I think that not investing in vaccines is exactly what Phil is suggesting.
